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229 lines
* File: modules/Desktop.ycp
* Package: yast2
* Summary: Handling of .desktop entries
* Author: Michal Svec <msvec@suse.cz>
* $Id: Desktop.ycp 26631 2005-12-19 13:16:25Z ug $
module "Desktop";
textdomain "base";
import "Map";
* YaST configuration modules
global map<string,map> Modules = $[];
* YaST configuration groups
* <PRE>
"modules":["cdrom", "hwinfo", ...]
* </PRE>
global map<string,map> Groups = $[];
* Optional agent path to the desktop files
global path AgentPath = .yast2.desktop;
* Optional language for reading translated entries
string Language = "";
string LanguageFull = "";
define string ReadLocalizedKey(path keypath, string key) {
if(key != "Name" && key != "GenericName")
return (string) SCR::Read(add(keypath, key));
string ret = "";
string newkey = "";
if(LanguageFull != nil || LanguageFull != "") {
newkey = sformat("%1[%2]", key, LanguageFull);
ret = (string) SCR::Read(add(keypath, newkey));
if(ret != nil && ret != "") return ret;
if(Language != nil || Language != "") {
newkey = sformat("%1[%2]", key, Language);
ret = (string) SCR::Read(add(keypath, newkey));
if(ret != nil && ret != "") return ret;
return (string) SCR::Read(add(keypath, key));
* Read module and group data from desktop files
* @param Values list of values to be parsed (empty to read all)
global define void Read(list<string> Values) {
/* read modules */
map filemap = $[];
path filepath = nil;
string name = nil;
path ps = add(AgentPath, "s");
list<string> files = (list<string>) SCR::Dir(ps);
/* read language */
LanguageFull = "";
Language = WFM::GetLanguage();
if(regexpmatch(Language, "(.*_[^.]*)\\.?.*")) // matches: ll_TT ll_TT.UTF-8
LanguageFull = regexpsub(Language, "(.*_[^.]*)\\.?.*", "\\1");
if(regexpmatch(Language, "(.*)_"))
Language = regexpsub(Language, "(.*)_", "\\1");
y2debug("LanguageFull=%1", LanguageFull);
y2debug("Language=%1", Language);
/* read groups */
list<string> groups = (list<string>) SCR::Dir(.yast2.groups.s);
y2debug("groups=%1", groups);
foreach(string group, groups, {
filemap = $[];
filepath = .yast2.groups.v + group + "Desktop Entry";
filemap["Icon"] = SCR::Read(filepath + "Icon");
filemap["SortKey"] = SCR::Read(filepath + "X-SuSE-YaST-SortKey");
filemap["Hidden"] = SCR::Read(filepath + "Hidden");
filemap["Name"] = ReadLocalizedKey(filepath, "Name");
filemap["modules"] = [];
string name = (string) SCR::Read(filepath + "X-SuSE-YaST-Group");
Groups[name] = filemap;
y2debug("Groups=%1", Groups);
/* read modules */
foreach(string file, files, {
filemap = $[];
filepath = AgentPath + .v + file + ."Desktop Entry";
list<string> values = (list<string>) SCR::Dir(filepath);
if(Values != nil && Values != []) values = Values;
foreach(string value, values, {
string ret = ReadLocalizedKey(filepath, value);
if(ret != nil && ret != "") filemap[value] = ret;
string name = regexpsub(file, "^.*/(.*)\.desktop", "\\1");
if(name != "" && name != nil) {
Modules[name] = filemap;
string group = filemap["X-SuSE-YaST-Group"]:"";
if(group != "") Groups[group, "modules", size(Groups[group,"modules"]:[])] = name;
y2debug("Groups=%1", Groups);
y2debug("Modules=%1", Modules);
global define string Translate(string key) {
if(regexpmatch(key, "_\\(\"(.*)\"\\)") == true) {
locale ke = regexpsub(key, "_\\(\"(.*)\"\\)", "\\1");
key = (string) eval(ke);
y2milestone("%1 -> %2", ke, key);
return key;
define list <term> CreateList(map M) {
list keys = Map::Keys(M);
keys = sort(any x, any y, keys, {
return M[x, "SortKey"]:"" < M[y, "SortKey"]:"";
keys = filter (any key, keys, {
return M[key, "Hidden"]:"false" != "true";
y2debug("keys=%1", keys);
return maplist(any name, keys, {
return `item(`id(name), Translate(M[name, "Name"]:"???"));
global define list <term> GroupList() {
return CreateList(Groups);
global define list <term> ModuleList(string group) {
list <string> mods = Groups[group, "modules"]:[];
list <term> l = [];
/* support sort keys: #36466 */
mods = sort(string x, string y, mods, {
// y2internal("%1 < %2", Modules[x, "X-SuSE-YaST-SortKey"]:(Modules[x,"Name"]:""), Modules[y, "X-SuSE-YaST-SortKey"]:(Modules[y,"Name"]:""));
return Modules[x, "X-SuSE-YaST-SortKey"]:(Modules[x,"Name"]:"") < Modules[y, "X-SuSE-YaST-SortKey"]:(Modules[y,"Name"]:"");
foreach(string m, mods, {
if(haskey(Modules, m) && Modules[m, "Hidden"]:"false" != "true")
l = add(l, `item(`id(m), Modules[m,"Name"]:"???"));
// y2debug too costly: y2debug("%1", m);
return l;
map<string, string> MakeAutostartMap (string exec, list<string> args) {
return $[
"Encoding": "UTF-8",
"Name": exec,
"Exec": exec,
"X-SuSE-Autostart": exec + " " + mergestring (args, " "),
"Hidden": "true",
"Icon": exec,
"Type": "Application",
* Runs a program by writing a special desktop file.
* Works with KDE and GNOME.
* Useful for kinternet, see bug 37864#c17
* @param exec program to exec (basename)
global void RunViaDesktop (string exec, list<string> args) {
string content = "[KDE Desktop Entry]\n";
foreach (string key, string value, MakeAutostartMap (exec, args), {
content = content + sformat ("%1=%2\n", key, value);
string dir = "/var/lib/Desktop";
SCR::Write (.target.string,
sformat ("%1/yast2-run-%2.desktop", dir, exec),
/* EOF */