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* File:
* modules/Bootloader.ycp
* Module:
* Bootloader installation and configuration
* Summary:
* Bootloader installation and configuration base module
* Authors:
* Jiri Srain <jsrain@suse.cz>
* $Id: Bootloader.ycp 34538 2006-11-21 13:55:48Z odabrunz $
module "Bootloader";
textdomain "bootloader";
import "Arch";
import "BootCommon";
import "Installation";
import "Initrd";
import "Kernel";
import "Mode";
import "Progress";
import "Stage";
import "Storage";
// import "BootABOOT";
import "BootELILO";
import "BootLILO";
// import "BootMILO";
// import "BootS390";
import "BootGRUB";
import "BootPOWERLILO"; // The ppc-LILO File
global define map Export ();
global define boolean Import (map<string,any> settings);
global define void Propose ();
global define boolean Read ();
global define void Reset ();
global define boolean Write ();
global define void ReadOrProposeIfNeeded ();
global define string getDefaultSection ();
global define string getKernelParam (string section, string key);
global define boolean setKernelParam (string section, string key, string value);
global define list<string> listKernelParams (string section);
global define string getLoaderType ();
global define string getProposedDefaultSection ();
global define boolean UpdateGfxMenu ();
* Write is repeating again
* Because of progress bar during inst_finish
global boolean repeating_write = false;
// installation proposal help variables
* Configuration was changed during inst. proposal if true
global boolean proposed_cfg_changed = false;
* Cache for the installation proposal
global map cached_proposal = nil;
global map cached_settings = $[];
global integer cached_settings_base_data_change_time = nil;
// old vga value handling function
* old value of vga parameter of default bootloader section
string old_vga = nil;
// UI helping variables
global map aliases = $[];
global map ws_data = $[];
include "bootloader/routines/switcher.ycp";
include "bootloader/routines/popups.ycp";
// general functions
global boolean() test_abort = nil;
* Check whether abort was pressed
* @return boolean true if abort was pressed
boolean testAbort () {
if (test_abort == nil)
return false;
return test_abort ();
* Constructor
global define void Bootloader () {
* Export bootloader settings to a map
* @return bootloader settings
global define map Export () {
ReadOrProposeIfNeeded ();
map out = $[
"loader_device" : BootCommon::loader_device,
"loader_location" : BootCommon::selected_location,
"loader_type" : getLoaderType (),
"initrd" : Initrd::Export (),
"specific" : blExport (),
"write_settings" : BootCommon::write_settings,
y2milestone ("Exporting settings: %1", out);
return out;
* Import settings from a map
* @param settings map of bootloader settings
* @return boolean true on success
global define boolean Import (map<string, any> settings) {
y2milestone ("Importing settings: %1", settings);
Reset ();
BootCommon::was_read = true;
BootCommon::was_proposed = true;
BootCommon::changed = true;
BootCommon::location_changed = true;
if (settings["loader_type"]:nil == "")
settings["loader_type"] = nil;
string loader_type = (string) (settings["loader_type"]:nil);
BootCommon::setLoaderType (loader_type);
BootCommon::getLoaderType (false);
BootCommon::loader_device = settings["loader_device"]:"";
BootCommon::selected_location = settings["loader_location"]:"custom";
if (loader_type == "lilo" || loader_type == "grub"
|| Arch::i386 () || Arch::x86_64 ())
BootCommon::loader_device = BootCommon::GetBootloaderDevice ();
if (settings["initrd"]:$[] != nil)
Initrd::Import (settings["initrd"]:$[]);
boolean ret = blImport (settings["specific"]:$[]);
BootCommon::write_settings = settings["write_settings"]:$[];
return ret;
* Read settings from disk
* @return boolean true on success
global define boolean Read () {
y2milestone ("Reading configuration");
// run Progress bar
list<string> stages = [
// progress stage, text in dialog (short, infinitiv)
_("Check boot loader"),
// progress stage, text in dialog (short, infinitiv)
_("Read partitioning"),
// progress stage, text in dialog (short, infinitiv)
_("Load boot loader settings"),
list<string> titles = [
// progress step, text in dialog (short)
_("Checking boot loader..."),
// progress step, text in dialog (short)
_("Reading partitioning..."),
// progress step, text in dialog (short)
_("Loading boot loader settings..."),
// dialog header
Progress::New (_("Initializing Boot Loader Configuration"),
" ", 3, stages, titles, "");
