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480 lines
* File:
* modules/BootELILO.ycp
* Module:
* Bootloader installation and configuration
* Summary:
* Module containing specific functions for ELILO configuration
* and installation
* Authors:
* Jiri Srain <jsrain@suse.cz>
* Andreas Schwab <schwab@suse.de>
* $Id: BootELILO.ycp 30058 2006-04-12 12:01:03Z odabrunz $
// FIXME paths will be probably changed because of bugzilla 21644
module "BootELILO";
textdomain "bootloader";
import "BootArch";
import "BootCommon";
import "Kernel";
import "Mode";
import "Stage";
import "Storage";
// private variables
* Name of EFI entry when read settings
global string old_efi_entry = nil;
* Should be original EFI entry removed?
global boolean remove_old_efi = true;
* elilo.conf path
global string elilo_conf_filename = "/boot/efi/SuSE/elilo.conf";
* True if EFI entry should be recreated
global boolean create_efi_entry = true;
* True if the EFI layout was changed
global boolean efi_layout_changed = false;
* The name of the entry in the EFI menu
global string efi_entry_name = "";
include "bootloader/elilo/misc.ycp";
include "bootloader/elilo/widgets.ycp";
// misc. functions
* Propose sections to bootloader menu
* modifies internal sreuctures
global void CreateSections () {
map<string,any> linux = BootCommon::CreateLinuxSection ("linux");
map<string,any> failsafe = BootCommon::CreateLinuxSection ("failsafe");
// append for default section is in global
// FIXME do it later
// if (haskey (linux, "append"))
// linux = remove (linux, "append");
BootCommon::sections = [ linux, failsafe ];
* Propose global options of bootloader
* modifies internal structures
global void CreateGlobals () {
BootCommon::globals = $[
// FIXME do it later
// "append" : BootArch::DefaultKernelParams (""),
"default" : BootCommon::translateSectionTitle ("linux"),
"timeout" : "8",
"prompt" : "1",
// FIXME TODO in the library
/* BootCommon::globals = [
$[ "key" : "prompt", "value" : true ],
$[ "key" : "read-only", "value" : true ],
$[ "key" : "relocatable", "value" : true ],
// general functions
* Export bootloader settings to a map
* @return bootloader settings
global define map Export () {
map ret = BootCommon::Export ();
ret["old_efi_entry"] = old_efi_entry;
ret["remove_old_efi"] = remove_old_efi;
ret["elilo_conf_filename"] = elilo_conf_filename;
ret["create_efi_entry"] = create_efi_entry;
return ret;
* Import settings from a map
* @param settings map of bootloader settings
global define boolean Import (map<string, any> settings) ``{
BootCommon::Import (settings);
old_efi_entry = (string) (settings["old_efi_entry"]:nil);
remove_old_efi = settings["remove_old_efi"]:true;
elilo_conf_filename = getEliloConfFilename ();
= settings["create_efi_entry"]:(settings["location"]:"" != "");
return true;
* Propose bootloader settings
global define void Propose () ``{
import "Product";
if (! BootCommon::was_proposed)
create_efi_entry = true;
efi_entry_name = Product::name;
if (! Stage::initial ())
create_efi_entry = true;
if (Mode::update ())
create_efi_entry = false;
elilo_conf_filename = getEliloConfFilename ();
BootCommon::DetectDisks ();
BootCommon::del_parts = BootCommon::getPartitionList (`deleted);
if (BootCommon::sections == nil || size (BootCommon::sections) == 0)
CreateSections ();
BootCommon::kernelCmdLine = Kernel::GetCmdLine ();
