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* File: modules/Sequencer.ycp
* Module: yast2
* Summary: Wizard Sequencer
* Authors: Michal Svec <msvec@suse.cz>
* Flags: Stable
* $Id: Sequencer.ycp 31242 2006-06-01 12:59:16Z locilka $
* This is an implementation of the wizard sequencer, the tool for
* processing workflows of dialogs.
* <br>
* All errors are reported to y2log, so if anything is unfunctional
* look to the y2log.
module "Sequencer";
textdomain "base";
boolean docheck = true;
* Test (run) all dialogs in the aliases map
* @param aliases the map of aliases
* @return returned values of tested dialogs
* @see WS documentation for the format of aliases map
define list WS_testall(map aliases) {
return maplist(any id, any func, aliases, { return eval(func); });
* Check correct types in maps and alias presence for sequence.
* @param aliases the map of aliases
* @param sequence the sequence of dialogs
* @return check passed?
define boolean WS_check(map aliases, map sequence) {
list<boolean> ret = [];
/* check if aliases is not a nil */
if (aliases == nil) {
y2error(2, "sequencer check: aliases is nil");
return false;
/* check if sequence is not a nil */
if (sequence == nil) {
y2error(2, "sequencer check: sequence is nil");
return false;
/* check if ws_start is in aliases */
if (aliases["ws_start"]:nil != nil) {
y2error(2, "sequencer check: ws_start cannot be an alias name");
ret = add(ret, false);
else ret = add(ret, true);
/* check aliases map types */
list<boolean> ret0 = maplist(any key, any val, aliases, {
if (!is(key, string)) {
y2error(2, "sequencer check: not a string: %1", key);
return false;
else if (is(val, list)) {
if(size((list) val) < 2) {
y2error(2, "sequencer check: list too small: %1 (%2)", val, key);
return false;
/* FIXME: use function pointers
else if (!is(select((list) val, 0, nil), term)) {
y2error(2, "sequencer check: not a term: %1", select((list) val, 0, nil));
return false;
else if (!is(select((list) val, 1, nil), boolean)) {
y2error(2, "sequencer check: not a boolean: %1", select((list) val, 1, nil));
return false;
else return true;
/* FIXME: use function pointers
else if (!is(val, term)) {
y2error(2, "sequencer check: not a term: %1", val);
return false;
else return true;
ret = flatten([ret, ret0]);
/* check if ws_start is in sequence */
if (sequence["ws_start"]:nil == nil) {
y2error(2, "sequencer check: ws_start needs to be defined");
ret = add(ret, false);
else ret = add(ret, true);
/* check all aliases in sequence */
ret0 = maplist(any key, any val, sequence, {
if (key=="ws_start") {
if (!is(val, symbol) && aliases[val]:nil == nil) {
y2error(2, "sequencer check: alias not found: %1", val);
return false;
else return true;
else if (aliases[key]:nil == nil) {
y2error(2, "sequencer check: alias not found: %1", key);
return false;
else if (!is(val, map)) {
y2error(2, "sequencer check: not a map: %1 %2", key, val);
return false;
else {
list<boolean> ret1 = maplist(any k, any v, (map) val, {
if (!is(k, symbol)) {
y2error(2, "sequencer check: not a symbol: %1", k);
return false;
else if (!is(v, symbol) && aliases[v]:nil == nil) {
y2error(2, "sequencer check: alias not found: %1", v);
return false;
else return true;
if (find(boolean n, ret1, { return n == false; }) != nil) return false;
return true;
ret = flatten([ret, ret0]);
/* check that all aliases are used */
ret0 = maplist(any key, any val, aliases, {
if (!haskey(sequence, key)) {
y2warning(2, "sequencer check: alias not used: %1", key);
// return false;
return true;
ret = flatten([ret, ret0]);
if (find(boolean n, ret, { return n == false; }) != nil) return false;
return true;
* Report error and return nil
* @param error the error message text
* @return always nil
* @see bug #6474
define any WS_error(string error) {
y2error(1, "sequencer: %1", error);
return nil;
* Find an aliases in the aliases map
* @param aliases map of aliases
* @param alias given alias
* @return term belonging to the given alias or nil, if error
define any WS_alias(map aliases, string alias) {
any found = aliases[alias]:nil;
if (found == nil)
return WS_error(sformat("Alias not found: %1", alias));
