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* File: modules/CWMFirewallInterfaces.ycp
* Package: Common widget manipulation, firewall interfaces widget
* Summary: Routines for selecting interfaces opened in firewall
* Authors: Jiri Srain <jsrain@suse.cz>
* $Id: CWMFirewallInterfaces.ycp 33164 2006-09-27 08:42:24Z jsrain $
* WARNING: If you want to use this functionality of this module
* you should allways call 'SuSEFirewall::Read()' in the
* Read() function of you module
* and you should call 'SuSEFirewall::Write()' in the
* Write() function.
* Functionality of this module only changes the SuSEFirewall
* settings in memory, it never Reads or Writes the settings.
* Additionally you may need to call Progress::set(false)
* before SuSEFirewall::Read() or SuSEFirewall::Write().
module "CWMFirewallInterfaces";
textdomain "base";
import "CWM";
import "Label";
import "Mode";
import "NetworkDevices";
//import "NetworkService";
import "Popup";
import "SuSEFirewall";
// used only for (Mode::installation() || Mode::update())
import "SuSEFirewallProposal";
// private variables
* List of all interfaces relevant for firewall settings
list<string> all_interfaces = nil;
* List of all items of interfaces to the selection box
list interface_items = nil;
* List of interfaces that are allowed
list<string> allowed_interfaces = nil;
* Information if configuration was changed by user
boolean configuration_changed = nil;
* `Any`-feature is supported in the firewall configuration
boolean any_iface_supported = nil;
// private functions
* Enable or disable the firewall details widget according to the status
* of "open firewall" checkbox
void EnableOrDisableFirewallDetails () {
if (! UI::WidgetExists (`id ("_cwm_open_firewall")))
if (! UI::WidgetExists (`id ("_cwm_firewall_details")))
boolean enabled = (boolean)
UI::QueryWidget (`id ("_cwm_open_firewall"), `Value);
if (enabled == nil)
enabled = false;
if (size (all_interfaces) == 0)
enabled = false;
//// NetworkManager
//if (contains(all_interfaces, special_all_nm_interfaces) && enabled) {
// allowed_interfaces = add (allowed_interfaces, special_all_nm_interfaces);
UI::ChangeWidget (`id ("_cwm_firewall_details"), `Enabled, enabled);
* Set the firewall status label
* @param status symbol one of `off, `closed, `open_all, `custom
void SetFirewallLabel (symbol status) {
string label = "";
if (status == `off)
// label
label = _("Firewall is disabled");
else if (status == `closed)
// label
label = _("Firewall port is closed");
else if (status == `open_all)
// label
label = _("Firewall port is open on all interfaces");
else if (status == `custom)
// label
label = _("Firewall port is open on selected interfaces");
else if (status == `no_ifaces)
// label
label = _("No network interfaces are configured");
UI::ReplaceWidget (`id (`_cwm_firewall_status_rp),
`Label (label));
* Initialize the list of all known interfaces
void InitAllInterfacesList () {
// Do not read NetworkDevices when they are already read
if (! Mode::config () && ! Mode::installation () && ! Mode::update ()) {
y2milestone("Reading NetworkDevices...");
NetworkDevices::Read ();
all_interfaces = NetworkDevices::List ("");
all_interfaces = filter (string i, all_interfaces, {
return i != "lo";
if (! Mode::config ())
interface_items = maplist (string i, all_interfaces, {
string label = NetworkDevices::GetValue (i, "BOOTPROTO");
string ipaddr = NetworkDevices::GetValue (i, "IPADDR");
if (label == "static" || label == "" || label == nil)
label = ipaddr;
label = toupper (label);
if (ipaddr != nil && ipaddr != "")
label = sformat ("%1/%2", label, ipaddr);
if (label == nil || label == "")
label = i;
label = sformat ("%1 (%2)", i, label);
return `item (`id (i), label);
interface_items = maplist (string i, all_interfaces, {
return `item (`id (i), i);
any_iface_supported = SuSEFirewall::IsAnyNetworkInterfaceSupported();
// if (NetworkService::IsManaged()) {
// nm_managed = true;
// if (all_interfaces == nil) all_interfaces = [];
// all_interfaces = add (all_interfaces, special_all_nm_interfaces);
// if (interface_items == nil) interface_items = [];
// interface_items = add (interface_items,
// // multi selection box item
// `item (`id (special_all_nm_interfaces), _("All NetworkManager Interfaces"))
// );
// // handled by NetworkManager and also any-feature is supported
// if (any_iface_supported) {
// nm_ifaces_have_to_be_supported = true;
