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662 lines
* File: modules/CWMTsigKeys.ycp
* Package: Common widget manipulation, TSIG keys management widget
* Summary: Routines for management of TSIG keys
* Authors: Jiri Srain <jsrain@suse.cz>
* $Id: CWMTsigKeys.ycp 24842 2005-08-12 08:08:03Z visnov $
module "CWMTsigKeys";
textdomain "base";
import "CWM";
import "Label";
import "Report";
import "Popup";
// pre-declarations
global define list<string> AnalyzeTSIGKeyFile (string filename);
// private variables
* Currently configured TSIG keys
* Each entry is a map with keys "filename" and "key"
list<map<string,string> > tsig_keys = [];
* Filenames of the files that contained deleted TSIG keys
list<string> deleted_tsig_keys = [];
* Filenames of the new added TSIG keys
list<string> new_tsig_keys = [];
// private functions
* Redraw the table of DDNS keys
define void DdnsKeysWidgetRedraw () {
list items = maplist (map<string,string> k, tsig_keys, {
return `item (`id (k["key"]:""), k["key"]:"", k["filename"]:"");
UI::ChangeWidget (`id ("_cwm_delete_key"), `Enabled, size(items) > 0);
UI::ChangeWidget (`id ("_cwm_key_listing_table"), `Items, items);
UI::SetFocus (`id ("_cwm_key_listing_table"));
* Get the file that contains the specified key
* @param key string key ID
* @return string file containing the key
define string Key2File (string key) {
string filename = "";
find (map<string,string>k, tsig_keys, {
if (k["key"]:nil == key)
filename = k["filename"]:"";
return true;
return false;
y2milestone ("Key: %1, File: %2", key, filename);
return filename;
* Remove file with all TSIG keys it contains
* @param filename string filename of the file with the TSIG keys
define void RemoveTSIGKeyFile (string filename) {
new_tsig_keys = filter (string f, new_tsig_keys, {
return f != filename;
deleted_tsig_keys = add (deleted_tsig_keys, filename);
tsig_keys = filter (map<string,string>k, tsig_keys, {
return k["filename"]:"" != filename;
* Remove file containing specified TSIG key
* @param key string key ID
define void RemoveTSIGKey (string key) {
string filename = Key2File (key);
RemoveTSIGKeyFile (filename);
* Add new file with TSIG key
* @param filename string filename of the file with the TSIG key
define void AddTSIGKeyFile (string filename) {
deleted_tsig_keys = filter (string f, deleted_tsig_keys, {
return f != filename;
new_tsig_keys = add (new_tsig_keys, filename);
list<string> keys = AnalyzeTSIGKeyFile (filename);
foreach (string k, keys, {
tsig_keys = add (tsig_keys, $[
"key" : k,
"filename" : filename,
// public routines related to TSIG keys management
* Remove leading and trailibg blanks and quotes from file name
* @param filename string file name
* @return file name without leading/trailing quotes and blanks
global define string NormalizeFilename (string filename) {
while (filename != "" && (substring (filename, 0, 1) == " "
|| substring (filename, 0, 1) == "\""))
filename = substring (filename, 1);
while (filename != ""
&& (substring (filename, size (filename) - 1, 1) == " "
|| substring (filename, size (filename) - 1, 1) == "\""))
filename = substring (filename, 0, size (filename) - 1);
return filename;
* Analyze file that may contain TSIG keys
* @param filename string filename of the file that may contain TSIG keys
* @return a list of all TSIG key IDs in the file
global define list<string> AnalyzeTSIGKeyFile (string filename) {
filename = NormalizeFilename (filename);
string contents = (string)SCR::Read (.target.string, filename);
if (contents == nil)
y2warning ("Unable to read file with TSIG keys: %1", filename);
return [];
list<string> ret = [];
list<string> parts = splitstring (contents, "{}");
foreach (string p, parts, {
if (regexpmatch (p, ".*key[[:space:]]+[^[:space:]}{;]+\\.* $"))
ret = add (ret,
regexpsub (p, ".*key[[:space:]]+([^[:space:]}{;]+)\\.* $", "\\1"));
y2milestone ("File: %1, Keys: %2", filename, ret);
return ret;
* Remove all 3 files holding the TSIG key data
* @param main string filename of the main file
global define void DeleteTSIGKeyFromDisk (string main) {
list<string> keys = AnalyzeTSIGKeyFile (main);
y2milestone ("Removing file %1, found keys: %2", main, keys);
