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* File: modules/Popup.ycp
* Package: yast2
* Summary: Commonly used popup dialogs
* Authors: Gabriele Strattner <gs@suse.de>
* Stefan Hundhammer <sh@suse.de>
* Arvin Schnell <arvin@suse.de>
* Flags: Stable
* $Id: Popup.ycp 31242 2006-06-01 12:59:16Z locilka $
* Contains commonly used popup dialogs
* for general usage, e.g. Popup::YesNo(), Popup::ContinueCancel().
* <br>
* See also <a href="../wizard/README.popups">README.popups</a>
module "Popup";
textdomain "base";
import "Label";
import "Mode";
import "Directory";
import "String";
boolean feedback_open = false;
// default size of the richtext widget in richtext popups
integer default_width = 60;
integer default_height = 10;
* Internal function that returns a popup dialog with an additional label.
* @param headline headline to show or Popup::NoHeadline()
* @param message message text to show
* @param icon_name icon name (with full path) or Popup::NoIcon()
* @param button_box term with one or more buttons
* @param label second label with id `label which can be used e.g. for time out value displaying
* @return term the layout contents as a term
define term popupLayoutInternalTypeWithLabel( string headline,
string message,
string icon_name,
term button_box,
string label,
boolean richtext,
integer width,
integer height )
term content = `Empty();
term heading = `VSpacing(0.2);
term icon = `Empty();
if ( size( icon_name ) > 0 )
map ui_capabilities = UI::GetDisplayInfo();
if ( ui_capabilities[ "HasLocalImageSupport" ]:false )
icon = `Image( icon_name, "" );
term rt = `VWeight(1,
// display the message in the widget "as is":
// escape all tags, replace new lines by <br> tag
`RichText(mergestring(splitstring(String::EscapeTags(message), "\n"), "<br>"))
if ( size( headline ) > 0 )
content =
`VCenter( icon ),
`VCenter(`Heading( headline ) ),
richtext ? rt : `Left( `Label( message ) ),
(label != nil && label != "") ? `Label(`id(`label), label ) : `Empty()
else // no headline
content =
`Top( icon ),
richtext ? rt : `VCenter (`Label( message ) )
(label != nil && label != "") ? `Label(`id(`label), label ) : `Empty()
term dialog =
richtext ? `Empty() : `VStretch(),
richtext ? `Empty() : `VStretch(),
return dialog;
* Internal function - wrapper for popupLayoutInternalTypeWithLabel call
define term popupLayoutInternal( string headline, string message, string icon_name, term button_box ) {
return popupLayoutInternalTypeWithLabel(headline, message, icon_name, button_box, nil, false, 0, 0);
* Internal function - wrapper for popupLayoutInternalTypeWithLabel call
define term popupLayoutInternalRich( string headline, string message, string icon_name, term button_box, integer width, integer height ) {
return popupLayoutInternalTypeWithLabel(headline, message, icon_name, button_box, nil, true, width, height);
* Internal version of AnyTimedMessage
* Show a message with optional headline above and
* wait until user clicked "OK" or until a timeout runs out.
* @param headline optional headline or Popup::NoHeadline()
* @param message the message (maybe multi-line) to display.
* @param icon_name icon name (with full path) or Popup::NoIcon()
* @param timeout After timeout seconds dialog will be automatically closed
* @return void
define void anyTimedMessageTypeInternal(string headline,
string message,
string icon_name,
integer timeout,
boolean richtext,
integer width,
integer height )
term button_box = `HBox(
`HWeight(1, `PushButton( `id(`stop), Label::StopButton())),
`HWeight(1, `PushButton( `id(`ok_msg), `opt(`default, `key_F10), Label::OKButton())),
popupLayoutInternalTypeWithLabel( headline, message, icon_name,
button_box, sformat("%1", timeout), richtext, width, height )
symbol button = nil;
while ( timeout > 0 && button != `ok_msg)
button = (symbol) UI::TimeoutUserInput( 1000 );
if (button == `stop)
while(UI::UserInput() != `ok_msg){};
timeout = timeout - 1;
UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`label), `Value, sformat("%1", timeout ));
* Internal function - wrapper for anyTimedMessageTypeInternal call
define void anyTimedMessageInternal(string headline,
string message,
string icon_name,
integer timeout )
anyTimedMessageTypeInternal(headline, message, icon_name, timeout, false, 0, 0);
* Internal function - wrapper for anyTimedMessageTypeInternal call
define void anyTimedRichMessageInternal(string headline,
string message,
string icon_name,
integer timeout,
integer width,
integer height )
anyTimedMessageTypeInternal(headline, message, icon_name, timeout, true, width, height);
* Returns the full icon path for a icon with the specified base name.
