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Text File
571 lines
* File:
* OSRSummary.ycp
* Module:
* YaST2 OS Repair
* Summary:
* Authors:
* Johannes Buchhold <jbuch@suse.de>, 2002
* Create a unified-looking RichText description of the not configured/configured devices.
* This is used in <module_name>_summary.ycp modules.
* $Id: OSRSummary.ycp 20738 2005-01-12 17:47:48Z jsuchome $
module "OSRSummary";
import "HTML";
import "Mode";
import "Stage";
import "OSRLogFile";
import "OSRStatus";
import "OSRProgress";
import "OSRCommon";
textdomain "repair";
* $["init":[
* $["description":"No floppy device found",
* "header":"Probing floppy",
* "method_name":"", "status":"not_found"],
* $["description":"Target system initialised",
* "header":"Init target system",
* "method_name":"",
* "status":"detect_ok"]],
* "mbr_check":[$[
* "description":"One hard disk detected: /dev/hda",
* "header":"Searching for hard disks",
* "method_name":"find_harddisks",
* "status":"detect_ok"]]]
map summary = $[];
symbol richtext_widget = `empty;
boolean special_widget = true;
integer fill_length = 0;
string finish_key = "finish_key";
string fill_char = "";
string summary_header = "";
global boolean show_details = true;
// initialize UI-related stuff
global define void Init () {
if (! UI::HasSpecialWidget(`DownloadProgress))
fill_char = ".";
special_widget = false;
fill_length = 40;
global define void Reset() ``{
summary_header = "";
summary = $[];
global define term Create( symbol local_richtext_widget, string text ) ``{
richtext_widget = local_richtext_widget;
return ( `RichText(`id(richtext_widget), `opt(`autoScrollDown), text ));
* Function that creates the shown text in the RichText widget.
* "Not detected" will be returned if the list is empty.
* API function.
* @param list A list of output of the summaryDevice() calls
* @return string Th╗e formatted text.
define string ItemList( list<string> items ) ``{
string text = "";
foreach (string entry, items, ``{
text = text + entry;
return text;
define string text_width()``{
if (Stage::initial ())
//map display_info = UI::GetDisplayInfo ();
//return tointeger( display_info["Width"]:640 / 3 * 2);
return "450";
return "450";
define string fill(string str, integer length, string c)``{
while( size(str) < length ) { str = str +c ;}
return str;
* Function that creates the description for one item.
* API function.
* @param string The name of the item.
* @param string Additional description.
* @param string The status of the rescue system. Possible values are:
* "detect_ok", "detect_error", "detect_problem", "repair_ok", "repair_error", "repair_omit.
* @return string The formatted text.
define string Item(string name, string description, string status) ``{
string color = OSRStatus::Color(status);
string status_text = OSRStatus::Text(status);
// Check if the UI is running with ncurses or qt
if (special_widget )
return sformat(
<th width=20 align=left>
<th width=380 align=left>
<th align=right width=80>
<font color=%4>
<td width=20 align=left>
<td width=380 align=left>
<td width=80>
return sformat("<br><li>%1 <b>%2</b> </li>
<br><li>%3 </li>
fill( name, fill_length , fill_char),
define boolean last_group_entry(string group ) ``{
list t = filter (any g, add(OSRCommon::detect_group_list, finish_key),
``(haskey(summary, g)));
if (t [ size (t) - 1 ]:"" == group ) return true;
else return false;
* Updates the contents of the RichText widget.
* API function.
* @return boolean True if the RichText widget was changed successfully.
global define boolean Update() {
string text = "";
map group_text_map = $[];
//update show_details
if (!Mode::test() && UI::WidgetExists(`id(`details)))
show_details = (boolean) UI::QueryWidget(`id(`details), `Value );
foreach (string group, any entries, (map<string,any>)summary, ``{
if (group == finish_key )
group_text_map[finish_key] = entries;
integer g_priority = 1;
map g_entry_map = OSRCommon::GetGroupMap (group);
string summary_text = "";
list<string> summary_list = [];
foreach (map entry, (list<map>) entries, ``{
if (g_priority<OSRStatus::Priority(entry["status"]:"detect_ok"))
if (show_details ||
group == OSRCommon::current_detect_map["group"]:"" )
// get the formatted summaries as list:
if (entry["header"]:"" != "")
summary_list = add (summary_list,
Item (entry["header"]:"",
summary_text = ItemList(summary_list);
string status = "";
string status_key = "";
if (last_group_entry(group ))
status_key = "open";
status = OSRStatus::Text(status_key);
status = OSRStatus::PriorityStr(g_priority);
status_key = OSRStatus::PriorityKey(g_priority);
string group_status = "";
if (!show_details)
group_status = HTML::Bold (
HTML::Colorize (status, OSRStatus::Color(status_key)));
string group_header = HTML::Bold (
fill (g_entry_map["text"]:"",fill_length, fill_char) );
string header = "";
if (special_widget)
header = sformat("
<th align=left colspan=2 > %1 </th>
<th align=right> %2 </th>
</tr>%3<tr></tr>", group_header, group_status, summary_text );
header = sformat("<li>%1 <b>%2</b><br></li>%3",
group_header, group_status, summary_text );
group_text_map [group] = HTML::Para (header);
// correct order!!!