// } else {
// nm_ifaces_have_to_be_supported = false;
// }
// } else {
// nm_managed = false;
// }
* Update the firewall status label according to the current status
void UpdateFirewallStatus () {
if (all_interfaces == nil)
InitAllInterfacesList ();
symbol status = `custom;
if (! SuSEFirewall::GetEnableService())
status = `off;
else if (size (all_interfaces) == 0)
status = `no_ifaces;
else if (size (all_interfaces) == size (allowed_interfaces))
status = `open_all;
else if (size (allowed_interfaces) == 0)
status = `closed;
y2milestone("Status: %1, All: %2, Allowed: %3", status, all_interfaces, allowed_interfaces);
SetFirewallLabel (status);
boolean open = status == `open_all || status == `custom;
UI::ChangeWidget (`id ("_cwm_open_firewall"), `Value, open);
* Get the list of all interfaces that will be selected
* @param ifaces a list of interfaces selected by the user
* @params nm_ifaces_have_to_be_selected defines whether also NetworkManager have to be selected too
* @return a list of interfaces that will be opened
list<string> Selected2Opened (list<string> ifaces, boolean nm_ifaces_have_to_be_selected) {
y2milestone("Selected ifaces: %1", ifaces);
list<string> groups = maplist (string i, ifaces, {
return SuSEFirewall::GetZoneOfInterface (i);
// string 'any' is in the EXT zone
// all interfaces without zone assigned are covered by this case
// so, check also the EXT zone
if (SuSEFirewall::IsAnyNetworkInterfaceSupported()) {
groups = add (groups, SuSEFirewall::special_all_interface_zone);
groups = toset (groups);
groups = filter (string g, groups, {
return g != nil;
list<list<string> > iface_groups = maplist (string g, groups, {
list <string> ifaces_also_supported_by_any = SuSEFirewall::GetInterfacesInZoneSupportingAnyFeature (g);
// If all interfaces in EXT zone are covered by the special 'any' string
// and none of these interfaces are selected to be open, we can remove all of them
// disable the service in whole EXT zone
if (g == SuSEFirewall::special_all_interface_zone) {
list <string> ifaces_left_explicitely = filter(string iface, ifaces_also_supported_by_any, {
return contains(ifaces, iface);
y2milestone("Ifaces left in zone: %1", ifaces_left_explicitely);
// there are no interfaces left that would be explicitely mentioned in the EXT zone
if (ifaces_left_explicitely == []) {
return [];
// Hmm, some interfaces left
} else {
return ifaces_also_supported_by_any;
// Just report all interfaces mentioned in zone
} else {
return ifaces_also_supported_by_any;
y2milestone("Ifaces touched: %1", iface_groups);
list<string> new_ifaces = toset (flatten (iface_groups));
new_ifaces = filter (string i, new_ifaces, {
return i != nil;
//if (nm_ifaces_have_to_be_selected) {
// new_ifaces = toset(add(new_ifaces, special_all_nm_interfaces));
return toset (new_ifaces);
* Display popup with firewall settings details
void DisplayFirewallDetailsPopupHandler (map<string,any> widget) {
void (map<string,any>) common_details_handler = (void(map<string,any>))
if (common_details_handler != nil)
common_details_handler (widget);
// public functions
// general functions
* Initialize the list of allowed interfaces
* Changes the internal variables
* @param services a list of services
global void InitAllowedInterfaces (list<string> services) {
map<string,boolean> service_status = $[];
map<string,map<string,boolean> > ifaces_info
= SuSEFirewall::GetServicesInZones (services);
foreach (string s, map<string,boolean> status, ifaces_info, {
foreach (string iface, boolean en, status, {
service_status[iface] = service_status[iface]:true && en;
service_status = filter (string iface, boolean en, service_status, {
return en;
y2milestone("Status: %1", service_status);
allowed_interfaces = maplist (string iface, boolean en, service_status, {
return iface;
// Checking whether the string 'any' is in the 'EXT' zone
// If it is, checking the status of services for this zone
// If it is enabled, adding it these interfaces into the list of allowed interfaces
// and setting this zone to enabled
if (SuSEFirewall::IsAnyNetworkInterfaceSupported()) {
list <string> interfaces_supported_by_any =
if (size(interfaces_supported_by_any)>0) {
foreach (string service, services, {
service_status[SuSEFirewall::special_all_interface_zone] =
SuSEFirewall::IsServiceSupportedInZone(service, SuSEFirewall::special_all_interface_zone)