foreach (string k, keys, {
SCR::Execute (.target.bash, sformat (
"rm -f /etc/named.d/K%1\\.* ",
tolower (k)));
SCR::Execute (.target.remove, main);
* Transformate the list of files to the list of TSIG key description maps
* @param filenames a list of file names of the TSIG keys
* @return a list of TSIG key describing maps
global define list<map<string,string> > Files2KeyMaps (list<string> filenames) {
list<list<map<string,string> > > tmpret = maplist (string f, filenames, {
list<string> keys = AnalyzeTSIGKeyFile (f);
return maplist (string k, keys, {
return $[
"filename" : f,
"key" : k,
list<map<string,string> > ret = (list<map<string, string> >)
flatten (tmpret);
y2milestone ("Files: %1, Keys: %2", filenames, ret);
return ret;
* Get all TSIG keys that present in the files
* @param filename a list of file names
* @return a list of all TSIG key IDs
global define list<string> Files2Keys (list<string> filenames) {
list<map<string,string> > keys = Files2KeyMaps (filenames);
list<string> ret = maplist (map<string,string> k, keys, {
return k["key"]:"";
y2milestone ("Files: %1, Keys: %2", filenames, ret);
return ret;
// widget related functions
* Init function of the widget
* @param map widget a widget description map
* @param key strnig the widget key
global define void Init (map<string,any> widget, string key) {
map<string,any>() get_keys_info = (map<string,any>())
map<string,any> info = get_keys_info ();
tsig_keys = info["tsig_keys"]:[];
deleted_tsig_keys = info["removed_files"]:[];
new_tsig_keys = info["new_files"]:[];
if (! haskey (info, "tsig_keys"))
list<string> files = info["key_files"]:[];
tsig_keys = Files2KeyMaps (files);
string initial_path = "/etc/named.d/";
UI::ChangeWidget (`id ("_cwm_existing_key_file"), `Value, initial_path);
UI::ChangeWidget (`id ("_cwm_new_key_file"), `Value, initial_path);
UI::ChangeWidget (`id ("_cwm_new_key_id"), `ValidChars,
DdnsKeysWidgetRedraw ();
* Handle function of the widget
* @param map widget a widget description map
* @param key strnig the widget key
* @param event map event to be handled
* @return symbol for wizard sequencer or nil
global define symbol Handle (map<string,any> widget, string key, map event) {
any ret = event["ID"]:nil;
string existing_filename = (string)
UI::QueryWidget (`id ("_cwm_existing_key_file"), `Value);
string new_filename = (string)
UI::QueryWidget (`id ("_cwm_new_key_file"), `Value);
if (ret == "_cwm_delete_key")
string key = (string)UI::QueryWidget (`id ("_cwm_key_listing_table"),
string delete_filename = Key2File (key);
if (widget["list_used_keys"]:nil != nil
&& is (widget["list_used_keys"]:nil, list<string>()))
list<string>() lister = (list<string>())
list<string> used_keys = lister ();
list<string> keys_to_delete = AnalyzeTSIGKeyFile (delete_filename);
keys_to_delete = filter (string k, keys_to_delete, {
return contains (used_keys, k);
if (size (keys_to_delete) > 0)
string message = mergestring (keys_to_delete, ", ");
// popup message
message = _("The selected TSIG key cannot be deleted,
because it is in use.
Stop using it in the configuration first.");
// popup title
Popup::AnyMessage (_("Cannot delete TSIG key."), message);
return nil;
RemoveTSIGKeyFile (delete_filename);
else if (ret == "_cwm_browse_existing_key_file")
existing_filename = (string)UI::AskForExistingFile (
// popup headline
_("Select File with the Authentication Key"));
if (existing_filename != nil)
UI::ChangeWidget (`id ("_cwm_existing_key_file"), `Value,
return nil;
else if (ret == "_cwm_browse_new_key_file")
new_filename = (string)UI::AskForSaveFileName (
// popup headline
_("Select File for the Authentication Key"));
if (new_filename != nil)
UI::ChangeWidget (`id ("_cwm_new_key_file"), `Value, new_filename);
return nil;
else if (ret == "_cwm_generate_key")
string key = (string)UI::QueryWidget (`id ("_cwm_new_key_id"), `Value);
map stat = (map)SCR::Read (.target.stat, new_filename);
if (size (stat) != 0)
if (stat["isdir"]:false)
UI::SetFocus (`id ("new_key_file"));
Report::Error (
// error report
_("Specified filename is an existing directory."));
return nil;
// yes-no popup
if (! Popup::YesNo (_("Specified file exists. Rewrite it?")))
