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941 lines
* File:
* modules/BootCommon.ycp
* Module:
* Bootloader installation and configuration
* Summary:
* Data to be shared between common and bootloader-specific parts of
* bootloader configurator/installator, generic versions of bootloader
* specific functions
* Authors:
* Jiri Srain <jsrain@suse.cz>
* Joachim Plack <jplack@suse.de>
* Olaf Dabrunz <od@suse.de>
* $Id: BootCommon.ycp 34587 2006-11-24 16:02:55Z odabrunz $
module "BootCommon";
textdomain "bootloader";
import "Arch";
import "GfxMenu";
import "HTML";
import "Mode";
import "PackageSystem";
import "Storage";
import "String";
import "Pkg";
// General bootloader settings
* map of global options and types for new perl-Bootloader interface
global map<string,any> global_options = $[];
* map of section options and types for new perl-Bootloader interface
global map<string,any> section_options = $[];
* map of other exported information for new perl-Bootloader interface
global map<string,any> exports = $[];
* map of global options and values
global map<string,string> globals = $[];
* list of section
global list<map<string,any> > sections = [];
* device mapping between Linux and firmware
global map<string,string> device_mapping = $[];
* device to save loader stage 1 to
// FIXME: what is this variable needed for
global string loader_device = nil;
* Embed stage 1.5 of the bootloader to dedicated area (if supported)?
* This is currently only supported by GRUB. A stage 1.5 can be put into the
* area after the MBR (into the rest of the very first cylinder) or into the
* "boot loader area" of some filesystems such as FFS and ReiserFS. For more
* information, see the grub documentation, esp.
* "info '(grub.info.gz)Bootstrap tricks'"
* "info '(grub.info.gz)Images'"
// This needs to be defined here so that various files can include it.
// BootCommon.ycp is currently the only central include file, separate include
// files that are central and specific to each bootloader do not exist (yet?).
global boolean embed_stage15 = true;
// proposal helping variables
* The kind of bootloader location that the user selected last time he went to
* the dialog. Used to as a hint next time a proposal is requested, so the
* proposal can try to satisfy the user's previous preference.
* Currently, valid values are: mbr, boot, root, floppy, mbr_md, none
global string selected_location = nil;
/* These global variables and functions are needed in included files */
* string sepresenting device name of /boot partition
* same as RootPartitionDevice if no separate /boot partition
global string BootPartitionDevice = "";
* string representing device name of / partition
global string RootPartitionDevice = "";
* Parameters of currently used bootloader
global map<string, any> current_bootloader_attribs = $[];
* Parameters of all bootloaders
global map<string,map<string, any> > bootloader_attribs = $[];
* Name of currently edited section
global string current_section_name = nil;
* Index of current section, -1 for new created section
global integer current_section_index = -1;
* Curtrently edited section -- tmp store
global map<string,any> current_section = $[];
* list of installed floppy devices
global list<string> floppy_devices = nil;
* Option types for different bootloaders
global map<string,map<string,string> > opt_types = $[];
* device holding MBR for bootloader
global string mbrDisk = "";
* was currently edited section changed (== true)
global boolean one_section_changed = false;
* Backup original MBR before installing bootloader
global boolean backup_mbr = false;
* Activate bootloader partition during installation?
global boolean activate = false;
* Replace MBR with generic code after bootloader installation?
global boolean repl_mbr = false;
* Kernel parameters at previous detection
global string kernelCmdLine = "";
* were settings changed (== true)
global boolean changed = false;
global map<string,any> installed_version = $[];
global map<string,any> update_version = $[];
global map<string,string> edited_files = $[];
// common variables
* type of bootloader to configure/being configured
* shall be one of "lilo", "grub", "silo", "milo", "aboot",
* "elilo", "ppc", "zipl", "mips"
string loader_type = nil;
// sysconfig variables
// installation proposal help variables
* Last detection proposed to prefer lilo instead of grub
global boolean prefer_lilo = false;
* List of partitions deleted in primary proposal
global list<string> del_parts = [];
// variables for storing data
// saving mode setting functions
* map of save mode settings
global map write_settings = $[];
// summary dialog state
* Show verbose summary output
global boolean verbose = false;
// ui help variables
string additional_failsafe_params = "";
// other variables
* Settings of other bootloaders used when switching bootloader
global map other_bl = $[];
// bootloader installation variables
* Was the activate flag changed by user?
