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* File: modules/CWM.ycp
* Package: Common widget manipulation
* Summary: Routines for common widget manipulation
* Authors: Jiri Srain <jsrain@suse.cz>
* $Id: CWM.ycp 29700 2006-04-05 08:53:20Z mvidner $
module "CWM";
textdomain "base";
import "Label";
import "Report";
import "Wizard";
// local variables
* Widget that is being currently processed
map<string, any> processed_widget = $[];
* All widgets of the current dialog, in the correct order
list<map<string,any> > current_dialog_widgets = [];
* stack of settings of nested calls of CWM
list<map<string,any> > settings_stack = [];
// local functions
* Push the settings of the currently run dialog to the stack
void PushSettings () {
settings_stack = prepend (settings_stack, $[
"widgets" : current_dialog_widgets,
* Pop the settings of the currently run dialog from the stack
void PopSettings () {
map<string,any> current_dialog = settings_stack[0]:$[];
settings_stack[0] = nil;
settings_stack = filter (map<string,any> e, settings_stack, {
return e != nil;
current_dialog_widgets = current_dialog["widgets"]:[];
* UI containers, layout helpers that contain other widgets. Used by
* functions that recurse through "contents" to decide whether to go
* deeper.
list<symbol> ContainerWidgets = [
`Frame, `RadioButtonGroup,
`VBox, `HBox, `MarginBox,
`MinWidth, `MinHeight, `MinSize,
`Left, `Right, `Top, `Bottom, `HCenter, `VCenter, `HVCenter,
`HSquash, `VSquash, `HVSquash, `HWeight, `VWeight,
* Process term with the dialog, replace strings in the term with
* appropriate widgets
* @param t term dialog containing strings
* @param widgets map of widget name -> widget description map
* @return term updated term ready to be used as a dialog
define term ProcessTerm (term t, map<string,map<string,any> > widgets) ``{
integer args = size (t);
if (args == 0)
return t;
term ret = toterm (substring (sformat ("%1", symbolof (t)), 1));
integer index = 0;
symbol current = symbolof (t);
while (index < args)
any arg = t[index]:nil;
if (current == `Frame && index == 0) // no action
y2debug ("Leaving untouched %1", arg);
else if (is (arg, term) && arg != nil) // recurse
symbol s = symbolof ((term)arg);
if (contains (ContainerWidgets, s))
arg = ProcessTerm ((term)arg, widgets);
else if (is (arg, string)) // action
arg = widgets[(string)arg, "widget"]:`VBox ();
ret = add (ret, arg);
index = index + 1;
return ret;
* Process term with the dialog, return all strings.
* To be used as an argument for widget_names until they are obsoleted.
* @param t term dialog containing strings
* @return strings found in the term
global define list<string> StringsOfTerm (term t) {
list<string> rets = [];
integer args = size (t);
integer index = 0;
while (index < args)
any arg = t[index]:nil;
symbol current = symbolof (t);
if (current == `Frame && index == 0) // no action
y2debug ("Leaving untouched %1", arg);
else if (is (arg, term) && arg != nil) // recurse
symbol s = symbolof ((term)arg);
if (contains (ContainerWidgets, s))
rets = rets + StringsOfTerm ((term)arg);
else if (is (arg, string)) // action
rets = add (rets, (string)arg);
index = index + 1;
return rets;
* Validate the value against the basic type
* @param value any a value to validate
* @param type string type information
* @return boolean true on success or if do not know how to validate
global boolean ValidateBasicType (any value, string type) {
if (type == "term")
return is (value, term);
if (type == "string")
return is (value, string);
if (type == "symbol")
return is (value, symbol);
if (type == "list")
return is (value, list);
if (type == "map")
return is (value, map);
if (type == "boolean")
return is (value, boolean);
if (type == "integer")
return is (value, integer);
y2error ("Unknown value type %1", type);
return true;
