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545 lines
* File: modules/IscsiClient.ycp
* Package: Configuration of iscsi-client
* Summary: IscsiClient settings, input and output functions
* Authors: Michal Zugec <mzugec@suse.cz>
* $Id: IscsiClient.ycp 31393 2006-06-08 13:37:10Z mzugec $
* Representation of the configuration of iscsi-client.
* Input and output routines.
module "IscsiClient";
textdomain "iscsi-client";
import "Progress";
import "Report";
import "Summary";
import "Message";
import "Service";
import "Package";
import "Popup";
import "Stage";
import "Confirm";
global list <string> sessions = [];
global list <string> discovered = [];
global list <string> targets = [];
boolean serviceStatus = false;
map<string, any> config = $[];
// get accessor for service status
global boolean GetStartService() {
boolean status = Service::Enabled("open-iscsi");
y2milestone("Status of open-iscsi %1", status);
return status;
// set accessor for service status
global void SetStartService(boolean status) {
y2milestone("Set status of open-iscsi to %1", status);
if (status == true) Service::Enable("open-iscsi");
else Service::Disable("open-iscsi");
// read configuration file
global list <map<string, any> > getConfig(){
config = (map<string, any>) SCR::Read(.etc.iscsid.all);
y2milestone("read config %1", config);
return config["value"]:[];
// write temporary changed old config
global void oldConfig(){
y2milestone("Store temporary config");
SCR::Write(.etc.iscsid.all, config);
global map<string, any> getNode(string rec){
map<string, any> cmd = (map<string, any>)SCR::Execute(.target.bash_output, "iscsiadm -S -m node -r $REC", $["REC":rec]);
// y2internal("getting record ... %1", cmd);
if (cmd["exit"]:0!=0) return $[];
map<string, any> auth = $[];
foreach(string row, splitstring(cmd["stdout"]:"", "\n"), {
string key = splitstring(row," = ")[0]:"";
string val = splitstring(row," = ")[3]:"";
if(val == "<empty>") val="";
// y2internal("%1", auth);
return auth;
// create map from given map in format needed by ini-agent
map<string, any> createMap(map<string, any> old_map, list<string> comments)
string comment = "";
foreach(string row, comments, {
comment = sformat("%1%2", comment, row);
return $[ "name":old_map["KEY"]:"",
// add or modify given map
list <map<string, any> > setOrAdd(list <map<string, any> > old_list, string key, string value){
list <map<string, any> > new_list = [];
boolean found = false;
foreach(map<string, any> row, old_list, {
if (row["name"]:"" == key){
found = true;
row["value"] = value;
new_list = add(new_list, row);
if (!found) new_list = add(new_list, createMap($["KEY":key, "VALUE":value], []) );
return new_list;
// delete record with given key
list <map<string, any> > delete(list <map<string, any> > old_list, string key){
y2milestone("Delete record for %1", key);
list <map<string, any> > new_list = [];
foreach(map<string, any> row, old_list, {
if (row["name"]:"" != key) new_list = add(new_list, row);
return new_list;
// temporary change config for discovery authentication
global void saveConfig(string user_in, string pass_in, string user_out, string pass_out){
y2milestone("Save config");
map<string, any> tmp_conf = config;
list <map<string, any> > tmp_val = tmp_conf["value"]:[];
if ((size(user_in)>0)&&(size(pass_in)>0)) {
tmp_val = setOrAdd(tmp_val, "node.session.auth.username", user_in);
tmp_val = setOrAdd(tmp_val, "node.session.auth.password", pass_in);
else {
tmp_val = delete(tmp_val, "node.session.auth.username");
tmp_val = delete(tmp_val, "node.session.auth.password");
if ((size(user_out)>0)&&(size(pass_out)>0)) {
tmp_val = setOrAdd(tmp_val, "discovery.sendtargets.auth.authmethod", "CHAP");
tmp_val = setOrAdd(tmp_val, "discovery.sendtargets.auth.username", user_out);
tmp_val = setOrAdd(tmp_val, "discovery.sendtargets.auth.password", pass_out);
else {
tmp_val = delete(tmp_val, "discovery.sendtargets.auth.authmethod");
tmp_val = delete(tmp_val, "discovery.sendtargets.auth.username");
tmp_val = delete(tmp_val, "discovery.sendtargets.auth.password");
tmp_conf["value"] = tmp_val;
SCR::Write(.etc.iscsid.all, tmp_conf);
SCR::Write(.etc.iscsid, nil);
* Prototypes
global boolean Modified();
* Data was modified?
global boolean modified = false;
global boolean proposal_valid = false;
* Write only, used during autoinstallation.