&& service_status[SuSEFirewall::special_all_interface_zone]:true;
if (service_status[SuSEFirewall::special_all_interface_zone]:false) {
allowed_interfaces = (list <string>) union (allowed_interfaces, interfaces_supported_by_any);
//if (contains(all_interfaces, special_all_nm_interfaces)) {
// boolean special_all_nm_enabled = size(services) > 0;
// foreach (string sr, services, {
// if (! SuSEFirewall::IsServiceSupportedInZone (sr, SuSEFirewall::special_all_interface_zone)) {
// special_all_nm_enabled = false;
// break;
// }
// });
// if (special_all_nm_enabled) allowed_interfaces = toset(add(allowed_interfaces, special_all_nm_interfaces));
configuration_changed = false;
* Store the list of allowed interfaces
* Users the internal variables
* @param services a list of services
global void StoreAllowedInterfaces (list<string> services) {
// do not save anything if configuration didn't change
if (! configuration_changed)
list<string> forbidden_interfaces = filter (string i, all_interfaces, {
return ! contains (allowed_interfaces, i);
// If configuring firewall in any type of installation
// proposal must be set to 'modified'
if (Mode::installation() || Mode::update()) {
y2milestone("Firewall proposal modified by user");
//boolean set_nm_enable = false;
//if (contains(allowed_interfaces, special_all_nm_interfaces)) {
// set_nm_enable = true;
// // to hide the special interface name
// allowed_interfaces = filter(string i, allowed_interfaces, { return i != special_all_nm_interfaces; });
list <string> interfaces_supported_by_any =
if (size (forbidden_interfaces) > 0)
SuSEFirewall::SetServices (services, forbidden_interfaces, false);
if (size (allowed_interfaces) > 0)
SuSEFirewall::SetServices (services, allowed_interfaces, true);
//if (contains(all_interfaces, special_all_nm_interfaces)) {
// SuSEFirewall::SetServicesForZones(services, [SuSEFirewall::special_all_interface_zone], set_nm_enable);
* Init function of the widget
* @param map widget a widget description map
* @param key strnig the widget key
global define void InterfacesInit (map<string,any> widget, string key) {
// set the list of ifaces
if (all_interfaces == nil)
InitAllInterfacesList ();
UI::ReplaceWidget (`id ("_cwm_interface_list_rp"),
`MultiSelectionBox (
`id ("_cwm_interface_list"),
// transaltors: selection box title
_("&Network Interfaces with Open Port in Firewall"),
// mark open ifaces as open
UI::ChangeWidget (`id ("_cwm_interface_list"),
* Handle function of the widget
* @param map widget a widget description map
* @param key strnig the widget key
* @param event map event to be handled
* @return symbol for wizard sequencer or nil
global define symbol InterfacesHandle (map<string,any> widget, string key, map event) {
any event_id = event["ID"]:nil;
if (event_id == "_cwm_interface_select_all")
UI::ChangeWidget (`id ("_cwm_interface_list"), `SelectedItems,
return nil;
if (event_id == "_cwm_interface_select_none")
UI::ChangeWidget (`id ("_cwm_interface_list"), `SelectedItems, []);
return nil;
//if (contains((list <string>) UI::QueryWidget(`id ("_cwm_interface_list"), `SelectedItems), special_all_nm_interfaces)) {
// nm_ifaces_have_to_be_supported = true;
//} else {
// nm_ifaces_have_to_be_supported = false;
return nil;
* Store function of the widget
* @param map widget a widget description map
* @param key strnig the widget key
* @param event map that caused widget data storing
global define void InterfacesStore (map<string,any> widget, string key, map event) {
allowed_interfaces = (list<string>)
UI::QueryWidget (`id ("_cwm_interface_list"), `SelectedItems);
//allowed_interfaces = Selected2Opened (allowed_interfaces, nm_ifaces_have_to_be_supported);
allowed_interfaces = Selected2Opened (allowed_interfaces, false);
configuration_changed = true;
* Validate function of the widget
* @param map widget a widget description map
* @param key strnig the widget key
* @param event map event that caused the validation
* @return true if validation succeeded, false otherwise
global boolean InterfacesValidate (map<string,any> widget, string key, map event) {
list<string> ifaces = (list<string>)
UI::QueryWidget (`id ("_cwm_interface_list"), `SelectedItems);
ifaces = toset (ifaces);
y2milestone("Selected ifaces: %1", ifaces);
if (size (ifaces) == 0)
// question popup
if (! Popup::YesNo (_("No interface is selected. Service will not
be available for other computers.