Progress::NextStage ();
if (testAbort ())
return false;
Bootloader::getLoaderType ();
Progress::NextStage ();
if (testAbort ())
return false;
BootCommon::DetectDisks ();
Progress::NextStage ();
if (testAbort ())
return false;
boolean ret = blRead (true);
BootCommon::was_read = true;
old_vga = getKernelParam (getDefaultSection (), "vga");
Progress::Finish ();
if (testAbort ())
return false;
y2debug ("Read settings: %1", Export ());
return ret;
* Reset bootloader settings
* @param init boolean true if basic initialization of system-dependent
* settings should be done
global define void ResetEx (boolean init) {
if (Mode::autoinst ())
y2milestone ("Reseting configuration");
BootCommon::was_proposed = false;
BootCommon::was_read = false;
BootCommon::loader_device = "";
// BootCommon::setLoaderType (nil);
BootCommon::changed = false;
BootCommon::location_changed = false;
// BootCommon::other_bl = $[];
BootCommon::files_edited = false;
BootCommon::write_settings = $[];
blReset (init);
* Reset bootloader settings
global define void Reset () {
return ResetEx (true);
* Propose bootloader settings
global define void Propose () {
y2milestone ("Proposing configuration");
// have a current target map available in the log when we debug
y2debug ("Unfiltered target map: %1", (map<string,map>)Storage::GetTargetMap());
BootCommon::UpdateInstallationKernelParameters ();
blPropose ();
BootCommon::was_proposed = true;
BootCommon::changed = true;
BootCommon::location_changed = true;
BootCommon::partitioning_last_change = Storage::GetTargetChangeTime();
BootCommon::backup_mbr = true;
y2milestone ("Proposed settings: %1", Export ());
* Display bootloader summary
* @return a list of summary lines
global define list<string> Summary () {
list<string> ret = blSummary ();
// check if default section was changed or not
string main_section = getProposedDefaultSection ();
if (main_section == nil)
return ret;
integer index = -1;
integer sectnum = -1;
if (getLoaderType () == "none")
return ret;
foreach (map<string,any> s, BootCommon::sections, {
index = index + 1;
if (s["name"]:"" == main_section)
sectnum = index;
if (sectnum == -1)
return ret;
if (BootCommon::sections[sectnum, "__changed"]:false)
return ret;
string filtered_cmdline = filterchars (Kernel::GetCmdLine (),
if (size (filtered_cmdline) > 0)
ret = add (ret, sformat (
// part of summary, %1 is a part of kernel command line
_("Added Kernel Parameters: %1"),
Kernel::GetCmdLine ()));
return ret;
* Update read settings to new version of configuration files
global define void UpdateConfiguration () {
// first run bootloader-specific update function
blUpdate ();
// remove ide-scsi emulation
list<string> parameters = listKernelParams ("LINUX_DEFAULT");
foreach (string p, parameters, {
if (regexpmatch (p, "^hd.=ide-scsi$")
|| regexpmatch (p, "^hd.lun=.*$"))
string param = regexpsub (p, "^(.*)=.*$", "\\1");
setKernelParam ("LINUX_DEFAULT", param, nil);
// remove no more needed modules from MODULES_LOADED_ON_BOOT
string mlob = (string)
SCR::Read (.sysconfig.kernel.MODULES_LOADED_ON_BOOT);
list<string> mod_list = splitstring (mlob, " ");
mod_list = filter (string s, mod_list, ``(
s != "" && s != "cdrom" && s != "ide-cd" && s != "ide-scsi"
mlob = mergestring (mod_list, " ");
SCR::Write (.sysconfig.kernel.MODULES_LOADED_ON_BOOT, mlob);
SCR::Write (.sysconfig.kernel, nil);
* Update the whole configuration
* @param iv a map representing the installed (original) version
* @param uv a map representing the version the system is upgraded to
* @return boolean true on success
global boolean Update (map<string,any> iv, map<string,any> uv) {
BootCommon::installed_version = iv;
BootCommon::update_version = uv;
return Write (); // write also reads the configuration and updates it
* Process update actions needed before packages update starts
global define void PreUpdate () {
y2milestone ("Running bootloader pre-update stuff");
* Write bootloader settings to disk
* @return boolean true on success
global define boolean Write () {
boolean ret = true;
// proposing anything is irrelevant during update, this forces reading
// if settings weren't read before
if (Mode::update ())
BootCommon::was_proposed = false;
BootCommon::changed = true;
BootCommon::location_changed = true;
BootCommon::getLoaderType (! repeating_write);
if (repeating_write)
BootCommon::was_read = true;
ReadOrProposeIfNeeded ();
if (BootCommon::write_settings["save_all"]:false)
BootCommon::save_all = true;
if (BootCommon::save_all)
{ // force saving everything
