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517 lines
* File: OSRPkgVerify.ycp
* Module: repair
* Summary: Packages check
* Authors: Johannes Buchhold <jbuch@suse.de>
* $Id: OSRPkgVerify.ycp 20504 2004-12-06 14:55:51Z jsuchome $
* Provide osr mode information.
module "OSRPkgVerify";
textdomain "repair";
import "Kernel";
import "OSRExecute";
import "OSRLogFile";
import "OSRMode";
* Missing key. For parsing rpm output.
global string missing = "missing";
* Unsatisfied key. For parsing rpm output.
global string unsatisfied = "Unsatisfied dependencies for";
* Rpm symbol for all tests.
string all_tests = "SM5DLUGT";
* All allowed rpm test options.
string possible = "5SLTDUGM?.";
* Key seperate packagename with not valid file count.
global string separator = "____KEY____";
map unimportant_file_problems = $[
"file_type" : $[
".log" : [ all_tests ],
".html" : [ all_tests, missing ],
".png" : [ all_tests ],
".protocol" : [ all_tests ]
"directory" : $[
"/usr/share/doc" : [ all_tests, missing ],
"/var/log" : [ all_tests ],
"/var/cache" : [ all_tests ],
"/usr/share/man" : [ all_tests, missing ],
"/usr/X11R6/man" : [ all_tests, missing ],
"/usr/share/man" : [ all_tests, missing ],
"/usr/share/info" : [ all_tests, missing ],
"/var/spool" : [ all_tests ],
"/dev" : [ "MUG..." ]
"config_file" : $[
"all" : [ "SM5....T" ]
"you-installed" : $[
"/var/lib/YaST2/you/installed" : [ all_tests ]
"build_problems": $[
"all" : []
global map unimportant2help = $[
// helptext: why the error is not so important
"file_type" : _("The file is a noncritical type."),
// helptext: why the error is not so important
"directory" : _("The file is located in a noncritical directory."),
// helptext: why the error is not so important
"config_file" : _("The file is a configuration file."),
"you-installed" :
// helptext: why the error is not so important
_("The package has been updated with the online update."),
// helptext: why the error is not so important
_("The test failure seems to be caused by an incorrectly built package.")
* index of all currently verified packages
map verified_packages = $[];
// number of packages verified so far
integer verified_counter = 0;
// data of package currently verified
global list<map> verify_data = [];
global list<string> not_successful_verified = [];
* maximum of file entries shown in detailed pkg verification summary
* (necessary because of potential large memory requirements)
global integer max_files = 10;
// mount point to root fs
global string root_for_verification = "";
* Verified packages after a new installation.
global map initial_verified_packages = $[];
map update_problems_map = $[];
global define void Reset()``{
verified_packages = $[];
verify_data = [];
verified_counter = 0;
not_successful_verified = [];
* module constructor: read packages with build problems
global define void OSRPkgVerify()``{
initial_verified_packages = (map)
WFM::CallFunction ("osr_verified_packages");
// has the package been verified?
global define boolean PackageVerified (string pkg_name) {
return verified_packages[pkg_name]:false;
// return number of packages verified so far
global define integer VerifiedSize () {
return verified_counter;
define void build_update_problems_map()``{
if( update_problems_map == $[] || update_problems_map == nil )
foreach (string dir, list<string> allowed_erros,
unimportant_file_problems["you-installed" ]:$[], ``{
list<string> you_installed_pkgs =
(list<string>) SCR::Read (.target.dir, dir);
if( you_installed_pkgs == nil || you_installed_pkgs == [] )
foreach (string patch_file, you_installed_pkgs, ``{
string file = (string)
SCR::Read(.target.string , dir + "/" + patch_file);
list<string> lines = filter (string line,
splitstring (file, "\n"), ``(
substring (line, 0,size("Filename:")) == "Filename:"
foreach (string line, lines, ``{
line = substring (line, size("Filename:"));
line = mergestring (splitstring (line, " "), "");
if (issubstring (line, ".rpm") ||
issubstring (line, ".RPM"))
line = substring (line,0,size(line) - size(".rpm"));
if( line != nil && line != "" )
update_problems_map[ line ] = allowed_erros;
y2milestone(" update_problems packages %1", update_problems_map );
define boolean check_allowed (list<string> allowed_erros, string status)``{
boolean found = false;
foreach (string allowed, allowed_erros, ``{
if ((allowed == missing && status == missing) ||
(allowed != missing &&
size (deletechars (status, allowed + "." )) == 0))
found = true;
y2debug ("all allowed: %1; current status %2; found: %3",
allowed_erros, status, found);
return found;
define string unimportant_file_type (string file, string status)``{
boolean found = false;
foreach (string type, list<string> allowed_erros,
unimportant_file_problems["file_type"]:$[], ``{
if (size (file) > size (type) &&
substring (file, size (file) - size (type)) == type)
if (check_allowed( allowed_erros, status ))
found = true;
return ( found ) ? "file_type" : "";
define string unimportant_directory( string file, string status )``{
boolean found = false;
foreach (string dir, list<string> allowed_erros,
unimportant_file_problems["directory"]:$[] , ``{
if (substring( file, 0, size(dir)) == dir)
if ( check_allowed( allowed_erros, status ))
found = true;
return ( found ) ? "directory" : "";
define string config_file_allowed( map pkg_data ) ``{
if (!pkg_data["config_file"]:false)
return "";
return check_allowed (
unimportant_file_problems ["config_file","all"]:[],
pkg_data ["status"]:"")
? "config_file" : "";
define string update_problems (string pkg_name, string file, string status)``{
boolean found = false;
map you_installed = filter (string you_installed_pkg,
list<string> allowed_erros, (map<string,list<string> >)update_problems_map,
``(substring (you_installed_pkg,0, size( pkg_name)) == pkg_name));
foreach (string you_installed_pkg, list<string> allowed_erros,
(map<string,list<string> >) you_installed, ``{
if( check_allowed( allowed_erros, status ))
found = true;
return ( found ) ? "you-installed" : "";
define string build_problems( string pkg_name, map pkg_data )``{
map org_data = initial_verified_packages[pkg_name]:$[];
if (size (filter(string key, map d, (map<string,map<any,any> >)org_data,``( d == pkg_data ))) > 0)
return "build_problems";
return "";
* Return if a package was not build correctly.
global define string GreenPackageProblems(string pkg_name, map pkg_data )``{
if (haskey (pkg_data , "green_status" ))
return pkg_data["green_status"]:"";
string green_status = "";
// set config files to green status
if ( green_status == "" )
green_status = config_file_allowed( pkg_data );
if ( green_status == "" )
green_status = update_problems (
pkg_name, pkg_data["file"]:"", pkg_data["status"]:"" );
if ( green_status == "" )
green_status = unimportant_file_type (
pkg_data["file"]:"" , pkg_data["status"]:"" );
if ( green_status == "" )
green_status = unimportant_directory (
pkg_data["file"]:"" , pkg_data["status"]:"" );
if ( green_status == "" )
green_status = build_problems( pkg_name, pkg_data );
if ( green_status != "" )
y2milestone("Found green package problems. Name of package: %1 Type: %2 File: %3 ",
pkg_name, green_status , pkg_data["file"]:"");
return green_status;
* Convert rpm output to a map.
* @param pkg_name The package name e.g.: filesystem
* @param verify_output_string The rpm output: .....UG. /etc/cups
* .M...... /proc
* @return e.g.: $["filesystem____KEY____1":
* $["config_file":false,
* "file":"/etc/cups",
* "status":".....UG."
* ],
* "filesystem____KEY____2" :$["config_file":false, "
* file":"/proc",
* "status":".M......"]]