* Don't run services and SuSEconfig, it's all done at one place.
global boolean write_only = false;
* Abort function
* return boolean return true if abort
global boolean() AbortFunction = Modified;
* Abort function
* @return boolean return true if abort
global define boolean Abort() ``{
if(AbortFunction != nil)
return AbortFunction () == true;
return false;
* Data was modified?
* @return true if modified
global boolean Modified() {
return modified;
// get all discovered targets
global list<string> getDiscovered(){
map<string, any> retcode = (map<string, any>)SCR::Execute(.target.bash_output, "iscsiadm -m node");
if (size(retcode["stderr"]:"")>0) {
} else
discovered = filter(string row, splitstring(retcode["stdout"]:"", "\n"), {
return ( size(row)>0 && (search(row, "session")==nil) );
y2milestone("Discovered sessions %1", discovered);
return discovered;
// get all connected targets
global boolean readSessions(){
y2milestone("reading current settings");
map<string, any> retcode = (map<string, any>)SCR::Execute(.target.bash_output, "iscsiadm -m session");
if (size(retcode["stderr"]:"")>0) return false;
//y2internal("retcode %1", retcode);
sessions = filter(string row, splitstring(retcode["stdout"]:"", "\n"), {
return ( size(row)>0 && (search(row, "session")==nil) );
y2milestone("Return list from iscsiadm -m session: %1", sessions);
return true;
// check initiatorname if exist, if no - create it
global boolean checkInitiatorName(){
boolean ret=true;
string file="/etc/initiatorname.iscsi";
y2milestone("Check %1", file);
if (size((map<string, any>)SCR::Read (.target.lstat, file)) == 0){
y2milestone("%1 not exist, create", file);
map<string, any> output = (map<string, any>)SCR::Execute (.target.bash_output,
"/sbin/iscsi-iname -p iqn.`date +%Y-%m`.de.suse:01", $[]);
if (size(output["stderr"]:"")==0){
ret = (boolean)SCR::Write (.target.string, file, sformat("InitiatorName=%1", output["stdout"]:""));
SCR::Execute (.target.bash, "chmod 0600 $FILE" ,$["FILE":file]);
} else ret = false;
return ret;
// check if package open-iscsi is installed
boolean installed_packages(){
y2milestone("Check if open-iscsi package installed");
boolean ret = false;
if( !Package::InstallMsg( "open-iscsi",
_("<p>To configure the iSCSI initiator, the <b>%1</b> package must be installed.</p>") +
_("<p>Install it now?</p>")) )
Popup::Error( Message::CannotContinueWithoutPackagesInstalled() );
} else ret = true;
return ret;
// delete deiscovered target from database
global boolean deleteRecord(string record){
boolean ret = true;
y2milestone("Delete record %1", record);
map<string, any> retcode = (map<string, any>)SCR::Execute(.target.bash_output, sformat("iscsiadm -m node -r %1 --logout", record));
if (size(retcode["stderr"]:"")>0) return false;
return ret;
// get (manual/automatic) status of target connecting
global string getStartupStatus(string record){
string status = "";
y2milestone("Getting status of record %1", record);
map<string, any> retcode = (map<string, any>)SCR::Execute(.target.bash_output, sformat("iscsiadm -m node -r %1 ", record));
if (size(retcode["stderr"]:"")>0) return "";
foreach(string row, splitstring(retcode["stdout"]:"", "\n"), {
if (issubstring(row, "node.conn[0].startup")){
status = (splitstring(row, " "))[2]:"";
y2milestone("Startup status for %1 is %2", record, status);
return status;
// update authentication value
global boolean setValue(string record, string name, string value){
y2milestone("set %1 for record %3", name, record);
string command = sformat("iscsiadm -m node -r %1 --op=update --name=%2 --value=%3", record, name, value);
y2milestone("execute command - %1", command );
boolean ret = true;
map<string, any> retcode = (map<string, any>) SCR::Execute(.target.bash_output, command);
if (size(retcode["stderr"]:"")>0) {
y2error("%1", retcode["stderr"]:"");
ret = false;
y2milestone("return value %1", ret);
return ret;
// check if given target is connected
global boolean connected(string rec_number){
boolean ret = false;
foreach(string row, sessions, {
if (issubstring(row, rec_number)){
ret = true;
y2milestone("Target %1 connected:%2", rec_number, ret);
return ret;
// change startup status (manual/automatic) for target
global boolean setStartupStatus(string record, string status){
y2milestone("Set startup status for %1 to %2", record, status);
boolean ret = true;
