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185 lines
* File: modules/Product.ycp
* Package: yast2
* Summary: Product data
* Authors: Klaus Kaempf <kkaempf@suse.de>
* $Id: Product.ycp 34204 2006-11-09 12:32:32Z locilka $
module "Product";
import "Mode";
import "Stage";
* General product name and version
global string name = ""; // "SuSE Linux 8.1"
global string short_name = ""; // "SuSE Linux"
global string version = ""; // "8.1"
global string vendor = ""; // "SuSE Linux AG"
* Distribution: Personal, Professional, etc.
global string dist = "";
global string distproduct = ""; // "SuSE-Linux-Professional-INT-i386"
global string distversion = ""; // "8.1-0"
* base product
global string baseproduct = ""; // "UnitedLinux"
global string baseversion = ""; // "1.0"
* url of release notes (downloaded during internet test)
global string relnotesurl = "";
* list of all urls of release notes (downloaded during internet test)
* bugzilla #160563
global list <string> relnotesurl_all = [];
* map relnotes url to product name
global map <string, string> product_of_relnotes = $[];
* Run YOU during the Internet connection test.
global boolean run_you = true;
* list of flags from content file
global list flags = [];
* list of patterns from content file
global list<string> patterns = [];
* Short label for bootloader entry
global string shortlabel = "";
global list<map<string,any> > FindBaseProducts() {
y2milestone ("Looking for base products");
list<map<string,any> > products = (list<map<string,any> >)
Pkg::TargetProducts ();
y2milestone ("All found products: %1", products);
products = filter (map<string,any> p, products, {
// bug 165314, relnotes_url needn't be defined (or empty string)
if (p["relnotes_url"]:"" != "") {
string rn_url = (string) p["relnotes_url"]:"";
relnotesurl_all = add (relnotesurl_all, rn_url);
// bug 180581, relnotes should be identified by name
product_of_relnotes[rn_url] = p["display_name"]:"";
return p["category"]:"" == "base";
y2milestone ("Found base products: %1", products);
if (size (products) == 0)
y2error ("No base product found");
else if (size (products) > 1)
y2warning ("More than one base product found");
return products;
// -----------------------------------------------
* Constructor
global define void Product () ``{
if (Stage::initial ())
// it should use the same mechanism as running system. But it would
// mean to initialize package manager from constructor, which is
// not reasonable
name = (string) SCR::Read(.content.LABEL);
short_name = (string) SCR::Read(.content.SHORTLABEL);
if (short_name == nil)
short_name = name;
version = (string) SCR::Read(.content.VERSION);
vendor = (string) SCR::Read(.content.VENDOR);
distproduct = (string) SCR::Read(.content.DISTPRODUCT);
distversion = (string) SCR::Read(.content.DISTVERSION);
baseproduct = (string) SCR::Read(.content.BASEPRODUCT);
if (baseproduct == "") baseproduct = name;
baseversion = (string) SCR::Read(.content.BASEVERSION);
relnotesurl = (string) SCR::Read(.content.RELNOTESURL);
shortlabel = (string) SCR::Read(.content.SHORTLABEL);
any tmp1 = SCR::Read (.content.FLAGS);
if (tmp1 != nil)
flags = splitstring ((string) tmp1, " ");
tmp1 = SCR::Read (.content.PATTERNS);
if (tmp1 != nil)
patterns = splitstring ((string) tmp1, " ");
y2milestone("***PATTERNS: %1", patterns );
else if (!Mode::config ())
Pkg::TargetInitialize ("/");
// list all_products = Pkg::TargetProducts(); // get all products
// map last_product = all_products[0]:$[]; // get last installed product
// name = last_product["name"]:"";
// version = last_product["version"]:"";
// vendor = last_product["vendor"]:"";
// TODO distproduct = last_product["distproduct"]:"";
// TODO distversion = last_product["distversion"]:"";
// TODO baseproduct = last_product["baseproduct"]:"";
// TODO if (baseproduct == "") baseproduct = name;
// TODO baseversion = last_product["baseversion"]:"";
// relnotesurl = last_product["relnotesurl"]:"";
// flags = splitstring (last_product["flags"]:"", " ");
list<map<string,any> > base_products = FindBaseProducts();
map<string,any> base_product = base_products[0]:$[];// there should be only one - hopefuly
name = base_product["display_name"]:base_product["summary"]:base_product["name"]:"";
short_name = base_product["short_name"]:name;
version = base_product["version"]:"";
vendor = base_product["vendor"]:"";
relnotesurl = base_product["relnotes_url"]:"";
flags = base_product["flags"]:[];
if(distproduct == nil) distproduct = "";
dist = splitstring(distproduct, "-")[2]:"";
run_you = ! contains (flags, "no_you");
// set the product name for UI
import "Wizard";
y2milestone ("Product name: '%1'", name);
if (name != nil && name != "") {
Wizard::SetProductName (name);
/* EOF */