* "warning.png" -> "/usr/lib/YaST2/theme/icons/32x32/apps/warning.png"
define string popupIcon( string icon_base_name )
return Directory::icondir + "32x32/apps/" + icon_base_name;
* Indicator for empty headline for popups that can optionally have one
* This is really just an alias for the empty string "", but it is
* slightly better readable.
* @return empty string ("")
global define string NoHeadline()
return "";
* Indicator for empty icon for popups that can have one - for code readability.
global define string NoIcon()
return "";
* Button box for the AnyQuestion Dialog (internal function).
* @param yes_button_message label on affirmative buttons (on left side)
* @param no_button_message label on negating button (on right side)
* @param focus `focus_yes (first button) or `focus_no (second button)
* @return term button box
define term AnyQuestionButtonBox (
string yes_button_message,
string no_button_message,
symbol focus )
term yes_button = `Empty();
term no_button = `Empty();
if ( focus == `focus_no )
yes_button = `PushButton( `id(`yes),
`opt (`key_F10),
yes_button_message );
no_button = `PushButton( `id(`no_button),
`opt(`default, `key_F9),
no_button_message );
yes_button = `PushButton( `id(`yes),
`opt(`default, `key_F10),
no_button = `PushButton( `id(`no_button),
`opt (`key_F9),
no_button_message );
term button_box = `HBox(
`HStretch (),
`HWeight( 1, yes_button),
`HWeight( 1, no_button ),
`HStretch ()
return button_box;
* Generic question popup with two buttons.
* Style guide hint: The first button has to have the semantics of "yes",
* "OK", "continue" etc., the second its opposite ("no", "cancel", ...).
* NEVER use this generic question popup to simply exchange the order of
* yes/no, continue/cancel or ok/cancel buttons!
* @param headline headline or Popup::NoHeadline()
* @param message message string
* @param yes_button_message label on affirmative buttons (on left side)
* @param no_button_message label on negating button (on right side)
* @param focus `focus_yes (first button) or `focus_no (second button)
* @screenshot screenshots/AnyQuestion.png
* @return true: first button has been clicked
* false: second button has been clicked
* @see YesNo
* @see ContinueCancel
* @example Popup::AnyQuestion( Label::WarningMsg(), "Do really want to ...?", "Install", "Don't do it", `focus_no );
global define boolean AnyQuestion( string headline,
string message,
string yes_button_message,
string no_button_message,
symbol focus )
term button_box = AnyQuestionButtonBox ( yes_button_message, no_button_message, focus);
popupLayoutInternal( headline, message, NoIcon(), button_box )
any ret = UI::UserInput();
return ret == `yes;
* Timed question popup with two buttons and time display
* @param headline headline or Popup::NoHeadline()
* @param message message string
* @param yes_button_message label on affirmative buttons (on left side)
* @param no_button_message label on negating button (on right side)
* @param focus `focus_yes (first button) or `focus_no (second button)
* @param timeout_seconds timeout, if 0, normal behaviour
* @return boolean True if Yes, False if no
* @see AnyQuestion
global define boolean TimedAnyQuestion( string headline,
string message,
string yes_button_message,
string no_button_message,
symbol focus ,
integer timeout_seconds)
term button_box = AnyQuestionButtonBox ( yes_button_message, no_button_message, focus);
term timed =
`ReplacePoint(`id(`replace_buttons) ,
`Label(`id(`remaining_time), "" + timeout_seconds)
`PushButton(`id(`timed_stop), Label::StopButton() ),
`PushButton(`id(`timed_ok), `opt(`default, `key_F10), Label::OKButton() )
popupLayoutInternal( headline, message, NoIcon(), timed )
any which_input = nil;
while (timeout_seconds > 0) {
which_input = UI::TimeoutUserInput( 1000 );
if (which_input == `timed_ok)
if (which_input == `timed_stop)
UI::ReplaceWidget(`id(`replace_buttons), button_box);
while (which_input == `timed_stop)
which_input = UI::UserInput();
timeout_seconds = timeout_seconds - 1;
UI::ChangeWidget (`id(`remaining_time), `Value, ""+timeout_seconds);
return which_input == `yes;
* Dialog which displays the "message" and has a <b>Continue</b>
* and a <b>Cancel</b> button.