y2debug("Update the richtext by detect_group_list %1", OSRCommon::detect_group_list);
foreach(string g, OSRCommon::detect_group_list, ``{
text = text + group_text_map[g]:"";
if (special_widget ) {
text = "<table width=" + text_width() + ">" + text + "</table>";
WFM::Write(.local.ycp, OSRLogFile::GetTmpDir()+"/summary" , summary );
return Mode::test () || UI::ChangeWidget(`id(richtext_widget), `Value, text);
* Changes the summary of the specified module in the RichText widget.
* For internal use only.
* @param string The name of the module which summary is to be changed.
* @param string The first line of the new text.
* @param string The second line of the new text.
* @param string The status of the rescue-system, possible values are:
* "detect_ok", "detect_error", "detect_problem", "repair_ok", "repair_error" and "repair_omit"
* @return boolean True if the RichText widget was updated successfully.
define boolean change_summary(string header, string description ) ``{
map current_detect_map = OSRCommon::current_detect_map;
list summary_entries = summary [current_detect_map["group"]:""]:[];
summary_entries = filter (map<string,any> entry, (list<map<string,any> >)summary_entries, ``(
entry["header"]:"" != header ));
* possible values for the key "status" are:
* "detect_ok", "detect_error", "detect_problem", "repair_ok",
* "repair_error" and "repair_omit"
map entry = $[
"header" : header,
"description" : description,
"status" : OSRStatus::status,
"method_name" : current_detect_map["name"]:""
summary_entries = add (summary_entries, entry);
summary [current_detect_map["group"]:""] = summary_entries;
return Update();
global define void PrepareNewEntry( map step ) ``{
summary_header = step["summary"]:"";
OSRProgress::SetFile(`module_progress_bar , OSRLogFile::GetTmpDir()+"/"+ OSRCommon::current_module_name );
OSRProgress::SetLength(`module_progress_bar,( step["progress"]:100 *10 ) );
OSRProgress::SetLabel(`module_progress_bar, summary_header );
change_summary(summary_header, "");
global define void FinishNewEntry()``{
global define void Finish() ``{
summary[finish_key] = _("Finish");
* Changes the summary of the specified module in the RichText widget. Shows that
* the rescue system has found no error. Blue font is used for the headline.
* API function.
* @param string The name of the module which summary is to be changed.
* @param string The first line of the new text.
* @param string The second line of the new text.
* @return boolean True if the RichText widget was updated successfully.
global define boolean DetectOK( string header, string description) ``{
if (OSRCommon::current_module_name == "" ) return true;
if (header == "") header = summary_header;
OSRProgress::SetLabel(`module_progress_bar, header );
OSRLogFile::Add("Module: " + OSRCommon::current_module_name + "\n" + header + "\t" + "O.k." + "\n" + description + "\n");
return (change_summary(header, description ));
* Changes the summary of the specified module in the RichText widget. Shows that
* the rescue system has found no error. Blue font is used for the headline.
* API function.
* @param string The name of the module which summary is to be changed.
* @param string The first line of the new text.
* @param string The second line of the new text.
* @return boolean True if the RichText widget was updated successfully.
global define boolean DetectOmit( string header, string description) ``{
if (OSRCommon::current_module_name == "" ) return true;
if (header == "") header = summary_header;
OSRProgress::SetLabel(`module_progress_bar, header );
OSRLogFile::Add("Module: " + OSRCommon::current_module_name + "\n" + header + "\t" + "Omitted." + "\n" + description + "\n");
return (change_summary(header, description ));
* Changes the summary of the specified module in the RichText widget. Shows that
* the rescue system has detected an error. Red font is used for the headline.
