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228 lines
* File:
* OSRExecute.ycp
* Module:
* YaST Repair
* Summary:
* Author:
* Johannes Buchhold <jbuch@suse.de>
* $Id: OSRExecute.ycp 20450 2004-12-01 11:55:31Z jsuchome $
module "OSRExecute";
import "Mode";
import "OSRCommon";
import "OSRLogFile";
import "OSRProgress";
textdomain "repair";
global integer result = 0;
global string stdout = "";
global string stderr = "";
map result_map = $[];
define boolean exec(path environment, string commandline )``{
if ( environment == .local.bash || environment == .local.bash_output )
result_map = (map) WFM::Execute(.local.bash_output, commandline );
else if ( environment == .target.bash || environment == .target.bash_output )
result_map = (map) SCR::Execute(.target.bash_output, commandline);
y2error("OSRExecute::CommandOutput ERROR: wrong environment \"%1\", has to be .local.bash_output or .target.bash_output", environment);
return false;
result = result_map[ "exit" ]:-1;
stdout = result_map[ "stdout" ]:"";
stderr = result_map[ "stderr" ]:"";
return true;
global define void Reset()``{
result = 0;
stdout = "";
stderr = "";
result_map = $[];
define void debugResult()``{
if ( result == 0 )
y2debug("OSRExecute::CommandOutput: command succeeded: %1", result);
else if ( result == 126 )
y2debug("OSRExecute::CommandOutput: command found but not executable: %1", result);
else if ( result == 127 )
y2debug("OSRExecute::CommandOutput: command not found: %1", result);
else if ( result >= 128 )
y2debug("OSRExecute::CommandOutput: command terminates with fatal sign N (N=%1-128): %1", result);
y2debug("OSRExecute::CommandOutput: command terminates with error code %1", result);
global define void DemoExecute( integer local_result, string local_stdout, string local_stderr ) ``{
result = local_result;
stdout = local_stdout;
stderr = local_stderr;
* Executes the given commandline in a bash and writes all
* execution-information to the standard log file. This function returns all
* output from the commandline in a result map. Use these functions instead
* of directly calling the SCR or WFM agents
* (e.g. SCR::Execute(.target.bash_output, "rpm -q lilo") resp.
* WFM::(.local.bash_output, "rpm -q -r /mnt lilo"))
* to be sure to support logging correctly.
* API function.
* @param environment The environment-path, has to be .local.bash_output or
* .target.bash_output (or .local.bash resp. .target.bash)
* @param string commandline The commandline.
global define boolean CommandOutput(path environment, string commandline) ``{
if ( Mode::test () )
commandline = "/bin/echo " +
mergestring(splitstring(commandline, ";"), " ");
// accept also .local.bash and .target.bash as parameter
if ( ! exec( environment, commandline ) ) return false;
OSRLogFile::Add (
sformat("Command: %1\nstdout: %2\nstderr: %3\nexit: %4\n",
commandline, stdout, stderr, result));
return ( result == 0);
* Executes the given commandline in a bash and writes all
* execution-information to the specified logfile. Use these functions
* instead of directly calling the SCR or WFM agents
* (e.g. SCR::Execute(.target.bash, "rpm -q lilo") resp.
* WFM::(.local.bash, "rpm -q -r /mnt lilo"))
* to be sure to support logging correctly.
* API function.
* @param path environment The environment-path,
* has to be .local.bash or .target.bash
* @param string commandline The commandline.
* @param string progress_file The path of the progress file.
* @return boolean Success
* @example
* OSRExecute::CommandProgress (.local.bash, "rpm -qi -r /mnt/ lilo",
* "/tmp/progress_file");
* $ cat /tmp/osr.log
* *** /bin/rpm -qi lilo ***
* Name : lilo Relocations: (not relocateable)
* Version : 21.6 Vendor: SuSE GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany
* [...]
* SuSE series: a
* *** exit code: 0 ***
global define boolean CommandProgress(path environment, string commandline,
string progress_file ) ``{
// in test/demo-mode set "echo" in front of every commandline and delete
// all ";" from the commandline
if (Mode::test () )
commandline = "/bin/echo " +
mergestring (splitstring(commandline, ";"), " ");
else if (UI::WidgetExists(`id(`module_progress_bar )))
OSRProgress::SetLabel(`module_progress_bar, commandline );
// only use the module progress bar if a filename was specified and the
// UI interpreter supports the DownloadProgressWidget
if ((progress_file != "") && progress_file != nil
&& progress_file != OSRLogFile::GetTmpDir()
&& progress_file != OSRLogFile::GetTmpDir()+"/"
// write the specified command line to the log file and execute the
// command, write all output to the specified progress file
commandline = sformat("%1 >> %2 2>> %2", commandline, progress_file );
if ( ! exec( environment, commandline ) ) return false;
// get the output from the progress file to write it to the log file
string output_string = (string)WFM::Read(.local.string,progress_file);
OSRLogFile::Add (
sformat("Command: %1\nProgress file: %2\noutput: %3\nexit: %4\n",
commandline, progress_file, output_string, result));
// no progress file specified
if( progress_file == OSRLogFile::GetTmpDir() ||
progress_file == OSRLogFile::GetTmpDir()+"/" )
progress_file = OSRLogFile::GetTmpDir()+"/default";
commandline = sformat("%1 >> %2 2>> %2", commandline, progress_file );
if ( ! exec( environment, commandline ) ) return false;
OSRLogFile::Add (
sformat("Command: %1\nstdout: %2\nstderr: %3\nexit: %4\n",
commandline, stdout, stderr, result));
return ( result == 0);
global define string OutputFile()``{
if( OSRCommon::current_module_name != "" )
return OSRLogFile::GetTmpDir()+"/"+ OSRCommon::current_module_name;
else if ( OSRCommon::current_direct_name != "" )
return OSRLogFile::GetTmpDir()+"/"+ OSRCommon::current_direct_name;
return OSRLogFile::GetTmpDir()+"/"+ "osr_default";
* Wrapper to CommandProgress, with the use of current log file
global define boolean Command(path environment, string commandline) ``{
return CommandProgress(environment, commandline, OutputFile() );