return nil;
DeleteTSIGKeyFromDisk (new_filename);
RemoveTSIGKeyFile (new_filename);
if (key == nil || key == "")
UI::SetFocus (`id ("new_key_name"));
// error report
Popup::Error (_("The TSIG key ID was not specified."));
return nil;
// specified key exists
if (Key2File (key) != "")
// yes-no popup
if (! Popup::YesNo (_("The key with the specified ID exists and is used.
Remove it?")))
return nil;
string remove_file = Key2File (key);
DeleteTSIGKeyFromDisk (remove_file);
RemoveTSIGKeyFile (remove_file);
// specified key is present on the disk, but not used
if (0 == SCR::Execute (.target.bash, sformat (
"ls /etc/named.d/K%1\\.*",
tolower (key))))
// yes-no popup
if (Popup::YesNo (_("A key with the specified ID was found
on your disk. Remove it?")))
SCR::Execute (.target.bash, sformat (
"rm -f `ls /etc/named.d/K%1\\.*`",
tolower (key)));
list<string> files = (list<string>)SCR::Read (
foreach (string f, files, {
if ( contains (AnalyzeTSIGKeyFile (f), key))
DeleteTSIGKeyFromDisk (f);
// yes-no popup
if (! Popup::YesNo (_("The key will be created now. Continue?")))
return nil;
SCR::Execute (.target.bash,
"test -d /etc/named.d || mkdir /etc/named.d");
string gen_command = sformat (
"/usr/bin/genDDNSkey --force -f %1 -n %2 -d /etc/named.d",
new_filename, key);
y2milestone ("Running %1", gen_command);
integer gen_ret = (integer)SCR::Execute (.target.bash, gen_command);
if (gen_ret != 0)
// error report
Report::Error (_("Creating the TSIG key failed."));
return nil;
ret = "_cwm_add_key";
existing_filename = new_filename;
if (ret == "_cwm_add_key")
map stat = (map)SCR::Read (.target.stat, new_filename);
if (size (stat) == 0)
// message popup
Popup::Message (_("The specified file does not exist."));
return nil;
list<string> keys = AnalyzeTSIGKeyFile (existing_filename);
if (size (keys) == 0)
// message popup
Popup::Message (_("The specified file does not contain any TSIG key."));
return nil;
list<string> coliding_files = maplist (string k, keys, {
return Key2File (k);
coliding_files = filter (string f, toset (coliding_files), {
return f != "";
if (size (coliding_files) > 0)
// yes-no popup
if (!Popup::YesNo (_("The specified file contains a TSIG key with the same
identifier as some of already present keys.
Old keys will be removed. Continue?")))
return nil;
foreach (string f, coliding_files, {
RemoveTSIGKeyFile (f);
AddTSIGKeyFile (existing_filename);
DdnsKeysWidgetRedraw ();
return nil;
* Store function of the widget
* @param map widget a widget description map
* @param key strnig the widget key
* @param event map that caused widget data storing
global define void Store (map<string,any> widget, string key, map event) {
void(map<string,any>) set_info = (void (map<string,any>))
map<string,any> info = $[
"removed_files" : deleted_tsig_keys,
"new_files" : new_tsig_keys,
"tsig_keys" : tsig_keys,
"key_files" : toset (maplist (map<string,string> k, tsig_keys, {
return k["filename"]:"";
set_info (info);
* Store function of the widget
* @param map widget a widget description map
* @param key strnig the widget key
* @param event map that caused widget data storing/**
* Init function of the widget
* @param key strnig the widget key
global define void InitWrapper (string key) {
Init (CWM::GetProcessedWidget (), key);
* Handle function of the widget
* @param map widget a widget description map
* @param key strnig the widget key
* @param event map event to be handled
* @return symbol for wizard sequencer or nil
global define symbol HandleWrapper (string key, map event) {
return Handle (CWM::GetProcessedWidget (), key, event);
* Store function of the widget
* @param key strnig the widget key
* @param event map that caused widget data storing
global define void StoreWrapper (string key, map event) {
Store (CWM::GetProcessedWidget (), key, event);
* Get the widget description map
* @param settings a map of all parameters needed to create the widget properly
* <pre>
* "get_keys_info" : map<string,any>() -- function for getting information
* about TSIG keys. Return map should contain:
* - "removed_files" : list<string> -- files that have been removed
* - "new_files" : list<string> -- files that have been added
* - "tsig_keys" : list<map<string,string>> -- list of all TSIG keys
* - "key_files" : list<string> -- list of all files that may contain
* TSIG keys
* Either "tsig_keys" or "key_files" are mandatory
* "set_keys_info" : void (map<string,any>) -- function for storing information
* about keys. Map has keys:
* - "removed_files" : list<string> -- files that have been removed
* - "new_files" : list<string> -- files that have been added
* - "tsig_keys" : list<map<string,string>> -- list of all TSIG keys
* - "key_files" : list<string> -- list of all files that contain
* TSIG keys
* Additional settings:
* - "list_used_keys" : list<string>() -- function for getting the list of
* used TSIG keys. The list is used to prevent used TSIG keys from
* being deleted. If not present, all keys may get deleted.