* API function.
* @param string The name of the module which summary is to be changed.
* @param string The first line of the new text.
* @param string The second line of the new text.
* @return boolean True if the RichText widget was updated successfully.
global define boolean DetectError(string header, string description) ``{
if (OSRCommon::current_module_name == "" ) return true;
if (header == "") header = summary_header;
OSRProgress::SetLabel(`module_progress_bar, header );
OSRLogFile::Add("Module: " + OSRCommon::current_module_name + "\n" + header + "\t" + "Error" + "\n" + description + "\n");
return (change_summary( header, description ));
* Changes the summary of the specified module in the RichText widget. Shows that
* the rescue system has detected a potential problem. Red font is used for the headline.
* API function.
* @param string The name of the module which summary is to be changed.
* @param string The first line of the new text.
* @param string The second line of the new text.
* @return boolean True if the RichText widget was updated successfully.
global define boolean DetectProblem(string header, string description) ``{
if (OSRCommon::current_module_name == "" ) return true;
if (header == "") header = summary_header;
OSRProgress::SetLabel(`module_progress_bar, header );
OSRLogFile::Add("Module: " + OSRCommon::current_module_name + "\n" + header + "\t" + "Problem" + "\n" + description + "\n");
return (change_summary(header, description ));
* Changes the summary of the specified module in the RichText widget. Shows that
* the rescue system repaired the detected error. ??? font is used for the headline.
* API function.
* @param string The name of the module which summary is to be changed.
* @param string The first line of the new text.
* @param string The second line of the new text.
* @return boolean True if the RichText widget was updated successfully.
global define boolean RepairOK(string header, string description) ``{
if (OSRCommon::current_module_name == "" ) return true;
if (header == "") header = summary_header;
OSRProgress::SetLabel(`module_progress_bar, header );
OSRLogFile::Add("Module: " + OSRCommon::current_module_name + "\n" + header + "\t" + "Repair succeeded" + "\n" + description + "\n");
return (change_summary( header, description ));
* Changes the summary of the specified module in the RichText widget. Shows that
* an error occurred during the repair-process. ??? font is used for the headline.
* API function.
* @param string The name of the module which summary is to be changed.
* @param string The first line of the new text.
* @param string The second line of the new text.
* @return boolean True if the RichText widget was updated successfully.
global define boolean RepairError(string header, string description) ``{
if (OSRCommon::current_module_name == "" ) return true;
if (header == "") header = summary_header;
OSRProgress::SetLabel(`module_progress_bar, header );
OSRLogFile::Add("Module: " + OSRCommon::current_module_name + "\n" + header + "\t" + "Repair failed" + "\n" + description + "\n");
return (change_summary( header, description ));
global define boolean NotFound(string header, string description )``{
if (OSRCommon::current_module_name == "" ) return true;
if (header == "") header = summary_header;
OSRProgress::SetLabel(`module_progress_bar, header );
OSRLogFile::Add("Module: " + OSRCommon::current_module_name + "\n" + header + "\t" + "Not found" + "\n" + description + "\n");
return (change_summary( header, description ));
* Changes the summary of the specified module in the RichText widget. Shows that
* the repair process was omitted by the user.
* API function.
* @param string The name of the module which summary is to be changed.
* @param string The first line of the new text.
* @param string The second line of the new text.
* @return boolean True if the RichText widget was updated successfully.
global define boolean RepairOmit( string header, string description) ``{
if (OSRCommon::current_module_name == "" ) return true;
if (header == "") header = summary_header;
OSRProgress::SetLabel(`module_progress_bar, header );
OSRLogFile::Add ("Module: " + OSRCommon::current_module_name + "\n" + header + "\t" + "Repair omitted" + "\n" + description + "\n");
return (change_summary( header, description ));
global define void SetRepairSummary( symbol repair_ret, string repair_header,
string detect_ok_message,
string detect_cancel_message,
string detect_error_message ) {
if (OSRCommon::current_module_name == "" ) return;
if (repair_ret == `cancel || repair_ret == `abort || repair_ret == `back )
RepairOmit (repair_header, detect_cancel_message );
else if (repair_ret == `ok || repair_ret == `next )
RepairOK (repair_header, detect_ok_message );
else if (repair_ret == `error )
RepairError (repair_header, detect_error_message);
y2error ("Not supported repair return symbol %1",repair_ret);
RepairError (repair_header, detect_error_message);