* This popup should be used to confirm possibly dangerous actions and if
* it's useful to display a short headline (without headline
* Popup::ContinueCancel() can be used).
* The default button is Continue.
* Returns true if Continue is clicked.
* @screenshot screenshot/ContinueCancelHeadline.png
* @param headline short headline or Popup::NoHeadline()
* @param message message string
* @return boolean
* @example Popup::ContinueCancelHeadline ( "Short Header", "Going on with action....?" );
* @see ContinueCancel
* @see YesNo
* @see AnyQuestion
global define boolean ContinueCancelHeadline (string headline, string message)
boolean ret = AnyQuestion( headline,
y2debug("ContinueCancelHeadline returned: %1", ret );
return ret;
* Dialog which displays the "message" and has a <b>Continue</b>
* and a <b>Cancel</b> button.
* This popup should be used to confirm possibly dangerous actions.
* The default button is Continue.
* Returns true if Continue is clicked.
* @screenshot screenshots/ContinueCancel.png
* @param message message string
* @return boolean
* @example Popup::ContinueCancel ( "Please insert required CD-ROM." );
* @see AnyQuestion
global define boolean ContinueCancel (string message)
boolean ret = ContinueCancelHeadline( NoHeadline(), message );
y2debug("ContinueCancel returned: %1", ret );
return ret;
* This dialog displays "message" (a question) and has a <b>Yes</b> and
* a <b>No</b> button.
* It should be used for decisions about two about equivalent paths,
* not for simple confirmation - use "Popup::ContinueCancel()" for those.
* A short headline can be displayed (without headline you can use Popup::YesNo()).
* The default button is Yes.
* Returns true if <b>Yes</b> is clicked.
* @screenshot screenshots/YesNoHeadline.png
* @param headline short headline or Popup::NoHeadline()
* @param message message string
* @return boolean true if [Yes] has been pressed
* @example Popup::YesNoHeadline ( "Resize Windows Partition?", "... explanation of dangers ..." );
* @see YesNo
* @see AnyQuestion
global define boolean YesNoHeadline(string headline, string message)
boolean ret = AnyQuestion( headline,
y2debug("YesNoHeadline returned: %1", ret );
return ret;
* Display a yes/no question and wait for answer.
* Should be used for decisions about two about equivalent paths,
* not for simple confirmation - use "Popup::ContinueCancel()" for those.
* The default button is Yes.
* Returns true if <b>Yes</b> is clicked.
* @screenshot screenshots/YesNo.png
* @param message message string
* @return boolean true if [Yes] has been pressed
* @example Popup::YesNo ( "Create a backup of the config files?" );
* @see YesNoHeadline
* @see ContinueCancel
* @see AnyQuestion
global define boolean YesNo(string message)
boolean ret = YesNoHeadline( NoHeadline(), message);
y2debug("YesNo returned: %1", ret );
return ret;
* Show a long text that might need scrolling.
* Pass a RichText widget with the parameters appropriate for your text -
* i.e. without special parameters for HTML-like text or with
* `opt(`plainText) for plain ASCII text without HTML tags.
* @screenshot screenshots/LongText.png
* @param headline short headline
* @param richtext text input is `Richtext()
* @param hdim initial horizontal dimension of the popup
* @param vdim initial vertical dimension of the popup
* @example Popup::LongText ( "Package description", `Richtext("<p>Hello, this is a long description .....</p>"), 50, 20 );
global define void LongText( string headline, term richtext,
integer hdim, integer vdim )
UI::OpenDialog( `opt( `decorated ),
`HBox( `VSpacing(vdim),
`VBox (`HSpacing(hdim),
`Left(`Heading( headline )),
richtext, // scrolled text
`PushButton( `id(`ok), `opt(`default, `key_F10), Label::OKButton() )
UI::SetFocus(`id(`ok ) );
* Show a question that might need scrolling.