// define boolean convert_verify_output ( string pkg_name, string verify_output_string)
global define map convert_verify_output (
string pkg_name, string verify_output_string, boolean full_list)
list pkg_data = [];
integer build_problem_counter = 0;
integer verify_output_counter = 0;
list<string> verify_output_list =
splitstring (verify_output_string , "\n");
foreach (string verify_output, verify_output_list, {
if (size (verify_output) > 1)
verify_output_counter = verify_output_counter +1 ;
string pkg_key =
sformat("%1%2%3",pkg_name, separator,verify_output_counter);
map file_data = $[];
if (substring (verify_output, 0, size(missing) ) == missing )
file_data = $[
"config_file" : issubstring (
substring (verify_output, size (missing),
findfirstof(verify_output, "/")- size(missing)),
"file" : substring (
verify_output, findfirstof(verify_output, "/")),
"status" : missing
else if (substring(verify_output, 0, size(unsatisfied ))
== unsatisfied )
file_data = $[
"config_file" : false,
"file" : substring(verify_output, size(unsatisfied)),
"status" : unsatisfied
else if (findfirstnotof(substring(verify_output,0,8), possible)
== nil )
file_data = $[
"config_file" : issubstring (
substring (verify_output, 8,
findfirstof(verify_output, "/") - 8 ),
"c" ),
"file" : substring (verify_output,
findfirstof (verify_output, "/")),
"status" : substring (verify_output, 0,8)
y2error ("unknown output");
file_data = $[ "status" : "unknown" ];
file_data ["green_status"] =
GreenPackageProblems (pkg_name, file_data);
if (file_data["green_status"]:"" != "")
build_problem_counter = build_problem_counter +1;
if (full_list || verify_output_counter <= max_files)
pkg_data = add (pkg_data, file_data);
else if (verify_output_counter == max_files + 1)
pkg_data = add (pkg_data, $["more": true]);
return $[
// false if the package was not verified successfully.
"ok" :
(build_problem_counter == verify_output_counter ||
(build_problem_counter == 0 && size(verify_output_string)<= 1)),
"verify_data" : pkg_data
global define boolean Verify (string p, string root_mountpoint) ``{
root_for_verification = root_mountpoint;
y2milestone("-----------verifying package %1", p );
OSRExecute::CommandOutput (.local.bash,
sformat("LANG=ENG /bin/rpm --root %2 -V %1", p, root_mountpoint));
y2milestone("-----------package %1 verified", p);
map converted = convert_verify_output (p, OSRExecute::stdout, false);
boolean ok = converted["ok"]:false;
verify_data = converted["verify_data"]:[];
verified_packages [p] = true;
verified_counter = verified_counter + 1;
if (!ok)
not_successful_verified = add (not_successful_verified, p);
return ok;
* Debug the verified packages informations.
global define boolean WriteVerifiedPackages( list installed, boolean debug )``{
string ypath = OSRLogFile::GetTmpDir()+ "/initial_verified_packages";
string spath = OSRLogFile::GetTmpDir()+ "/initial_verified_packages_text";
if ( OSRMode::save )
y2milestone("Try to save data of all verified packages");
// not ok packages
map t_verified_packages = filter(string pkg_name, map data,
(map<string,map<any,any> >)verified_packages, ``( data != $[] ));
// write as text file!!
foreach (string pkg_name, map<string,map<string,any> > pkg_data, (map<string, map<string,map<string,any> > >) t_verified_packages, ``{
sformat("/bin/echo %1 >> %2", pkg_name, spath));
foreach (string key, map file_data, pkg_data, ``{
WFM::Execute (.local.bash,
sformat("/bin/echo \" %1 %2 %3\" >> %4",
( file_data["config_file"]:false) ? "c" : " ",
file_data["file"]:"" , spath ));
// write as ycp-file
return WFM::Write(.local.ycp, ypath, t_verified_packages);
if (debug)
return WFM::Write(.local.ycp , ypath , verified_packages);
return true;