if (Mode::autoinst ())
y2debug ("Nothing to do for propose in AI mode");
BootCommon::FixSections (BootELILO::CreateSections);
if (BootCommon::globals == nil || size (BootCommon::globals) == 0)
CreateGlobals ();
if (efi_entry_name == "" || efi_entry_name == nil)
efi_entry_name = Product::name;
y2milestone ("EFI entry name: %1", efi_entry_name);
y2milestone ("Proposed sections: %1", BootCommon::sections);
y2milestone ("Proposed globals: %1", BootCommon::globals);
* Read settings from disk
* @return boolean true on success
global define boolean Read (boolean reread) ``{
import "Product";
boolean efi_entry_found = false;
elilo_conf_filename = getEliloConfFilename ();
// copy old elilo.conf from /boot/<something> to /etc in case of upgrade
// (if /etc/elilo.conf doesn't exist)
if (SCR::Read (.target.size, "/etc/elilo.conf") <= 0
&& SCR::Read (.target.size, elilo_conf_filename) > 0)
SCR::Execute (.target.bash, sformat (
"/bin/cp %1 /etc/elilo.conf", elilo_conf_filename));
SCR::Execute (.target.bash, "/bin/touch /etc/elilo.conf");
BootCommon::DetectDisks ();
boolean ret = BootCommon::Read (reread);
= (string)SCR::Read (.sysconfig.bootloader.LOADER_LOCATION);
y2milestone ("EFI entry: %1", efi_entry_name);
// check for meaningless EFI entry name in sysconfig
if ("mbr" == efi_entry_name || "" == efi_entry_name
|| nil == efi_entry_name)
string efi_path = BootCommon::replaceAll (
getEliloConfSubpath (), "/", "\\");
// Read Firmware setting from NVRam
map efi_status = (map)SCR::Execute (.target.bash_output, sformat (
"/usr/sbin/efibootmgr |grep \"%1\"", efi_path));
if (efi_status["exit"]:0 != 0)
efi_entry_name = Product::name;
string output = efi_status["stdout"]:"";
list lines = splitstring (output, "\n");
output = lines[0]:"";
if (regexpmatch (output, "Boot.*\* (.*) HD"))
= regexpsub (output, "Boot.*\* (.*) HD", "\\1");
efi_entry_found = true;
efi_entry_name = Product::name;
efi_entry_found = 0 == SCR::Execute (.target.bash, sformat (
"/usr/sbin/efibootmgr |grep \"%1\"", efi_entry_name));
create_efi_entry = false;
old_efi_entry = efi_entry_found ? efi_entry_name : (string)nil;
return ret;
* Reset bootloader settings
global define void Reset (boolean init) {
if (Mode::autoinst ())
remove_old_efi = true;
create_efi_entry = true;
* Save all bootloader configuration files
* @return boolean true if success
global boolean Save (boolean clean, boolean init, boolean flush) {
BootCommon::globals["efi_entry_name"] = efi_entry_name;
// FIXME modify EFI? Entries to remove...
boolean ret = BootCommon::Save (clean, init, flush);
return ret;
* Display bootloader summary
* @return a list of summary lines
global define list<string> Summary () {
// summary text, %1 is bootloader name (eg. LILO)
list<string> result = [ sformat (_("Boot loader type: %1"),
BootCommon::getLoaderName (BootCommon::getLoaderType (false), `summary)) ];
if ( efi_entry_name == "" || efi_entry_name == nil || !create_efi_entry )
result =
// summary text
add (result, _("Do Not Create EFI Boot Manager Entry"));
result = add (result, sformat (
// summary text, %1 is label of the entry of EFI boot manager
_("Create EFI Boot Manager Entry %1"),
list<string> sects = [];
foreach (map<string,any> s, BootCommon::sections, {
string title = s["name"]:"";
// section name "suffix" for default section
string def = title == BootCommon::globals["default"]:"" ?
