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879 lines
* File: modules/AutoInstallRules.ycp
* Package: Auto-installation
* Summary: Process Auto-Installation Rules
* Author: Anas Nashif <nashif@suse.de>
* $Id: AutoInstallRules.ycp 29265 2006-03-22 14:48:47Z ug $
module "AutoInstallRules";
textdomain "autoinst";
import "Arch";
import "Stage";
import "Installation";
import "AutoinstConfig";
import "XML";
import "Storage";
import "Kernel";
import "Mode";
import "Profile";
import "Label";
import "Report";
import "Popup";
import "URL";
import "IP";
import "Product";
include "autoinstall/io.ycp";
global boolean userrules = false;
global boolean dontmergeIsDefault = true;
global list<string> dontmergeBackup = [];
global symbol Behaviour = `many;
// Pre-defined Rules
// All system attributes;
map ATTR = $[];
global string installed_product = "";
global string installed_product_version = "";
global string hostname = "";
global string hostaddress = "";
global string network = "";
global string domain = "";
global string arch = "";
global string karch = "";
// Taken from smbios
global string product = "";
// Taken from smbios
global string product_vendor = "";
// Taken from smbios
global string board_vendor = "";
// Taken from smbios
global string board = "";
global integer memsize = 0;
global list<map<string, any> > disksize = [];
global integer totaldisk = 0;
global string hostid = "";
global string mac = "";
global integer linux = 0;
global integer others = 0;
global string xserver = "";
global string haspcmcia = "0";
global list NonLinuxPartitions = [];
global list LinuxPartitions = [];
global map<string, any> UserRules = $[];
// Local Variables
string shell = "";
map env = $[];
global list<string> tomerge = [];
* Cleanup XML file from namespaces put by xslt
global define boolean XML_cleanup(string in, string out) ``{
map ycpin = XML::XMLToYCPFile(in);
y2debug("Writing clean XML file to %1, YCP is (%2)", out, ycpin);
return XML::YCPToXMLFile(`profile, ycpin, out);
* StdErrLog()
* Dialog for error messages
global define void StdErrLog( string stderr) ``{
`opt( `decorated ),
`HBox (
`LogView(`id(`log), Label::ErrorMsg() , 10, 100 ),
`PushButton( `id(`ok), `opt(`default), Label::OKButton() ),
UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`log),`Value, stderr);
* getMAC()
* Return MAC address of active device
* @return string mac address
global define string getMAC()
string tmpmac = "";
if (Stage::initial ())
tmpmac = (string)SCR::Read (.etc.install_inf.HWAddr);
string cleanmac = deletechars((tmpmac!=nil)?tmpmac:"", ":");
return cleanmac;
* Return host id (hex ip )
* @return string host ID
global define string getHostid ()
string hex = IP::ToHex(hostaddress);
return hex;
* Probe all system data to build a set of rules
* @return void
global define void ProbeRules ()
// SMBIOS Data
list bios = (list) SCR::Read(.probe.bios);
if (size(bios) != 1)
y2warning("Warning: BIOS list size is %1", size(bios));
map biosinfo = (map)(bios[0]:$[]);
list<map> smbios = (list<map>)(biosinfo["smbios"]:[]);
map sysinfo = $[];
map boardinfo = $[];
foreach(map inf, smbios, ``{
if (inf["type"]:"" == "sysinfo")
sysinfo = inf;
else if (inf["type"]:"" == "boardinfo")
boardinfo = inf;
if (size(sysinfo) > 0)
product = (string)(sysinfo["product"]:"default");
product_vendor = (string)(sysinfo["manufacturer"]:"default");
if (size(boardinfo) > 0)
board = (string)(boardinfo["product"]:"default");
board_vendor = (string)(boardinfo["manufacturer"]:"default");
ATTR["product"] = product;
ATTR["product_vendor"] = product_vendor;
ATTR["board"] = board;
ATTR["board_vendor"] = board_vendor;
// Architecture
arch = Arch::architecture ();
karch = Kernel::GetPackages ()[0]:"kernel-default";
ATTR["arch"] = arch;
ATTR["karch"] = karch;
