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443 lines
* File:
* modules/Initrd.ycp
* Module:
* Bootloader installation and configuration
* Summary:
* functions for initial ramdisk setup and creation
* Authors:
* Jiri Srain <jsrain@suse.cz>
* $Id: Initrd.ycp 33164 2006-09-27 08:42:24Z jsrain $
module "Initrd";
import "Arch";
import "Label";
import "Misc";
import "Mode";
import "Report";
import "Stage";
import "Directory";
textdomain "base";
// module variables
* List of modules for Initrd
list<string> modules = [];
* For each of modules - true if should be inserted to initrd, false
* otherwise. Used to keep order from first-stage installation
map<string,boolean> modules_to_store = $[];
* List of modules that were in sysconfig file when reading settings
list<string> read_modules = [];
* map of settings for modules for being contained in initrd
map<string, any> modules_settings = $[];
* true if settings were changed and initrd needs to be rebuilt,
* false otherwise
global boolean changed = false;
* true if settings were already read, flase otherwise
boolean was_read = false;
* parametr for mkinitrd because of splash screen
* used for choosing right size of splash
string splash = "";
* List of modules which should be not added/removed to/from initrd
list<string> modules_to_skip = nil;
* List of fallback vga modes to be used when hwinfo --framebuffer
* doesn't return any value
list<map> known_modes = [
$["color":8, "height":200, "mode":816, "width":320],
$["color":16, "height":200, "mode":782, "width":320],
$["color":24, "height":200, "mode":783, "width":320],
$["color":8, "height":240, "mode":820, "width":320],
$["color":16, "height":240, "mode":821, "width":320],
$["color":24, "height":240, "mode":822, "width":320],
$["color":8, "height":400, "mode":817, "width":320],
$["color":16, "height":400, "mode":818, "width":320],
$["color":24, "height":400, "mode":819, "width":320],
$["color":8, "height":400, "mode":768, "width":640],
$["color":16, "height":400, "mode":829, "width":640],
$["color":24, "height":400, "mode":830, "width":640],
$["color":8, "height":480, "mode":769, "width":640],
$["color":16, "height":480, "mode":785, "width":640],
$["color":24, "height":480, "mode":786, "width":640],
$["color":8, "height":600, "mode":771, "width":800],
$["color":16, "height":600, "mode":788, "width":800],
$["color":24, "height":600, "mode":789, "width":800],
$["color":8, "height":768, "mode":773, "width":1024],
$["color":16, "height":768, "mode":791, "width":1024],
$["color":24, "height":768, "mode":792, "width":1024],
$["color":8, "height":1024, "mode":775, "width":1280],
$["color":16, "height":1024, "mode":794, "width":1280],
$["color":24, "height":1024, "mode":795, "width":1280],
$["color":8, "height":1200, "mode":837, "width":1600],
$["color":16, "height":1200, "mode":838, "width":1600]
// module functions
* Get the list of modules which don't belong to initrd
* Initialize the list if was not initialized before according to the
* architecture
* @return a list of modules
global list<string> getModulesToSkip () {
if (modules_to_skip == nil)
// usb and cdrom modules dont belong to initrd,
// they're loaded by hotplug
modules_to_skip = [
// some other modules don't belong to initrd on PPC
if (Arch::ppc ())
list ppc_modules_to_skip = [
modules_to_skip = (list<string>)
merge (modules_to_skip, ppc_modules_to_skip);
return modules_to_skip;
* reset settings to empty list of modules
global define void Reset () ``{
y2milestone ("Reseting initrd settings");
was_read = false;
changed = false;
modules = [];
modules_to_store = $[];
read_modules = [];
modules_settings = $[];
* read seettings from sysconfig
* @return true on success
global define boolean Read () ``{
Reset ();
was_read = true;
if (Stage::initial () && ! Mode::update ()) // nothing to read
return true;
// test for missing files - probably an error - should never occur
if (SCR::Read (.target.size, "/etc/sysconfig/kernel") == -1)
y2error ("sysconfig/kernel not found");
return false;
string s_modnames = (string) SCR::Read (.sysconfig.kernel.INITRD_MODULES);
if (s_modnames == nil)
s_modnames = "";
modules = splitstring (s_modnames, " ");
modules = filter (string m, modules, { return m != "";});
foreach (string m, modules, {
modules_settings [m] = $[];
modules_to_store[m] = true;
read_modules = modules;
return true;
* List modules included in initrd
* @return list of strings with modulenames
global define list<string> ListModules () ``{
if (! (was_read || Mode::config ()))
Read ();
return filter (string m, modules, {
return modules_to_store[m]:false;
* add module to ramdisk
* @param modname name of module
* @param modargs arguments to be passes to module
global define void AddModule (string modname, string modargs) ``{
if (Stage::initial () && size (modules) == 0)
string tmp_mods = (string)
SCR::Read (.etc.install_inf.InitrdModules);
if (tmp_mods != nil && tmp_mods != "")
modules = splitstring( tmp_mods, " " );
was_read = true;
else if (! (was_read || Mode::config ()))
Read ();
if ((!contains (ListModules (), modname))
|| ((modname == "aic7xxx")
&& !contains ( ListModules (), "aic7xxx_old"))
|| ((modname == "aic7xxx_old")
