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576 lines
* File:
* OSRPopup.ycp
* Module:
* Popups for the YaST2 system repair tool.
* Author:
* Johannes Buchhold <jbuch@suse.de>
* $Id: OSRPopup.ycp 23769 2005-06-21 12:18:10Z jsuchome $
module "OSRPopup";
import "Label";
import "Popup";
import "OSRMode";
import "OSRCommon";
textdomain "repair";
// pushbutton label
global string skip_label = _("&Skip");
// pushbutton label
global string repair_label = _("&Repair");
// pushbutton label
global string recover_label = _("&Recover");
// pushbutton label
global string ignore_label = _("&Ignore");
global string help_label = Label::HelpButton();
// dialog caption: "YaST system repair Help"
global string help_headline = OSRCommon::tool_name + " " + _("Help");
* Sublayout for other layouts.
define term repair_layout_internal(term center_box, term button_box )``{
return `HBox(
`VSpacing(1 ),
* Layout for some following dialog.
define term repair_layout(string headline, string help_text, term special_contents ) ``{
term help_button = `Empty();
// enable the help-button if a help-text is specified
if ( help_text != "" && help_text != "TODO" )
help_button = `PushButton(`id(`osr_popup_help), Label::HelpButton() );
help_button = `PushButton(`id(`osr_popup_help), `opt(`disabled), Label::HelpButton());
term button_box = `HBox(
`PushButton(`id(`osr_popup_repair), `opt(`default), repair_label ),
`PushButton(`id(`osr_popup_skip), skip_label),
`Right( help_button )
// put the window-contents alltogether
return repair_layout_internal ( `VBox(
* Layout for some following dialogs.
define term radio_button_popup_layout(string headline, term rb_group , boolean strict ) ``{
term button_box = `Empty();
if ( strict )
button_box = `HBox(`HWeight(1, `PushButton(`id(`osr_popup_ok), `opt(`default), Label::OKButton())));
button_box = `HBox(
`HWeight(1, `PushButton(`id(`osr_popup_ok), `opt(`default), Label::OKButton())),
`HWeight(1, `PushButton(`id(`osr_popup_cancel), Label::CancelButton()))
// window contents alltogether
return repair_layout_internal( `VBox(
* Open a dialog with the term r_options in the center.
global define boolean OpenMainRepairDialog(string headline, string error_text, term r_options ) ``{
// Build the options for the user dialog
term contents = `HVSquash (
`Left(`Heading( headline)),
`RadioButtonGroup(`id(`rb), r_options),
`Bottom( `HSquash(`HBox(
`PushButton(`id(`ok), `opt(`default ), Label::OKButton()),
`PushButton(`id(`cancel), skip_label),
`Right(`PushButton(`id(`help), help_label ))
boolean ret = UI::OpenDialog( contents );
return ret;
* Open the base dialog to suggest modify.
global define boolean OpenSuggestDialog(string headline, string message, string help_text, term body, integer hweight )``{
term message_box = `VBox(`Left(`Label(message )),
integer headline_box_wight = 20;
if ( message == "" )
message_box = `Empty();
headline_box_wight = 10;
term contents =
`HWeight( 25, `RichText( help_text )),
`HWeight( 1, `HSpacing(1)),
`HWeight( 60, `VBox(
`Left(`Heading(headline )),
`VWeight(hweight, body ),
`PushButton(`id(`ok), repair_label ),
`PushButton(`id(`cancel), Label::CancelButton())
`HWeight( 1, `HSpacing(1))
boolean ret = UI::OpenDialog(contents );
return ret;
* Dialog to change one field in the fstab.
global define string ChangeFieldDialog(string org_value, string description )``{
`TextEntry(`id(`text) , description,org_value),
`HBox (
`PushButton(`id(`ok), Label::OKButton()),
`PushButton(`id(`cancel), Label::CancelButton())
string ret = "";
if (UI::UserInput() == `ok)
ret = (string) UI::QueryWidget(`id(`text),`Value );
else ret = nil;
return ret;
* This method opens a new popup window that displays the error message.
* It provides a repair button, a skip button and a help button.
* @param string The headline of the popup window.
* @param string The message text to display in the window.
* @param string The help text to display when the user presses the help button.