* Validate type of entry of the widget/option description map
* Also checks option description maps if present
* @param key string key of the map entry
* @param value any value of the map entry
* @param widget any name of the widget/option
* @return boolean true if validation succeeded
global define boolean ValidateValueType (string key, any value, string widget) {
map<string, string> types = $[
// general
"widget" : "symbol",
"custom_widget" : "term",
"handle_events" : "list",
"help" : "string",
"label" : "string",
"opt" : "list",
"ui_timeout" : "integer",
"validate_type" : "symbol",
// int field
"minimum" : "integer",
"maximum" : "integer",
"_cwm_attrib" : "map",
"fallback" : "map",
string type = (string) (types[key]:nil);
boolean success = true;
if (type == nil)
if (key == "widget_func")
success = is (value, term());
else if (key == "init")
success = is (value, void(string));
else if (key == "handle")
success = is (value, symbol(string,map));
else if (key == "store")
success = is (value, void(string,map));
else if (key == "cleanup")
success = is (value, void(string));
else if (key == "validate_function")
success = is (value, boolean(string,map));
else if (key == "items")
success = is (value, list<list<string> >);
else if (key == "_cwm_do_validate")
success = is (value, boolean(string,map<string,any>));
success = ValidateBasicType (value, type);
if (! success)
y2error ("Wrong type of option %1 in description map of %2",
key, widget);
return success;
* Validate value of entry of the widget/option description map
* Also checks option description maps if present
* @param key string key of the map entry
* @param value any value of the map entry
* @param widget any name of the widget/option
* @return boolean true if validation succeeded
define boolean ValidateValueContents (string key, any value, string widget){
string error = "";
if (key == "label")
string s = (string)value;
if (s == nil || size (s) == 0)
error = "Empty label";
else if (size (filterchars (s, "&")) != 1)
error = "Label has no shortcut or more than 1 shortcuts";
else if (key == "help")
string s = (string)value;
if (s == nil)
error = "Empty help";
else if (key == "widget")
symbol s = (symbol)value;
if (s == nil)
error = "No widget specified";
else if (key == "custom_widget")
term s = (term)value;
if (s == nil)
error = "No custom widget specified";
if (error == "")
return true;
y2error ("Error on key %1 of widget %2: %3", key, widget, error);
return false;
define integer GetLowestTimeout (list<map<string, any> > widgets) {
integer minimum = 0;
foreach (map<string,any> w, widgets, {
integer timeout = w["ui_timeout"]:0;
if ((timeout < minimum && timeout > 0) || minimum == 0)
minimum = timeout;
return minimum;
* Add fallback functions to a widget
* global only because of testsuites
* @param widgets a list of widget desctiption maps
* @param functions map of functions
* @return a list of modified widget description maps
global define list<map <string, any> > mergeFunctions (list<map <string, any> > widgets, map<any, any> functions)``{
functions = filter (any k, any v, functions, ``(is (k, string)));
map<string,any> fallback_functions = (map<string,any>) functions;
return maplist (map w, widgets, ``(
(map <string, any>)union (fallback_functions, w)
* Set widgets according to internally stored settings
* global only because of testsuites
* @param widgets list of maps representing widgets
global define void initWidgets (list<map<string, any> > widgets) ``{
foreach (map<string, any> w, widgets, ``{
// set initial properties
string valid_chars = (string) w["valid_chars"]:nil;
if (valid_chars != nil)
UI::ChangeWidget (`id (w["_cwm_key"]:""), `ValidChars, valid_chars);
// set initial values
processed_widget = w;
void(string) toEval = (void(string)) (w["init"]:nil);
if (toEval != nil)
toEval (w["_cwm_key"]:"");
* Handle change of widget after event generated