return false;
// NetworkManager interfaces have to be supported
//if (contains(ifaces, special_all_nm_interfaces)) {
// y2milestone("All Network Interfaces were selected.");
// if (any_iface_supported) {
// y2milestone("any-feature is supported.");
// } else {
// y2warning("any-feature is NOT supported.");
// // yes-no popup
// if (! Popup::YesNo ("Because of the SuSE Firewall settings, the port
//for All NetworkManager Interfaces cannot be open.
//Continue?")) return false;
// }
// nm_ifaces_have_to_be_supported = true;
// ifaces = filter (string i, ifaces, { return i != special_all_nm_interfaces; });
//} else {
// nm_ifaces_have_to_be_supported = false;
// list<string> firewall_ifaces = toset (Selected2Opened (ifaces, nm_ifaces_have_to_be_supported));
list<string> firewall_ifaces = toset (Selected2Opened (ifaces, false));
y2milestone("firewall_ifaces: %1", firewall_ifaces);
list<string> added_ifaces = filter (string i, firewall_ifaces, {
return ! contains (ifaces, i);
y2milestone("added_ifaces: %1", added_ifaces);
list<string> removed_ifaces = filter (string i, ifaces, {
return ! contains (firewall_ifaces, i);
y2milestone("removed_ifaces: %1", removed_ifaces);
//// to hide that special string
//added_ifaces = filter (string i, added_ifaces, { return i != special_all_nm_interfaces; });
if (size (added_ifaces) > 0)
string ifaces_list = mergestring (added_ifaces, "\n");
if (! Popup::YesNo (sformat (
// yes-no popup
_("Because of SuSE Firewall settings, the port
on the following interfaces will additionally be open:
return false;
//// to hide that special string
//removed_ifaces = filter (string i, removed_ifaces, { return i != special_all_nm_interfaces; });
if (size (removed_ifaces) > 0)
string ifaces_list = mergestring (removed_ifaces, "\n");
if (! Popup::YesNo (sformat (
// yes-no popup
_("Because of SuSE Firewall settings, the port
on the following interfaces cannot be opened:
return false;
return true;
list <string> buggy_ifaces = [];
* Checks whether it is possible to change the firewall status
boolean CheckPossbilityToChangeFirewall (boolean new_status) {
// Reset buggy ifaces
buggy_ifaces = [];
// User want's to disable the service in firewall
// that works always
if (new_status == false)
return true;
// BTW: new_status == true
// 'any' in 'EXT'
// interfaces are mentioned in some zone or they are covered by the special string
// enable-on-all or disable-on-all will work
if (SuSEFirewall::IsAnyNetworkInterfaceSupported())
return true;
// every network interface must have its zone assigned
boolean all_ok = true;
list <map <string, string> > all_ifaces = SuSEFirewall::GetAllKnownInterfaces();
foreach (map <string, string> one_interface, SuSEFirewall::GetAllKnownInterfaces(), {
if (one_interface["zone"]:nil == nil || one_interface["zone"]:"" == "") {
y2warning("Cannot enable service because interface %1 is not mentioned anywhere...", one_interface["id"]:"ID");
buggy_ifaces = add(buggy_ifaces, one_interface["id"]:"interface");
all_ok = false;
if (all_ok) {
return true;
} else {
string ifaces_list = mergestring (buggy_ifaces, "\n");
// yes-no popup
if (Popup::YesNo (sformat(_("Because of SuSE Firewall settings, the port
