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463 lines
* File: ProductLicense.ycp
* Module: ProductLicense
* Summary: Provide access / dialog for product license
* Author: Jiri Srain <jsrain@suse.cz>
module "ProductLicense";
import "Directory";
import "InstShowInfo";
import "Language";
import "Popup";
import "Report";
import "Stage";
import "Wizard";
import "Mode";
import "FileUtils";
import "ProductFeatures";
textdomain "installation";
* Displays License with Help and ( ) Yes / ( ) No radio buttons
* @param string file with the license
void DisplayLicenseDialog (list<string> languages, boolean back) {
string license_text = "";
map display = UI::GetDisplayInfo();
integer space = display["TextMode"]:true ? 1 : 3;
term rt = `RichText(`id( `welcome_text), "");
// dialog caption
string caption = _("License Agreement");
// bug #204791, no more "languages.ycp" client
map<string,list> lang_names_orig = Language::GetLanguagesMap (false);
if (lang_names_orig == nil) {
y2error("Wrong definition of languages");
lang_names_orig = $[];
// $[ "en" : "English", "de" : "Deutsch" ]
map<string,string> lang_names = mapmap (string code, list descr,
return $[ code : descr[4]:"" ];
/* for the default fallback */
// language name
lang_names[""] = _("English");
// language name
lang_names["en"] = _("English");
list<list<string> > lang_pairs = maplist (string l, languages, {
string name = lang_names[l]:"";
if (name == "")
string l_short = substring (l, 0, 2);
foreach (string k, string v, lang_names, {
if (substring (k, 0, 2) == l_short)
name = v;
return true;
return false;
return [ l, name ];
// filter-out languages that don't have any name
lang_pairs = filter (list<string> lang_pair, lang_pairs, {
if (lang_pair[1]:"" == "") {
y2warning("Unknown license language '%1', filtering out...", lang_pair);
return false;
} else {
return true;
lang_pairs = sort (list<string> l1, list<string> l2, lang_pairs, {
return l1[1]:"" < l2[1]:"";
list langs = maplist (list<string> descr, lang_pairs, {
return `item (`id (descr[0]:""), descr[1]:"");
term contents = `VBox (
`VSpacing (space),
`HBox (
`HSpacing (2*space),
`VBox (
// combo box
`Left (`ComboBox (`id (`lang), `opt (`notify), _("&Language"),
`ReplacePoint (`id (`license_rp), rt)
`HSpacing (2*space)
`VSpacing (2),
`HSpacing (2*space),
// radio button
_("&Yes, I Agree to the License Agreement")
// radio button
_("N&o, I Do Not Agree")
`HSpacing (2*space)
// help text
string help = _("<p>Read the license agreement carefully and select
one of the available options. If you do not agree to the license agreement,
the configuration will be aborted.</p>
Wizard::SetContents(caption, contents, help,
back, true);
// bugzilla #203543
if (size(langs) <= 1) {
UI::ChangeWidget (`id(`lang), `Enabled, false);
Wizard::SetTitleIcon ("yast-license");
* Removes the temporary directory for licenses
* @param string temporary directory path
void CleanUpLicense (string tmpdir) {
if (tmpdir != nil)
SCR::Execute (.target.bash_output, sformat("rm -rf '%1'", tmpdir));
* Get all files with license existing in specified directory
* @param dir string directory to look into
* @param patterns a list of patterns for the files, regular expressions
* with %1 for the language
* @return a map $[ lang_code : filename ]
map<string,string> LicenseFiles (string dir, list<string> patterns) {
map<string,string> ret = $[];
list<string> files = (list<string>)SCR::Read (.target.dir, dir);
y2milestone ("All files in license directory: %1", files);
foreach (string p, patterns, {
if (! issubstring (p, "%"))
foreach (string file, files, {
if (file == p)
ret[""] = dir + "/" + file;
string regpat = sformat (p, "(.+)");
foreach (string file, files, {
if (regexpmatch (file, regpat))
string key = regexpsub (file, regpat, "\\1");
ret[key] = dir + "/" + file;
y2milestone ("Files containing license: %1", ret);
return ret;
* Ask user to confirm license agreement
* @param src_id integer source to get the license from
* @param dir string directory to look for the license in if src_id is nil
* and not 1st stage installation
* @param patterns a list of patterns for the files, regular expressions
* with %1 for the language
* @param boolean enable_back sets the back_button status
* @param boolean base_product defines whether it is a base or add-on product
* true means base product, false add-on product
global symbol AskLicenseAgreement (integer src_id, string dir,
list<string> patterns, string action, boolean enable_back,
boolean base_product)
string tmpdir = nil;
string info_file = nil;
string lic_lang = "";
map<string,string> licenses = $[];
list<string> available_langs = [];
string license_dir = nil;
if (src_id == nil)
if (Stage::initial ())
license_dir = Directory::vardir + "/license";
license_dir = dir;
if (FileUtils::Exists ("/info.txt"))
info_file = "/info.txt";