* @param headline short headline
* @param richtext text input as a rich text
* @param hdim initial horizontal dimension of the popup
* @param vdim initial vertical dimension of the popup
* @param yes_button_message message on the left/true button
* @param no_button_message message on the right/false button
* @param focus `focus_yes, `focus_no, `focus_none
* @return left button pressed?
global define boolean AnyQuestionRichText (string headline,
string richtext,
integer hdim, integer vdim,
string yes_button_message,
string no_button_message,
symbol focus)
term yes_button = `PushButton (
`id (`ok),
( focus == `focus_yes ?
`opt (`default, `key_F10) :
`opt (`key_F10) ),
term no_button = `PushButton (
`id (`cancel),
( focus == `focus_no ?
`opt (`default, `key_F9) :
`opt (`key_F9) ),
term d = `HBox (
`VSpacing (vdim),
`VBox (
`HSpacing (hdim),
size (headline) > 0 ? `Left(`Heading( headline )) : `Empty (),
`RichText (richtext),
`HBox (
UI::OpenDialog (`opt (`decorated), d);
any ui = UI::UserInput ();
UI::CloseDialog ();
return ui == `ok;
* Confirmation for "Abort" button during installation.
* According to the "severity" parameter an appropriate text will be
* displayed indicating what the user has to expect when he really aborts now.
* @screenshot screenshots/ConfirmAbort.png
* @param severity `painless, `incomplete, `unusable
* @return boolean
* @example Popup::ConfirmAbort ( `painless );
global define boolean ConfirmAbort( symbol severity )
string what_will_happen = "";
// Confirm user request to abort installation
string abort_label = _("Really abort the installation?");
// Button that will really abort the installation
string abort_button = _("&Abort Installation");
// Button that will continue with the installation
string continue_button = _("&Continue Installation");
if ( severity == `painless )
if (Mode::repair ())
// Confirm user request to abort System Repair
abort_label = _("Really abort YaST System Repair?");
// Button that will really abort the repair
abort_button = _("Abort System Repair");
// Button that will continue with the repair
continue_button = _("&Continue System Repair");
// Warning text for aborting an installation before anything is installed
what_will_happen = _("If you abort the installation now,
Linux will not be installed.
Your hard disk will remain untouched.");
else if ( severity == `incomplete )
// Warning text for aborting an installation during the install process
// - After some installation steps have been performed - e.g.
// disks formatted / some packages already installed
what_will_happen = _("If you abort the installation now, you will
have an incomplete Linux system
that might or might not be usable.
You might need to reinstall.
else if ( severity == `unusable )
// Warning text for aborting an installation during the install process
// right in the middle of some critical process (e.g. formatting)
what_will_happen = _("If you abort the installation now,
Linux will be unusable.
You will need to reinstall.");
y2error ("Unknown symbol for ConfirmAbort");
string message = abort_label + "\n\n" + what_will_happen;
boolean ret = AnyQuestion (NoHeadline (), message, abort_button,
continue_button, `focus_no);
y2debug("ConfirmAbort returned: %1", ret);
return ret;
* Confirmation popup when user clicked "Abort".
* Set "have changes" to "true" when there are changes that will be lost.
* Note: If there are none, it is good policy to ask for confirmation
* anyway, but of course with "have_changes" set to "false" so the user
* isn't warned about changes that might be lost.
* @param have_changes true: There are changes that will be lost
* false: No changes
* @return true: "abort" confirmed;
* false: don't abort
global define boolean ReallyAbort( boolean have_changes )
symbol focus = `focus_yes;
// Confirm aborting the program
string message = _("Really abort?");
if ( have_changes )
focus = `focus_no;
// Additional hint when trying to abort program in spite of changes
message = message + "\n" + _("All changes will be lost!");
boolean ret = AnyQuestion( NoHeadline(),
`focus_no );
y2debug("ReallyAbort returned: %1", ret );
return ret;
* Generic message popup - internal
* Show a message with optional headline above and
* wait until user clicked "OK".
* @param headline optional headline or Popup::NoHeadline()
* @param message the message (maybe multi-line) to display.
define void anyMessageInternalType(string headline, string message, string icon_name, boolean richtext, integer width, integer height )
term button_box = `PushButton( `id(`ok_msg), `opt(`default, `key_F10), Label::OKButton() );
richtext ? popupLayoutInternalRich(headline, message, icon_name, button_box, width, height) :
popupLayoutInternal( headline, message, icon_name, button_box )
UI::SetFocus(`id(`ok_msg) );
* Internal function - wrapper for anyMessageInternal call
define void anyMessageInternal(string headline, string message, string icon_name ) {
anyMessageInternalType(headline, message, icon_name, false, 0, 0);
* Internal function - wrapper for anyMessageInternal call
define void anyMessageInternalRich(string headline, string message, string icon_name, integer width, integer height) {
anyMessageInternalType(headline, message, icon_name, true, width, height);
* Generic message popup - internal
* Show a message with optional headline above and
* wait until user clicked "OK".
