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658 lines
* Module: Set new PCI ID for kernel drivers
* Author: Ladislav Slezak <lslezak@suse.cz>
* $Id: NewID.ycp 33530 2006-10-20 11:08:26Z lslezak $
* Manage new PCI IDs for kernel drivers
import "String";
import "Report";
import "ModuleLoading";
import "Linuxrc";
import "FileUtils";
include "hwinfo/routines.ycp";
module "NewID";
textdomain "tune";
// list of configured PCI IDs
list< map<string,any> > new_ids = nil;
list< map<string,any> > removed_ids = [];
// cache .probe.pci values
list<map> pcidevices = nil;
boolean refresh_proposal = false;
string configfile = "/etc/sysconfig/hardware/newids";
global define list<map> GetPCIdevices() {
if (pcidevices == nil)
// initialize list
pcidevices = (list<map>)SCR::Read(.probe.pci);
// still nil, set to empty - avoid reprobing next time
if (pcidevices == nil)
pcidevices = [];
return pcidevices;
global define void AddID(map<string,string> new_id) {
// initialize list if needed
if (new_ids == nil)
new_ids = [];
if (new_id != nil && new_id != $[])
if (new_ids == nil)
new_ids = [ new_id ];
refresh_proposal = true;
if (contains(removed_ids, new_id))
// remove added id from removed list
removed_ids = filter(map<string,any> i, removed_ids, {return i != new_id;});
else if (!contains(new_ids, new_id))
new_ids = add(new_ids, new_id);
refresh_proposal = true;
global define void RemoveID(integer index) {
map<string,any> removed_id = new_ids[index]:$[];
new_ids = remove(new_ids, index);
refresh_proposal = true;
// add to removed
if (removed_id != nil && removed_id != $[] && !contains(removed_ids, removed_id))
removed_ids = add(removed_ids, removed_id);
if (contains(new_ids, removed_id))
// remove deleted id from list of new
new_ids = filter(map<string,any> i, new_ids, {return i != removed_id;});
global define list< map<string,any> > GetNewIDs() {
return new_ids;
global define map<string,any> GetNewID(integer index) {
return new_ids[index]:$[];
global define void SetNewID(map<string,any> nid, integer index) {
new_ids[index] = nid;
refresh_proposal = true;
global define boolean RefreshProposal() {
return refresh_proposal;
global define boolean Read(string filename) {
if (filename != nil && filename != "")
new_ids = [];
// read file
string file = nil;
if (FileUtils::Exists(filename)) {
file = (string) SCR::Read(.target.string, filename);
} else {
y2milestone("File %1 does not exist yet", filename);
if (file == nil)
return false;
list<string> lines = splitstring(file, "\n");
y2debug("lines: %1", lines);
list<string> comment = [];
// parse lines
foreach(string line, lines, {
line = String::CutBlanks(line);
if (regexpmatch(line, "^#.*"))
// line is a comment
comment = add(comment, line);
list<string> parts = splitstring(line, ",");
string driver = parts[1]:nil;
string sysdir = parts[2]:nil;
// parse newid line
// replace tabs by spaces
line = mergestring(splitstring(parts[0]:"", "\t"), " ");
list<string> idparts = splitstring(line, " ");
idparts = filter(string part, idparts, {return part != nil && part != "";});
string vendor = idparts[0]:nil;
string device = idparts[1]:nil;
string subvendor = idparts[2]:nil;
string subdevice = idparts[3]:nil;
string class = idparts[4]:nil;
string class_mask = idparts[5]:nil;
string driver_data = idparts[6]:nil;
map<string,any> newid = $[];
// search for existing PCI card if class is not specified
if (class_mask == nil && class == nil && vendor != nil && device != nil)
integer vid = nil;
integer did = nil;
integer svid = nil;
integer sdid = nil;
if (vendor != nil)
vid = tointeger((!has_hex_prefix(vendor)) ? "0x" + vendor : vendor);
if (device != nil)
did = tointeger((!has_hex_prefix(device)) ? "0x" + device : device);
if (subvendor != nil)