y2milestone ("Getting license info from source %1", src_id);
tmpdir = (string) SCR::Read(.target.tmpdir) + "/product-license/";
license_dir = tmpdir;
string license_file = Pkg::SourceProvideOptionalFile (src_id, 1,
// license is part of the add-on product
if (license_file != nil) {
y2milestone("Product has a license");
map out = (map)SCR::Execute (.target.bash_output, sformat ("
rm -rf '%1' && \
mkdir -p '%1' && \
cd '%1' && \
unzip -qqo '%2'
", tmpdir, license_file));
// Extracting license failed, cannot accept the license
if (out["exit"]:0 != 0)
y2error("Cannot unzip license -> %1", out);
// popup error
Report::Error (_("An error occurred while preparing the installation system."));
return nil; // FIXME
info_file = Pkg::SourceProvideOptionalFile (src_id, 1, "/media.1/info.txt");
licenses = LicenseFiles (license_dir,
["license.txt", "license\\.%1\\.txt"]);
if (info_file == nil && size (licenses) == 0)
return `auto;
// Preferencies how the client selects from available languages
list<string> langs = [
substring (Language::language, 0, 2), // "it_IT" -> "it"
"" // license.txt fallback
available_langs = maplist (string lang, string fn,
return lang;
// "en" is the same as "", we don't need to have them both
if (contains(available_langs, "en") && contains(available_langs, "")) {
y2milestone("Removing license fallback '' as we already have 'en'...");
available_langs = filter (string one_lang, available_langs, {
return one_lang != "en";
y2milestone ("Preffered lang: %1", Language::language);
if (size (available_langs) == 0)
return `auto; // no license available
lic_lang = find (string l, langs, {
return haskey (licenses, l);
if (lic_lang == nil)
lic_lang = available_langs[0]:"";
y2milestone ("Preselected language: '%1'", lic_lang);
DisplayLicenseDialog (available_langs, enable_back);
// Display info as a popup if exists
if (info_file != nil)
if (lic_lang == nil)
return `auto;
// initial loop
UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`lang), `Value, lic_lang);
symbol ret = `first;
// set timeout for autoinstallation
// bugzilla #206706
boolean timeout = false;
if (Mode::autoinst()) {
timeout = true;
while (true)
if (ret == `lang || ret == `first)
// read the selected language if not in the initial loop
if (ret != `first) lic_lang = (string) UI::QueryWidget (`id (`lang), `Value);
string license_file = licenses[lic_lang]:"";
y2milestone ("Using license file: %1", license_file);
string license_text = (string)
SCR::Read(.target.string, license_file);
if (license_text == nil)
license_text = "";
// TODO error message
term rt = `Empty();
if (regexpmatch(license_text, "</.*>"))
rt = `RichText(`id( `welcome_text), license_text);
rt = `RichText(`id( `welcome_text), `opt(`plainText), license_text);
UI::ReplaceWidget (`id (`license_rp), rt);
// bugzilla #206706
if (timeout) {
sleep (2000);
y2milestone("AutoYaST: License has been accepted after timeout...");
return `accepted;
ret = (symbol) UI::UserInput();
symbol accept = (symbol) UI::QueryWidget(`id(`eula), `CurrentButton);
// Aborting the license dialog
if (ret == `abort) {
// bugzilla #218677
if (base_product) {
if (Popup::ConfirmAbort (`painless)) {
return `abort;
} else {
// popup question
if (Popup::ContinueCancel(_("Really abort add-on product installation?"))) {
return `abort;
else if (ret == `next)
// License declined
if (accept == `no)
if (Popup::YesNo(_("Reread or reconsider the license agreement?")))
y2milestone("License has been declined.");
if (action == "abort")
return `abort;
else if (action == "continue")
return `accepted;
else if (action == "halt")
return `halt;
// timed ok/cancel popup
if (!Popup::TimedOKCancel(_("System is shutting down..."), 10))
return `halt;
y2error ("Unknown action %1", action);
return `abort;
// License accepted
else if (accept == `yes)
y2milestone("License has been accepted.");
return `accepted;
// message popup
Popup::Message(_("Accept or decline the license agreement."));
else if (ret == `back)
return `back;
global symbol AskAddOnLicenseAgreement (integer src_id) {
return AskLicenseAgreement (src_id, "",
[ "license\\.txt", "license\\.%1\\.txt" ],
// back button is disabled
false, false);
global symbol AskFirstStageLicenseAgreement (string action) {
// bug #223258
// disabling back button when the select-language dialog is skipped
// FIXME: hotfix for 10.2, solve better for 10.3
boolean enable_back = true;
if (Stage::initial () &&
ProductFeatures::GetBooleanFeature ("globals", "skip_language_dialog") &&
Language::preselected != "en_US"
) enable_back = false;
return AskLicenseAgreement (nil, "",
[ "license\\.txt", "license\\.%1\\.txt" ],
// back button is enabled
enable_back, true);
global symbol AskInstalledLicenseAgreement (string directory,
list<string> patterns, string action)
return AskLicenseAgreement (nil, directory, patterns, action, false, true);
} // EOF