* @param headline optional headline or Popup::NoHeadline()
* @param message the message (maybe multi-line) to display.
define void anyRichMessageInternal(string headline, string message, string icon_name, integer width, integer height )
term button_box = `PushButton( `id(`ok_msg), `opt(`default, `key_F10), Label::OKButton() );
popupLayoutInternalRich( headline, message, icon_name, button_box, width, height )
UI::SetFocus(`id(`ok_msg) );
* Generic message popup
* Show a message with optional headline above and
* wait until user clicked "OK".
* @param headline optional headline or Popup::NoHeadline()
* @param message the message (maybe multi-line) to display.
* @param icon_name icon name (with full path) or Popup::NoIcon()
global define void AnyMessage(string headline, string message)
anyMessageInternal( headline, message, NoIcon() );
* Clear feedback message
* @return void
global define void ClearFeedback()
if ( feedback_open )
feedback_open = false;
* Show popup with a headline and a message for feedback
* @param headline headline of Feedback popup
* @param message the feedback message
* @return void
global define void ShowFeedback(string headline, string message)
if (feedback_open)
term button_box = `Empty();
popupLayoutInternal( headline, message, NoIcon(), button_box )
feedback_open = true;
* Show a simple message and wait until user clicked "OK".
* @param message message string
* @example Popup::Message("This is an information about ... ." );
* @screenshot screenshots/Message.png
* @see AnyMessage
* @see Notify
* @see Warning
* @see Error
global define void Message(string message)
anyMessageInternal(NoHeadline(), message, NoIcon());
* Show a long message and wait until user clicked "OK".
* @param message message string (may contain rich text tags)
global define void LongMessage(string message)
anyMessageInternalRich(NoHeadline(), message, NoIcon(), default_width, default_height);
* Show a long message and wait until user clicked "OK". Size of the popup window is adjustable.
* @param message message string (may contain rich text tags)
* @param width width of the popup window
* @param height height of the popup window
global define void LongMessageGeometry(string message, integer width, integer height)
anyMessageInternalRich(NoHeadline(), message, NoIcon(), width, height);
* Show a message and wait until user clicked "OK" or time is out
* @param message message string
* @param timeout_seconds time out in seconds
global define void TimedMessage(string message, integer timeout_seconds) {
anyTimedMessageInternal(NoHeadline(), message, NoIcon(), timeout_seconds);
* Show a long message and wait until user clicked "OK" or time is out.
* @param message message string (may contain rich text tags)
* @param timeout_seconds time out in seconds
global define void TimedLongMessage(string message, integer timeout_seconds)
anyTimedRichMessageInternal(NoHeadline(), message, NoIcon(), timeout_seconds, default_width, default_height);
* Show a long message and wait until user clicked "OK" or time is out. Size of the popup window is adjustable.
* @param message message string (may contain rich text tags)
* @param timeout_seconds time out in seconds
* @param width width of the popup window
* @param height height of the popup window
global define void TimedLongMessageGeometry(string message, integer timeout_seconds, integer width, integer height)
anyTimedRichMessageInternal(NoHeadline(), message, NoIcon(), timeout_seconds, width, height );
* Show a warning message and wait until user clicked "OK".
* @param message warning message string
* @example Popup::Warning("Something is wrong. Please check your configuration." );
* @screenshot screenshots/Warning.png
* @see Message
* @see Notify
* @see Error
* @see AnyMessage
global define void Warning(string message)
anyMessageInternal( Label::WarningMsg(), message, popupIcon( "msg_warning.png" ) );
* Show a long warning and wait until user clicked "OK".
* @param message message string (may contain rich text tags)
global define void LongWarning(string message)
anyMessageInternalRich( Label::WarningMsg(), message, popupIcon( "msg_warning.png" ), default_width, default_height );
* Show a long warning and wait until user clicked "OK". Size of the popup window is adjustable
* @param message message string (may contain rich text tags)
* @param width width of the popup window
* @param height height of the popup window
global define void LongWarningGeometry(string message, integer width, integer height)
anyMessageInternalRich( Label::WarningMsg(), message, popupIcon( "msg_warning.png" ), width, height );
* Show a warning message and wait specified amount of time or until user clicked "OK".