// Memory
integer memory = 0;
list memories = (list)SCR::Read(.probe.memory);
memory = memories[0,"resource","phys_mem",0,"range"]:0;
memsize = memory / ( 1024 * 1024);
ATTR["memsize"] = memsize;
// Disk sizes
map<string,map> storage = Storage::GetTargetMap();
map<string,map> PhysicalTargetMap = filter(string k, map v, storage ,
``(Storage::IsRealDisk(v) ));
totaldisk = 0;
disksize = maplist( string k, map v, PhysicalTargetMap,
integer size_in_mb = v["size_k"]:0 / 1024;
totaldisk = totaldisk + size_in_mb;
return($["device":k, "size": size_in_mb]);
y2debug("disksize: %1", disksize);
// MAC
mac = getMAC();
ATTR["mac"] = mac;
// Network
if (Stage::initial ())
hostaddress = (string)SCR::Read(.etc.install_inf.IP);
hostaddress = ""; // FIXME
ATTR["hostaddress"] = hostaddress;
// Hostid (i.e. a8c00101);
hostid = getHostid();
ATTR["hostid"] = hostid;
hostname = (string)SCR::Read(.etc.install_inf.Hostname);
ATTR["hostname"] = hostname;
domain = (string)SCR::Read(.etc.install_inf.Domain);
ATTR["domain"] = domain;
network = (string)SCR::Read(.etc.install_inf.Network);
ATTR["network"] = network;
haspcmcia = (string)SCR::Read(.etc.install_inf.HasPCMCIA);
ATTR["haspcmcia"] = haspcmcia;
xserver = (string)SCR::Read(.etc.install_inf.XServer);
ATTR["xserver"] = xserver;
NonLinuxPartitions = Storage::GetForeignPrimary();
others = size(NonLinuxPartitions );
y2milestone ("Other primaries: %1", NonLinuxPartitions);
LinuxPartitions = Storage::GetOtherLinuxPartitions();
linux = size(LinuxPartitions);
y2milestone ("Other linux parts: %1", LinuxPartitions);
installed_product = Product::name;
installed_product_version = Product::version;
ATTR["installed_product"] = installed_product;
ATTR["installed_product_version"] = installed_product_version;
y2milestone("Installing %1 %2", installed_product, installed_product_version);
* Create shell command for rule verification
* @param match
* @param var
* @param val
* @param op
* @param matchtype
* @return void
define void shellseg (boolean match, string var, any val, string op, string matchtype)
if (op == "and")
op = " && ";
else if (op == "or")
op = " || ";
string tmpshell = " ( [";
y2debug("Match type: %1", matchtype);
if (is( val, string) && (string)val == "*")
// match anything
tmpshell = tmpshell + " \"1\" = \"1\" ";
else if (matchtype == "exact")
tmpshell = tmpshell + sformat(" \"$%1\" = \"%2\" ", var, val);
else if (matchtype == "greater")
tmpshell = tmpshell + sformat(" \"$%1\" -gt \"%2\" ", var, val);
else if (matchtype == "lower")
tmpshell = tmpshell + sformat(" \"$%1\" -lt \"%2\" ", var, val);
else if (matchtype == "range")
list<string> range =splitstring(tostring(val), "-");
y2debug("Range: %1", range);
tmpshell = tmpshell + sformat(" \"$%1\" -gt \"%2\" -a \"$%1\" -lt \"%3\" ", var, range[0]:"0", range[1]:"0");
else if( matchtype == "regex" )
tmpshell = tmpshell + sformat("[ \"$%1\" =~ \"%2\" ]", var, val);
if (match)
shell = shell + sformat(" %1 %2] )", op, tmpshell);
shell = tmpshell + "] ) ";
y2debug("var: %1, val: %2", var, val);
y2debug("shell: %1", shell);
* Verify rules using the shell
* @return integer
define integer verifyrules ()
string script = sformat("if %1; then exit 0; else exit 1; fi", shell);
map ret = (map)SCR::Execute (.target.bash_output, script, env);
y2milestone("Bash return: %1 (%2) (%3)", script, ret, env);
return ret["exit"]:-1;
string SubVars(string file)
y2milestone("file: %1" , file);
string var = "";
any first = findfirstof(file, "@");
any last = findlastof(file, "@");
if (first!= nil && last!=nil)
integer ffirst = (integer) first + 1;
integer llast = (integer) last;
if (first!=last)
var = substring(file,ffirst , llast - ffirst );
y2milestone("var: %1", var);
if (var!="")
string val = ATTR[var]:"";