on the following interfaces cannot be opened:
Continue?"), ifaces_list))) {
// all known ifaces are buggy
if (size(buggy_ifaces) == size(all_ifaces))
return false;
// at least one iface isn't buggy
return true;
} else {
// cancel
buggy_ifaces = all_interfaces;
return false;
return false;
* Init function of the widget
* @param key strnig the widget key
global define void InterfacesInitWrapper (string key) {
InterfacesInit (CWM::GetProcessedWidget (), key);
* Handle function of the widget
* @param key strnig the widget key
* @param event map event to be handled
* @return symbol for wizard sequencer or nil
global define symbol InterfacesHandleWrapper (string key, map event) {
return InterfacesHandle (CWM::GetProcessedWidget (), key, event);
* Store function of the widget
* @param key strnig the widget key
* @param event map that caused widget data storing
global define void InterfacesStoreWrapper (string key, map event) {
InterfacesStore (CWM::GetProcessedWidget (), key, event);
* Validate function of the widget
* @param key strnig the widget key
* @param event map event that caused the validation
* @return true if validation succeeded, false otherwise
global boolean InterfacesValidateWrapper (string key, map event) {
return InterfacesValidate (CWM::GetProcessedWidget (), key, event);
* Get the widget description map
* @param settings a map of all parameters needed to create the widget properly
* <pre>
* Behavior manipulating functions (mandatory)
* - "get_allowed_interfaces" : list<string>() -- function that returns
* the list of allowed network interfaces
* - "set_allowed_interfaces" : void (list<string>) -- function that sets
* the list of allowed interfaces
* Additional settings:
* - "help" : string -- help to the whole widget. If not specified, generic help
* is used (button labels are patched correctly)
* </pre>
* @return map the widget description map
global define map<string,any> CreateInterfacesWidget (map<string,any> settings){
term widget = `HBox (
`HSpacing (1),
`VBox (
`HSpacing (48),
`VSpacing (1),
`ReplacePoint (`id ("_cwm_interface_list_rp"),
`MultiSelectionBox (
`id ("_cwm_interface_list"),
// translators: selection box title
_("Network &Interfaces with Open Port in Firewall"),
`VSpacing (1),
`HBox (
`HStretch (),
`HWeight (1, `PushButton (`id ("_cwm_interface_select_all"),
// push button to select all network intefaces for firewall
_("Select &All"))),
`HWeight (1, `PushButton (`id ("_cwm_interface_select_none"),
// push button to deselect all network intefaces for firewall
_("Select &None"))),
`HStretch ()
`VSpacing (1)
`HSpacing (1)
string help = ""; // TODO
if (haskey (settings, "help"))
help = settings["help"]:"";
map<string,any> ret = (map<string,any>)union (settings, $[
"widget" : `custom,
"custom_widget" : widget,
"help" : help,
"init" : InterfacesInitWrapper,
"store" : InterfacesStoreWrapper,
"handle" : InterfacesHandleWrapper,
"validate_type" : `function,
"validate_function" : InterfacesValidateWrapper,
return ret;
* Display the firewall interfaces selection as a popup
* @return symbol return value of the dialog
global symbol DisplayDetailsPopup (map<string,any> settings) {
// FIXME breaks help if run in dialog with Tab!!!!!!