_(" (default)") :
sects = add (sects, sformat ("%1%2", title, def));
// summary text. %1 is list of bootloader sections
result = add (result, sformat (_("Sections: %1"),
mergestring (sects, ", ")));
return result;
* Update read settings to new version of configuration files
global define void Update () {
* Update global options of bootloader
* modifies internal sreuctures
BootCommon::globals["timeout"] = "8";
BootCommon::globals["append"] = BootArch::DefaultKernelParams ("");
BootCommon::UpdateSections (true, BootCommon::CreateLinuxSection);
// FIXME EFI entry name
* Install the bootloader, display a popup with log if something
* goes wrong
* @param command string command to install the bootloader
* @param logfile string filename of file used to write bootloader log
* @return boolean true on success
// FIXME get rid of this function
define boolean installBootLoader (string command, string logfile) {
y2milestone ("Running command %1", command);
map exit = (map)SCR::Execute (.target.bash_output, command);
boolean ret = 0 == exit["exit"]:1;
if (! ret)
y2milestone ("Exit code of %1: %2", command, exit["exit"]:-1);
string log = (string)SCR::Read (.target.string, logfile);
log = log + exit["stdout"]:"" + exit["stderr"]:"";
if (exit["exit"]:1 == 139)
// means: process received signal SIGSEGV
// please, use some usual translation
// proofreaders: don't change this text
log = log + _("Segmentation fault");
errorWithLogPopup (sformat (
// error popup - label, %1 is bootloader name
_("Error Occurred while Installing %1"),
BootCommon::getLoaderName (BootCommon::getLoaderType (false), `summary)), log);
return ret;
* Write bootloader settings to disk
* @return boolean true on success
global define boolean Write () {
// SCR::Execute (.target.bash, "/sbin/elilo");
boolean ret = BootCommon::UpdateBootloader ();
if (BootCommon::location_changed || create_efi_entry)
// FIXME shuold be handled completly through the library
// remove existing end old menu entry
list<string> efi_entries_to_remove = toset ([
remove_old_efi ? old_efi_entry : ""
efi_entries_to_remove = filter (
string e,
``( e != nil && e != "")
foreach (string efi_label, efi_entries_to_remove, {
// delete bootentry for efi_label if available
string command = sformat(
"`/usr/sbin/efibootmgr |grep \"%1\" |cut -f1 -d\* |cut -c5-`\";" +
"if [ \"$BOOTENTRY\" ]; then " +
"/usr/sbin/efibootmgr --delete-bootnum --bootnum $BOOTENTRY -q;" +
y2milestone ("Running command %1", command);
ret = 0 == SCR::Execute (.target.bash, command);
map mp = Storage::GetMountPoints();
string boot_dev = mp[getEfiMountPoint (), 0]:"/boot/efi";
map splited = Storage::GetDiskPartition (boot_dev);
any boot_part = splited["nr"]:0;
any boot_disk = splited["disk"]:"";
y2milestone ("Disk: %1, Part: %2", boot_disk, boot_part);
if (efi_entry_name != "" && efi_entry_name != nil)
string bl_logfile = "/var/log/YaST2/y2log_bootloader";
string bl_command = sformat (
"/usr/sbin/efibootmgr -v --create --label \"%1\" " +
"--disk %2 --part %3 " +
"--loader '\\efi\\SuSE\\elilo.efi' --write-signature >> %4 2>&1",
efi_entry_name, boot_disk, boot_part, bl_logfile);
ret = ret && installBootLoader (bl_command, bl_logfile);
return ret;
global map<string,symbol()> Dialogs () {
return $[];
* Return map of provided functions
* @return map map of functions (eg. $["write":``(BootLILO::Write ())])
global define map GetFunctions () {
return $[
"dialogs" : Dialogs,
"export" : Export,
"import" : Import,
"read" : Read,
"reset" : Reset,
"propose" : Propose,
"save" : Save,
"summary" : Summary,
"update" : Update,
"write" : Write,
"widgets" : Widgets,
* Initializer of ELILO bootloader
global void Initializer () {
y2milestone ("Called ELILO initializer");
BootCommon::current_bootloader_attribs = $[
"propose" : true,
"read" : true,
"scratch" : true,
"restore_mbr" : true,
"bootloader_on_disk" : true,
* Constructor
global define void BootELILO () {
BootCommon::bootloader_attribs["elilo"] = $[
"required_packages" : ["elilo"],
"loader_name" : "ELILO",
"initializer" : BootELILO::Initializer,
* Local variables:
* mode: ycp
* mode: font-lock
* mode: auto-fill
* indent-level: 4
* fill-column: 78
* End: