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223 lines
* File: modules/SLP.ycp
* Package: SLP Browser / Agent
* Summary: Access to SLP Agent functions
* Authors: Anas Nashif <nashif@suse.de>
* $Id: SLP.ycp 32847 2006-09-13 08:54:30Z jsuchome $
module "SLP";
textdomain "slp";
import "Summary";
import "HTML";
string Regd = "/etc/slp.reg.d";
* Issue the query for services
* @param pcServiceType The Service Type String, including authority string if
* any, for the request, such as can be discovered using SLPSrvTypes().
* This could be, for example "service:printer:lpr" or "service:nfs".
* @param pcScopeList comma separated list of scope names to search for
* service types.
* @return list<map> List of Services
global define list<map> FindSrvs( string pcServiceType, string pcScopeList)
list<map> Srvs = (list<map>) SCR::Read(.slp.findsrvs,
$["pcServiceType":pcServiceType, "pcScopeList": pcScopeList] );
y2debug("FindSrvs: %1", Srvs);
return Srvs;
* Issues an SLP service type request for service types in the scopes
* indicated by the pcScopeList.
* If the naming authority is "*", then
* results are returned for all naming authorities. If the naming
* authority is the empty string, i.e. "", then the default naming
* authority, "IANA", is used.
* @param pcNamingAuthority The naming authority to search.
* @param pcScopeList comma separated list of scope names to search for
* service types.
* @return list<string> Service Types
global define list<string> FindSrvTypes ( string pcNamingAuthority , string pcScopeList)
list<string> Types = (list<string>) SCR::Read(.slp.findsrvtypes,
$["pcNamingAuthority":pcNamingAuthority ,
"pcScopeList": pcScopeList] );
return Types;
* Find attributes of a service
* @param pcURLOrServiceType service url or type
* @return list<string> attributes
global define list<string> FindAttrs ( string pcURLOrServiceType )
list<string> Attrs = (list<string>) SCR::Read(.slp.findattrs,
$["pcURLOrServiceType":pcURLOrServiceType] );
return Attrs;
* Find attributes of a service using a unicast query
* @param pcURLOrServiceType service url or type
* @param ip IP address of the server
* @return list<string> attributes
global define list<string> UnicastFindAttrs (
string pcURLOrServiceType, string ip)
if (ip == "") return FindAttrs (pcURLOrServiceType);
list<string> Attrs = (list<string>) SCR::Read(.slp.unicastfindattrs,
"pcURLOrServiceType" : pcURLOrServiceType,
"ip-address" : ip
return Attrs;
* Find attributes (using unicast query) of a service and return a map
* @param pcURLOrServiceType service url or type
* @param ip IP address of the server
* @return map<string,string> attributes
global define map<string,string> GetUnicastAttrMap (
string pcURLOrServiceType, string ip)
list<string> Attrs = UnicastFindAttrs (pcURLOrServiceType, ip);
return (map<string, string>) listmap(string a, Attrs, {
string s = substring(a, 1, size(a) - 2 );
list aa = splitstring(s, "=");
return $[ aa[0]:"empty" : aa[1]:"empty" ];
* Find attributes of a service and return a map
* @param pcURLOrServiceType service url or type
* @return map<string,string> attributes
global define map<string,string> GetAttrMap(string pcURLOrServiceType)
list<string> Attrs = FindAttrs (pcURLOrServiceType);
map<string, string> att = (map<string, string>)listmap(string a, Attrs, ``{
string s = substring(a, 1, size(a) - 2 );
list aa = splitstring(s, "=");
return att;
* Attribute summary
* @param Attrs attribute list
* @return string summary
global define string AttrSummary (list<string> Attrs)
string summary = "";
summary = Summary::AddHeader(summary, _("Attributes"));
summary = Summary::OpenList ( summary );
foreach(string a, Attrs, ``{
string s = substring(a, 1, size(a) - 2 );
list aa = splitstring(s, "=");
summary = Summary::AddListItem ( summary, sformat("%1: %2",
HTML::Bold(aa[0]:""), aa[1]:"") );
summary = Summary::CloseList ( summary );
return summary;
* Register service with SLP
* @param service Service to be registered
* @return boolean True on success
global define boolean Reg(string service)
boolean ret = (boolean)SCR::Execute(.slp.reg, service);
return ret;
* Deregister service with SLP
* @param service Service to be deregistered
* @return boolean True on success
global define boolean DeReg(string service)
boolean ret = (boolean)SCR::Execute(.slp.dereg, service);
return ret;
* Register service with SLP using a reg file
* @param service The service to be registered
* @param attr Attributes
* @param regfile Reg File
* @return boolean True on Success
global define boolean RegFile(string service, map<string,string> attr, string regfile)
list<string> slp = [];
slp=add(slp, service);
foreach(string k, string v , attr, ``{
slp=add(slp, sformat("%1=%2", tolower(k), v ));
string all = mergestring(slp, "\n");
SCR::Execute(.target.mkdir, Regd );
boolean ret =(boolean) SCR::Write(.target.string, sformat("%1/%2", Regd, regfile), all);
return ret;
* De-Register service with SLP by removing the reg file
* @param regfile The service to be deregistered
* @return boolean True on success
global define boolean DeRegFile(string regfile)
boolean ret = (boolean)SCR::Execute(.target.remove, regfile);
return ret;
* Match Srv Type and return all data
* @param match match string
* @return list<map> list of services matching with all relevant data
global define list<map> MatchType (string match )
list<string> t = FindSrvTypes("*", "");
list<map> ret = [];
foreach(string type , t, {
if (regexpmatch(type, match)) {
list<map> matched = FindSrvs(type, "");
ret = (list<map>) union(ret , maplist(map m, matched, ``{
m["attr"] = GetAttrMap(m["srvurl"]:"");
return ret;