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* File: modules/Progress.ycp
* Module: Progress
* Summary: Progress bar
* Authors: Petr Blahos <pblahos@suse.cz>
* $Id: Progress.ycp 33164 2006-09-27 08:42:24Z jsrain $
* Functions for progress bar.<br>
* <pre>
* Dialog Title
* [x] Stage 1
* [x] Stage 2
* => Stage 3
* - Stage 4
* - Stage 5
* Progress Title
* [============================90%=======================------]
* </pre>
* Example of progress bar usage (don't forget the translation marks in your code):
* Progress bar supposes main wizard dialog is created.<pre>
* Progress::Simple ("Some progress bar", "Progress runs here...", 3, "");
* Progress::NextStep (); // the 1st one does nothing!
* Progress::NextStep ();
* Progress::NextStep ();
* Progress::NextStep ();</pre>
* Another example:<pre>
* Progress::New ("Complex progress bar", " ", 100, [
* "Stage1", "Stage2", "Stage3",
* ], [
* "Stage 1 ...", "Stage 2 ...", "Stage 3 ...", "Finished",
* ], "Help text");
* Progress::NextStage ();
* Progress::NextStageStep (20);
* Progress::Stage (0, "I am back", 2);
* Progress::Title ("Still in stage 0");
* Progress::NextStageStep (90);
* Progress::Finish ();</pre>
* See also hand made documentation.
* <a href="../Progress.html">Progress.html</a>
module "Progress";
textdomain "base";
import "CommandLine";
import "Wizard";
import "Mode";
// Number of stages.
integer stages = 0;
// Number of steps
integer steps = 0;
// Current stage
integer current_stage = 0;
// Current step
integer current_step = 0;
// list of stage-titles
list titles = [];
// is progress bar used?
boolean visible = true;
// superior progress (stages) bar
integer super_steps = 0;
integer super_step = 0;
list super_stages = [];
* Sets progress bar state:
* on = normal operation, off = All Progress:: calls return immediatelly.
* @param state on or off
* @return previous state
global define boolean set (boolean state) {
boolean prev = visible;
visible = state;
return prev;
* Returns currently selected visibility status of all UI-modifying Progress:: functions.
* @return boolean whether the progress bar is used
* @see Progress::set
* @see Progress::off
* @see Progress::on
global define boolean status () {
return visible;
* Turns progress bar off. All Progress:: calls return immediatelly.
* @deprecated set
global define void off () {
// no "deprecated" warning
// because it is ok to use this function in testsuites
visible = false;
* Turns progress bar on after calling Progress::off.
* @deprecated set
global define void on () {
y2warning (-1, "Deprecated function. Use Progress::set instead");
visible = true;
* @param kind `todo, `current or `done
* @return UI mark for stages
any Mark (symbol kind) {
if (kind == `todo)
return "- ";
if (kind == `current)
return UI::Glyph (`BulletArrowRight);
if (kind == `done)
return UI::Glyph (`CheckMark);
return "?@%!";
* @param i stage number
* @return widget `id(...) for the marker
term MarkId (integer i) {
return `id (sformat ("mark_stage_%1",i));
* New complex progress bar with stages.
* @param window_title title of the window
* @param progress_title title of the progress bar. Pass at least " "
* (one space) if you want some progress bar title.
* @param length number of steps. If 0, no progress bar is created,
* there are only stages and bottom title. THIS IS NOT
* @param stg list of strings - stage names. If it is nil, then there
* are no stages.
* @param tits Titles corresponding to stages. When stage changes,
* progress bar title changes to one of these titles. May
* be nil/empty.
* @param help_text help text
global define void New (string window_title, string progress_title, integer length, list<string> stg, list tits, string help_text) ``{
if (!visible)
return ;
steps = length;
stages = size (stg);
titles = tits;
current_step = -1;
current_stage = -1;
if (Mode::commandline ())
if (progress_title == "")
// Reserve space for future progress bar labels. The ProgressBar
// widget will suppress the label above the progress bar if the
// initial label string is empty.
progress_title = " ";
term bar = `VBox( // progressbar only
if (0 != stages)
{ // version with stages
bar = `VBox (`VSpacing (1));
integer i = 0;
any label_heading = Mark (`todo);
foreach (string item, stg, ``{
bar = add (bar,
`HBox (
`HSpacing (1),
// check_ycp wants this text to be translatable. I do not know why.
`Heading (MarkId (i), label_heading),
`Label (`opt (`hstretch), item)
i = i+1;
if (0 != steps)
{ // stages and progress
bar = add (bar, `VBox (
`VStretch (),
`ProgressBar (`id (`pb), progress_title, length, 0),
`VSpacing (2)
{ // stages only
bar = add (bar, `VBox (
`VStretch (),
`Label (`id (`pb), `opt (`hstretch), progress_title),
`VSpacing (2)
UI::ReplaceWidget (`id (`contents), bar);
if (! UI::WizardCommand(`SetDialogHeading( window_title ) ) )
UI::ChangeWidget (`id (`title), `Value, window_title);
if ("" != help_text && nil != help_text)
Wizard::SetHelpText (help_text);
Wizard::DisableBackButton ();
Wizard::DisableNextButton ();
* Create simple progress bar with no stages, only with progress bar.
* @param window_title Title of the window.
* @param progress_title Title of the progress bar.
* @param length Number of steps.