// settings stack must be created in CWM::Run
list<map <string, any> > w = CWM::CreateWidgets (
"firewall_ifaces" : CreateInterfacesWidget (settings),
string help = CWM::MergeHelps (w);
term contents = `VBox (
`HBox (
`HStretch (),
`PushButton (`id (`ok), Label::OKButton ()),
`PushButton (`id (`cancel), Label::CancelButton ()),
`HStretch ()
contents = CWM::PrepareDialog (contents, w);
UI::OpenDialog (contents);
symbol ret = CWM::Run (w, $[]);
UI::CloseDialog ();
return ret;
// firewall openning widget
* Initialize the open firewall widget
* @param widget a map describing the whole widget
global void OpenFirewallInit (map<string,any> widget, string key) {
if (! UI::WidgetExists (`id ("_cwm_open_firewall")))
y2error ("Firewall widget doesn't exist");
list<string> services = widget["services"]:[];
InitAllInterfacesList ();
InitAllowedInterfaces (services);
boolean open_firewall = size (allowed_interfaces) > 0;
boolean firewall_enabled = SuSEFirewall::GetEnableService()
&& size (all_interfaces) > 0;
if (! firewall_enabled)
open_firewall = false;
UI::ChangeWidget (`id ("_cwm_open_firewall"), `Enabled, false);
UI::ChangeWidget (`id ("_cwm_open_firewall"), `Value, open_firewall);
UpdateFirewallStatus ();
EnableOrDisableFirewallDetails ();
* Store function of the widget
* @param key strnig the widget key
* @param event map that caused widget data storing
global void OpenFirewallStore (map<string,any> widget, string key, map event) {
if (! UI::WidgetExists (`id ("_cwm_open_firewall")))
y2error ("Widget _cwm_open_firewall does not exist");
list<string> services = widget["services"]:[];
StoreAllowedInterfaces (services);
* Handle the immediate start and stop of the service
* @param widget a map describing the widget
* @param key strnig the widget key
* @param event_id any the ID of the occurred event
* @return always nil
global symbol OpenFirewallHandle (map<string,any> widget, string key, map event) {
any event_id = event["ID"]:nil;
if (event_id == "_cwm_firewall_details")
symbol() handle_firewall_details
= (symbol())widget["firewall_details_handler"]:nil;
y2milestone("FD: %1", handle_firewall_details);
symbol ret = nil;
y2milestone("RT: %1", ret);
if (handle_firewall_details != nil)
ret = handle_firewall_details ();
map<string,any> w = filter (string k, any v, widget, {
return "services" == k;
DisplayDetailsPopup (w);
UpdateFirewallStatus ();
EnableOrDisableFirewallDetails ();
return ret;
if (event_id == "_cwm_open_firewall")
boolean value = (boolean)UI::QueryWidget (
`id ("_cwm_open_firewall"),
y2milestone("OF: %1", value);
if (value)
allowed_interfaces = all_interfaces;
allowed_interfaces = [];
buggy_ifaces = [];
// Checks whether it's possible to enable or disable the service for all interfaces
// opens a popup message when needed
if (! CheckPossbilityToChangeFirewall(value)) {
// change the checkbox state back
UI::ChangeWidget(`id ("_cwm_open_firewall"), `Value, !value);
// Filtering out buggy ifaces
foreach (string one_iface, buggy_ifaces, {
allowed_interfaces = filter(string one_allowed, allowed_interfaces, {
return one_allowed != one_iface;
UpdateFirewallStatus ();
EnableOrDisableFirewallDetails ();
configuration_changed = true;
return nil;
* Init function of the widget
* @param key strnig the widget key
global void OpenFirewallInitWrapper (string key) {
OpenFirewallInit (CWM::GetProcessedWidget (), key);
* Store function of the widget
* @param key strnig the widget key
* @param event map that caused widget data storing
global void OpenFirewallStoreWrapper (string key, map event) {
OpenFirewallStore (CWM::GetProcessedWidget (), key, event);
* Handle the immediate start and stop of the service
* @param key strnig the widget key
* @param event_id any the ID of the occurred event
* @return always nil
global symbol OpenFirewallHandleWrapper (string key, map event) {
return OpenFirewallHandle (CWM::GetProcessedWidget (), key, event);
* Check if the widget was modified
* @param key strnig the widget key
* @return boolean true if widget was modified
global boolean OpenFirewallModified (string key) {
return configuration_changed;
* Enable the whole firewal widget
* @param key strnig the widget key
global void EnableOpenFirewallWidget () {
if (! UI::WidgetExists (`id ("_cwm_open_firewall")))
if (! UI::WidgetExists (`id ("_cwm_firewall_details")))
UI::ChangeWidget (`id ("_cwm_open_firewall"), `Enabled, true);
EnableOrDisableFirewallDetails ();
* Disable the whole firewal widget
* @param key strnig the widget key
global void DisableOpenFirewallWidget () {
if (! UI::WidgetExists (`id ("_cwm_open_firewall")))
if (! UI::WidgetExists (`id ("_cwm_firewall_details")))
UI::ChangeWidget (`id ("_cwm_open_firewall"), `Enabled, false);
UI::ChangeWidget (`id ("_cwm_firewall_details"), `Enabled, false);
* Get the template for the help text to the firewall opening widget
* @param restart_displayed shold be true if "Save and restart" is displayed
* @return string help text template with %1 and %2 placeholders
global string OpenFirewallHelpTemplate (boolean restart_displayed) {
// help text for firewall settings widget 1/3,
// %1 is check box label, eg. "Open Port in Firewall" (without quotes)
string help = _("<p><b><big>Firewall Settings</big></b><br>
To open the firewall to allow access to the service from remote computers,
set <b>%1</b>.<br>");
if (restart_displayed)
// help text for firewall port openning widget 2/3, optional
// %1 is push button label, eg. "Firewall &Details" (without quotes)
// note: %2 is correct, do not replace with %1!!!