if (is(found, list)) {
if (size((list) found) <= 0)
return WS_error(sformat("Invalid alias: %1", found));
found = select((list) found, 0, nil);
if (found == nil)
return WS_error(sformat("Invalid alias: %1", found));
/* FIXME: use function pointers
if (is(found, term)) */
return found;
return WS_error(sformat("Invalid alias: %1", found));
* Decide if an alias is special
* @param aliases map of aliases
* @param alias given alias
* @return true if the given alias is special or nil, if not found
define boolean WS_special(map aliases, string alias) {
any found = aliases[alias]:nil;
if (found == nil)
return (boolean) WS_error(sformat("Alias not found: %1", alias));
boolean ret = false;
if (is(found, list))
if (size((list) found) > 1)
ret = (boolean) select((list) found, 1, nil);
return ret;
* Find a next item in the sequence
* @param sequence sequence of dialogs
* @param current current dialog
* @param ret returned value (determines the next dialog)
* @return next dialog (symbol), WS action (string) or nil, if error (current or next not found)
define any WS_next(map sequence, string current, symbol ret) {
map found = (map)(sequence[current]:nil);
if (found == nil) return WS_error(sformat("Current not found: %1", current));
/* string|symbol next */
any next = found[ret]:nil;
if (next == nil) return WS_error(sformat("Symbol not found: %1", ret));
return next;
* Run a function from the aliases map
* @param aliases map of aliases
* @param id function to run
* @return returned value from function or nil, if function is nil or returned something else than symbol
define symbol WS_run(map aliases, string id) {
y2debug("Running: %1", id);
any function = nil;
function = WS_alias(aliases, id);
if (function == nil)
return (symbol) WS_error(sformat("Bad id: %1", id));
any ret = eval(function);
if (!is(ret, symbol))
return (symbol) WS_error(sformat("Returned value not symbol: %1", ret));
return (symbol) ret;
* Push one item to the stack
* @param stack stack of previously run dialogs
* @param item item to be pushed
* @return the new stack or nil, if the stack is nil
define list WS_push(list stack, any item) {
if (stack == nil)
return nil;
if (!contains(stack, item))
return add(stack, item);
boolean found = false;
list newstack = filter(any v, stack, {
if (found) return false;
if (v == item) found=true;
return true;
return newstack;
* Pop one item from the stack (remove an item and return the stack top item)
* @param stack stack of previously run dialogsk
* @return [ new stack, poped value ] or nil if the stack is empty or nil
define list WS_pop(list stack) {
if (stack == nil) return nil;
integer num = size(stack);
if (num < 2) return nil;
list newstack = remove(stack, num-1);
any poped = select(stack, num-2, nil);
return [ newstack, poped ];
* The Wizard Sequencer
* @param aliases the map of aliases
* @param sequence the sequence of dialogs
* @return final symbol or nil, if error (see the y2log)
global define symbol Run(map aliases, map sequence) {
/* Check aliases and sequence correctness */
if (docheck && WS_check(aliases, sequence) != true)
return (symbol) WS_error("CHECK FAILED");
list stack = [];
/* string|symbol current */
any current = sequence["ws_start"]:nil;
if (current == nil)
return (symbol) WS_error("Starting dialog not found");
while (true) {
if (is(current, symbol)) {
return (symbol) current;
stack = WS_push(stack, current);
y2debug("stack=%1", stack);
any ret = WS_run(aliases, (string) current);
if (ret == nil || !is(ret, symbol))
return (symbol) WS_error(sformat("Invalid ret: %1", ret));
else if (ret == `back) {
list poped = [];
boolean special = true;
do {
if (size(stack)<2) return `back;
poped = WS_pop(stack);
y2debug("poped=%1", poped);
current = select(poped, 1, nil);
stack = (list) select(poped, 0, nil);
special = WS_special(aliases, (string) current);
y2debug("special=%1", special);
} while (special);
else {
y2debug("ret=%1", ret);
current = WS_next(sequence, (string) current, (symbol) ret);
y2debug("current=%1", current);
if (current == nil)
return (symbol) WS_error(sformat("Next not found: %1", current));
/* Not reached */
return nil;
/* EOF */