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238 lines
* File: modules/IP.ycp
* Module: yast2
* Summary: IP manipulation routines
* Authors: Michal Svec <msvec@suse.cz>
* Flags: Stable
* $Id: IP.ycp 33164 2006-09-27 08:42:24Z jsrain $
module "IP";
textdomain "base";
global string ValidChars = "0123456789abcdefABCDEF.:";
global string ValidChars4 = "0123456789.";
global string ValidChars6 = "0123456789abcdefABCDEF:";
* Describe a valid IPv4 address
* @return string describtion a valid IPv4 address
global define string Valid4() ``{
//Translators: dot: "."
return _("A valid IP address consists of four integers
in the range 0-255 separated by dots.");
* Check syntax of IPv4 address
* @param ip IPv4 address
* @return true if correct
global define boolean Check4(string ip) ``{
if(ip == nil || ip == "") return false;
string num = "(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|[0-9])";
string ipv4 = "^" + num + "(\\." + num + "){3}$";
return regexpmatch(ip, ipv4);
* Check syntax of IPv4 address (maybe better)
* @param ip IPv4 address
* @return true if correct
global defin boolean Check4_new(string ip) ``{
if(ip == nil || ip == "") return false;
string num0 = "(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|[1-9])";
string num1 = "(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|[0-9])";
string ipv4 = "^" + num0 + "(\\." + num1 + "){3}$";
return regexpmatch(ip, ipv4);
* Check syntax of IPv6 address
* @param ip IPv6 address
* @return true if correct
global define boolean Check6(string ip) ``{
if(ip == nil || ip == "") return false;
//string num = "([1-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]*|0)";
string num = "([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4})";
/* 1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8 */
if(regexpmatch(ip, "^" + num + "(:" + num + "){7}$")) return true;
/* ::3:4:5:6:7:8 */
if(regexpmatch(ip, "^:(:" + num + "){1,6}$")) return true;
/* 1:2:3:4:5:6:: */
if(regexpmatch(ip, "^(" + num + ":){1,6}:$")) return true;
/* :: only once */
if(regexpmatch(ip, "::.*::")) return false;
/* : max 7x */
if(regexpmatch(ip, "^([^:]*:){8,}")) return false;
/* 1:2:3::5:6:7:8 */
/* 1:2:3:4:5:6::8 */
if(regexpmatch(ip, "^(" + num + ":){1,6}(:" + num + "){1,6}$")) return true;
return false;
* Check syntax of IP address
* @param ip IP address
* @return true if correct
global define boolean Check(string ip) ``{
return Check4(ip) || Check6(ip);
* Convert IPv4 address from string to integer
* @param ip IPv4 address
* @return ip address as integer
global define integer ToInteger(string ip) ``{
/* FIXME: Check4, also to Compute* */
list l = maplist(string e, splitstring(ip, "."), ``(tointeger(e)));
return l[3]:0 + (l[2]:0<<8) + (l[1]:0<<16) + (l[0]:0<<24);
* Convert IPv4 address from integer to string
* @param ip IPv4 address
* @return ip address as string
global define string ToString(integer ip) ``{
list l = maplist(integer b, [0x1000000, 0x10000, 0x100, 0x1], ``((ip / b) & 0xff));
return sformat("%1.%2.%3.%4", l[0]:0, l[1]:0, l[2]:0, l[3]:0);
* Converts IPv4 address from string to hex format
* @param ip IPv4 address as string in "ipv4" format
* @return string representing IP in Hex
* @example IP::ToHex("") -> "0xC0A80101"
* @example IP::ToHex("") -> "0x0A0A0001"
global define string ToHex(string ip) ``{
string tmp = "00000000" + substring(toupper(tohexstring(ToInteger(ip))), 2);
return substring(tmp, size(tmp) - 8);
* Compute IPv4 network address from ip4 address and network mask.
* @param ip IPv4 address
* @param mask netmask
* @return computed subnet
global define string ComputeNetwork(string ip, string mask) ``{
integer i = ToInteger(ip);
integer m = ToInteger(mask);
return ToString((i & m) & 0xffffffff);
* Compute IPv4 broadcast address from ip4 address and network mask.
* The broadcast address is the highest address of network address range.
* @param ip IPv4 address
* @param mask netmask
* @return computed broadcast
global define string ComputeBroadcast(string ip, string mask) ``{
integer i = ToInteger(ip);
integer m = ToInteger(mask);
return ToString((i | ~m) & 0xffffffff);
// helper list, each bit has its decimal representation
list <integer> bit_weight_row = [128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1];
* Converts IPv4 into its 32 bit binary representation.
* @param string ipv4
* @return string binary
* @see BitsToIPv4()
* @example
* IPv4ToBits("") -> "01010000000110011000011100000010"
* IPv4ToBits("") -> "10101100000110001110100111010011"
global string IPv4ToBits (string ipv4) {
if (!Check4(ipv4)) {
y2error("Not a valid IPv4: %1", ipv4);
return nil;
string ret = "";
foreach (string ipv4_part, splitstring(ipv4, "."), {
integer ipv4_part_i = tointeger(ipv4_part);
foreach (integer try_i, bit_weight_row, {
if ((ipv4_part_i / try_i) > 0) {
ipv4_part_i = ipv4_part_i % try_i;
ret = ret + "1";
} else {
ret = ret + "0";
return ret;
* Converts 32 bit binary number to its IPv4 repserentation.
* @param string binary
* @return string ipv4
* @see IPv4ToBits()
* @example
* BitsToIPv4("10111100000110001110001100000101") -> ""
* BitsToIPv4("00110101000110001110001001100101") -> ""
global string BitsToIPv4 (string bits) {
if (size(bits) != 32) {
y2error("Not a valid IPv4 in Bits: %1", bits);
return nil;
if (!regexpmatch(bits, "^[01]+$")) {
y2error("Not a valid IPv4 in Bits: %1", bits);
return nil;
string ipv4 = "";
integer position = 0;
while (position < 32) {
integer ip_part = 0;
string eight_bits = substring (bits, position, 8);
integer counter = -1;
while (counter < 8) {
counter = counter + 1;
string one_bit = substring (eight_bits, counter, 1);
if (one_bit == "1") {
ip_part = ip_part + bit_weight_row[counter]:0;
ipv4 = ipv4 + (ipv4 != "" ? ".":"") + tostring(ip_part);
position = position + 8;
return ipv4;
/* EOF */