help = help + _("To select interfaces on which to open the port,
click <b>%2</b>.<br>");
// help text for firewall settings widget 3/3,
help = help + _("This option is available only if the firewall
is enabled.</p>");
return help;
* Get the help text to the firewall opening widget
* @param restart_displayed shold be true if "Save and restart" is displayed
* @return string help text
global string OpenFirewallHelp (boolean restart_displayed) {
return sformat (OpenFirewallHelpTemplate (restart_displayed),
// part of help text - check box label, NO SHORTCUT!!!
_("Open Port in Firewall"),
// part of help text - push button label, NO SHORTCUT!!!
_("Firewall Details"));
* Get the widget description map of the firewall enablement widget
* @param settings a map of all parameters needed to create the widget properly
* <pre>
* - "services" : list<string> -- services identifications for the Firewall.ycp
* module
* - "display_details" : boolean -- true if the details button should be
* displayed
* - "firewall_details_handler" : symbol () -- function to handle the firewall
* details button. If returns something else than nil, dialog is
* exited with the returned symbol as value for wizard sequencer.
* If not specified, but "display_details" is true, common popup
* is used.
* - "open_firewall_checkbox" : string -- label of the check box
* - "firewall_details_button" : string -- label of the push button for
* changing firewall details
* - "help" : string -- help to the widget. If not specified, generic help
* is used
* </pre>
* @return map the widget description map
global map<string,any> CreateOpenFirewallWidget (map<string,any> settings) {
string help = "";
string open_firewall_checkbox
// check box
= settings["open_firewall_checkbox"]:_("Open Port in &Firewall");
string firewall_details_button
// push button
= settings["firewall_details_button"]:_("Firewall &Details");
boolean display_firewall_details
= haskey (settings, "firewall_details_handler")
|| settings["display_details"]:false;
if (haskey (settings, "help"))
help = settings["help"]:"";
help = OpenFirewallHelp (display_firewall_details);
term firewall_settings = `CheckBox (`id ("_cwm_open_firewall"),
`opt (`notify),
if (display_firewall_details)
firewall_settings = `HBox (
`HSpacing (2),
`PushButton (`id ("_cwm_firewall_details"),
firewall_settings = `VBox (
`Left (firewall_settings),
`Left (`ReplacePoint (`id (`_cwm_firewall_status_rp),
// label text
`Label (_("Firewall is open")))
if (! haskey (settings, "services"))
firewall_settings = `VBox ();
help = "";
y2error ("Firewall services not specified");
map<string,any> ret = (map<string,any>)union ($[
"widget" : `custom,
"custom_widget" : firewall_settings,
"help" : help,
"init" : OpenFirewallInitWrapper,
"store" : OpenFirewallStoreWrapper,
"handle" : OpenFirewallHandleWrapper,
"handle_events" : [ "_cwm_firewall_details", "_cwm_open_firewall" ],
], settings);
return ret;
* Check if settings were modified by the user
* @return boolean true if settings were modified
global boolean Modified () {
return SuSEFirewall::GetModified ();
// EOF