* @screenshot screenshots/TimedWarningPopup.png
* @param message warning message string
* @param timeout_seconds time out in seconds
* @return void
* @see Warning
global define void TimedWarning(string message, integer timeout_seconds)
anyTimedMessageInternal( Label::WarningMsg(), message, popupIcon( "msg_warning.png" ), timeout_seconds );
* Show a long warning message and wait until user clicked "OK" or time is out.
* @param message message string (may contain rich text tags)
* @param timeout_seconds time out in seconds
global define void TimedLongWarning(string message, integer timeout_seconds)
anyTimedRichMessageInternal( Label::WarningMsg(), message, popupIcon( "msg_warning.png" ), timeout_seconds, default_width, default_height );
* Show a long warning and wait until user clicked "OK" or time is out. Size of the popup window is adjustable.
* @param message message string (may contain rich text tags)
* @param timeout_seconds time out in seconds
* @param width width of the popup window
* @param height height of the popup window
global define void TimedLongWarningGeometry(string message, integer timeout_seconds, integer width, integer height) {
anyTimedRichMessageInternal( Label::WarningMsg(), message, popupIcon( "msg_warning.png" ), timeout_seconds, width, height );
* Show an error message and wait until user clicked "OK".
* @param message error message string
* @example Popup::Error("The configuration was not succesful." );
* @screenshot screenshots/Error.png
* @see Message
* @see Notify
* @see Warning
* @see AnyMessage
global define void Error(string message)
anyMessageInternal( Label::ErrorMsg(), message, popupIcon( "msg_error.png" ) );
* Show a long error and wait until user clicked "OK".
* @param message message string (may contain rich text tags)
global define void LongError(string message)
anyMessageInternalRich( Label::ErrorMsg(), message, popupIcon( "msg_error.png" ), default_width, default_height );
* Show a long error message and wait until user clicked "OK". Size of the popup window is adjustable.
* @param message message string (may contain rich text tags)
* @param width width of the popup window
* @param height height of the popup window
global define void LongErrorGeometry(string message, integer width, integer height)
anyMessageInternalRich( Label::ErrorMsg(), message, popupIcon( "msg_error.png" ), width, height);
* Show an error message and wait specified amount of time or until user clicked "OK".
* @screenshot screenshots/TimedErrorPopup.png
* @param message error message string
* @param timeout_seconds time out in seconds
* @return void
* @see Error
global define void TimedError(string message, integer timeout_seconds)
anyTimedMessageInternal( Label::ErrorMsg(), message, popupIcon( "msg_error.png" ), timeout_seconds );
* Show a long error message and wait until user clicked "OK" or time is out.
* @param message message string (may contain rich text tags)
* @param timeout_seconds time out in seconds
global define void TimedLongError(string message, integer timeout_seconds)
anyTimedRichMessageInternal( Label::ErrorMsg(), message, popupIcon( "msg_error.png" ), timeout_seconds, default_width, default_height );
* Show a long error message and wait until user clicked "OK" or time is out. Size of the popup window is adjustable.
* @param message message string (may contain rich text tags)
* @param timeout_seconds time out in seconds
* @param width width of the popup window
* @param height height of the popup window
global define void TimedLongErrorGeometry(string message, integer timeout_seconds, integer width, integer height)
anyTimedRichMessageInternal( Label::ErrorMsg(), message, popupIcon( "msg_error.png" ), timeout_seconds, width, height );
* Show a notification message and wait until user clicked "OK".
* @screenshot screenshots/Notify.png
* @param message notify message string
* @example Popup::Notify("Your printer is ready for use." );
* @see Message
* @see AnyMessage
global define void Notify(string message)
anyMessageInternal( "", message, popupIcon( "msg_info.png" ) );
* Show a long notify message and wait until user clicked "OK".
* @param message message string (may contain rich text tags)
global define void LongNotify(string message)
anyMessageInternalRich( NoHeadline(), message, popupIcon( "msg_info.png" ), default_width, default_height );
* Show a long notify message and wait until user clicked "OK". Size of the popup window is adjustable.