* If the help text is empty, no help button will be displayed.
* @return boolean True if the repair button was pressed by the user.
* @example boolean repair_question = OSRPopup::Repair( "Error detected", error_message, help_text);
global define boolean Repair(string headline, string message, string help_text ) ``{
// In automatic-mode no window is displayed and true (== Repair)
// is returned,
// in detection-mode no window is displayed and false (== Skip)
// is returned -> only detection, no repair
if (OSRMode::automatic || OSRMode::detection)
return true;
term special_contents = `VBox (
repair_layout( headline, help_text, special_contents ));
any ret = `next;
// stay into the while-loop until the user presses Skip or Repair
while ((ret != `osr_popup_skip) && (ret != `osr_popup_repair))
ret = UI::UserInput();
if (ret == `osr_popup_help)
// launch text-popup to display help-text
Popup::LongText(help_headline , `RichText(help_text), 50, 20);
return (ret == `osr_popup_repair);
* This method opens a popup window that offers the specified items to the
* user. The items can be selected in a RadioButtonGroup. A default item has to
* be specified. It is marked as selected from start. If the default is "", the
* first item in the list is marked as selected.
* It provides an OK button and a Cancel button. If OK is pressed the selected
* item is returned as a string, if cancel is pressed, the specified default is
* returned.
* @param string headline The headline of the popup window.
* @param string message The message text to display in the window.
* @param list item_list The list of items. This has to be a list of strings.
* @param string default The default value to mark as selected.
* @param boolean strict If strict is true, only an OK-pushbutton is displayed,
* if strict is false both OK- and Cancel-button are displayed.
* @return string The selected item, the default if cancel is pressed.
* @example string result = OSRPopup::RadioButtonGroup("Test", "This is just a test.", ["a", "b", "c"], "b", true);
global define string RadioButtonGroup(string headline, string message,
list<string> item_list,
string default_val, boolean strict) ``{
string result = default_val;
if (OSRMode::automatic || OSRMode::detection )
return "";
if (size(item_list) == 0)
y2error("RadioButtonGroup: empty list as parameter: %1", item_list);
return "";
term rb_group = `Empty();
term rbs = `VBox( `Left(`Label(message)), `VSpacing(1));
integer i = 0;
// create the radio buttons dynamically referring to the item_list
while (i >= 0 && i < size(item_list))
string item = item_list[i]:"";
// if the current radio button is the default enable it
term rb = `Left (
`RadioButton (`id(i), item,
((item == default_val) || ((default_val == "") && (i == 0)))
rbs = add(rbs, rb);
i = i + 1;
// RadioButtonGroup
rb_group = `RadioButtonGroup(`id(`rb_group), rbs );
UI::OpenDialog (`opt(`decorated),
radio_button_popup_layout (headline, rb_group , strict ));
// handling of the user-input, return the activatet list-item
if ( UI::UserInput() == `osr_popup_ok)
integer current = (integer)
UI::QueryWidget(`id(`rb_group), `CurrentButton);
result = item_list[current]:default_val;
else {
result = "";
return result;
* This method opens a popup window that offers the specified items to the
* user. The items can be selected in a RadioButtonGroup. A default item has to
* be specified. It is marked as selected from start. If the default is "", the
* first item in the list is marked as selected.
* It provides an OK button and a Cancel button. If OK is pressed the selected
* item is returned as a string, if cancel is pressed, the specified cancel-value
* is returned.
* @param string headline The headline of the popup window.
* @param string message The message text to display in the window.
* @param list item_list The list of items. This has to be a list of strings.
* @param string default The default value to mark as selected.
* @param string cancel The value that will be returned when pressing cancel.
* @param boolean strict If strict is true, only an OK-pushbutton is displayed,
* if strict is false both OK- and Cancel-button are displayed.
* @return string The selected item, the default if cancel is pressed.