global boolean activate_changed = false;
* Save everything, not only changed settings
global boolean save_all = false;
// state variables
* was the propose function called (== true)
global boolean was_proposed = false;
* Were module settings read (== true)
global boolean was_read = false;
* were sections settings changes (== true)
global boolean sections_changed = false;
* Was bootloader location changed? (== true)
global boolean location_changed = false;
* Were configuration files manually edited and chamged?
global boolean files_edited = false;
* Has been files edited warning already shown?
global boolean files_edited_warned = false;
* Shall be settings saved when finishing bootloader configuration?
global boolean save_on_finish = true;
* time of last change of partitioning
global integer partitioning_last_change = 0;
* true if memtest was removed by user (manually) during the installation
* proposal
global list<string> removed_sections = [];
* The name of the default section as it was read
global string read_default_section_name = "";
* Types of sections that should be updated (changed device names)
global list<string> update_section_types
= [ "linux", "failsafe", "initrd", "floppy" ];
global define string getLoaderType (boolean recheck);
global define list<string> getBootloaders ();
global define list<string> Summary ();
global define boolean UsingXenPae();
// FIXME: the select and selectdevice seem to be broken: the default value of
// the widget description string needs to be patched with the current value of
// the widget
global void change_widget_default_value (string itemname, string defaultvalue) {
// Put defaultvalue as default value into widget description item like
// "boot_{chrp,prep,iseries,...}_custom" or "boot_custom".
// Examples:
// "select:PReP or FAT partition::/dev/sda1:/dev/sda3:/dev/sdb1:/dev/sdd1" ->
// "select:PReP or FAT partition:/dev/sda3:/dev/sda1:/dev/sda3:/dev/sdb1:/dev/sdd1"
// "selectdevice:Custom Boot Partition::/dev/sda3" ->
// "selectdevice:Custom Boot Partition:/dev/sda3:/dev/sda3"
string old_description = global_options[itemname]:"";
global_options[itemname] =
regexpsub( old_description, "^([^:]*:[^:]*:).*$", "\\1") +
defaultvalue +
regexpsub( old_description, "^[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*(:.*)$", "\\1");
* help message and dscription definitions
include "bootloader/generic/helps.ycp";
include "bootloader/routines/popups.ycp";
include "bootloader/routines/misc.ycp";
// FIXME: there are other archs than i386, this is not 'commmon'
include "bootloader/routines/lilolike.ycp";
include "bootloader/routines/lib_iface.ycp";
// interface to bootloader library
// FIXME 2x functions should not be finally here...
* Check whether XEN is selected for installation resp. selected
* @return boolean true of XEN installed/selected
global boolean XenPresent () {
return (! contains (removed_sections, "xen"))
&& (Mode::test ()
|| (Mode::normal () && Pkg::IsProvided ("xen")
&& Pkg::IsProvided ("kernel-xen"))
|| (! Mode::normal () && Pkg::IsSelected ("xen")
&& Pkg::IsSelected ("kernel-xen"))
|| UsingXenPae());
global boolean UsingXenPae() {
if (Mode::test())
return true;
if (Mode::normal())
return Pkg::IsProvided ("kernel-xenpae");
return Pkg::IsSelected ("kernel-xenpae");
* Get the size of memory for XEN's domain 0
* @return the memory size in kB
global integer Dom0MemorySize () {
list<map> memory = (list<map>) SCR::Read(.probe.memory);
y2milestone("memory: %1", memory);
integer memory_size = 0;
foreach(map info, memory, {
// internal class, main memory
if (info["class_id"]:0 == 257 && info["sub_class_id"]:0 == 2)
list<map> minf = info["resource", "phys_mem"]:[];
foreach(map i, minf, {
memory_size = memory_size + i["range"]:0;
// size in kB lowered 64 MB for XEN itself
memory_size = memory_size / 1024 - (64 * 1024);
y2milestone ("Memory size for XEN domain 0: %1", memory_size);
return memory_size;
* Create section for linux kernel
* @param title string the section name to create (untranslated)
* @return a map describing the section
global map<string,any> CreateLinuxSection (string title) {
if (title == "memtest86")
if (MemtestPresent ())
return $[
"name" : translateSectionTitle (title),
"original_name" : title,
"type" : "image",
"kernel" : "/boot/memtest.bin",
"__auto" : true,
"__changed" : false,
"__devs" : [BootCommon::BootPartitionDevice],
return $[];
string resume = BootArch::ResumeAvailable ()
? getLargestSwapPartition ()
: "";
// This only works in the installed system (problem with GetFinalKernel))),
// in all other cases we use the symlinks.
string kernel_fn = "";
string initrd_fn = "";
if (Mode::normal ()) {
// Find out the file names of the "real" kernel and initrd files, with
// version etc. pp. whatever (currently version-flavor) attached.
// FIXME: also do this for xen and xenpae kernels as found below
// First, get the file names in the "selected" kernel package,
string kernel_package = Kernel::GetFinalKernel();
list<string> files = Pkg::PkgGetFilelist( kernel_package, `any );
y2milestone ("kernel package %1 has these files: %2", kernel_package, files);
// then find the first file that matches the arch-dependent kernel file
// name prefix and the initrd filename prefix.
string kernel_prefix = "/boot/" + Kernel::GetBinary ();
string initrd_prefix = "/boot/initrd";
list<string> files_filtered = filter (string file, files, {
return ( substring(file, 0, size(kernel_prefix)) == kernel_prefix );
kernel_fn = (
title == "wildcard" ?
"/boot/" + Kernel::GetBinary () + "-*" :
files_filtered = filter (string file, files, {
return substring(file, 0, size(initrd_prefix)) == initrd_prefix ;
initrd_fn = (
title == "wildcard" ?
"/boot/initrd-*" :
} else {
kernel_fn = "/boot/" + Kernel::GetBinary ()
+ (title == "wildcard" ? "-*" : "");
initrd_fn = "/boot/initrd" + (title == "wildcard" ? "-*" : "");
// done: kernel_fn and initrd_fn are the results
y2milestone ("kernel_fn: %1 initrd_fn: %2", kernel_fn, initrd_fn);
map<string,any> ret = $[
"name" : translateSectionTitle (title),
"original_name" : title,
"type" : "image",
"kernel" : kernel_fn,
"initrd" : initrd_fn,
"root" : RootPartitionDevice,
"append" : (title == "failsafe")
? BootArch::FailsafeKernelParams ()
: BootArch::DefaultKernelParams (resume),
"__auto" : true,
"__changed" : false,
"__devs" : [BootPartitionDevice, RootPartitionDevice],
if (BootArch::VgaAvailable () && Kernel::GetVgaType () != "")
if (title == "failsafe")
ret["vga"] = "normal";
ret["vga"] = Kernel::GetVgaType ();
if (title == "xen")
ret["type"] = "xen";
ret["xen_append"] = "";
if (UsingXenPae()) {
ret["xen"] = "/boot/xen-pae.gz";
ret["kernel"] = "/boot/" + Kernel::GetBinary () + "-xenpae";
ret["initrd"] = "/boot/initrd-xenpae";
} else {
ret["xen"] = "/boot/xen.gz";
ret["kernel"] = "/boot/" + Kernel::GetBinary () + "-xen";
ret["initrd"] = "/boot/initrd-xen";
else if (title == "wildcard")
ret["wildcard"] = kernel_fn;
ret["name"] = "*";
return ret;
// generic versions of bootloader-specific functions
* Export bootloader settings to a map
* @return bootloader settings
global define map Export () {
map exp = $[
"global": globals,
"sections" : sections,
"repl_mbr" : repl_mbr,
"activate" : activate,
"device_map" : device_mapping,
return exp;
* Import settings from a map
* @param settings map of bootloader settings
* @return boolean true on success
global define boolean Import (map settings) {
globals = settings["global"]:$[];
sections = settings["sections"]:[];
repl_mbr = settings["repl_mbr"]:false;
activate = settings["activate"]:false;
device_mapping = settings["device_map"]:$[];
return true;
* Read settings from disk
* @param reread boolean true to force reread settings from system
* @return boolean true on success
global boolean Read (boolean reread) {
string bl = getLoaderType (false);
if (bl == "none")
return true;
InitializeLibrary (reread, bl);
if (reread)
BootCommon::ReadFiles ();
sections = GetSections ();
globals = GetGlobal ();
device_mapping = GetDeviceMap ();
read_default_section_name = "";
foreach (map<string,any> s, sections, {
if (s["original_name"]:"" == "linux"
&& read_default_section_name == "")
read_default_section_name = s["name"]:"";
// convert root device names in sections to kernel device names, if
// possible
sections = maplist (map<string,any> s, sections, {
s["root"] = BootCommon::MountByDev2Dev(s["root"]:"");
return s;
return true;
* Reset bootloader settings
* @param init boolean true to repropose also device map
global define void Reset (boolean init) {
sections = [];
globals = $[];
// DetectDisks ();
repl_mbr = false;
activate = false;
activate_changed = false;
removed_sections = [];
was_proposed = false;
if (init)
ProposeDeviceMap ();
* Propose bootloader settings
global void Propose () {
y2error ("No generic propose function available");
* Save all bootloader configuration files to the cache of the PlugLib
* PlugLib must be initialized properly !!!
* @param clean boolean true if settings should be cleaned up (checking their
* correctness, supposing all files are on the disk)
* @param init boolean true to init the library
* @param flush boolean true to flush settings to the disk
* @return boolean true if success
global boolean Save (boolean clean, boolean init, boolean flush) {
if (clean)
BootCommon::RemoveUnexistentSections ("", "");
// BootCommon::UpdateInitrdLine ();
BootCommon::UpdateAppend ();
BootCommon::UpdateGfxMenu ();
boolean ret = true;
string bl = getLoaderType (false);
if (bl == "none")
return true;
InitializeLibrary (init, bl);
list<map<string,string> > sects = maplist (map<string,any> s, sections, {
return (map<string,string>)
filter (string k, any v, s, { return is (v, string); });
// convert root device names in sections to the device names indicated by
// "mountby"
sects = maplist (map<string,string> s, sects, {
s["root"] = BootCommon::Dev2MountByDev(s["root"]:"");
return s;
ret = ret && SetDeviceMap (device_mapping);
ret = ret && SetSections (sects);
ret = ret && SetGlobal (globals);
if (flush)
ret = ret && CommitSettings ();
return ret;
* Display bootloader summary
* @return a list of summary lines
global define list<string> Summary () {
if (getLoaderType (false) == "none")
return [HTML::Colorize (
getLoaderName (getLoaderType (false), `summary),
"red") ];
map targetMap = Storage::GetTargetMap ();
map boot_target = targetMap[loader_device]:$[];
string target_name = "";
if (boot_target == $[])
target_name = loader_device;
if (target_name == "mbr_md")
list<string> mbrs = maplist (string d, integer id,
Md2Partitions (BootPartitionDevice),
map p_dev = Storage::GetDiskPartition (d);
return p_dev["disk"]:"";
// summary part, %1 is a list of device names
target_name = sformat (_("Master boot records of disks %1"),
mergestring (mbrs, ", "));
target_name = boot_target["name"]:"disk";
target_name = AddMbrToDescription (target_name, loader_device);
list<string> result = [];
// summary text, %1 is bootloader name (eg. LILO)
result = add (result, sformat (_("Boot Loader Type: %1"),
getLoaderName (getLoaderType (false), `summary)));
// summary text, location is location description (eg. /dev/hda)
result = add (result, sformat (_("Location: %1"), target_name));
list<string> sects = [];
foreach (map<string,any> s, sections, {
string title = s["name"]:"";
// section name "suffix" for default section
string def = title == globals["default"]:"" ? _(" (default)") : "";
sects = add (sects, sformat ("%1%2", title, def));
// summary text. %1 is list of bootloader sections
result = add (result, sformat (_("Sections: %1"),
String::EscapeTags (mergestring (sects, ", "))));
if (loader_device == "/dev/null")
// summary text
result = add (result, _("Do not install boot loader; just create
configuration files"));
return result;
* Update read settings to new version of configuration files
global define void Update () {
y2debug ("No generic update function available");
* Write bootloader settings to disk
* @return boolean true on success
global define boolean Write () {
y2error ("No generic write function available");
return false;
// end of generic versions of bootloader-specific functions
// common functions start
// bootloader type handling functions
* Set attributes of specified bootloader to variable containing
* attributes of currently used bootloader, call its initializer
* @param loader_type string loader type to initialize
global define void setCurrentLoaderAttribs (string loader_type) {
y2milestone ("Setting attributes for bootloader %1", loader_type);
// testsuite hack
if (Mode::test ())
if (loader_type == nil)
y2error ("Setting loader type to nil, this is wrong");
// FIXME: this should be blInitializer in switcher.ycp for code cleanness
// and understandability
if (bootloader_attribs[loader_type, "initializer"]:nil != nil)
y2milestone ("Running bootloader initializer");
void () toEval = (void ()) (bootloader_attribs[loader_type, "initializer"]:nil);
toEval ();
y2milestone ("Initializer finished");
y2error ("No initializer found for >>%1<<", loader_type);
current_bootloader_attribs = $[];
current_bootloader_attribs = (map<string, any>) union (
(map<string, any>) eval (bootloader_attribs[loader_type]:$[])
* Check whether loader with specified name is supported
* @param loader string name of loader to check
* @return string the loader name if supported, "none" otherwise
string SupportedLoader (string loader) {
if (contains (["grub", "lilo", "zipl", "ppc", "elilo"], loader))
return loader;
return "none";
* Get currently used bootloader, detect if not set yet
* @param recheck boolean force checking bootloader
* @return string botloader type
global define string getLoaderType (boolean recheck) {
if ((! recheck) && (loader_type != nil))
return loader_type;
// read bootloader to use from disk
if (Mode::update () || Mode::normal () || Mode::repair ())
loader_type = (string)SCR::Read (.sysconfig.bootloader.LOADER_TYPE);
if (loader_type != nil && loader_type != "")
if (loader_type == "s390")
loader_type = "zipl";
if (loader_type == "lilo" && Arch::ppc ())
loader_type = "ppc";
y2milestone ("Sysconfig bootloader is %1, using", loader_type);
loader_type = SupportedLoader (loader_type);
y2milestone ("Sysconfig bootloader is %1, using", loader_type);
setCurrentLoaderAttribs (loader_type);
return loader_type;
if (Mode::update ())
// FIXME: this is extremely broken, no arch specifica here !!
if (Arch::i386 ())
// no sysconfig variable -> old version installed -> use LILO
loader_type = "lilo";
loader_type = SupportedLoader (loader_type);
setCurrentLoaderAttribs (loader_type);
return loader_type;
// detect bootloader
loader_type = (string)SCR::Read (.probe.boot_arch);
if (loader_type == "s390")
loader_type = "zipl";
y2milestone ("Bootloader detection returned %1", loader_type);
if (Arch::is_uml ())
y2milestone ("Not installing any bootloader for UML");
loader_type = "none";
if (loader_type == "grub" && Storage::UseLilo())
loader_type = "lilo";
prefer_lilo = true;
prefer_lilo = false;
loader_type = SupportedLoader (loader_type);
y2milestone ("Detected bootloader %1", loader_type);
setCurrentLoaderAttribs (loader_type);
return loader_type;
* set type of bootloader
* @param bootloader string type of bootloader
global define void setLoaderType (string bootloader) {
if (bootloader == nil)
y2milestone ("Resetting the loader type");
loader_type = nil;
y2milestone ("Setting bootloader to >>%1<<", bootloader);
if (bootloader != nil
&& contains(bootloaders, bootloader)
&& ! Mode::test ())
// don't configure package maneger during autoinstallation preparing
if (Mode::normal () && (! (Mode::config () || Mode::repair ())))
PackageSystem::InstallAll (getBootloaderPackages (bootloader));
else if (Stage::initial () && (! (Mode::repair ())))
boolean pkg_added = false;
foreach (string p, getBootloaderPackages (bootloader), {
if (! Pkg::IsSelected (p))
Pkg::PkgInstall (bootloader);
pkg_added = true;
if (pkg_added)
// if package was added in inst. proposal, I can't be sure
// that dependencies will be solved
Pkg::PkgSolve (false);
else if (! Mode::test ())
y2error ("Unknown bootloader");
loader_type = bootloader;
if (loader_type != nil)
setCurrentLoaderAttribs (loader_type);
y2milestone ("Loader type set");
* List bootloaders available for configured architecture
* @return a list of bootloaders
global define list<string> getBootloaders () {
if (Mode::config ())
return ["grub", "lilo", "elilo", "zipl", "ppc", "default", "none"];
list<string> ret = [
getLoaderType (false),
(string)SCR::Read (.probe.boot_arch)
if (Arch::i386 () || Arch::x86_64 ())
ret = (list<string>)merge (ret, ["lilo", "grub"]);
// in order not to display it twice when "none" is selected
ret = filter (string l, ret, {
return l != "none";
ret = toset (ret);
ret = add (ret, "none");
return ret;
* Local variables:
* mode: ycp
* mode: font-lock
* mode: auto-fill
* indent-level: 4
* fill-column: 78
* End: