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873 lines
* Module: SignatureCheckDialogs.ycp
* Authors: Lukas Ocilka <locilka@suse.cz>
* Dialogs handling for RPM/Source GPM signatures.
* $Id: SignatureCheckDialogs.ycp 28363 2006-02-24 12:27:15Z locilka $
textdomain "packager";
module "SignatureCheckDialogs";
import "Label";
import "Popup";
import "Message";
import "DontShowAgain";
import "Stage";
import "Linuxrc";
/* --------------------------- Don't show this dialog again Magic --------------------------- */
* Functions sets whether user want's to show the dialog again
* @param string popup_type dialog type
* @param boolean show again
* @param string popup_url
global void SetShowThisPopup (string popup_type, boolean show_it, string popup_url) {
if (popup_type == nil || show_it == nil) {
y2error("Neither popup_type %1 nor show_it %2 can be nil!", popup_type, show_it);
// it's the default
if (show_it) {
y2debug("User decision to show dialog '%1' again is '%2'", popup_type, show_it);
// store only "don't show"
} else {
y2milestone("User decision to show dialog '%1' for '%2' again is '%3'", popup_type, popup_url, show_it);
// Show again -> false, so, store it
"q_type" : "inst-source", "q_ident" : popup_type, "q_url" : popup_url
], show_it);
* Function returns whether user want's to show the dialog (again).
* true is the default if nothing is set.
* @param string popup_type dialog type
* @param string popup_url if any
* @return boolean show the dialog
global boolean GetShowThisPopup (string popup_type, string popup_url) {
if (popup_type == nil) {
y2error("popup_type %1 mustn't be nil!", popup_type);
return true;
// Read the current configuration from system configuration
boolean stored = DontShowAgain::GetShowQuestionAgain($[
"q_type" : "inst-source", "q_ident" : popup_type, "q_url" : popup_url
// Stored in the configuration
if (stored != nil)
return stored;
// Unknown status, return default
return true;
* Function sets the default dialog return value
* for case when user selected "don't show again"
* @param string popup_type dialog type
* @param boolean default_return
global void SetDefaultDialogReturn (string popup_type, boolean default_return, string popup_url) {
if (popup_type == nil || default_return == nil) {
y2error("Neither popup_type %1 nor default_return %2 can be nil!", popup_type, default_return);
y2milestone("User decision in default return for '%1' for '%2' is '%3'",
popup_type, popup_url, default_return);
"q_type" : "inst-source", "q_ident" : popup_type, "q_url" : popup_url,
], default_return);
* Function returns the default popup return value
* for case when user selected "don't show again"
* @param string popup_type dialog type
* @boolean boolean default dialog return
global boolean GetDefaultDialogReturn (string popup_type, string popup_url) {
if (popup_type == nil) {
y2error("popup_type %1 mustn't be nil!", popup_type);
return false;
boolean stored_return = (boolean) DontShowAgain::GetDefaultReturn($[
"q_type" : "inst-source", "q_ident" : popup_type, "q_url" : popup_url,
y2milestone("User decided not to show popup for '%1' again, returning user-decision '%2'",
popup_type, stored_return);
return stored_return;
void HandleDoNotShowDialogAgain (boolean default_return, string dont_show_dialog_ident, symbol dont_show_dialog_checkboxid, string dont_show_url) {
boolean dont_show_status = (boolean) UI::QueryWidget(`id(dont_show_dialog_checkboxid), `Value);
// Widget doesn't exist
if (dont_show_status == nil) {
y2warning("No such UI widget with ID: %1", dont_show_dialog_checkboxid);
// Checkbox selected -> Don't show again
} else if (dont_show_status == true) {
y2debug("User decision -- don't show the dialog %1 again, setting default return %2",
dont_show_dialog_ident, default_return);
SetShowThisPopup(dont_show_dialog_ident, false, dont_show_url);
SetDefaultDialogReturn(dont_show_dialog_ident, default_return, dont_show_url);
// Checkbox not selected -> Show again
} else {
SetShowThisPopup(dont_show_dialog_ident, true, dont_show_url);
/* --------------------------- Don't show this dialog again Magic --------------------------- */
// /etc/sysconfig/security:CHECK_SIGNATURES
boolean check_signatures = nil; // lazy
* A semi-public helper. Convert the kernel parameter
* to the sysconfig string
* @return sysconfig value: yes, yast, no
global string CheckSignatures () {
string cmdline = Linuxrc::InstallInf ("Cmdline");
y2milestone ("Cmdline: %1", cmdline);
string val = regexpsub (cmdline, "CHECK_SIGNATURES=([[:alpha:]]+)", "\\1");
if (val == nil)
val = regexpsub (cmdline, "no_sig_check=([^[:digit:]]+)", "\\1");
if (val != nil)
map<string, string> trans = $[
"0": "yes",
"1": "yast",
"2": "no",
val = trans[val]:nil;
if (val == nil)
val = "yes";
return val;
* Should signatures be checked at all? Check a sysconfig variable
* (or a kernel parameter for the 1st installation stage).
* @return do checking?
global boolean CheckSignaturesInYaST () {
if (check_signatures == nil)
string chs = nil;
if (Stage::initial ())
chs = CheckSignatures ();
// default is "yes"
chs = (string) SCR::Read (.sysconfig.security.CHECK_SIGNATURES);
y2milestone ("CHECK_SIGNATURES: %1", chs);
check_signatures = chs != "no";
return check_signatures;
* Function adds delimiter between after_chars characters in the string
* @param string to be splitted
* @param string delimiter
* @param integer after characters
* @return string with delimiters
string StringSplitter(string whattosplit, string delimiter, integer after_chars) {
string splittedstring = "";
integer after_chars_counter = 0;
integer max_size = size(whattosplit);
while (true) {
if ((after_chars_counter + after_chars) >= max_size) {
splittedstring = splittedstring +
(splittedstring == "" ? "":delimiter) +
substring(whattosplit, after_chars_counter);
} else {
splittedstring = splittedstring +
(splittedstring == "" ? "":delimiter) +
substring(whattosplit, after_chars_counter, after_chars);
after_chars_counter = after_chars_counter + after_chars;
return splittedstring;
/* Standard text strings */
// GnuPG fingerprint used as "Fingerprint: AAA BBB CCC"
string s_fingerprint = _("Fingerprint");
// GnuPG key ID used as "Key ID: 1144AAAA444"
string s_keyid = _("Key ID");
// Defining icons for dialogs
map <string, string> msg_icons = $[
"error" : "/usr/share/YaST2/theme/current/icons/32x32/apps/msg_error.png",
"warning" : "/usr/share/YaST2/theme/current/icons/32x32/apps/msg_warning.png",
"question" : "/usr/share/YaST2/theme/current/icons/32x32/apps/msg_warning.png",
// UI can show images
boolean has_local_image_support = nil;
* Returns term with message icon
* @param string message type "error", "warning" or "question"
* @return term `Image(...) with margins
term MessageIcon (string msg_type) {
// lazy loading
if (has_local_image_support == nil) {
map ui_capabilities = UI::GetDisplayInfo();
has_local_image_support = ui_capabilities["HasLocalImageSupport"]:false;
// UI can show images
if (has_local_image_support) {
if (msg_icons[msg_type]:nil == nil) {
y2warning("Message type %1 not defined", msg_type);
return `Empty();
return `MarginBox(1, 0.5, `Image(msg_icons[msg_type]:"", "[!]"));
} else {
return `Empty();
* Returns term of yes/no buttons
* @param symbol default button `yes or `no
* @return term with buttons
term YesNoButtons (symbol default_button) {
term yes_button = `PushButton(`id(`yes), Label::YesButton());
term no_button = `PushButton(`id(`no), Label::NoButton());
if (default_button == `yes) {
yes_button = `PushButton(`id(`yes), `opt(`default), Label::YesButton());
} else {
no_button = `PushButton(`id(`no), `opt(`default), Label::NoButton());
return `HBox (
* Returns 'true' (yes), 'false' (no) or 'nil' (cancel)
* @return boolean user input yes==true
boolean WaitForYesNoCancelUserInput() {
any user_input = nil;
boolean ret = nil;
while (true) {
user_input = UI::UserInput();
// yes button
if (user_input == `yes) {
ret = true;
// no button
} else if (user_input == `no) {
ret = false;
// closing window uisng [x]
} else if (user_input == `cancel) {
ret = nil;
} else {
y2error("Unknown user input: '%1'", user_input);
return ret;
* Waits for user input and checks it agains accepted symbols.