* @example string result = OSRPopup::RadioButtonGroupText("Test",
* "This is a test.",
* [["a" , "First choice"], ["b", "Second choice"]],
* "b",
* "cancel",
* true);
global define string RadioButtonGroupText(string headline, string message,
list<list> item_list,
string default_val,
string cancel, boolean strict) ``{
string result = default_val;
if (OSRMode::automatic || OSRMode::detection )
return "";
if (size(item_list) == 0)
y2error("RadioButtonGroup: empty list as parameter: %1", item_list);
return "";
term rb_group = `Empty();
term rbs = `VBox(`Left(`Label(message)));
integer i = 0;
// create the radio buttons dynamically referring to the item_list
while (i >= 0 && i < size(item_list))
// an item looks like ["a", "First choice"]
list item = item_list [i]:[];
string item_key = item[0]:"";
string item_text = item[1]:"";
// create a radio button for the current item
// if the current radio button is the default enable it
term rb = `Left(
`RadioButton (`id(i),
(item_text == "") ? item_key : item_key + " - " + item_text,
// enable the specified default
((item_key == default_val) || ((default_val == "") && (i == 0)))
// add the current radio button to the radio buttons
rbs = add(rbs, rb);
// go to the next item in the list
i = i + 1;
// RadioButtonGroup
rb_group = `RadioButtonGroup(
UI::OpenDialog ( `opt(`decorated),
radio_button_popup_layout (headline, rb_group, strict )
// set the focus to the OK button
// handling of the user-input, return the activatet list-item
any ret = UI::UserInput();
if (ret == `osr_popup_ok)
integer current = (integer)
UI::QueryWidget(`id(`rb_group), `CurrentButton);
// get the chosen item and return its key
result = item_list [current, 0]:"";
else if (ret == `osr_popup_cancel)
result = cancel;
return result;
global define map CheckBoxDialog (string headline, string message,
list<list> boxes )``{
term check_group = `VBox (`Left (`Label (message)), `VSpacing (1));
foreach(list box, boxes, ``{
check_group = add (check_group,
`Left(`CheckBox(`id( box[0]:""), box[1]:"", box[2]:false ))
UI::OpenDialog (`opt(`decorated),
radio_button_popup_layout (headline, check_group , true ));
// set the focus to the OK button
// handling of the user-input, return the activatet list-item
map selected = $[];
any ret = UI::UserInput();
if (ret == `osr_popup_ok)
foreach (list box, boxes, ``{
selected [box[0]:""] = UI::QueryWidget(`id(box[0]:"" ), `Value );
return selected;
define term build_multi_box(string box_headline, list<list> item_list )``{
list<term> items = [];
foreach (list item, item_list ,``{
items = add(items, `item(`id(item[0]:""), item[0]:"", item[1]:true ));
return `MultiSelectionBox( `id(`selection_box ), box_headline, items );
* A dialog with to messages and a multi selection box in the center.
global define list<string> MultiSelectionBox(string headline,
string message_top,
string message_bottom,
string help_text,
string box_headline,
list<list> item_list,
list<list> special_buttons_list )``{
term special_buttons = `HBox();
map special_symbol_to_action = $[];
foreach ( list special_button, special_buttons_list, ``{
special_buttons = add( special_buttons, special_button[0]:`Empty());
special_symbol_to_action[special_button[1]:`empty] =
term multi_box_with_text = `VBox(`Left(`Label(message_top )),
`ReplacePoint(`id(`rp), build_multi_box(box_headline, item_list)),
`Left(`Label(message_bottom )),
repair_layout(headline, help_text, multi_box_with_text )
list<string> ret_list = [];
any ret = `next;
ret = UI::UserInput();
if (ret == `osr_popup_help)
// launch text-popup to display help-text
Popup::LongText( help_headline , `RichText(help_text), 50, 20);
else if ( ret == `osr_popup_repair )
ret_list = (list<string>)
UI::QueryWidget(`id(`selection_box), `SelectedItems );
// eval special button action define.
if ( haskey( special_symbol_to_action, ret ))
list () f =special_symbol_to_action[ret]:OSRCommon::EmptyList;
build_multi_box(box_headline, (list<list>) f()));
until( ret == `osr_popup_repair || ret == `osr_popup_skip );
return ret_list;
// --- moved from OSRRepairUI:
* Build (return) a description text for a label in the help_text field.
* @param label the label
* @param description the description text for the label.
* @return the formatted label help text
global define string build_label_description (string label, string description) ``{
return sformat ("<P><B>%1</B>: %2</P>",
mergestring (splitstring (label, "&"), ""), description);