* global only because of testsuites
* @param widgets list of maps represenging widgets
* @param event_descr map event that occured
* @return symbol modified action (sometimes may be needed) or nil
global define symbol handleWidgets (list<map <string, any> > widgets, map event_descr) ``{
symbol ret = nil;
foreach (map<string, any> w, widgets, ``{
if (ret == nil)
processed_widget = w;
list<any> events = w["handle_events"]:[];
symbol (string, map) toEval = (symbol(string, map)) (w["handle"]:nil);
if (toEval != nil && (events == [] || contains (events, (any) (event_descr["ID"]:nil))))
ret = toEval (w["_cwm_key"]:"", event_descr);
return ret;
* Save changes of widget after event generated
* global only because of testsuites
* CWMTab uses it too
* @param widgets list of maps represenging widgets
* @param event map event that occured
global define void saveWidgets (list<map<string,any> > widgets, map event) {
foreach (map<string,any> w, widgets, ``{
processed_widget = w;
void(string, map) toEval = (void(string, map)) (w["store"]:nil);
if (toEval != nil)
toEval (w["_cwm_key"]:"", event);
* Cleanup after dialog was finished (independently on what event)
* global only because of testsuites
* @param widgets list of maps represenging widgets
global define void cleanupWidgets (list<map<string,any> > widgets) {
foreach (map<string,any> w, widgets, ``{
processed_widget = w;
void(string) toEval = (void(string)) (w["clean_up"]:nil);
if (toEval != nil)
toEval (w["_cwm_key"]:"");
// functions
* Return description map of currently processed widget
* @return map description map of currently processed widget
global define map<string, any> GetProcessedWidget () ``{
return processed_widget;
* Create a term with OK and Cancel buttons placed horizontally
* @return the term (HBox)
global define term OkCancelBox () ``{
return `HBox (
`HStretch (),
`PushButton (`id (`_tp_ok), `opt (`key_F10, `default),
Label::OKButton ()),
`HSpacing (1),
`PushButton (`id (`_tp_cancel), `opt (`key_F9),
Label::CancelButton ()),
`HStretch ()
* Validate widget description map, check for maps structure
* Also checks option description maps if present
* @param widgets map widgets description map
* @return boolean true on success
global define boolean ValidateMaps (map<string,map<string,any> > widgets) {
boolean ret = true;
foreach (string k, map<string,any> v, widgets, ``{
foreach (string kk, any vv, v, ``{
ret = ValidateValueType (kk, vv, k) && ret;
list<string> to_check = [];
if (v["widget"]:nil == `custom)
to_check = ["custom_widget"];
else if (v["widget"]:nil == `empty)
to_check = [];
to_check = ["label", "widget"];
if (! haskey (v, "no_help"))
to_check = (list<string>)merge (to_check, ["help"]);
foreach (string key, to_check, ``{
if (key != "label" ||
(v["widget"]:nil != `radio_buttons
&& v["widget"]:nil != `custom
&& v["widget"]:nil != `func)
ret = ValidateValueContents (key, v[key]:nil, k) && ret;
if (v["widget"]:nil == `custom)
ret = ValidateValueContents ("custom_widget",
v["custom_widget"]:nil, k) && ret;
// validate widget-specific entries
if (haskey (v, "_cwm_do_validate"))
boolean(string,map<string,any>) val_func
= (boolean(string,map<string,any>))v["_cwm_do_validate"]:nil;
if (val_func != nil)
ret = val_func (k, v) && ret;
return ret;
* Prepare a widget for usage
* @param widget_descr map widget description map
* @return map modified widget description map
global define map<string, any> prepareWidget (map<string, any> widget_descr) ``{
map<string, any> w = widget_descr;
symbol widget = w["widget"]:`textentry;
if (w["widget"]:nil == `empty)
w["widget"] = `VBox ();
else if (w["widget"]:nil == `custom && w["custom_widget"]:nil != nil)
w["widget"] = w["custom_widget"]:`VSpacing (0);
else if (w["widget"]:nil == `func)
term () toEval = (term()) (w["widget_func"]:nil);
if (toEval != nil)
w["widget"] = toEval ();
w["widget"] = `VBox ();
term id_term = `id (w["_cwm_key"]:"");
term opt_term = `opt ();
foreach (any o, w["opt"]:[], ``{
opt_term = add (opt_term, o);
string label = w["label"]:w["_cwm_key"]:"";
if (widget == `textentry)
w["widget"] = `TextEntry (id_term, opt_term, label);
else if (widget == `checkbox)
w["widget"] = `CheckBox (id_term, opt_term, label);
else if (widget == `combobox)
w["widget"] = `ComboBox (id_term, opt_term, label,
maplist (list<string> i, w["items"]:[], ``(
`item (`id (i[0]:""), i[1]:i[0]:"")
else if (widget == `selection_box)
w["widget"] = `SelectionBox (id_term, opt_term, label,
maplist (list<string> i, w["items"]:[], ``(
`item (`id (i[0]:""), i[1]:i[0]:"")
else if (widget == `multi_selection_box)
w["widget"] = `MultiSelectionBox (id_term, opt_term, label,
maplist (list<string> i, w["items"]:[], ``(
`item (`id (i[0]:""), i[1]:i[0]:"")
else if (widget == `intfield)
integer min = w["minimum"]:0;
integer max = w["maximum"]:2147483647;
w["widget"] = `IntField (id_term, opt_term, label,
min, max, min);
else if (widget == `radio_buttons)
integer hspacing = w["hspacing"]:0;
integer vspacing = w["vspacing"]:0;
term buttons = `VBox (`VSpacing (vspacing));
foreach (list<string> i, w["items"]:[], ``{
buttons = add (buttons, `Left( `RadioButton (
`id (i[0]:""), opt_term, i[1]:i[0]:"")) );
buttons = add (buttons, `VSpacing (vspacing));
w["widget"] = `Frame (
`HBox (`HSpacing (hspacing),
`RadioButtonGroup (id_term, buttons),
`HSpacing (hspacing))
else if (widget == `radio_button)
w["widget"] = `RadioButton (id_term, opt_term, label);
else if (widget == `push_button)
w["widget"] = `PushButton (id_term, opt_term, label);
else if (widget == `menu_button)
w["widget"] = `MenuButton (id_term, opt_term, label,
maplist (list<string> i, w["items"]:[], ``(
`item (`id (i[0]:""), i[1]:i[0]:"")
else if (widget == `multi_line_edit)
w["widget"] = `MultiLineEdit (id_term, opt_term, label);
else if (widget == `richtext)
w["widget"] = `RichText (id_term, opt_term, "");
w["custom_widget"] = nil; // not needed any more
return w;
* Validate single widget
* @param widget widget description map
* @param event map event that caused validation
* @param key widget key for validation by function
* @return true if validation succeeded
global define boolean validateWidget (map<string, any> widget, map event, string key) ``{
processed_widget = widget;
boolean failed = false;
symbol val_type = (symbol) (widget["validate_type"]:nil);
if (val_type == `function || val_type == `function_no_popup)
boolean (string, map) toEval = (boolean(string, map)) (widget["validate_function"]:nil);
if (toEval != nil)
failed = ! toEval (key, event);
else if (val_type == `regexp)
string regexp = (string) (widget["validate_condition"]:"");
if (! regexpmatch (
(string) UI::QueryWidget (`id (`_tp_value), `Value),
failed = true;
else if (val_type == `list)
list possible = (list) (widget["validate_condition"]:[]);
if (! contains (
UI::QueryWidget (`id (`_tp_value), `Value)))
failed = true;
if (failed && val_type != `function)
string error = widget["validate_help"]:"";
if (error == "")
string wname = widget["label"]:widget["_cwm_key"]:"";
wname = deletechars (wname, "&");
// message popup, %1 is a label of some widget
error = sformat (_("The value of %1 is invalid."), wname);
UI::SetFocus (`id (widget["_cwm_key"]:""));
Report::Error (error);
return ! failed;
* Validate dialog contents for allow it to be saved
* @param widgets list of widgets to validate
* @param event map event that caused validation
* @return boolean true if everything is OK, false if something is wrong
global define boolean validateWidgets (list<map <string, any> > widgets, map event) ``{
boolean result = true;
foreach (map<string, any> w, widgets, ``{
string widget_key = (string)(w["_cwm_key"]:"");
result = result && validateWidget (w, event, widget_key);
return result;
* Read widgets with listed names
* @param names a list of strings/symbols names of widgets
* @param source a map containing the widgets
* @return list of maps representing widgets
global define list<map<string, any> > CreateWidgets (list<string> names, map<string,map<string,any> > source) ``{
ValidateMaps (source); // FIXME find better place
list<map<string,any> > ret = maplist (string w, names, ``{
map<string,any> m = source[w]:$[];
// leave add here in order to make a copy of the structure
// eval isn't usable because the map may contain terms, that can't
// be evaluated here
m = (map<string,any>)add (m, "_cwm_key", w);
return m;
ret = maplist (map<string, any> w, ret, ``{
return prepareWidget (w);
return ret;
* Merge helps from the widgets
* @param widgets a list of widget description maps
* @return string merged helps of the widgets
global define string MergeHelps (list<map<string,any> > widgets) ``{
list<string> helps = maplist (map w, widgets, ``((string)(w["help"]:nil)));
helps = filter (string h, helps, ``(h != nil));
return mergestring (helps, "\n");
* Prepare the dialog, replace strings in the term with appropriate
* widgets
* @param dialog term dialog containing strings
* @param widgets list of widget description maps
* @return updated term ready to be used as a dialog
global define term PrepareDialog (term dialog, list<map<string,any> > widgets) ``{
integer args = size (dialog);
if (args == 0)
return dialog;
map<string,map<string,any> > m = listmap (map<string,any> w, widgets, {
string widget_key = w["_cwm_key"]:"";
return $[(string)widget_key: w];
return ProcessTerm (dialog, m);
* Replace help for a particular widget
* @param widget string widget ID of widget to replace help
* @param help string new help to the widget
global define void ReplaceWidgetHelp (string widget, string help) {
current_dialog_widgets = maplist (map<string,any> w,
if (w["_cwm_key"]:"" == widget)
w["help"] = help;
return w;
string help = MergeHelps (current_dialog_widgets);
Wizard::RestoreHelp (help);
* Generic function to create dialog and handle it's events
* @param widgets list of widget maps
* @param functions map initialize/save/handle fallbacks if not specified
* with the widgets.
* @return symbol wizard sequencer symbol
global define symbol Run (list<map<string, any> > widgets, map<any, any> functions) ``{
widgets = mergeFunctions (widgets, functions);
PushSettings ();
current_dialog_widgets = widgets;
initWidgets (widgets);
// allow a handler to enable/disable widgets before the first real
// UserInput takes place
UI::FakeUserInput ($["ID": "_cwm_wakeup"]);
any ret = nil;
list save_exits = [`next, `ok];
boolean save = false;
map<string, any> event_descr = $[];
integer timeout = GetLowestTimeout (widgets);
while (ret != `back && ret != `abort && ! save)
if (timeout > 0)
event_descr = (map<string,any>) UI::WaitForEvent (timeout);
event_descr = (map<string, any>) UI::WaitForEvent ();
ret = (event_descr["ID"]:nil);
symbol handle_ret = handleWidgets (widgets, event_descr);
if (handle_ret != nil
|| (is (ret, symbol) && contains (save_exits, ret)))
save = true;
if (handle_ret != nil)
ret = handle_ret;
event_descr["ID"] = ret;
if (ret == `cancel)
ret = `abort;
if (ret == `abort)
if (functions[`abort]:nil != nil)
boolean () toEval = (boolean()) (functions[`abort]:nil);
if (toEval != nil)
boolean eval_ret = toEval ();
ret = eval_ret ? `abort : nil;
else if (ret == `back)
if (functions[`back]:nil != nil)
boolean () toEval = (boolean()) (functions[`back]:nil);
if (toEval != nil)
boolean eval_ret = toEval ();
ret = eval_ret ? `back : nil;
if (ret == nil)
if (save)
if (! validateWidgets (widgets, event_descr))
ret = nil;
if (ret == nil)
save = false;
if (save)
saveWidgets (widgets, event_descr);
cleanupWidgets (widgets);
PopSettings ();
return (symbol)ret;
* Disable given bottom buttons of the wizard sequencer
* @patam buttons list of buttons to be disabled
global define void DisableButtons (list<string> buttons) {
foreach (string button, buttons, {
if (button == "back_button")
Wizard::DisableBackButton ();
if (button == "abort_button")
Wizard::DisableAbortButton ();
if (button == "next_button")
Wizard::DisableNextButton ();
* Adjust the labels of the bottom buttons of the wizard sequencer
* @param next label of the "Next" button
* @param back string label of the "Back" button
* @param abort string label of the "Abort" button
* @param help string label of the additional "Help" button (if needed)
global define void AdjustButtons (string next, string back, string abort,
string help)
if (UI::HasSpecialWidget (`Wizard))
help = "";
if (help == nil)
help = "";
if (next == nil)
next = "";
if (back == nil)
back = "";
if (abort == nil)
abort = "";
if (back == "" || help == "")
// back or help is missing, great!
if (next != "")
Wizard::SetNextButton (`next, next);
Wizard::HideNextButton ();
if (abort != "")
Wizard::SetAbortButton (`abort, abort);
Wizard::HideAbortButton ();
if (back != "")
Wizard::SetBackButton (`back, back);
else if (help != "")
Wizard::SetBackButton (`help, help);
Wizard::HideBackButton ();
// both back and help are present, problem!
// TODO this situation if it is needed
* Display the dialog and run its event loop
* @param settings a map of all settings needed to run the dialog
global define symbol ShowAndRun (map<string,any> settings) {
map<string,map<string,any> > widget_descr
= settings["widget_descr"]:$[];
term contents = settings["contents"]:`VBox ();
list<string> widget_names = settings["widget_names"]:StringsOfTerm (contents);
string caption = settings["caption"]:"";
string back_button = settings["back_button"]:Label::BackButton ();
string next_button = settings["next_button"]:Label::NextButton ();
string abort_button = settings["abort_button"]:Label::AbortButton ();
map<any,any> fallback = settings["fallback_functions"]:$[];
list<map <string, any> > w = CreateWidgets (widget_names, widget_descr);
string help = MergeHelps (w);
contents = PrepareDialog (contents, w);
Wizard::SetContentsButtons (caption, contents, help,
back_button, next_button);
AdjustButtons (next_button, back_button, abort_button, nil);
DisableButtons (settings["disable_buttons"]:[]);
return Run (w, fallback);
* Display the dialog and run its event loop
* @param widget_names list of names of widgets that will be used in the
* dialog
* @param widget_descr map description map of all widgets
* @param contents term contents of the dialog, identifiers instead of
* widgets
* @param caption string dialog caption
* @param back_button string label of the back button
* @param next_button string label of the next button
* @param fallback map initialize/save/handle fallbacks if not specified
* with the widgets.
* @return symbol wizard sequencer symbol
global define symbol ShowAndRunOrig (list<string> widget_names, map<string,map<string,any> > widget_descr,
term contents, string caption, string back_button, string next_button,
map<any, any> fallback)
return ShowAndRun ($[
"widget_names" : widget_names,
"widget_descr" : widget_descr,
"contents" : contents,
"caption" : caption,
"back_button" : back_button,
"next_button" : next_button,
"fallback_functions" : fallback,
// useful handlers
* Do-nothing replacement for a widget initialization function.
* Used for push buttons if all the other widgets have a fallback.
* @param key id of the widget
global void InitNull (string key) {
* Do-nothing replacement for a widget storing function.
* Used for push buttons if all the other widgets have a fallback.
* @param key id of the widget
* @param event the event being handled
global void StoreNull (string key, map event) {