* Returns the default symbol in case of `cancel (user closes the dialog).
* @param list <symbol> of accepted symbol by UserInput
* @param symbol default return for case of `cancel
symbol WaitForSymbolUserInput (list <symbol> list_of_accepted, symbol default_symb) {
symbol user_input = nil;
symbol ret = nil;
while (true) {
user_input = (symbol) UI::UserInput();
if (contains(list_of_accepted, user_input)) {
ret = user_input;
} else if (user_input == `cancel) {
ret = default_symb;
} else {
y2error("Unknown user input: '%1'", user_input);
return ret;
* Used for unsiged file or package. Opens dialog asking whether user wants
* to use this unsigned item.
* @param symbol item_type `file or `package
* @param string item_name file name or package name
* @param string dont_show_dialog_ident for the identification in magic "don't show" functions
* @return boolean use or don't use ('true' if 'yes')
global boolean UseUnsignedItem (symbol item_type, string item_name, string dont_show_dialog_ident) {
string description_text = sformat((item_type == `package ?
// popup question, %1 stands for the package name
_("The package %1 is not digitally signed. This means that the origin
and integrity of the package cannot be verified. Installing the package
may put the integrity of your system at risk.
Install it anyway?")
// popup question, %1 stands for the filename
_("The file %1
is not digitally signed. This means that the origin and integrity of the file
cannot be verified. Using the file may put the integrity of your system at risk.
Use it anyway?")
), item_name);
`HBox (
// popup heading
`VCenter(`Heading( _("Signature Check Failed"))),
`MarginBox(0.5, 0.5, `Label(description_text)),
`Left(`MarginBox(0, 1.2, `CheckBox(`id(`dont_show_again),
(GetShowThisPopup(dont_show_dialog_ident, item_name) ? false:true)
boolean ret = WaitForYesNoCancelUserInput();
// default value
if (ret == nil) ret = false;
// Store the don't show value, store the default return value
HandleDoNotShowDialogAgain(ret, dont_show_dialog_ident, `dont_show_again, item_name);
return ret;
* Used for file or package on signed source but without any checksum.
* Opens dialog asking whether user wants to use this item.
* @param symbol item_type `file or `package
* @param string item_name file name or package name
* @param string dont_show_dialog_ident for the identification in magic "don't show" functions
* @return boolean use or don't use ('true' if 'yes')
global boolean UseItemWithNoChecksum (symbol item_type, string item_name, string dont_show_dialog_ident) {
string description_text = sformat((item_type == `package ?
// popup question, %1 stands for the package name
_("No checksum for package %1 was found in the source.
This means that the package is part of the signed source, but the list of checksums
on this source does not mention this package. Installing the package may put
the integrity of your system at risk.
Install it anyway?")
// popup question, %1 stands for the filename
_("No checksum for file %1
was found in the source. This means that the file is part of the signed source,
but the list of checksums on this source does not mention this file. Using the file
may put the integrity of your system at risk.
Use it anyway?")
), item_name);
`HBox (
// popup heading
`VCenter(`Heading( _("No Checksum Found"))),
`MarginBox(0.5, 0.5, `Label(description_text)),
`Left(`MarginBox(0, 1.2, `CheckBox(`id(`dont_show_again),
(GetShowThisPopup(dont_show_dialog_ident, item_name) ? false:true)
boolean ret = WaitForYesNoCancelUserInput();
// default value
if (ret == nil) ret = false;
// Store the don't show value, store the default return value
HandleDoNotShowDialogAgain(ret, dont_show_dialog_ident, `dont_show_again, item_name);
return ret;
* Used for corrupted file or package. Opens dialog asking whether user wants
* to use this corrupted item.
* @param symbol item_type `file or `package
* @param string item_name file name or package name
* @param string key_id
* @param string key_name
* @param string fingerprint
* @return boolean use or don't use ('true' if 'yes')
global boolean UseCorruptedItem (symbol item_type, string item_name, string key_id, string key_name, string fingerprint) {
string description_text = sformat((item_type == `package ?
// popup question, %1 stands for the package name, %2 for the complete description of the GnuPG key (multiline)
_("Package %1 is signed with the following GnuPG key, but the integrity check failed: %2
This means that the package has been changed by accident or by an attacker
since the repository creator signed it. Installing it is a big risk
for the integrity and security of your system.
Install it anyway?")
// popup question, %1 stands for the filename, %2 for the complete description of the GnuPG key (multiline)
_("File %1
is signed with the following GnuPG key, but the integrity check failed: %2
This means that the file has been changed by accident or by an attacker
since the repository creator signed it. Using it is a big risk
for the integrity and security of your system.
Use it anyway?")
"\n\n" +
// Part of the GnuPG key description in popup, %1 is a GnuPG key ID
sformat(_("ID: %1"), key_id) + "\n" +
((fingerprint == nil || fingerprint == "") ?
// Part of the GnuPG key description in popup, %1 is a GnuPG key fingerprint
"" : sformat(_("Fingerprint: %1") + "\n", StringSplitter(fingerprint, " ", 4))) +
// Part of the GnuPG key description in popup, %1 is a GnuPG key name
sformat(_("Name: %1"), key_name)
// popup heading
`HBox (
`VCenter(`Heading( _("Validation Check Failed"))),
`MarginBox(0.5, 0.5, `Label(description_text)),
boolean ret = WaitForYesNoCancelUserInput();
// default value
if (ret == nil) ret = false;
return ret;
* Used for file or package signed by unknown key.
* @param symbol item_type `file or `package
* @param string item_name file name or package name
* @param string key_id
* @param string fingerprint
* @param string dont_show_dialog_ident for the identification in magic "don't show" functions
* @return boolean true if 'yes, use file'
global boolean ItemSignedWithUnknownSignature (symbol item_type, string item_name, string key_id, string fingerprint, string key_name, string dont_show_dialog_ident) {
string description_text = sformat((item_type == `package ?
// popup question, %1 stands for the package name, %2 for the complex multiline description of the GnuPG key
_("The package %1 is digitally signed
with the following unknown GnuPG key: %2.
This means that a trust relationship to the creator of the package
cannot be established. Installing the package may put the integrity
of your system at risk.
Install it anyway?")
// popup question, %1 stands for the filename, %2 for the complex multiline description of the GnuPG key
_("The file %1
is digitally signed with the following unknown GnuPG key: %2.
This means that a trust relationship to the creator of the file
cannot be established. Using the file may put the integrity
of your system at risk.
Use it anyway?")
"\n" +
// Part of the GnuPG key description in popup, %1 is a GnuPG key ID
sformat(_("ID: %1"), key_id) +
((fingerprint == nil || fingerprint == "") ?
// Part of the GnuPG key description in popup, %1 is a GnuPG key fingerprint
"" : sformat("\n" + _("Fingerprint: %1"), StringSplitter(fingerprint, " ", 4)))
// Part of the GnuPG key description in popup, %1 is a GnuPG key name
+ ((key_name != nil && key_name != "") ? sformat("\n" + _("Name: %1"), key_name) : "")
`HBox (
// popup heading
`VCenter(`Heading( _("Unknown GnuPG Key"))),
`MarginBox(0.5, 0.5, `Label(description_text)),
`Left(`MarginBox(0, 1.2, `CheckBox(`id(`dont_show_again),
(GetShowThisPopup(dont_show_dialog_ident, item_name) ? false:true)
// This will optionally offer to retrieve the key from gpg keyservers
// That's why it will return 'symbol' instead of 'boolean'
// But by now it only handles yes/no/cancel
boolean ret = WaitForYesNoCancelUserInput();
// default value
if (ret == nil) ret = false;
// Store the don't show value, store the default return value
HandleDoNotShowDialogAgain(ret, dont_show_dialog_ident, `dont_show_again, item_name);
return ret;
* Used for file or package signed by a public key. This key is still
* not listed in trusted keys.
* @param symbol item_type `file or `package
* @param string item_name file name or package name
* @param string key_id
* @param string key_name
* @return symbol `key_import, `install, `skip
global symbol ItemSignedWithPublicSignature (symbol item_type, string item_name, string key_id, string key_name) {
string description_text = sformat((item_type == `package ?
// popup question, %1 stands for the package name, %2 for the key ID, %3 for the key name
_("The package %1 is digitally signed
with key '%2 (%3)'.
There is no trust relationship to the owner of the key.
If you trust the owner, import the key into your set of
trusted keys with Import Key then proceed
with the installation.
Installing a package from an unknown source can put
the integrity of your system at risk. It is safest
to skip the package.")
// popup question, %1 stands for the filename, %2 for the key ID, %3 for the key name
_("The file %1 is digitally signed
with key '%2 (%3)'.
There is no trust relationship to the owner of the key.
If you trust the owner, import the key into your set of
trusted keys with Import Key then proceed with
the installation.
Installing a file from an unknown source can put
the integrity of your system at risk. It is safest
to skip it.")
), item_name, key_id, key_name);
`HBox (
// popup heading
`VCenter(`Heading( _("Signed with Untrusted Public Key"))),
`MarginBox(0.5, 0.5, `Label(description_text)),
`HBox (
// push button
`PushButton(`id(`key_import), _("&Import Key...")),
// push button
`PushButton(`id(`install), _("Install &Anyway")),
// push button
`PushButton(`id(`skip), _("&Skip Package"))
// wait for one of listed ID's, return the default value in case of `cancel
symbol ret = WaitForSymbolUserInput([`key_import, `install, `skip], `skip);
return ret;
* ImportGPGKeyDialog
* @param string key_id
* @param string key_name
* @param string key_location
* @param string key_fingerprint
* @return symbol
global symbol ImportGPGKeyDialog (string key_id, string key_name, string key_location, string fingerprint) {
// additional Richtext (HTML) warning text (kind of help), 1/2
string warning_text = _("<p>The owner of the key may distribute updates,
packages, and package repositories that your system will trust and offer
for installation and update without any further warning. In this way,
importing the key into your keyring of trusted keys allows the key owner
to have a certain amount of control over the software on your system.</p>") +
// additional Richtext (HTML) warning text (kind of help), 2/2, %1 stands for the GnuPG key ID
sformat(_("<p>A warning dialog opens for every package that
is not signed by a trusted (imported) key. If you do not import the key,
packages created by the owner of key <tt>%1</tt> show this warning.</p>"), key_id);
// popup message, %1 stands for GPG key complete multiline description, %2 for key location (URL or ...)
string dialog_text = sformat(_("The GnuPG key %1
has been found at %2.
You can choose to import it into your keyring of trusted
public keys, meaning that you trust the owner of the key.
You should be sure that you can trust the owner and that
the key really belongs to that owner before importing it."),
"\n" +
// Part of the GnuPG key description in popup, %1 is a GnuPG key ID
sformat(_("ID: %1"), key_id) + "\n" +
((fingerprint == nil || fingerprint == "") ?