* @param help_text Help text.
global define void Simple (string window_title, string progress_title, integer length, string help_text) ``{
New (window_title, progress_title, length, [], [], help_text);
* Uses current_step
void UpdateProgressBar () {
if (current_step > steps)
y2error (-2, "Progress bar has only %1 steps, not %2.", steps, current_step);
return ;
UI::ChangeWidget (`id (`pb), `Value, current_step);
* the bar is either `ProgressBar or `Label
* @param s title
void SetProgressBarTitle (string s) {
UI::ChangeWidget (`id (`pb), 0 == steps ? `Value : `Label, s);
* Some people say it is the best operating system ever. But now to the
* function. Advances progress bar value by 1.
global define void NextStep () ``{
if (!visible || Mode::commandline () || 0 == steps)
return ;
current_step = current_step + 1;
UpdateProgressBar ();
* Advance stage, advance step by 1 and set progress bar caption to
* that defined in New.
global define void NextStage () ``{
if (!visible)
return ;
NextStep ();
if (0 == stages || current_stage > stages)
y2error ("Non-existing stage requested.");
return ;
current_stage = current_stage + 1;
if ( Mode::commandline ())
if (current_stage < stages && current_stage < size (titles))
if (current_stage > 0)
UI::ChangeWidget (MarkId (current_stage-1), `Value, Mark (`done));
// we may be past the last stage
if (current_stage < stages )
if (current_stage < size (titles))
SetProgressBarTitle (titles[current_stage]:"");
UI::ChangeWidget (MarkId (current_stage), `Value, Mark (`current));
* Changes progress bar value to st.
* @param st new value
global define void Step (integer st) ``{
if (!visible || Mode::commandline () || 0 == steps)
return ;
current_step = st;
UpdateProgressBar ();
* Go to stage st, change progress bar title to title and set progress
* bar step to step.
* @param st New stage.
* @param title New title for progress bar. If nil, title specified in
* New is used.
* @param step New step or -1 if step should not change.
global define void Stage (integer st, string title, integer step) ``{
if (!visible)
return ;
if (-1 != step)
Step (step);
if (!Mode::commandline () && current_stage >= 0)
UI::ChangeWidget(MarkId (current_stage), `Value,
Mark (st > current_stage ? `done: `todo));
current_stage = st;
string s = "";
if (current_stage < size (titles))
s = titles[current_stage]:"";
if (nil != title)
s = title;
if (current_stage < size (titles))
if (Mode::commandline ())
CommandLine::PrintVerbose (s);
SetProgressBarTitle (s);
if (current_stage < stages)
UI::ChangeWidget(MarkId (current_stage), `Value, Mark (`current));
* Jumps to the next stage and sets step to st.
* @param st new progress bar value
global define void NextStageStep (integer st) ``{
if (!visible || Mode::commandline ())
return ;
NextStage ();
Step (st);
* Change progress bar title.
* @param t new title. Use ""(empty string) if you want an empty progress bar.
global define void Title (string t) ``{
if (visible && ! Mode::commandline ())
SetProgressBarTitle (t);
* Moves progress bar to the end and marks all stages as completed.
global define void Finish () ``{
if (!visible || Mode::commandline ())
return ;
if (0 != stages)
while (current_stage < stages)
NextStage ();
if (0 != steps)
current_step = steps;
UpdateProgressBar ();
SetProgressBarTitle (" ");
* Creates a higher-level progress bar made of stages. Currently it is
* placed instead of help text.
* @param title title of the progress...
* @param stages list of stage descriptions
global define void OpenSuperior (string title, list<string> stages)
if (UI::HasSpecialWidget(`Wizard))
integer idx = 0;
super_steps = size (stages);
super_step = -1;
foreach (string s, stages,
string id = sformat ("super_progress_%1", idx);
UI::WizardCommand (`AddStep (s, id));
UI::WizardCommand(`UpdateSteps() );
else // old behaviour
term left = `VBox (`VStretch ());
term right = `VBox (`VStretch ());
integer idx = 0;
super_steps = size (stages);
super_step = -1;
foreach (string i, stages,
string id = sformat ("super_progress_%1", idx);
left = add (left, `Heading (`id (id), "- "));
right = add (right, `Label (`opt (`hstretch), i));
left = add (left, `VStretch ());
right = add (right, `VStretch ());
idx = idx + 1;
left = add (left, `HSpacing (4));
right = add (right, `HStretch ());
Wizard::ReplaceHelp (`VBox (
`HBox (
`HSpacing (1),
`Frame (
`HBox (`HSpacing (1), left, right)
`VSpacing (0.5)
* Replaces stages of superior progress by an empty help text.
global define void CloseSuperior () ``{
if (UI::HasSpecialWidget(`Wizard))
Wizard::RestoreHelp ("");
super_steps = 0;
super_step = 0;
* Make one step in a superior progress bar.
global define void StepSuperior () ``{
if (super_step >= 0 && super_step < super_steps)
if (!UI::HasSpecialWidget(`Wizard))
UI::ChangeWidget (`id (sformat ("super_progress_%1", super_step)), `Value, UI::Glyph (`CheckMark));
super_step = super_step + 1;
if (super_step >= super_steps)
if (UI::HasSpecialWidget(`Wizard))
UI::WizardCommand (`SetCurrentStep (sformat ("super_progress_%1", super_step)));
UI::ChangeWidget (`id (sformat ("super_progress_%1", super_step)), `Value, UI::Glyph (`BulletArrowRight));
/* EOF */