&& !contains ( ListModules (), "aic7xxx")))
if ( ! contains (getModulesToSkip (), modname))
changed = true;
modules_to_store[modname] = true;
modules_settings [modname] = Misc::SplitOptions (modargs, $[]);
if (! contains (modules, modname))
modules = add (modules, modname);
y2milestone ("Module %1 added to initrd, now contains %2",
modname, ListModules ());
y2milestone ("Module %1 from initial list added to initrd, now contains %2",
modname, ListModules ());
y2milestone ("Module %1 is in list of modules not to insert to initrd", modname);
y2milestone ("Module %1 already present in initrd", modname);
* Export settigs to variable
* @return map of initrd settings
global define map Export () ``{
if (! (was_read || Mode::config ()))
Read ();
return $[
"list" : filter (string m, modules, {
return modules_to_store[m]:false;
"settings" : modules_settings,
* import settings of initrd
* @param settings map of initrd settings
global define void Import (map settings) ``{
if (! Mode::config ())
Read (); // to set modules that were read
// and not add them to the list
modules = settings["list"]:[];
modules_settings = settings["settings"]:$[];
foreach (string m, modules, {
modules_to_store[m] = true;
was_read = true;
changed = true;
* remove module from list of initrd modules
* @param modname string name of module to remove
global define void RemoveModule (string modname) ``{
if (! (was_read || Mode::config ()))
Read ();
modules = filter (string k, modules, { return k != modname; });
modules_settings = filter (string k, any v, modules_settings, { return k != modname; });
changed = true;
* Update read settings to new version of configuration files
global define void Update () ``{
// add other required changes here
modules = filter (string m, modules,
{ return (! contains (getModulesToSkip (), m)); });
modules_settings = filter (string k, any v, modules_settings,
{ return (! contains (getModulesToSkip (), k)); });
changed = true;
* Display error popup with log
* FIXME this is copy-paste from ../routines/popups.ycp
* @param header string error header
* @param log string logfile contents
global define void errorWithLogPopup (string header, string log) ``{
if (log == nil)
log = "";
term text = `RichText( `opt(`plainText), log );
UI::OpenDialog(`opt ( `decorated ),
`VBox (`HSpacing(75),
// heading
text, // e.g. `Richtext()
`PushButton( `id(`ok_help), `opt(`default), Label::OKButton() )
UI::SetFocus(`id(`ok_help) );
any r = UI::UserInput();
* write settings to sysconfig, rebuild initrd images
* @return true on success
global define boolean Write () ``{
if (! (was_read || Mode::config ()))
Read ();
if (Mode::update ())
Update ();
y2milestone ("Initrd::Write called, changed: %1, list: %2", changed,
ListModules ());
// check whether it is neccessary to write initrd
if ((! changed) && (Mode::normal ()))
return true;
boolean modules_written = false;
foreach (string modname, any optmap, modules_settings, ``{
if (!is (optmap, map)) continue;
if (size ((map)optmap) > 0)
// write options to /etc/modules.conf
path p = add (.modules.options, modname);
SCR::Write (p, (map)optmap);
modules_written = true;
if (modules_written)
SCR::Write (.modules, nil);
// check modules that could be added during module's run (bug 26717)
if (SCR::Read (.target.size, "/etc/sysconfig/kernel") != -1)
string s_modnames = (string) SCR::Read (.sysconfig.kernel.INITRD_MODULES);
if (s_modnames == nil)
s_modnames = "";
list<string> s_modules = splitstring (s_modnames, " ");
s_modules = filter (string m, s_modules, ``(
! contains (read_modules, m)));
s_modules = filter (string m, s_modules, ``(
! contains (modules, m)));
y2milestone (
"Modules %1 were added to initrd not using Initrd module",
foreach (string m, s_modules, ``{
AddModule (m, "");
// save sysconfig
SCR::Execute (.target.bash,
"/usr/bin/touch /etc/sysconfig/bootloader");
string mods = mergestring (ListModules (), " ");
y2milestone ("Writing modules %1", mods);
SCR::Write (.sysconfig.kernel.INITRD_MODULES, mods);
SCR::Write (.sysconfig.kernel, nil);
// recreate initrd
string param = "";
if (splash != "" && splash != nil)
param = sformat ("-s %1", splash);
if ( SCR::Execute (.target.bash, sformat ("/sbin/mkinitrd %1 >> \
%2 2>&1", param, Directory::logdir + "/y2logmkinitrd")) != 0 )
string log = (string) SCR::Read (.target.string, Directory::logdir +
// error report
errorWithLogPopup (_("An error occurred during initrd creation."),
changed = false;
return true;
global list<map> VgaModes () {
list<map> all_modes = (list<map>) SCR::Read (.probe.framebuffer);
if (all_modes == nil || size (all_modes) == 0)
y2warning ("Probing VGA modes failed, using fallback list");
all_modes = known_modes;
return all_modes;
* Set the -s parameter of mkinitrd
* @param vga string the vga kernel parameter
global define void setSplash (string vga) ``{
if (! Arch::s390 ())
changed = true;
integer mode = tointeger (vga);
list<map> all_modes = VgaModes ();
foreach (map m, all_modes, ``{
if (m["mode"]:0 == mode
&& m["height"]:0 != 0 && m["width"]:0 != 0)
splash = sformat ("%2x%1", m["height"]:0, m["width"]:0);
y2milestone ("Setting splash resolution to %1", splash);
} // end of module