BootCommon::changed = true;
BootCommon::location_changed = true;
Initrd::changed = true;
y2milestone ("Writing bootloader configuration");
// run Progress bar
list<string> stages = [
// progress stage, text in dialog (short)
_("Create initrd"),
// progress stage, text in dialog (short)
_("Save boot loader configuration files"),
// progress stage, text in dialog (short)
_("Install boot loader"),
list<string> titles = [
// progress step, text in dialog (short)
_("Creating initrd..."),
// progress step, text in dialog (short)
_("Saving boot loader configuration files..."),
// progress step, text in dialog (short)
_("Installing boot loader..."),
// progress bar caption
if (Mode::normal ())
// progress line
Progress::New (_("Saving Boot Loader Configuration"),
" ", 2, stages, titles, "");
Progress::NextStage ();
Progress::Title (titles[0]:"");
map<string,any> params_to_save = $[];
string new_vga = getKernelParam (getDefaultSection (), "vga");
if (new_vga != old_vga && new_vga != "false" && new_vga != "")
Initrd::setSplash (new_vga);
if (Stage::initial ())
params_to_save["vga"] = new_vga;
// Initialize device mapper and LVM in target system
if (Stage::initial () || Mode::update ())
// FIXME: should be handled by partitioner
map out = (map)SCR::Execute (.target.bash_output,
"test -f /sbin/devmap_mknod.sh && /sbin/devmap_mknod.sh;" +
"test -f /sbin/vgscan && /sbin/vgscan --mknodes"
if (out["exit"]:0 != 0)
y2error ("Failed to initialize device mapper");
y2milestone ("Device mapper and LVM initialization output: %1", out);
// save initrd
if ((Initrd::changed || ! Mode::normal ())
&& ! (BootCommon::write_settings["forbid_save_initrd"]:false))
string vga = getKernelParam (getDefaultSection (), "vga");
if (vga != "false" && vga != "")
Initrd::setSplash (vga);
if (Stage::initial ())
params_to_save["vga"] = new_vga;
ret = Initrd::Write ();
BootCommon::changed = true;
if (! ret)
y2error ("Error occurred while creating initrd");
if (Mode::commandline ())
BootCommon::changed = true;
if (! (BootCommon::changed
|| BootCommon::write_settings["initrd_changed_externally"]:false))
y2milestone ("No bootloader cfg. file saving needed, exiting");
// return true;
if (Mode::normal ())
Progress::NextStage ();
if (! repeating_write)
Progress::NextStep ();
Progress::Title (titles[1]:"");
// Write settings to /etc/sysconfig/bootloader
y2milestone ("Saving configuration files");
string lt = getLoaderType ();
SCR::Write (.sysconfig.bootloader.LOADER_TYPE, lt);
// SCR::Write (.sysconfig.bootloader.LOADER_LOCATION,
// BootCommon::location);
SCR::Write (.sysconfig.bootloader, nil);
= BootCommon::GetAdditionalFailsafeParams ();
params_to_save["installation_kernel_params"] = Kernel::GetCmdLine ();
if (Stage::initial ())
SCR::Write (.target.ycp, "/var/lib/YaST2/bootloader.ycp",
if (getLoaderType () == "none")
return ret;
// update graphics menu where possible
UpdateGfxMenu ();
// save bootloader settings
boolean reinit = ! (Mode::update () || Mode::normal ());
y2milestone ("Reinitialize bootloader library before saving: %1",
ret = blSave (true, reinit, true) && ret;
if (! ret)
y2error ("Error before configuration files saving finished");
if (Mode::normal ())
Progress::NextStage ();
if (! repeating_write)
Progress::NextStep ();
Progress::Title (titles[2]:"");
// call bootloader executable
y2milestone ("Calling bootloader executable");
ret = ret && blWrite ();
if (! ret)
y2error ("Installing bootloader failed");
if (writeErrorPopup ())
repeating_write = true;
map res = (map)WFM::call( "bootloader_proposal", ["AskUser",
$[ "has_next": false]]);
if (res["workflow_sequence"]:nil == `next)
return Write ();
if (BootCommon::InstallingToFloppy ())
(BootCommon::getLoaderName (getLoaderType (), `summary));
return ret;
// write mode settings function
* Set settings how to write bootloader
* @param settings map of settings
global define void SetWriteMode (map<string,any> settings) {
y2milestone ("Setting mode for writing: %1", settings);
foreach (string k, any v, settings, {
BootCommon::write_settings[k] = v;
// sections handling functions
* Resolve a single symlink in key image_key in section map s
* @param section map map of section to change
* @param image_key string key in section that contains the link
* @return section map of the changed section
global define map<string,any> ResolveSymlink(map<string,any> section, string key) {
// The "-m" is needed in case the link is an absolute link, so that it does
// not fail to resolve when the root partition is mounted in
// Installation::destdir.
