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* File:
* OSR.ycp
* Module:
* Summary:
* Control of the automatic scan and repair sequence.
* Author:
* Johannes Buchhold <jbuch@suse.de>
* $Id: OSR.ycp 23769 2005-06-21 12:18:10Z jsuchome $
module "OSR";
import "Linuxrc";
import "Mode";
import "Stage";
import "Report";
import "OSRCommon";
import "OSRMode";
import "OSRProgress";
import "OSRSummary";
import "OSRStatus";
import "OSRLogFile";
import "OSRDirect";
textdomain "repair";
// function prototypes (needed by includes)
global define void SetReboot();
// we have to include this files, because using them as clients is not
// possible (because of passing function references)
include "repair/osr_module_init.ycp";
include "repair/osr_module_partition.ycp";
include "repair/osr_module_packages.ycp";
include "repair/osr_module_bootloader.ycp";
// ----------------------------
* Only for define ComputesDetectMethodSequence ! not global.
list<string> global_provides_list = [];
* Only for define Detect. Contains the current module index.
* osrmodule_init -> 0
* osr_module_partition -> 1
* osr_module_grub -> 2
integer index_modules = 0;
* Only for define Detect. Contains the current detection method index of a module.
* OSRPartitionCheckMBR ->0
* OSRPartitionCheckDisks -> 1
* ..
integer index_detect = 0;
* Static global_provides entries for all detection methods.
* $["root_mountpoint":"/mnt"]
map static_provides = $[];
* A map with all lists of detect-methods-entries. The function-names have to be enclosed in
* double-quoted braces!
"method": ``OSRInitInit(),
"summary":"Probing floppy"],
"method": ``OSRInitFloppy(),
"summary":"Init target system"]],
"summary":"Searching for harddisks"],
map module_detection_methods = $[];
* Contains all reset method descriptions.
* Need to reset settings for a scan and repair sequence.
map module_reset_methods = $[];
* Sequence of all rescue (detect and repair) modules
* ["osr_module_init", "osr_module_partition"]
list<string> module_sequence = [];
* Date of all rescue modules
* $["osr_module_init": $[
"provides":["has_floppy", "repair_target"],
"headline":"Partitions and filesystems",
"valid_target_list", "swap_partition_list", "valid_swap_partitions", "swapable_partitions", "fs_module_loaded", .......],
"requires":["repair_target", "has_floppy", "valid_target", "valid_target_list", "swap_partition_list", .......]
map module_maps = $[];
* Allowed back jump in a scan and repair sequence error appear.
global string next_detect_method = "";
* Maximal execution of a detect function.
* (The proper meaning is "do not run max_index_detect_loop-times", so
* the variable means "maximal execution + 1")
integer max_index_detect_loop = 3;
* Reset all.
global define void Reset()``{
global_provides_list = [];
index_detect = 0;
index_modules = 0;
module_detection_methods = $[];
module_sequence = [];
module_maps = $[];
OSRCommon::Reset ();
* Reset detect settings.
global define void ResetDetect() ``{
index_detect = 0;
index_modules = 0;
global_provides_list = [];
OSRCommon::SetGlobalProvides (static_provides);
OSRCommon::current_detect_map = $[];
OSRCommon::current_module_name = "";
* set OSRCommon::detect_group_list to []
global define void ResetDetectGroupList() {
OSRCommon::detect_group_list = [];
* return size of OSRCommon::detect_group_list
global define integer SizeDetectGroupList () {
return size (OSRCommon::detect_group_list);
* set new value for OSRCommon::detect_group_list
global define void SetDetectGroupList (list<string> gl) {
OSRCommon::detect_group_list = gl;
* get value of OSRCommon::detect_group_list
global define list<string> DetectGroupList() {
return OSRCommon::detect_group_list;
* Computes the sequence of the detection methods of a module.