* @param message message string (may contain rich text tags)
* @param width width of the popup window
* @param height height of the popup window
global define void LongNotifyGeometry(string message, integer width, integer height)
anyMessageInternalRich( NoHeadline(), message, popupIcon( "msg_info.png" ), width, height);
* Show a long notify message and wait until user clicked "OK" or the time is out.
* @param message message string (may contain rich text tags)
* @param timeout_seconds time out in seconds
global define void TimedNotify(string message, integer timeout_seconds)
anyTimedMessageInternal( NoHeadline(), message, popupIcon( "msg_info.png" ), timeout_seconds );
* Show a long error message and wait until user clicked "OK" or time is out.
* @param message message string (may contain rich text tags)
* @param timeout_seconds time out in seconds
global define void TimedLongNotify(string message, integer timeout_seconds)
anyTimedRichMessageInternal( NoHeadline(), message, popupIcon( "msg_info.png" ), timeout_seconds, default_width, default_height );
* Show a long notify message and wait until user clicked "OK" or time is out. Size of the popup window is adjustable.
* @param message message string (may contain rich text tags)
* @param timeout_seconds time out in seconds
* @param width width of the popup window
* @param height height of the popup window
global define void TimedLongNotifyGeometry(string message, integer timeout_seconds, integer width, integer height)
anyTimedRichMessageInternal( NoHeadline(), message, popupIcon( "msg_info.png" ), timeout_seconds, width, height );
* Display a message with a timeout
* Display a message with a timeout and return when the user clicks "OK", "Cancel"
* or when the timeout expires ("OK" is assumed then).
* There is also a "stop" button that will stop the countdown. If the
* user clicks that, the popup will wait forever (or until "OK" or "Cancel" is
* clicked, of course).
* @param message message to display
* @param timeout_seconds the timeout in seconds
* @return true --> "OK" or timer expired<br>
* false --> "Cancel"
* @example boolean ret = Popup::TimedOKCancel("This is a timed message", 2 );
global define boolean TimedOKCancel(string message, integer timeout_seconds)
`Label(`id(`remaining_time), "" + timeout_seconds)
`PushButton(`id(`timed_stop), Label::StopButton() ),
`PushButton(`id(`timed_ok), `opt(`default, `key_F10), Label::OKButton() ),
`PushButton(`id(`timed_cancel), `opt (`key_F9), Label::CancelButton() )
any which_input = nil;
while (timeout_seconds > 0) {
which_input = UI::TimeoutUserInput( 1000 );
if (which_input == `timed_ok)
if (which_input == `timed_cancel)
if (which_input == `timed_stop) {
while (which_input == `timed_stop)
which_input = UI::UserInput();
timeout_seconds = timeout_seconds - 1;
UI::ChangeWidget (`id(`remaining_time), `Value, ""+timeout_seconds);
return which_input != `timed_cancel;
* Generic question popup with three buttons.
* @param headline headline or Popup::NoHeadline()
* @param message message string
* @param yes_button_message label on affirmative button (on left side)
* @param no_button_message label on negating button (middle)
* @param retry_button_message label on retry button (on right side)
* @param focus `focus_yes (first button), `focus_no (second button) or
* `focus_retry (third button)
* @return - `yes: first button has been clicked
* - `no: second button has been clicked
* - `retry: third button has been clicked
* @see AnyQuestion
* @example Popup::AnyQuestion3( Label::WarningMsg(), _("... failed"), _("Continue"), _("Cancel"), _("Retry"), `focus_yes );
global define symbol AnyQuestion3( string headline,
string message,
string yes_button_message,
string no_button_message,
string retry_button_message,
symbol focus )
term yes_button = `Empty();
term no_button = `Empty();
term retry_button = `Empty();
if ( focus == `focus_no )
yes_button = `PushButton( `id(`yes),
`opt (`key_F10),
yes_button_message );
no_button = `PushButton( `id(`no),
`opt(`default, `key_F9),
no_button_message );
retry_button = `PushButton( `id(`retry),
`opt (`key_F6),
retry_button_message );
else if ( focus == `focus_yes )
yes_button = `PushButton(`id(`yes),
`opt(`default, `key_F10),
no_button = `PushButton( `id(`no),
`opt (`key_F9),
no_button_message );
retry_button = `PushButton( `id(`retry),
`opt (`key_F6),
retry_button_message );
yes_button = `PushButton(`id(`yes),
`opt (`key_F10),
no_button = `PushButton( `id(`no),
`opt (`key_F9),
no_button_message );
retry_button = `PushButton( `id(`retry),
`opt(`default, `key_F6),
retry_button_message );
term button_box = `HBox(
`HWeight( 1, yes_button),
`HWeight( 1, no_button ),
`HWeight( 1, retry_button )
popupLayoutInternal( headline, message, NoIcon(), button_box )
symbol ret = (symbol)UI::UserInput();
return ret;
* Special error popup for YCP modules that don't work.