// Part of the GnuPG key description in popup, %1 is a GnuPG key fingerprint
"" : sformat(_("Fingerprint: %1") + "\n", StringSplitter(fingerprint, " ", 4))) +
// Part of the GnuPG key description in popup, %1 is a GnuPG key name
sformat(_("Name: %1"), key_name),
`HBox (
// left-side help
`VBox (
// dialog
`Top (
`VBox (
`HBox (
// popup heading
`VCenter(`Heading(_("Import Public GnuPG Key"))),
// dialog message
`MarginBox(0.5, 0.5, `Label(dialog_text))
// dialog buttons
`HBox (
// push button
`PushButton(`id(`import), _("&Import")),
// push button
//`PushButton(`id(`details), _("&Details...")),
// push button
`PushButton(`id(`dont_import), _("Do &Not Import"))
// No details available - disable button
// if (key_detailed_description == "") UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`details), `Enabled, false);
symbol ret = nil;
while (ret == nil || ret == `details) {
// wait for one of listed ID's, return the default value in case of `cancel
ret = WaitForSymbolUserInput([`import, `details, `dont_import], `dont_import);
if (contains([`import, `dont_import], ret)) break;
// else if (ret == `details) Popup::LongMessage(key_detailed_description);
return ret;
* ImportUntrustedGPGKeyIntoTrustedDialog
* @param string key_id
* @param string key_name
* @param string fingerprint
* @return boolean whether zypp should import the key into the keyring of trusted keys
global boolean ImportUntrustedGPGKeyIntoTrustedDialog (string key_id, string key_name, string fingerprint) {
// additional Richtext (HTML) warning text (kind of help), 1/2
string warning_text = _("<p>The owner of the key may distribute updates,
packages, and package repositories that your system will trust and offer
for installation and update without any further warning. In this way,
importing the key into your keyring of trusted keys allows the key owner
to have a certain amount of control over the software on your system.</p>") +
// additional Richtext (HTML) warning text (kind of help), 2/2, %1 stands for the GnuPG key ID
sformat(_("<p>A warning dialog opens for every package that
is not signed by a trusted (imported) key. If you do not import the key,
packages created by the owner of key <tt>%1</tt> show this warning.</p>"), key_id);
// popup message, %1 stands for string "GPG key ID\nfingerprint", %2 for key name
string dialog_text = sformat(_("The following GnuPG key has been found: %1
You can choose to import it into your keyring of trusted
public keys, meaning that you trust the owner of the key.
You should be sure that you can trust the owner and that
the key really belongs to that owner before importing it."),
"\n" +
// Part of the GnuPG key description in popup, %1 is a GnuPG key ID
sformat(_("ID: %1"), key_id) + "\n" +
((fingerprint == nil || fingerprint == "") ?
// Part of the GnuPG key description in popup, %1 is a GnuPG key fingerprint
"" : sformat(_("Fingerprint: %1") + "\n", StringSplitter(fingerprint, " ", 4))) +
// Part of the GnuPG key description in popup, %1 is a GnuPG key name
sformat(_("Name: %1"), key_name)
`HBox (
// left-side help
`VBox (
// dialog
`Top (
`VBox (
`HBox (
// popup heading
`VCenter(`Heading(_("Import Untrusted GnuPG Key"))),
// dialog message
`MarginBox(0.5, 0.5, `Label(dialog_text))
// dialog buttons
`HBox (
// push button
`PushButton(`id(`import), _("&Import")),
// push button
//`PushButton(`id(`details), _("&Details...")),
// push button
`PushButton(`id(`dont_import), _("Do &Not Import"))
// No details available - disable button
// if (key_detailed_description == "") UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`details), `Enabled, false);
symbol ret = nil;
while (ret == nil || ret == `details) {
// wait for one of listed ID's, return the default value in case of `cancel
ret = WaitForSymbolUserInput([`import, `details, `dont_import], `dont_import);
if (contains([`import, `dont_import], ret)) break;
// else if (ret == `details) Popup::LongMessage(key_detailed_description);
return ret == `import;