define list<map> ComputesDetectMethodSequence(string module_name )``{
y2milestone("Build method sequence for module %1", module_name );
list<map> module_detect_methods =
list<string> method_requires_list = [];
integer index = 0;
list<map> ret = [];
while((index >= 0) && index < size (module_detect_methods )) {
map mm = module_detect_methods[index]:$[];
method_requires_list = mm["requires"]:[];
if ( OSRCommon::IsSubSet(method_requires_list, global_provides_list ))
// if true add this module as next module in the sequence list, remove it from the
// list of modules and decrease the size of the list
ret = add(ret, mm );
module_detect_methods = remove(module_detect_methods, index );
index = 0;
// concatenate, sort and remove duplicates of the global_provides_list and the module_provides_list
global_provides_list = (list<string>)
union (global_provides_list, mm["provides"]:[]);
index = index + 1;
// y2debug ("Detection method sequence for module %1 : %2", module_name , ret);
return ret;
* This method resolves the requirements and provides of the modules and computes
* the correct sequence of detection modules.
* @return boolean True if the module sequence was successfully created.
define boolean ComputeModuleSequence(list<string> module_name_list ) ``{
integer index = 0;
string module_name = "";
list<string> module_provides_list = [];
list<string> module_requires_list = [];
list<string> global_provides_list = [];
while ((index >= 0) && (index < size(module_name_list )))
// get the module name and its requirements
module_name = module_name_list[ index]:"";
module_requires_list = module_maps [module_name,"requires"]:[];
module_provides_list = module_maps [module_name,"provides"]:[];
// check if the requirements of the current module are resolved by the global provides
if (OSRCommon::IsSubSet (module_requires_list, (list<string>)
union (global_provides_list, module_provides_list)))
// if true add this module as next module in the sequence list, remove it from the
// list of modules and decrease the size of the list
module_sequence = add(module_sequence, module_name);
module_name_list = remove(module_name_list, index);
index = 0;
// concatenate, sort and remove duplicates of the global_provides_list and the module_provides_list
global_provides_list = (list<string>) union (global_provides_list,
index = index + 1;
if (size(module_name_list) != 0 )
y2error("ComputeModuleSequence: module(s) not added to the sequence list: %1", module_name_list);
return false;
return true;
* This method initializes the YaST OS Repair system. It is started at first and
* builds the main window, initializes the global osr_map and a lot of other data.
* For internal use only.
* @return boolean True if the initialization progress succeeded.
global define boolean Init() ``{
// set repair mode (used e.g. from Bootloader)
Mode::SetMode ("repair");
list<string> module_function_list = [
map init_functions = $[
"osr_module_init" : OSRInitInit,
"osr_module_partition" : OSRPartitionInit,
"osr_module_packages" : OSRPackagesInit,
"osr_module_bootloader" : OSRBootloaderInit
list<string> module_name_list = [];
integer index = 0;
if (( module_function_list == nil) || (size( module_function_list) == 0))
y2error("Something's wrong with the
file \"osr_module_list.ycp\".
YaST system repair halts now!");
// popup text: %1 is "System Repair" (translated)
Error during initialization.
Halting %1.
"), OSRCommon::tool_name ));
return false;
OSRLogFile::Add (sformat("List of modules:\n%1\n", module_function_list));
// execute the init-functions of all modules in the module-list
while ((index >= 0) && (index < size( module_function_list)))
// result of this evaluation is the module_map of the specific module
map result_map = $[];
if (module_function_list [index]:"" != "")
// call Init functions from all includes...
map () f = init_functions [module_function_list[index]:""]:OSRCommon::EmptyMap;
result_map = f ();
if ((result_map == nil) || (result_map == $[]))
// popup text: %1 is function name, %2 is "System Repair" (translated)
_("An error occurred during execution
of the init functions of module %1.
Halting %2.