svid = tointeger((!has_hex_prefix(subvendor)) ? "0x" + subvendor : subvendor);
if (subdevice != nil)
sdid = tointeger((!has_hex_prefix(subdevice)) ? "0x" + subdevice : subdevice);
y2debug("vid: %1", vid);
y2debug("did: %1", did);
y2debug("svid: %1", svid);
y2debug("sdid: %1", sdid);
foreach(map dev, GetPCIdevices(), {
// check ID
if (vid == dev["vendor_id"]:0 - 0x10000 && did == dev["device_id"]:0 - 0x10000)
// some devices don't have subdevice, subvendor
if (haskey(dev, "sub_vendor_id") && haskey(dev, "sub_device_id"))
if (svid == dev["sub_vendor_id"]:0 - 0x10000 && sdid == dev["sub_device_id"]:0 - 0x10000)
newid["uniq"] = dev["unique_key"]:"";
newid["uniq"] = dev["unique_key"]:"";
if (!haskey(newid, "uniq"))
if (vendor != nil) newid["vendor"] = vendor;
if (device != nil) newid["device"] = device;
if (subvendor != nil) newid["subvendor"] = subvendor;
if (subdevice != nil) newid["subdevice"] = subdevice;
if (class != nil) newid["class"] = class;
if (class_mask != nil) newid["class_mask"] = class_mask;
if (driver_data != nil) newid["driver_data"] = driver_data;
if (driver != nil) newid["driver"] = driver;
if (sysdir != nil) newid["sysdir"] = sysdir;
if (size(comment) > 0) newid["comment"] = comment;
y2milestone("read newid: %1", newid);
if (newid != $[])
new_ids = add(new_ids, newid);
comment = [];
y2milestone("Read settings: %1", new_ids);
return true;
return false;
* Prepend option to PCI ID string, use default value if required
* @param newopt Prepend this option
* @param opts Already existing option string
* @param defval Default value, used when newopt is empty
define string prepend_option(string newopt, string opts, string defval) {
if (opts == "" && newopt == "")
return "";
if (size(opts) > 0)
return ((size(newopt) > 0) ? newopt : defval) + " " + opts;
return newopt;
global define map AddIDs(map id)
map newid = id;
if (haskey(newid, "uniq"))
// add device/vendor values from PCI scan for selected PCI device
foreach(map pcidev, GetPCIdevices(), {
if (pcidev["unique_key"]:"" == newid["uniq"]:"")
y2debug("Found PCI device: %1", pcidev);
// libhd uses 0x10000 offset for PCI devices
if (haskey(pcidev, "device_id"))
newid["device"] = tohexstring(pcidev["device_id"]:0 - 0x10000);
if (haskey(pcidev, "sub_device_id"))
newid["subdevice"] = tohexstring(pcidev["sub_device_id"]:0 - 0x10000);
if (haskey(pcidev, "vendor_id"))
newid["vendor"] = tohexstring(pcidev["vendor_id"]:0 - 0x10000);
if (haskey(pcidev, "sub_vendor_id"))
newid["subvendor"] = tohexstring(pcidev["sub_vendor_id"]:0 - 0x10000);
return newid;
define string FormatActivationString(map newid)
// create ID string which is passed to the driver
string ret = "";
string pci_any_id = "ffffffff";
string default_class = "0";
string default_mask = "0";
if (haskey(newid, "uniq"))
newid = AddIDs(newid);
ret = prepend_option(remove_hex_prefix(newid["class_mask"]:""), ret, default_mask);
ret = prepend_option(remove_hex_prefix(newid["class"]:""), ret, default_class);
ret = prepend_option(remove_hex_prefix(newid["subdevice"]:""), ret, pci_any_id);
ret = prepend_option(remove_hex_prefix(newid["subvendor"]:""), ret, pci_any_id);
ret = prepend_option(remove_hex_prefix(newid["device"]:""), ret, pci_any_id);
ret = prepend_option(remove_hex_prefix(newid["vendor"]:""), ret, pci_any_id);
return ret;
* Activate value stored in the internal list
* @return boolean True if all settings were successfuly set
global define boolean Activate() {
boolean ret = true;
if (new_ids != nil)
foreach(map newid, new_ids, {
string modulename = newid["driver"]:"";
string sysdir = newid["sysdir"]:"";
// load kernel module if it isn't already loaded
if (modulename != nil && modulename != "")
ModuleLoading::Load(modulename, "", // TODO allow setting of module args?