string readlink_cmd = "/usr/bin/readlink -n -m " + Installation::destdir;
map out = $[];
string newval = "";
// FIXME: find out why we need WFM::Execute() here (as olh used it above)
out = (map) WFM::Execute (.local.bash_output, readlink_cmd + section[key]:"");
if ( out["exit"]:0 == 0 && out["stdout"]:"" != "" ) {
newval = substring(out["stdout"]:"", size(Installation::destdir));
y2milestone("section %1: converting old %2 parameter from %3 to %4",
section["name"]:"", key, section[key]:"", newval);
section[key] = newval;
} else {
y2error ("section %1: failed to remap %2 parameter",
section["name"]:"", key);
return section;
// y2milestone("old kernel parameter in section %1: %2", s["name"], s["kernel"]);
// s["kernel"] = SCR::Execute (.target.bash, "/usr/bin/readlink " + s["kernel"]);
// y2milestone("converted kernel parameter to: %2", s["kernel"]);
* Resolve symlinks in kernel and initrd paths, for existing linux, xen and
* failsafe sections
// FIXME: this is the plan B solution, try to solve plan A in
// BootCommon.ycp:CreateLinuxSection() (line 435)
global define void ResolveSymlinksInSections() {
list image_key_names = ["kernel", "image"];
string image_key_name = "";
integer i = 0;
y2milestone("sections before remapping: %1", BootCommon::sections);
// change only linux, failsafe and xen sections
BootCommon::sections = maplist (map<string,any> s, BootCommon::sections, {
// skip sections that are not linux, xen or failsafe
if ( !contains ( ["linux", "xen", "failsafe"] , s["original_name"]:"") ||
!contains ( ["image", "xen"] , s["type"]:"") ) {
y2milestone("section %1: not linux, xen or failsafe, skipping kernel and initrd remapping",
return s;
// first, resolve kernel link name
i = 0;
while ( i < size(image_key_names) ) {
image_key_name = image_key_names[i]:"";
// also skip sections that start with a grub device name
// "(hd0,7)/boot/vmlinuz", and are not on the default (currently
// mounted) boot partition
if ( haskey (s, image_key_name) ) {
if ( !regexpmatch(s[image_key_name]:"", "^\(hd.*\)") ) {
s = ResolveSymlink(s, image_key_name);
} else {
y2milestone("section %1: skipping remapping kernel symlink on other partition: %2",
s["name"]:"", s[image_key_name]:"");
i = i + 1;
// resolve initrd link name, but skip if it is on a non-default boot
// partition (see above)
if ( haskey (s, "initrd") ) {
if ( !regexpmatch(s["initrd"]:"", "^\(hd.*\)") ) {
s = ResolveSymlink(s, "initrd");
} else {
y2milestone("section %1: skipping remapping initrd symlink on other partition: %2",
s["name"]:"", s["initrd"]:"");
return s;
y2milestone("sections after remapping: %1", BootCommon::sections);
* return default section label
* @return string default section label
global define string getDefaultSection () {
ReadOrProposeIfNeeded ();
return BootCommon::globals["default"]:"";
* Get default section as proposed during installation
* @return section that was proposed as default during installation,
* if not known, return current default section if it is of type "image",
* if not found return first linux section, if no present, return empty
* string
global define string getProposedDefaultSection () {
ReadOrProposeIfNeeded ();
string defaultv = "";
string first_image = "";
string default_image = "";
foreach (map<string,any> s, BootCommon::sections, {
string title = s["name"]:"";
if (s["kernel"]:nil != nil)
if (first_image == "")
first_image = title;
if (title == getDefaultSection ())
default_image = title;
if (defaultv == "" && s["original_name"]:"" == "linux")
defaultv = title;
if (defaultv != "")
return defaultv;
if (default_image != "")
return default_image;
if (first_image != "")
return first_image;
return "";
* Add section for previous kernel and initrd (/boot/vmlinuz.previous,
