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346 lines
* Module: Initial HW info module
* Author: Ladislav Slezak <lslezak@suse.cz>
* $Id: InitHWinfo.ycp 33530 2006-10-20 11:08:26Z lslezak $
* Collect and store hardware information.
module "InitHWinfo";
import "String";
import "Confirm";
import "Progress";
import "Arch";
import "SystemSettings";
include "hwinfo/routines.ycp";
textdomain "tune";
boolean initialized = false;
// CPU summary string
string cpu_string = "";
// memory size
integer memory_size = 0;
// system summary string
string system_string= "";
// list of detected devices
list<map> detectedHW = nil;
// default is "/dev/fd0" floppy device (used when floppy detection is skipped as a fallback)
global map<string,string> floppy = $["/dev/fd0" : _("Floppy disk")];
* Start hardware detection (only CPU and main memory)
* @param force If true then start detection again (discard cached values)
* @return boolean True on success
global define boolean Initialize(boolean force) ``{
if (initialized == true && force == false)
return true;
// initialize procesor string
list<map> cpu_result = (list<map>) SCR::Read(.probe.cpu);
map<string,integer> cpus = $[];
foreach(map info, cpu_result, ``{
string str = info["name"]:_("Unknown processor");
integer counter = cpus[str]:0;
cpus[str] = counter + 1;
boolean first = true;
cpu_string = "";
foreach(string cpu, integer count, cpus, ``{
if (!first)
cpu_string = cpu_string + ", ";
first = false;
if (count > 1)
// create processor count string
// %1 is integer number (greater than 1)
// %2 is processor model name
cpu_string = cpu_string + sformat(_("%1x %2"), count, cpu);
cpu_string = cpu_string + cpu;
list<map> memory = (list<map>) SCR::Read(.probe.memory);
y2milestone("memory: %1", memory);
memory_size = 0;
foreach(map info, memory, ``{
// internal class, main memory
if (info["class_id"]:0 == 257 && info["sub_class_id"]:0 == 2)
list<map> minf = info["resource", "phys_mem"]:[];
foreach(map i, minf, ``{
memory_size = memory_size + i["range"]:0;
// initialize system string
list bios = (list) SCR::Read(.probe.bios);
if (size(bios) != 1)
y2warning("Warning: BIOS list size is %1", size(bios));
map biosinfo = (map)(bios[0]:$[]);
list<map> smbios = (list<map>)(biosinfo["smbios"]:[]);
map sysinfo = $[];
foreach(map inf, smbios, ``{
if (inf["type"]:"" == "sysinfo")
sysinfo = inf;
system_string = "";
if (size(sysinfo) > 0)
// system manufacturer is unknown
string manufacturer = (string)(sysinfo["manufacturer"]:_("Unknown"));
// system product name is unknown
string product = (string)(sysinfo["product"]:_("Unknown"));
string version = (string)(sysinfo["version"]:"");
system_string = sformat("%1 - %2", manufacturer, product);
if (size(version) > 0)
system_string = system_string + sformat(" (%1)", version);
// PPC architecture - use board and generation information
else if (Arch::ppc ())
string board = "";
string generation = "";
list<map> systemProbe = (list<map>) SCR::Read(.probe.system);
if (systemProbe == nil)
systemProbe = [];
foreach (map systemEntry, systemProbe, ``{
string board_tmp = systemEntry["system"]:"";
if (board_tmp != nil && board_tmp != "")
board = board_tmp;
string generation_tmp = systemEntry["generation"]:"";
if (generation_tmp != nil && generation_tmp != "")
generation = generation_tmp;
system_string = board;
if (system_string != "" && generation != "")
system_string = system_string + sformat(" (%1)", generation);
y2milestone("System string: %1", system_string);
initialized = true;
return true;
* Return short system description
* @param reset If reset is true then always do hardware detection
* @return list(string) list of hardware desciptions
global define list<string> MakeProposal(boolean reset) ``{
// the installation proposal item
// %1 is processor name
list<string> ret = [ sformat(_("Processor: %1"), cpu_string),
// the installation proposal item
// %1 is memory size string
sformat(_("Main Memory: %1"), String::FormatSizeWithPrecision(memory_size, 2, true))
// add system string
if (size(system_string) > 0)
// the installation proposal item
// %1 is system name
ret = prepend(ret, sformat(_("System: %1"), system_string));
// add SysRq status line
if (SystemSettings::GetSysRqKeysEnabled())
// item in the installation proposal (displayed only when SysRq key is enabled
ret = add(ret, _("SysRq Key: Enabled"));
y2milestone("proposal: %1", ret);
return ret;
* Detect all hardware present in the system
* @param force If force is true then detection is always started (cached value is discarded)
* @return list list of maps - detected hardware items ()
global define list<map> DetectedHardware(boolean force, block<boolean> abort) ``{
// return cached values if possible
if (detectedHW != nil && force != true)
return detectedHW;
detectedHW = [];
// probe devices, store model, class, uniq. ID for each device
// probe by bus
// list(string) paths = [ "cpu", "memory", "ide", "pci", "scsi", "isapnp", "floppy", "usb", "monitor" ];
// probe by device class
list<string> paths = [ "cpu", "memory", "disk", "display", "mouse", "keyboard", "storage", "netcard", "monitor", "braille", "bios" ];
if (!Arch::is_uml())
paths = (list<string>)union(paths, [ "cdrom", "floppy", "sound", "isdn", "modem", "printer", "tv", "dvb", "scanner", "camera", "chipcard", "usbctrl", "ieee1394ctrl", "hub", "joystick", "pppoe" ]);
Progress::New(_("Hardware Detection"), "", size(paths), [_("Detect hardware")], [_("Detecting hardware...")], _("Hardware detection is in progress. Please wait."));
boolean aborted = false;
foreach(string subpath, paths, ``{
if (abort != nil && aborted != true)
aborted = eval(abort);
y2debug("aborted: %1", aborted);
if (!aborted)
path p = add(.probe, subpath);
// translate path name
string pathname = trans_str(subpath);
// use untranslated string if translation failed
if (pathname == nil)
pathname = subpath;
// set progress bar label
Progress::Title(sformat(_("%1..."), pathname));
// don't ask for probing CPU and memory, they were already probed and detection should be harmless
boolean detect = (subpath == "cpu" || subpath == "memory") ? true : Confirm::Detection(pathname);
// confirm hardware detection in the manual mode
if (detect == true)
y2milestone("Probing: %1", p);
list<map<string, any> > result = (list<map<string, any> >) SCR::Read(p);
// store floppy devices, used in hwinfo output saving
if (subpath == "floppy")
// reset list of floppies
floppy = $[];
if (result != nil && size(result) > 0)
foreach(map<string,any> f, result, ``{
string device = (string)(f["dev_name"]:nil);
string model = (string)(f["model"]:nil);
if (device != nil && model != nil)
floppy[device] = model;
y2milestone("Detected floppy devices: %1", floppy);
if (size(result) > 0)
foreach(map info, result, ``{
// device name (CPU model name string has key "name" instead of "model")
string model = (subpath == "cpu") ? info["name"]:_("Unknown device") : info["model"]:_("Unknown device");
y2debug("Model: %1", model);
detectedHW = add(detectedHW, $[ "model" : model, "info" : info ]);
// update progress bar
if (aborted == true)
// set to non-initialized state when detection is aborted
detectedHW = nil;
y2milestone("Detected HW: %1", detectedHW);
return detectedHW;