// vendor is empty, device name is unknown
"", _("Unknown device"), Linuxrc::manual(), true);
if (sysdir == nil || sysdir == "")
sysdir = modulename;
string targetfile = sformat("/sys/bus/pci/drivers/%1/new_id", sysdir);
// create ID string passed to the driver
string idstring = FormatActivationString(newid);
// check whether target file exists
integer filesize = (integer) SCR::Read(.target.size, targetfile);
if (filesize >= 0)
// set the new value
boolean set = (integer) SCR::Execute(.target.bash, sformat("echo '%1' > %2", idstring, targetfile)) == 0;
if (!set)
y2error("Setting the new id failed: driver: %1, value: %2", targetfile, idstring);
ret = false;
y2milestone("File %1 - new PCI ID '%2' was succesfully set", targetfile, idstring);
// Error message
Report::Error(sformat(_("File '%1' does not exist. Cannot set new PCI ID."), targetfile));
ret = false;
return ret;
define string HwcfgFileName(map newid) {
string ret = "";
if (haskey(newid, "uniq"))
newid = AddIDs(newid);
string vendor = remove_hex_prefix(newid["vendor"]:"");
string device = remove_hex_prefix(newid["device"]:"");
if (size(vendor) > 0 && size(device) > 0)
ret = sformat("vpid-%1-%2", vendor, device);
string subvendor = remove_hex_prefix(newid["subvendor"]:"");
string subdevice = remove_hex_prefix(newid["subdevice"]:"");
if (size(subvendor) > 0 && size(subdevice) > 0)
ret = sformat("%1-%2-%3", ret, subvendor, subdevice);
y2debug("activation string: %1", ret);
return ret;
define boolean WriteHwcfg(map newid) {
boolean ret = false;
string cfgname = HwcfgFileName(newid);
string driver = newid["driver"]:"";
y2debug("newid: %1", newid);
y2debug("cfgname: %1", cfgname);
y2debug("driver: %1", driver);
if (cfgname != "" && driver != "")
// prepare hwcfg values
string startmode = "auto";
string module_options = "";
path p = .sysconfig.hardware.value + topath(cfgname);
// write the values
SCR::Write(p + .MODULE, driver);
SCR::Write(p + .STARTMODE, startmode);
SCR::Write(p + .MODULE_OPTIONS, module_options);
// flush the changes
SCR::Write(.sysconfig.hardware, nil);
return ret;
define boolean RemoveExistingFile(string fname)
boolean ret = true;
if (fname != nil && fname != "")
// remove old config file if it exists
if (SCR::Read(.target.size, fname) > 0)
integer res = (integer) SCR::Execute(.target.bash, "/bin/rm " + fname);
if (res != 0)
y2warning("Removing of file %1 has failed, exit: %2", fname, res);
y2milestone("Removed file: %1", fname);
return ret;
global define boolean Write() {
y2milestone("Writing PCI ID cofiguration...");
boolean ret = true;
// content of /etc/sysconfig/hardware/newids
string sysconfig = "";
// map ID commands to driver
map<string,list<string> > settings = $[];
// handle removed configurations - remove all modprobe entries
if (size(removed_ids) > 0)
list<string> drvs = SCR::Dir(.modprobe_newid.install);
if (drvs != nil && size(drvs) > 0)
foreach(string d, drvs, {
SCR::Write(add(.modprobe_newid.install, d), nil);
if (new_ids != nil)
foreach(map newid, new_ids, {
string modulename = newid["driver"]:"";
string sysdir = newid["sysdir"]:"";
string idstring = FormatActivationString(newid);
// write settings to /etc/modprobe.d/newid if the module is known
// (the module is not compiled into the kernel)
if (modulename != "")
string targetfile = (sysdir != "") ? sysdir : modulename;
string install_string = sformat("echo '%1' > /sys/bus/pci/drivers/%2/new_id", idstring, targetfile);
list<string> current = settings[modulename]:[];
current = add(current, install_string);
settings[modulename] = current;
// write hwcfg file to load the driver
// add to /etc/sysconfig/hardware/newids
if (haskey(newid, "comment"))
// add the comment
sysconfig = sysconfig + mergestring(newid["comment"]:[], "\n") + "\n";
sysconfig = sysconfig + idstring + "," + modulename;
if (sysdir != "")
sysconfig = sysconfig + "," + sysdir;
// add trailing newline
sysconfig = sysconfig + "\n";
// write sysconfig settings
if (size(sysconfig) > 0)
// write sysconfig file
ret = ret && (boolean) SCR::Write(.target.string, configfile, sysconfig);
// remove old config file if it exists
// write modprobe settings
if (size(settings) > 0)
foreach(string modulename, list<string> values, settings, {
string install_string = sformat("/sbin/modprobe --ignore-install %1; %2", modulename, mergestring(values, "; "));
ret = ret && (boolean) SCR::Write(add(.modprobe_newid.install, modulename), install_string);
// flush changes
SCR::Write(.modprobe_newid, nil);
// handle removed configurations - remove hwcfg files
if (size(removed_ids) > 0)
foreach(map<string,any> rem, removed_ids, {
string fname = HwcfgFileName(rem);
if (fname != "")
// remove the file
fname = "/etc/sysconfig/hardware/hwcfg-" + fname;
return ret;
global define string GetModelString(string uniq) {
string ret = "";
foreach(map d, GetPCIdevices(), {
if (d["unique_key"]:"" == uniq)
ret = d["model"]:"";
return ret;
* Return new ID description
* @return list(string) list of hardware desciptions
global define list<string> MakeProposal() ``{
list<string> ret = [];
if (size(new_ids) > 0)
foreach(map newid, new_ids, {
string modulename = newid["driver"]:"";
string sysdir = newid["sysdir"]:"";
string idstring = FormatActivationString(newid);
string targetfile = (sysdir != "") ? sysdir : modulename;
// test for installation proposal
// %1 - name of kernel driver (e.g. e100)
// %2 - PCI ID (hexnumbers)
string info = sformat(_("Driver: %1, New PCI ID: %2"), targetfile, idstring);
if (haskey(newid, "uniq"))
string model = GetModelString(newid["uniq"]:"");
if (model != nil && model != "")
info = info + sformat(" (%1)", model);
ret = add(ret, info);
y2milestone("NewID proposal: %1", ret);
// proposal is valid
refresh_proposal = false;
return ret;