* /boot/initrd.previous)
global define void AddPreviousSection () {
ReadOrProposeIfNeeded ();
// check if there is already present "Previous" section
BootCommon::sections = filter (map<string,any> s,BootCommon::sections,{
string title = s["name"]:"";
string type = s["original_name"]:"";
boolean preserve = type != "previous" && title != "previous"
&& BootCommon::translateSectionTitle (title) != "previous";
return preserve;
// add the new section now
map<string,any> found_sect = nil;
string sect_name = getProposedDefaultSection ();
if (sect_name == "" || sect_name == nil)
foreach (map<string,any> s, BootCommon::sections, {
if (s["name"]:"" == sect_name)
found_sect = s;
if (found_sect == nil)
map<string,any> previous_section
= BootCommon::Linux2Previous (found_sect);
BootCommon::sections = add (BootCommon::sections, previous_section);
BootCommon::changed = true;
* get kernel parameters from bootloader configuration file
* @param section string section title, use DEFAULT for default section
* @param key string
* @return string value, "false" if not present,
* "true" if present key without value
global define string getKernelParam (string section, string key) {
ReadOrProposeIfNeeded ();
if (section == "DEFAULT")
section = getDefaultSection ();
else if (section == "LINUX_DEFAULT")
section = getProposedDefaultSection ();
if (section == nil)
return "";
map params = BootCommon::getKernelParamKeys ();
integer sectnum = -1;
integer index = -1;
foreach (map<string,any> s, BootCommon::sections, {
index = index + 1;
if (s["name"]:"" == section)
sectnum = index;
if (sectnum == -1)
return "";
string line = "";
if (contains (["root", "vga"], key))
return BootCommon::sections[sectnum, key]:"false";
line = BootCommon::sections[sectnum, "append"]:"";
return BootCommon::getKernelParamFromLine (line, key);
* List kernel parameters
* @param section string section title, use DEFAULT for default section
* @return a list of kernel parameters (in the form 'hdd=ide-scsi')
global define list<string> listKernelParams (string section) {
ReadOrProposeIfNeeded ();
if (section == "DEFAULT")
section = getDefaultSection ();
else if (section == "LINUX_DEFAULT")
section = getProposedDefaultSection ();
if (section == nil)
return [];
integer sectnum = -1;
integer index = -1;
foreach (map<string,any> s, BootCommon::sections, {
index = index + 1;
if (s["name"]:"" == section)
sectnum = index;
if (sectnum == -1)
return [];
string line = BootCommon::sections[sectnum, "append"]:"";
list<string> par = splitstring (line, " ");
par = filter (string p, par, ``(p != ""));
return par;
* Get list of bootloader sections
* @param type symbol what sections to be returned
* `linux -> linux sections
* `other -> other sections
* `all -> all sections
* @return list of strings representing sections names
global define list getSectionsList (symbol type) {
list<map<string,any> > sects = BootCommon::sections;
if (type == `other)
sects = filter (map<string,any> s, sects, ``(
! haskey (s, "chainloader")
else if (type == `linux)
sects = filter (map<string,any> s, sects, ``(
! haskey (s, "kernel")));
list<string> sects_titles = maplist (map<string,any> s, sects, ``(
sects_titles = filter (string s, sects_titles, ``(s != ""));
return sects_titles;
* set kernel parameter to menu.lst
* @param section string section title, use DEFAULT for default section
* @param key string parameter key
* @param value string value, "false" to remove key,
* "true" to add key without value
* @return boolean true on success
global define boolean setKernelParam
(string section, string key, string value)
if ((! Mode::config ()) && key == "vga" && (
Arch::s390 () || Arch::ppc ()
y2warning ("Kernel of this architecture does not support the vga parameter");
