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* File: modules/PortAliases.ycp
* Package: Ports Aliases.
* Summary: Definition of Port Aliases.
* Authors: Lukas Ocilka <locilka@suse.cz>
* $Id: PortAliases.ycp 33164 2006-09-27 08:42:24Z jsrain $
* Global Definition of Port Aliases for services taken from /etc/services.
* /etc/services are defined by IANA http://www.iana.org/assignments/port-numbers.
* This module provides full listing of port aliases (supporting also multiple
* aliases like "http", "www" and "www-http" for port 80).
* Results are cached, so repeated requests are answered faster.
module "PortAliases";
textdomain "base";
import "SCR";
/* an internal service aliases map for port-numbers pointing to port-names,
aliases are separated by space */
define map <integer, string> SERVICE_PORT_TO_NAME = $[
22 : "ssh",
25 : "smtp",
53 : "domain",
67 : "bootps",
68 : "bootpc",
69 : "tftp",
80 : "http www www-http",
110 : "pop3",
111 : "sunrpc",
123 : "ntp",
137 : "netbios-ns",
138 : "netbios-dgm",
139 : "netbios-ssn",
143 : "imap",
389 : "ldap",
443 : "https",
445 : "microsoft-ds",
500 : "isakmp",
631 : "ipp",
636 : "ldaps",
873 : "rsync",
993 : "imaps",
995 : "pop3s",
3128 : "ndl-aas",
4500 : "ipsec-nat-t",
8080 : "http-alt",
/* an internal service aliases map for port-names pointing to port-numbers */
define map <string, integer> SERVICE_NAME_TO_PORT = $[
"ssh" : 22,
"smtp" : 25,
"domain" : 53,
"bootps" : 67,
"bootpc" : 68,
"tftp" : 69,
"http" : 80,
"www" : 80,
"www-http" : 80,
"pop3" : 110,
"sunrpc" : 111,
"ntp" : 123,
"netbios-ns" : 137,
"netbios-dgm" : 138,
"netbios-ssn" : 139,
"imap" : 143,
"ldap" : 389,
"https" : 443,
"microsoft-ds" : 445,
"isakmp" : 500,
"ipp" : 631,
"ldaps" : 636,
"rsync" : 873,
"imaps" : 993,
"pop3s" : 995,
"ndl-aas" : 3128,
"ipsec-nat-t" : 4500,
"http-alt" : 8080,
/* This variable contains characters allowed in port-names, backslashed for regexpmatch() */
string allowed_service_regexp = "^[ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789\*\/\+\._-]*$";
* Function returns if the port name is allowed port name (or number).
* @return boolean if allowed
global define boolean IsAllowedPortName(string port_name) {
// port is number
if (regexpmatch(port_name, "^[0123456789]+$")) {
integer port_number = tointeger(port_name);
// checking range
return (port_number>=0 && port_number<=65535);
// port is name
} else {
return (regexpmatch(port_name, allowed_service_regexp));
* Function returns string describing allowed port name or number.
* @return string with description
global define string AllowedPortNameOrNumber () {
// TRANSLATORS: popup informing message, allowed characters for port-names
return _("A port name may consist of the characters 'a-z', 'A-Z', '0-9', and '*+._-'.
A port number may be a number from 0 to 65535.
No spaces are allowed.
/* Internal function for preparing string for grep command */
string QuoteString (string port_name) {
port_name = mergestring (splitstring(port_name, "\""), "\\\"");
port_name = mergestring (splitstring(port_name, "*"), "\\*");
port_name = mergestring (splitstring(port_name, "."), "\\.");
return port_name;
/* Internal function for loading unknown ports into memory and returning them as list[string] */
string LoadAndReturnPortToName (integer port_number) {
string command = "grep \"^[^#].*[ \\t]" + port_number + "\/\" /etc/services | sed \"s/\\([^ \\t]*\\)[ \\t]*.*/\\1/\"";
map found = (map) SCR::Execute(.target.bash_output, command);
list <string> aliases = [];
if (found["exit"]:0 == 0) {
foreach (string alias, splitstring(found["stdout"]:"", "\n"), {
if (alias == "") return;
aliases = add(aliases, alias);
} else {
y2error("Services Command: %1 -> %2", command, found["stderr"]:"");
return nil;
// store results for later requests
SERVICE_PORT_TO_NAME[port_number] = mergestring(toset(aliases), " ");
return SERVICE_PORT_TO_NAME[port_number]:"";
/* Internal function for loading unknown ports into memory and returning them as integer */
integer LoadAndReturnNameToPort (string port_name) {
if (! IsAllowedPortName(port_name)) {
y2error("Disallwed port-name '%1'", port_name);
return nil;
string command = "grep --perl-regexp \"^" + QuoteString(port_name) + "[ \\t]\" /etc/services | sed \"s/[^ \\t]*[ \\t]*\\([^\/ \\t]*\\).*/\\1/\"";
map found = (map) SCR::Execute(.target.bash_output, command);
integer alias_found = nil;
if (found["exit"]:0 == 0) {
foreach (string alias, splitstring(found["stdout"]:"", "\n"), {
if (alias == "") return;
alias_found = tointeger(alias);
} else {
y2error("Services Command: %1 -> %2", command, found["stderr"]:"");
return nil;
// store results for later requests
SERVICE_NAME_TO_PORT[port_name] = alias_found;
return alias_found;
list <string> cache_not_allowed_ports = [];
* Function returns list of aliases (port-names and port-numbers) for
* requested port-number or port-name. Also the requested name or port is returned.
* @param string port-number or port-name
* @return list [string] of aliases
global define list <string> GetListOfServiceAliases (string port) {
list <string> service_aliases = [ port ];
integer port_number = nil;
// service is a port number
if (regexpmatch(port, "^[0123456789]+$")) {
port_number = tointeger(port);
service_aliases = (list<string>) union (
splitstring (
" "
// service is a port name, any space isn't allowed
} else if (IsAllowedPortName(port)) {
integer found_alias_port = SERVICE_NAME_TO_PORT[port]:LoadAndReturnNameToPort(port);
if (found_alias_port != nil) {
service_aliases = add (service_aliases,tostring(found_alias_port));
// search for another port-name aliases when port-number found
service_aliases = (list<string>) union (
splitstring (
" "
} else {
if (!contains(cache_not_allowed_ports, port)) {
cache_not_allowed_ports = add (cache_not_allowed_ports, port);
y2error("Port name '%1' is not allowed", port);
} else {
y2debug("Port name '%1' is not allowed", port);
return [ port ];
return toset(service_aliases);
* Function returns if the requested port-name is known port.
* Known port have an IANA alias.
* @param string port-name
* @return boolean if is known
global define boolean IsKnownPortName (string port_name) {
// function returns the requested port and aliases if exists
if (size(GetListOfServiceAliases(port_name))>1) {
return true;
return false;
* Function returns a port number for the port name alias
* @param port_name_or_number
* @param port_number or nil when not found
global define integer GetPortNumber (string port_name) {
if (!regexpmatch(port_name, "^[0123456789]+$")) {
any port_number = SERVICE_NAME_TO_PORT[port_name]:LoadAndReturnNameToPort(port_name);
// not a known port
if (port_number == nil) {
return nil;
} else {
return tointeger (port_number);
} else {
return tointeger(port_name);
/* EOF */