* The user can choose one of:
* - "back" - go back to the previous module
* - "next" - skip this faulty module and directly go to the next one
* - "again" - try it again (after fixing something in the code, of course)
* - "cancel" - exit program
* @screenshot screenshots/ModuleError.png
* @param text string
* @return symbol `back, `again, `cancel, `next
* @example Popup::ModuleError( "The module " + symbolof(argterm) + " does not work." );
global define symbol ModuleError(string text)
`opt(`decorated, `warncolor),
`PushButton(`id(`back), `opt (`key_F8), Label::BackButton() ),
`PushButton(`id(`again), `opt (`key_F6), Label::RetryButton() ),
`PushButton(`id(`cancel), `opt (`key_F9), Label::QuitButton() ),
`PushButton(`id(`next), `opt (`key_F10), Label::NextButton() )
symbol ret = (symbol)UI::UserInput();
return ret;
* Generic message popup
* Show a message with optional headline above and
* wait until user clicked "OK" or until a timeout runs out.
* @param headline optional headline or Popup::NoHeadline()
* @param message the message (maybe multi-line) to display.
* @param timeout After timeout seconds dialog will be automatically closed
* @return void
global define void AnyTimedMessage(string headline, string message, integer timeout)
anyTimedMessageInternal( headline, message, nil, timeout );
global define void AnyTimedRichMessage(string headline, string message, integer timeout)
anyTimedRichMessageInternal( headline, message, nil, timeout, default_width, default_height );
// it is misaligned because there used to be UI() around it
* Show the contents of an entire file in a popup.
* @param headline headline text
* @param text text to show
* @param timeout text to show
* @example Popup::ShowText ("Boot Messages", "kernel panic");
global define void ShowTextTimed (string headline, string text,
integer timeout)
term heading = `Empty( );
if ( size(headline) == 0 )
heading = `VSpacing(0.2);
heading = `Heading( headline );
UI::OpenDialog( `opt(`decorated ),
`HSpacing( 70 ), // force width
`VWeight( 1,
`VSpacing( 18 ), // force height
`HSpacing( 0.7 ),
`RichText(`id(`text), `opt(`plainText), text),
`HSpacing( 0.7 )
`VSpacing( 0.3 ),
`Label(`id(`label), sformat("%1", timeout)),
`PushButton(`id(`ok_msg), `opt(`default, `key_F10), Label::OKButton() ),
`VSpacing( 0.3 )
symbol button = nil;
while ( timeout > 0 && button != `ok_msg)
button = (symbol) UI::TimeoutUserInput( 1000 );
timeout = timeout - 1;
UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`label), `Value, sformat("%1", timeout ));
* Show the contents of an entire file in a popup.
* @param headline headline text
* @param text text to show
* @example Popup::ShowText ("Boot Messages", "kernel panic");
global define void ShowText (string headline, string text)
term heading = `Empty( );
if ( size(headline) == 0 )
heading = `VSpacing(0.2);
heading = `Heading( headline );
UI::OpenDialog( `opt(`decorated ),
`HSpacing( 70 ), // force width
`VWeight( 1,
`VSpacing( 18 ), // force height
`HSpacing( 0.7 ),
`RichText(`id(`text), `opt(`plainText), text),
`HSpacing( 0.7 )
`VSpacing( 0.3 ),
`PushButton( `opt(`default, `key_F10), Label::OKButton() ), `VSpacing( 0.3 )
* Show the contents of an entire file in a popup.
* Notice: This is a WFM function, NOT an UI function!
* @param headline headline text
* @param filename filename with path of the file to show
* @example Popup::ShowFile ("Boot Messages", "/var/log/boot.msg");
global define void ShowFile (string headline, string filename)
string text = (string)SCR::Read (.target.string, filename);
ShowText (headline, text);
/* EOF */