return true;
ReadOrProposeIfNeeded ();
if (section == "DEFAULT")
section = getDefaultSection ();
else if (section == "LINUX_DEFAULT")
section = getProposedDefaultSection ();
if (section == nil)
return false;
integer sectnum = -1;
integer index = -1;
foreach (map<string,any> s, BootCommon::sections, {
index = index + 1;
if (s["name"]:"" == section)
sectnum = index;
if (sectnum == -1)
return false;
string slabel = "";
if ((key == "vga" || key == "root") && (value == "true"))
return false;
if (contains (["root", "vga"], key))
if (value != "false")
BootCommon::sections[sectnum, key] = value;
BootCommon::sections[sectnum] = remove (
BootCommon::sections[sectnum]:$[], key);
string line = BootCommon::sections [sectnum, "append"]:"";
line = BootCommon::setKernelParamToLine (line, key, value);
BootCommon::sections [sectnum, "append"] = line;
BootCommon::changed = true;
boolean ret = true;
return ret;
* Get currently used bootloader, detect if not set yet
* @return string botloader type
global define string getLoaderType () {
return BootCommon::getLoaderType (false);
* Set type of bootloader
* Just a wrapper to BootCommon::setLoaderType
* @param bootloader string type of bootloader
global define void setLoaderType (string bootloader) {
BootCommon::setLoaderType (bootloader);
* Get root fs device
* @return string root device
global define string getRootDevice () {
ReadOrProposeIfNeeded ();
return BootCommon::RootPartitionDevice;
* Set root fs device
* @param device string root device
global define void setRootDevice (string device) {
ReadOrProposeIfNeeded ();
BootCommon::RootPartitionDevice = device;
* Get device containing /boot directory
* @return string boot device
global define string getBootDevice () {
ReadOrProposeIfNeeded ();
return BootCommon::BootPartitionDevice;
* Set device containing /boot directory
* @param device string boot device
global define void setBootDevice (string device) {
ReadOrProposeIfNeeded ();
BootCommon::BootPartitionDevice = device;
* Answer whether LBA is supported
* @return boolean true if supported
global define boolean LbaSupport() {
return BootCommon::LbaSupport ();
* Check whether settings were read or proposed, if not, decide
* what to do and read or propose settings
global define void ReadOrProposeIfNeeded () {
if (! (BootCommon::was_read || BootCommon::was_proposed))
y2milestone ("Stage::initial (): %1, update: %2, config: %3",
Stage::initial (), Mode::update (), Mode::config ());
if (Mode::config ())
y2milestone ("Not reading settings in Mode::config ()");
BootCommon::was_read = true;
BootCommon::was_proposed = true;
else if (Arch::ia64 () && Mode::update ()
)// FIXME && BootELILO::efi_layout_changed)
{ // recreate config on IPF from scratch - request by rw
y2milestone ("Reproposing new configuration - IPF, EFI layout has changed");
Propose ();
else if (Stage::initial () && ! Mode::update ())
Propose ();
boolean progress_orig = Progress::set (false);
Read ();
Progress::set (progress_orig);
if (Mode::update ())
UpdateConfiguration ();
BootCommon::changed = true;
BootCommon::location_changed = true;
* Update the language of GFX menu according to currently selected language
* @return boolean true on success
global define boolean UpdateGfxMenu () {
if (getLoaderType () != "lilo" && getLoaderType () != "grub")
return true;
boolean ret = BootCommon::UpdateGfxMenuContents ();
if (! Mode::normal ())
return true;
if (getLoaderType () == "lilo")
* This is extreme boolshit, Bootloader::Library has to be called
string bl_command = "/sbin/lilo >> /var/log/YaST2/y2log_bootloader 2>&1";
boolean command_ret = 0 == SCR::Execute (.target.bash, bl_command);
if (! command_ret)
y2error ("Execution of installation command failed");
return false;
return ret;