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350 lines
* File: modules/AutoinstConfig.ycp
* Module: Auto-Installation
* Summary: This module handles the configuration for auto-installation
* Authors: Anas Nashif <nashif@suse.de>
* $Id: AutoinstConfig.ycp 29265 2006-03-22 14:48:47Z ug $
module "AutoinstConfig";
textdomain "autoinst";
import "Misc";
import "Mode";
import "Installation";
import "URL";
include "autoinstall/xml.ycp";
// Profile Repository
global string Repository = "";
// Package Repository
global string PackageRepository = "";
// Classes
global string classDir = "";
// Current file name
global string currentFile = "";
// Temporary directory for storing profile before installation starts
global string tmpDir = (string)SCR::Read( .target.tmpdir );
// Main directory for data generated during installation
global string var_dir = "/var/adm/autoinstall";
// Directory for the pre/post and chroot scripts
global string scripts_dir = var_dir + "/scripts";
global string initscripts_dir = var_dir + "/init.d";
// Directory where log files of pre/post and chroot scripts are kept
global string logs_dir = var_dir + "/logs";
// Destination dir
global string destdir = Installation::destdir;
// Cache directory
global string cache = var_dir + "/cache";
// Temporary file name for retrieved system profile
global string xml_tmpfile = tmpDir + "/autoinst.xml";
// Final location for retrieved system profile
global string xml_file = cache + "/installedSystem.xml";
// Direcotry for runtime operation data
global string runtime_dir = "/var/lib/autoinstall";
// Directory where complete configuration files are kept.
global string files_dir = var_dir + "/files";
// Directory to store profile for possible user manipulation.
global string profile_dir = "/tmp/profile";
// The user modified version of the Profile
global string modified_profile = profile_dir + "/modified.xml";
global string autoconf_file = runtime_dir + "/autoconf/autoconf.xml";
// Parsed data from XML control in YCP format
global string parsedControlFile = cache + "/autoinst.ycp";
global string remote_rules_location = "rules/rules.xml";
global string local_rules_location = tmpDir + "/rules";
global string local_rules_file = local_rules_location + "/rules.xml";
// Data from command line
global map urltok = $[];
global string scheme = "";
global string host = "";
global string filepath = "";
global string directory = "";
global string port = "";
global string user = "";
global string pass = "";
// Default runlevel
global string default_rl = "5";
// Confirm installation
global boolean Confirm = true;
global string OriginalURI = "";
global string message = "";
// Class merging.
// lists not to be merged, instead they will be "added"
global list<string> dontmerge = [];
// Halt after initial phase
global boolean Halt = false;
// Dont Hard Reboot
global boolean ForceBoot = false;
// Show Reboot Message
global boolean RebootMsg = false;
// remote profile (invented for pre-probing of s390)
// in case of a remote profile, the profile can be fetched
// before the probing stage DASD module can has run
global boolean remoteProfile = true;
include "autoinstall/io.ycp";
* Return location of profile from command line.
* @return map with protocol, server, path
* @example autoyast=http://www.server.com/profiles/
global define boolean ParseCmdLine (string autoinstall)
import "URL";
map result = $[];
string cmdLine = "";
if (size(autoinstall) > 0 )
cmdLine = autoinstall;
if (cmdLine == "default")
result["scheme"] = "file";
result["path"] = "/autoinst.xml";
result = URL::Parse (cmdLine);
OriginalURI = cmdLine;
if (result["scheme"]:"" == "")
// Autoinstall mode was not activated from command line.
// There must be a floppy with an 'autoinst.xml' in order
// to be able to reach this point, so we set floppy with
// autoinst.xml as the control file.
result = add(result, "scheme", "floppy");
result = add(result, "path","/autoinst.xml");
urltok = result;
scheme = urltok["scheme"]:"default";
host = urltok["host"]:"";
filepath = urltok["path"]:"";
port = urltok["port"]:"";
user = urltok["user"]:"";
pass = urltok["pass"]:"";
if( scheme == "default" || scheme == "file" || scheme == "floppy" ) {
remoteProfile = false;
y2milestone("urltok = %1", urltok );
return true;;
* SetProtocolMessage ()
* @return void
global define void SetProtocolMessage () ``{
if (scheme == "floppy")
message = _("Retrieving control file from floppy.");
else if (scheme == "tftp")
message = sformat ( _("Retrieving control file (%1) from TFTP server: %2."), filepath, host );
else if (scheme == "nfs")
message = sformat ( _("Retrieving control file (%1) from NFS server: %2."), filepath, host );
else if (scheme == "http")
message = sformat ( _("Retrieving control file (%1) from HTTP server: %2."), filepath, host );
else if (scheme == "ftp")
message = sformat ( _("Retrieving control file (%1) from FTP server: %2."), filepath, host );
else if (scheme == "file")
message = sformat ( _("Copying control file from file: %1."), filepath);
else if (scheme == "device")
message = sformat ( _("Copying control file from device: /dev/%1."), filepath );
else if (scheme == "default")
message = _("Copying control file from default location.");
message = _("Source unknown.");
* Save Configuration global settings
* @return void
global define void Save ()
// Write sysconfig variables.
y2milestone("Saving configuration data");
SCR::Write( .sysconfig.autoinstall.REPOSITORY, Repository );
SCR::Write( .sysconfig.autoinstall.CLASS_DIR, classDir);
* Constructor
* @return void
global define void AutoinstConfig ()
if (Mode::autoinst ())
any autoinstall = SCR::Read(.etc.install_inf.AutoYaST);
if (autoinstall != nil && is ( autoinstall , string ) )
ParseCmdLine((string) autoinstall);
y2milestone("cmd line=%1", autoinstall );
else if (Mode::config () )
// Load configuration data from /etc/sysconfig/autoinstall
Repository = Misc::SysconfigRead( .sysconfig.autoinstall.REPOSITORY, "/var/lib/autoinstall/repository/");
classDir = Misc::SysconfigRead( .sysconfig.autoinstall.CLASS_DIR, Repository + "/classes" );
string tmp_dontmerge = Misc::SysconfigRead( .sysconfig.autoinstall.XSLT_DONTMERGE, "addon,conf" );
dontmerge = splitstring(tmp_dontmerge, ",");
// Set the defaults, just in case.
if (Repository == "" || Repository == nil )
Repository = "/var/lib/autoinstall/repository";
else if (Mode::test () && Mode::normal ())
local_rules_file = (string)WFM::Args(1);
global string MainHelp() {
string main_help = _("<h3>AutoYaST Configuration Management System</h3>
<p>Almost all resources of the control file can be
configured using the configuration management system.</p>
_("<p>Most of the modules used to create the configuration are identical to those available
through the YaST2 Control Center. Instead of configuring this system, the data
entered is collected and exported to the control file that can be used to
install another system using AutoYaST.
_("<p>In addition to the existing and familiar modules,
new interfaces were created for special and complex configurations, including
partitioning, general options, and software.</p>
return main_help;