"), module_function_list[index]:"", OSRCommon::tool_name ));
y2error("An error occurred during execution of the init-functions
of module: %1. YaST system repair halts now!",
module_function_list[index]:"" );
return false;
// the name of the current module
string module_name = result_map["name"]:"";
// add the detect-methods of the current module to the global detect-methods-map
module_reset_methods [module_name] = result_map["reset_methods"]:[];
list module_provides = [];
list module_requires = [];
foreach (map mb, result_map["detect_methods"]:[], {
module_provides = union (module_provides, mb["provides"]:[]);
module_requires = union (module_requires, mb["requires"]:[]);
result_map["provides"] = module_provides;
result_map["requires"] = module_requires;
// get the current module-name, put it to the module-list and store it in the global map
module_name_list = add(module_name_list, module_name );
static_provides = union (static_provides, result_map["static_provides"]:$[] );
OSRCommon::global_entries = union( OSRCommon::global_entries, result_map["global_entries"]:$[]);
OSRDirect::AddEntries (result_map["direct_methods"]:[],
// delete the detect_methods from the result_map (it should not appear in the osr_map)
result_map = filter (string k, any v, (map<string,any>) result_map, ``(
k != "detect_methods" &&
k != "static_provides" &&
k != "global_entries" &&
k != "direct_methods" )
// add the module_map to the global osr_map
module_maps[ module_name ] = result_map;
// increase the index counter
index = index + 1;
// Create the sequence-list of the detection-modules.
// This is the provides- and requirement-resolver.
if (! ComputeModuleSequence( module_name_list ))
y2error("Not all dependencies between the
modules successfully solved. YaST system repair halts now!");
if (! OSRMode::automatic )
// show error message and close the main window
//%1 is translation of "System Repair"
Not all dependencies between the
modules were successfully solved.
Halting %1."), OSRCommon::tool_name ));
return false;
y2milestone("Module sequence : %1", module_sequence );
return true;
* Empty term.
global define boolean osr_empty() ``{
y2error("No methods to detect ");
return false;
* Return a list of string with group names executed at the
* beginning of every Detect sequence.
define list<string> forall_groups_names()``{
// Add init groups ("mode" == "forall" ) to OSRCommon::detect_group_list
return (list<string>) maplist (string m, map vv,
filter (string k, map v, (map<string,map>)OSRCommon::global_entries, ``(
v["mode"]:"" == "forall" )),
``( m ));
* Returns if all detection groups are selected for detection.
define boolean all_groups_selected() {
return (SizeDetectGroupList () == (size(OSRCommon::global_entries) - size( forall_groups_names())));
* Returns true if the specified requires argument
* is not provided (not in the map global_provides).
define boolean requires_not_provided (list<string> requires) {
return !OSRCommon::IsSubSet (
requires, maplist (string k, any v, OSRCommon::GlobalProvides () ,``(k)));
* Returns true if all specified requires are supported
* from the selected detection groups.
define boolean requires_in_detection_group(list<string> requires )``{
boolean req_not_in_detection_group = false;
foreach (string module_name, list module_detect_list,
(map<string,list>) module_detection_methods,``{
list<map> required_module_detection_methods = (list<map>)
filter (map detect_method, (list<map>) module_detect_list, ``(
size (union (detect_method["provides"]:[], requires)) <
size (merge (detect_method["provides"]:[], requires)))
list<string> required_groups = (list<string>)
maplist (map detect_method, required_module_detection_methods, ``(
y2debug("Required module groups %1", required_groups );
if (!OSRCommon::IsSubSet (required_groups, DetectGroupList ()))
req_not_in_detection_group = true;
y2debug("Requires are not in detection group: %1",
req_not_in_detection_group );
return ! req_not_in_detection_group;
* Returns true if a detect method is not a member of a slected
* detection group. Skip detection.
define boolean skip_detect_method(map method_map )``{
// Check if only a few groups are selected -- ignore requires ( at the moment )
if ( !contains (DetectGroupList (), method_map["group"]:""))
y2milestone ("Detection method '%1' skipped (not in detection group)",
return true;
// If not all entries are selected
if (all_groups_selected ()) {
// Check if the requires for the next detection method
if ( requires_not_provided (method_map["requires"]:[] ) &&
requires_in_detection_group (method_map["requires"]:[]))
// next step can not be executed - skip execution
OSRLogFile::Add(sformat("Detection method with the summary :%1 could not be executed.