* - "help" : string -- help to the whole widget. If not specified, generic help
* is used (button labels are patched correctly)
* </pre>
* @return a map the widget description map
global define map<string,any> CreateWidget (map<string,any> settings) {
// tsig keys management dialog help 1/4
string help = _("<p><big><b>TSIG Key Management</b></big><br>
Use this dialog to manage the TSIG keys.</p>
// tsig keys management dialog help 2/4
_("<p><big><b>Adding an Existing TSIG Key</b></big><br>
To add an already created TSIG key, select a <b>Filename</b> of the file
containing the key and click <b>Add</b>.</p>
// tsig keys management dialog help 3/4
_("<p><big><b>Creating a New TSIG Key</b></big><br>
To create a new TSIG key, set the <b>Filename</b> of the file in which to
create the key and the <b>Key ID</b> to identify the key then click
// tsig keys management dialog help 4/4
_("<p><big><b>Removing a TSIG Key</b></big><br>
To remove a configured TSIG key, select it and click <b>Delete</b>.
All keys in the same file are deleted.
If a TSIG key is in use in the configuration
of the server, it cannot be deleted. The server must stop using it
in the configuration first.</p>
term add_existing = `VSquash (
// Frame label - adding a created server key
`Frame (_("Add an Existing TSIG Key"),
`HBox (
`HWeight (9,
`HBox (
`HWeight (7,
`HBox (
`TextEntry (`id ("_cwm_existing_key_file"), `opt (`hstretch),
// text entry
Label::FileName ())
`HWeight (2,
`HBox (
`VBox (
`Label (" "), `PushButton (`id ("_cwm_browse_existing_key_file"),
Label::BrowseButton ())
`HWeight (2,
`Bottom (
`VSquash (`PushButton (`id ("_cwm_add_key"), `opt (`hstretch), Label::AddButton ()))
term create_new = `VSquash (
// Frame label - creating a new server key
`Frame (_("Create a New TSIG Key"),
`HBox (
`HWeight (9,
`HBox (
`HWeight (7,
`HBox (
// text entry
`TextEntry (`id ("_cwm_new_key_id"), `opt (`hstretch), _("&Key ID")),
// text entry
`TextEntry (`id ("_cwm_new_key_file"), `opt (`hstretch), Label::FileName())
`HWeight (2,
`HBox (
`VBox (
`Label (" "),
`PushButton (`id ("_cwm_browse_new_key_file"), Label::BrowseButton ())
`HWeight (2,
`Bottom (
// push button
`VSquash (`PushButton ( `id ("_cwm_generate_key"), `opt(`hstretch), _("&Generate")))
term current_keys = `VBox (
`VSpacing (0.5),
// Table header - in fact label
`Left (`Label (_("Current TSIG Keys"))),
`HBox (
`HWeight (9, `Table (`id ("_cwm_key_listing_table"), `header (
// Table header item - DNS key listing
_("Key ID"),
// Table header item - DNS key listing
), []
`HWeight (2, `VBox (
`VSquash (`PushButton (`id ("_cwm_delete_key"),
`opt (`hstretch),
Label::DeleteButton ())),
`VStretch ()
term contents = `VBox (
map<string,any> ret = (map<string,any>)union ($[
"widget" : `custom,
"custom_widget" : contents,
"help" : help,
"init" : InitWrapper,
"store" : StoreWrapper,
"handle" : HandleWrapper,
], settings);
return ret;
// EOF