map<string, any> retcode = (map<string, any>) SCR::Execute(.target.bash_output,
sformat("iscsiadm -m node -r %1 --op=update --name=node.conn[0].startup --value=%2", record, status));
if (size(retcode["stderr"]:"")>0) return false;
return ret;
// get status of open-iscsi
boolean getServiceStatus(){
boolean ret = true;
if (Service::Status("open-iscsi") == 0) serviceStatus=true;
y2milestone("Service status = %1", serviceStatus);
// if not enabled, start it manually
if (!serviceStatus) Service::Start("open-iscsi");
return ret;
// set startup status of open-iscsi
boolean setServiceStatus(){
boolean ret = true;
// if disabled and no connected targets - stop it
// otherwise keep it running
if (!GetStartService()){
if (size(sessions)==0) {
y2milestone("No active sessions - stopping service");
y2milestone("Status service for open-iscsi: %1", ret);
return ret;
* Read all iscsi-client settings
* @return true on success
global boolean Read() {
/* IscsiClient read dialog caption */
string caption = _("Initializing iSCSI Initiator Configuration");
// TODO FIXME Set the right number of stages
integer steps = 4;
integer sl = 500;
// TODO FIXME Names of real stages
// We do not set help text here, because it was set outside
Progress::New( caption, " ", steps, [
/* Progress stage 1/3 */
_("Read the database"),
/* Progress stage 2/3 */
_("Read the previous settings"),
/* Progress stage 3/3 */
_("Detect the devices")
], [
/* Progress step 1/3 */
_("Reading the database..."),
/* Progress step 2/3 */
_("Reading the previous settings..."),
/* Progress step 3/3 */
_("Detecting the devices..."),
/* Progress finished */
// check if user is root - must be root
if(!Confirm::MustBeRoot()) return false;
if(false) return false;
// check if required package is installed
if(!installed_packages()) return false;
// check initiatorname - create it if no exists
y2milestone("Check initiator name");
if(!checkInitiatorName()) return false;
if(Abort()) return false;
// read status of service
if(!getServiceStatus()) return false;
// read current settings
if(Abort()) return false;
// read config file
Report::Error( Message::CannotReadCurrentSettings() );
return false;
if(Abort()) return false;
/* Progress finished */
if(Abort()) return false;
modified = false;
return true;
* Write all iscsi-client settings
* @return true on success
global boolean Write() {
/* IscsiClient read dialog caption */
string caption = _("Saving iSCSI Initiator Configuration");
// TODO FIXME And set the right number of stages
integer steps = 2;
integer sl = 500;
// TODO FIXME Names of real stages
// We do not set help text here, because it was set outside
Progress::New(caption, " ", steps, [
/* Progress stage 1/2 */
_("Write the settings"),
/* Progress stage 2/2 */
_("Run SuSEconfig")
], [
/* Progress step 1/2 */
_("Writing the settings..."),
/* Progress step 2/2 */
_("Running SuSEconfig..."),
/* Progress finished */
if(Abort()) return false;
if(false) return false;
if(Abort()) return false;
Progress::NextStage ();
if(false) return false;
if(Abort()) return false;
// set open-iscsi service status
if(!setServiceStatus()) return false;
return true;
* Get all iscsi-client settings from the first parameter
* (For use by autoinstallation.)
* @param settings The YCP structure to be imported.
* @return boolean True on success
global boolean Import (map settings) {
// TODO FIXME: your code here (fill the above mentioned variables)...
return true;
* Dump the iscsi-client settings to a single map
* (For use by autoinstallation.)
* @return map Dumped settings (later acceptable by Import ())
global map Export () {
// TODO FIXME: your code here (return the above mentioned variables)...
return $[];
* Create a textual summary and a list of unconfigured cards
* @return summary of the current configuration
global list Summary() {
// TODO FIXME: your code here...
/* Configuration summary text for autoyast */
return [ _("Configuration summary..."), [] ];
* Create an overview table with all configured cards
* @return table items
global list Overview() {
// TODO FIXME: your code here...
return [];
* Return packages needed to be installed and removed during
* Autoinstallation to insure module has all needed software
* installed.
* @return map with 2 lists.
global map AutoPackages() {
// TODO FIXME: your code here...
return $[ "install":[], "remove":[] ];
/* EOF */