The conditions are not complied.",module_detection_methods["summary"]:""));
y2error ("Skip detection method (requires not solved ) %1",
return true;
return false;
* Reset the temporary changes.
* e.g.: Umount temporary mounted partitions ...
global define boolean ResetDetectionModules()``{
// count of executed modules
integer reset_module_index = index_modules;
// for every module
while( reset_module_index >= 0 ) {
string reset_module_name = module_sequence[reset_module_index]:"";
list<map> reset_methods = module_reset_methods[reset_module_name]:[];
integer index_reset = 0;
while( index_reset <= size( reset_methods )) {
map current_reset_map = reset_methods[index_reset]:$[];
if( current_reset_map != $[] )
if (haskey (current_reset_map , "method"))
boolean () f = current_reset_map["method"]:OSRCommon::False;
if (f())
y2milestone("%1 : was successfull",
y2milestone("%1 : was not successfull",
index_reset = index_reset + 1;
reset_module_index = reset_module_index -1;
return true;
* Go back to a previous detection method.
* e.g. if a error can not repaired.
define boolean back2status_detect_method_name()``{
if( OSRStatus::next_detect_method_name == "")
return false;
integer i_modules = 0;
integer i_detect = 0;
while (i_modules < size(module_sequence))
string c_module_name = module_sequence[ i_modules ]:"";
list<map> d_methods = ComputesDetectMethodSequence(c_module_name );
while(( i_detect >= 0) && ( i_detect < size(d_methods)))
map c_detect_map = d_methods [i_detect]:$[];
if (OSRStatus::next_detect_method_name == c_detect_map["name"]:"")
index_modules = i_modules;
index_detect = i_detect;
return true;
i_detect = i_detect +1;
i_modules = i_modules +1 ;
y2error("Next detection method name not found");
return false;
* Count of all detection methods.
define integer DetectionMethodesCount()``{
integer number_of_detection_methods = 0;
if (size( module_sequence ) > 0)
list<string> detect_list = DetectGroupList ();
foreach (string mod, module_sequence, ``{
// count the total number of detection methods
number_of_detection_methods = number_of_detection_methods + size (
filter (map v, module_detection_methods[mod]:[], ``(
contains (detect_list, v["group"]:"" ))
y2error("The sequence of the modules is empty.");
return number_of_detection_methods;
* This is the main detection method. It looks for the module_sequence and
* executes all detection methods from the forthcoming modules.
* @return boolean True if the detection progress succeeded.
define symbol detect() ``{
integer old_detect_size = 0;
if (!OSRCommon::IsSubSet (forall_groups_names(), DetectGroupList ()))
SetDetectGroupList ((list<string>) merge (
forall_groups_names(), DetectGroupList ()));
if ( size( module_sequence ) <= 0 )
y2error("List module_sequence is empty: %1. YaST system repair halts now!", module_sequence);
return `error;
// Set the global progressbar steps count
if ( index_modules == 0 )
OSRProgress::SetSteps(`global_progress_bar, DetectionMethodesCount());
// For every repair module
while (index_modules < size(module_sequence))
OSRCommon::current_module_name = module_sequence [ index_modules ]:"";
OSRCommon::current_direct_name = "";
y2milestone("The name of the current module is: %1",
OSRCommon::current_module_name );
map module_map= module_maps [ OSRCommon::current_module_name ]:$[];
// sort the detect method sequence
list<map> detect_methods = ComputesDetectMethodSequence (
if (index_detect == old_detect_size)
index_detect = 0;
old_detect_size = size(detect_methods);
if (index_detect == 0)
OSRProgress::SetSteps (`module_progress_bar, size(detect_methods));
// Execute all detect-functions of the specified module
integer index_detect_loop_counter = 0;
integer last_index_detect = index_detect;
while (( index_detect >= 0) && ( index_detect < size(detect_methods)))
// Poll user input
if (!OSRMode::script)
symbol ret = (symbol) UI::PollInput();
if (ret == `pause || ret == `cancel || ret == `abort ||
ret == `details )
return ret;
OSRCommon::current_detect_map = detect_methods[index_detect]:$[];
y2milestone("The name of the current detect method is: %1",
if (OSRCommon::current_detect_map["name"]:"" == "")
y2warning ("detect map: %1", OSRCommon::current_detect_map);
// check call count - no endless loop
if (index_detect != last_index_detect )
last_index_detect = index_detect;
index_detect_loop_counter = index_detect_loop_counter +1;
// check skip
if (skip_detect_method(OSRCommon::current_detect_map) ||
index_detect_loop_counter == max_index_detect_loop )
index_detect = index_detect + 1;
if ( index_detect == size( detect_methods ))
index_modules = index_modules +1 ;
index_detect = 0;
return `restart;
// Init module progress bar (DownloadProgress widget)
OSRSummary::PrepareNewEntry(OSRCommon::current_detect_map );
// evaluate the functions and get the result_map
// ret is boolean and not used at the moment
if (haskey (OSRCommon::current_detect_map, "method"))
boolean () f =
f ();
// Analyse the status set by one detection method
if ((OSRStatus::IsStatusDetectError() &&
OSRStatus::IsErrorSeverityBlocking()) ||
(OSRStatus::IsStatusRepairError() &&
OSRStatus::IsErrorSeverityBlocking()) ||
(OSRStatus::IsStatusRepairOmit() &&
OSRStatus::IsErrorSeverityBlocking()) ||
OSRStatus::IsStatusExit() ||
// RepairError & ErrorSeverityBlocking:
// if a blocking error was detected but the repair method failed
// halt the rescue system
// DetectError & ErrorSeverityBlocking:
// if a blocking error was detected but no repair method started
// halt the rescue system
// RepairOmit & ErrorSeverityBlocking:
// if a blocking error was detected but the user omitted repair
// halt the rescue system
// Exit:
// if a blocking error was detected exit the rescue system,
// e.g. if no harddisks were detected
y2milestone("A blocking error was detected. YaST system repair halts now!");
OSRProgress::Fill (`global_progress_bar);
if( back2status_detect_method_name())
return `restart;
return (OSRStatus::IsCancel()) ? `back : `error;
else if ( ( OSRStatus::IsStatusDetectError() &&
OSRStatus::IsErrorSeverityModuleBlocking()) ||
( OSRStatus::IsStatusRepairError() &&
OSRStatus::IsErrorSeverityModuleBlocking()) ||
( OSRStatus::IsStatusRepairOmit() &&
- DetectError & SeverityModuleBlocking:
if a module-blocking error was detected but no repair
method started
- RepairError & SeverityModuleBlocking:
if a module-blocking error was detected but the repair
method failed
- RepairOmit & SeverityModuleBlocking:
if the user omitted repairing a module-blocking error
-> execute no further detection methods from the current
module and jump to the next detection module
// adjust the value of the global progress bar
while (index_detect < size(detect_methods))
index_detect = index_detect + 1;
else if ( OSRStatus::IsStatusDetectOK () ||
OSRStatus::IsStatusDetectOmit() ||
OSRStatus::IsStatusNotFound() ||
OSRStatus::IsStatusDetectError() ||
OSRStatus::IsStatusDetectProblem() ||
- DetectOK:
no error detected
- DetectProblem:
potential problem detected and no repair method started
- RepairOmit:
user omitted repairing a "normal" error
-> go to the next detection method
// TODO no restarting is done here, so why is DetectError here?
// DetectError:
// if a "normal" error was detected but no repair method started
// restart the current detection method
index_detect = index_detect + 1;
else if (OSRStatus::IsStatusRepairOK() ||
OSRStatus::IsStatusRepairError() )
- RepairError:
repair-method was not successfull
- RepairOK:
all detected errors were repaired
->restart detect
y2milestone ("restarting detection method after repair");
NOTE: detection is restarted only once - see above check
"index_detect_loop_counter == max_index_detect_loop"
else if ( OSRStatus::IsOpen() )
y2milestone("no status set in detection method: %1 (group %2)",
index_detect = index_detect + 1;
y2error("not a valid status: %1", OSRStatus::status );
if (back2status_detect_method_name())
OSRCommon::current_detect_map = $[];
return `restart;
OSRCommon::current_detect_map = $[];
// fill the module-progress-bar to 100%, if not already done
y2milestone("Finished module with the name %1",
OSRCommon::current_module_name = "";
// go to the next module
index_modules = index_modules + 1;
// fill up the global-progress-bar to 100%, this can be necessary
// because of arithmetic rounding problems
return `detectok;
* Start detection loop.
global define symbol Detect()``{
symbol ret = `restart;
while( ret == `restart ) {
ret = detect();
return ret;
* Sort the sequence of all detection methods of the
* specified group.
define list<map> SortGroupSequence (map groups) ``{
list<map> ret = [];
list<string> g_list = [];
foreach (string module_name, module_sequence, ``{
list<map> detect_methods = ComputesDetectMethodSequence(module_name );
foreach(map method, detect_methods, ``{
if (!contains( g_list, method["group"]:"" ))
g_list = add (g_list , method["group"]:"");
foreach(string group, g_list, ``{
ret = add( ret, add( groups[group]:$[], "key", group ));
return ret;
* Count of all reset Methods.
define integer ResetMethodesCount()``{
integer number_of_reset_methods = 0;
foreach (string mod, module_sequence, ``{
number_of_reset_methods = number_of_reset_methods +
size(module_reset_methods[mod]:[] );
return number_of_reset_methods;
* Build item list with all group items.
* @param mode if all entries should be checked ('Select all')
global define list<term> GroupItems(boolean mode)``{
list<term> entries = [];
foreach (map d, SortGroupSequence( OSRCommon::global_entries ), ``{
if (SizeDetectGroupList () > 0)
mode = contains (DetectGroupList (), d["key"]:"");
if (d["mode"]:"" != "forall" && d["key"]:"" != "" && d["text"]:"" != "")
entries = add (entries, `item(`id(d["key"]:""), d["text"]:"",mode));
else if( d["mode"]:"" != "forall" )
y2error("Key not valid ('%1') or text entry ('%2') is empty",
d["key"]:"", d["text"]:"");
return entries;
global define void SelectDefaultDetectGroups()``{
SetDetectGroupList (maplist (map vv,
filter (map v, SortGroupSequence (OSRCommon::global_entries), ``(
v["selected"]:true == true)),
* check the dependencies for seleced detect groups
global define list<string> CheckGroupRequires()``{
list<string> ret = [];
boolean again = true;
while ( again )
boolean found = false;
foreach (string group, DetectGroupList (), {
list<string> requires = (list<string>)
foreach (string req, requires, {
if (!contains (OSRCommon::detect_group_list, req))
if (!contains(ret, req))
ret = (list<string>) toset(add(ret, req));
found = true;
if (found)
SetDetectGroupList ((list<string>) union (DetectGroupList (), ret));
again = true;
again = false;
return ret;
* Prepare for reboot system
global define void SetReboot()``{
if ( Stage::initial () )
Linuxrc::WriteYaSTInf($["Root" : "reboot", "RebootMsg" : "0"]);
y2milestone ( "Make a hard reboot" );