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243 lines
* Module: ModuleLoading.ycp
* Authors: Klaus Kaempf <kkaempf@suse.de> (initial)
* Purpose:
* This module does all module loading stuff.
* $Id: ModuleLoading.ycp 25850 2005-10-10 13:38:49Z mvidner $
module "ModuleLoading";
textdomain "base";
import "Mode";
// import "Initrd";
import "Label";
string vendor_name = "";
string device_name = "";
* @param map controller
* @returns list [string vendor, string device]
* Convert internal probing data to user readable string
* for module loading.
* @see ModuleLoading::Load
global define list prepareVendorDeviceInfo (map controller)
// build up vendor/device information
// if vendor not given, try sub_vendor
string controller_vendor = controller["vendor"]:(controller["sub_vendor"]:"");
if (controller_vendor != "")
string controller_sub_vendor = controller["sub_vendor"]:"";
if (controller_sub_vendor != "")
controller_vendor = controller_vendor
+ "\n("
+ controller_sub_vendor
+ ")";
// if device not given, try sub_device
string controller_device = controller["device"]:(controller["sub_device"]:"");
if (controller_device != "")
string controller_sub_device = controller["sub_device"]:"";
if (controller_sub_device != "")
controller_device = controller_device
+ "\n("
+ controller_sub_device
+ ")";
return [controller_vendor, controller_device];
* Cache for MarkedAsBroken
list<string> broken_modules = nil;
* Is the module marked as broken in install.inf? (BrokenModules)
* #97655
* @param mod module
* @return broken?
boolean MarkedAsBroken (string mod) {
if (broken_modules == nil)
string bms = (string)SCR::Read (.etc.install_inf.BrokenModules);
if (bms == nil)
bms = "";
broken_modules = splitstring (bms, " ");
return contains (broken_modules, mod);
* @param string modulename
* @param string moduleargs
* @param string vendorname
* @param string devicename
* @param boolean ask_before_loading
* @param boolean with_modprobe
* @returns symbol: `dont user choose *not* to load module
* `ok module loaded ok
* `fail module loading failed
* load a module if not already loaded by linuxrc
global define symbol Load (string modulename, string moduleargs,
string vendorname, string devicename,
boolean ask_before_loading, boolean with_modprobe)
if ((modulename != "")
// there is no reason for checking initrd, if I need the module to get loaded, I just need to
// check if it isn't already loaded
// && (!contains (Initrd::ListModules (), modulename))
&& !Mode::test ())
// always look whether the module is already loaded
map loaded_modules = (map) SCR::Read(.proc.modules);
if (size (loaded_modules[modulename]:$[]) > 0)
// already loaded
return `ok;
// sformat( _("Loading module %1"), modulename);
// #97655
if (MarkedAsBroken (modulename))
y2milestone ("In BrokenModules, skipping: %1", modulename);
return `dont;
if (ask_before_loading && !Mode::autoinst())
UI::OpenDialog(`opt(`decorated, `centered),
`HBox (
`HCenter (
`VBox (
`HCenter (
// Popup-Box for manual driver installation.
// If the user selects 'manual installation' when
// booting from CD, YaST2 does not load any modules
// automatically, but asks the user for confirmation
// about every module.
// The popup box informs the user about the detected
// hardware and suggests a module to load.
// The user can confirm the module or change
// the suggested load command
// This is the heading of the popup box
`Left(`Heading(_("Confirm driver activation"))),
// This is in information message. Next come the
// vendor and device information strings as stored
// in the hardware-probing database.
`Left(`Label(_("YaST2 detected the following device"))),
// Caption for Textentry with module information
`Left(`TextEntry(`id(`mod_name), _("&Driver/Module to load"), modulename+" "+moduleargs))
`HWeight( 1, `PushButton(`id(`ok_msg), `opt(`default), Label::OKButton())),
`HWeight( 1, `PushButton(`id(`cancel_msg), Label::CancelButton()))
UI::SetFocus (`id(`ok_msg));
symbol ret = (symbol) UI::UserInput();
if (ret == `ok_msg)
string module_data = (string) UI::QueryWidget(`id(`mod_name), `Value);
if (size (module_data) > 0)
// skip leading spaces
integer firstspace = findfirstnotof (module_data, " ");
if (firstspace != nil)
module_data = substring (module_data, firstspace);
// split name and args
firstspace = findfirstof (module_data, " ");
if (firstspace == nil)
modulename = module_data;
moduleargs = "";
modulename = substring (module_data, 0, firstspace);
moduleargs = substring (module_data, firstspace+1);
if (ret == `cancel_msg)
y2milestone ("NOT loaded module %1 %2", modulename, moduleargs);
return `dont;
} // ask_before_loading
boolean load_success = false;
if (with_modprobe)
load_success = (boolean) SCR::Execute(.target.modprobe, modulename, moduleargs);
load_success = (boolean) SCR::Execute(.target.insmod, modulename, moduleargs);
if (load_success == nil)
load_success = false;
y2milestone ("Loaded module %1 %2 %3", modulename, moduleargs, load_success?"Ok":"Failed");
return (load_success?`ok:`fail);