string new = regexpsub(file,"(.*)@.*@(.*)",sformat("\\1%1\\2", val));
if (new!="")
return new;
y2milestone("val: %1", file);
return file;
* Read rules file
* @return void
global define void Read()
UserRules = XML::XMLToYCPFile( AutoinstConfig::local_rules_file );
if( UserRules == nil ) {
string message = _("Parsing the rules file failed. XML parser reports:\n");
Popup::Error( message + XML::XMLError() );
y2milestone("Rules: %1", UserRules);
list<map <string, map> > rulelist = UserRules["rules"]:[];
if (rulelist == nil) // check result of implicit type conversion
y2error ("Key 'rules' has wrong type");
rulelist = [];
boolean ismatch = false;
boolean go_on = true;
foreach ( map<string, map> ruleset, rulelist, ``{
y2debug("Ruleset: %1", ruleset);
if (go_on) {
foreach(string rule, map ruledef, ruleset, ``{
y2debug("Rule: %1", rule);
y2debug("Ruledef: %1", ruledef);
string match = ruledef["match"]:"undefined";
string op = ruledef["operator"]:"and";
string matchtype = ruledef["match_type"]:"exact";
list<string> easy_rules = [
"product" ];
if ( contains(easy_rules, rule))
shellseg(ismatch, rule, match, op, matchtype);
ismatch = true;
env[rule] = ATTR[rule]:"";
else if ( rule == "custom1" || rule == "custom2" || rule == "custom3" || rule == "custom4" || rule == "custom5")
string script = ruledef["script"]:"exit -1";
string tmpdir = AutoinstConfig::tmpDir;
string scriptPath = sformat("%1/%2", tmpdir, "rule_" + rule);
y2milestone("Writing rule script into %1", scriptPath);
SCR::Write(.target.string, scriptPath, script);
map out = (map) SCR::Execute (.target.bash_output, "/bin/sh " + scriptPath, $[]);
string script_result = out["stdout"]:"";
shellseg(ismatch, rule, match, op, matchtype);
ismatch = true;
ATTR[rule] = script_result;
env[rule] = script_result;
else if ( rule == "linux" )
shellseg(ismatch, rule, match, op, matchtype);
ismatch = true;
env[rule] = linux;
else if ( rule == "others" )
shellseg(ismatch, rule, match, op, matchtype);
ismatch = true;
env[rule] = others;
else if ( rule == "xserver" )
shellseg(ismatch, rule, match, op, matchtype);
ismatch = true;
env[rule] = xserver;
else if ( rule == "memsize" )
shellseg(ismatch, rule, match, op, matchtype);
ismatch = true;
env[rule] = memsize;
else if ( rule == "totaldisk" )
shellseg(ismatch, rule, match, op, matchtype);
ismatch = true;
env[rule] = totaldisk;
else if ( rule == "haspcmcia" )
shellseg(ismatch, rule, match, op, matchtype);
ismatch = true;
env[rule] = haspcmcia;
else if ( rule == "disksize" )
y2debug("creating rule check for disksize");
list<string> disk = splitstring(match, " ");
integer i = 0;
string t = "";
if (shell != "" )
t = shell + sformat(" %1 ( ", (op == "and") ? "&&" : "||" );
t = shell + sformat(" ( ");
foreach(map<string, any> dev, disksize, {
string var1 = sformat("disksize_size%1", i );
string var2 = sformat("disksize_device%1", i );
if (matchtype == "exact") {
t = t + sformat(" [ \"$%1\" = \"%2\" -a \"$%3\" = \"%4\" ] ", var1, disk[1]:"" , var2, disk[0]:"");
} else if (matchtype == "greater") {
t = t + sformat(" [ \"$%1\" -gt \"%2\" -a \"$%3\" = \"%4\" ] ", var1, disk[1]:"" , var2, disk[0]:"");
} else if (matchtype == "lower") {
t = t + sformat(" [ \"$%1\" -lt \"%2\" -a \"$%3\" = \"%4\" ] ", var1, disk[1]:"" , var2, disk[0]:"");
env[var1] = dev["size"]:-1;
env[var2] = dev["device"]:"";
i = i + 1;
if ( size(disksize) > i )
t = t + " || ";
t = t + " ) ";
shell = t;
y2debug("shell: %1", shell);
ismatch = true;
else if ( rule == "result" )
if ( verifyrules() == 0 )
string profile_name = ruledef["profile"]:"";
profile_name = SubVars(profile_name);
y2milestone("Final Profile name: %1", profile_name
if (ruledef["match_with_base"]:true)
tomerge = add(tomerge, profile_name);
// backdoor for merging problems.
if( haskey(ruledef, "dont_merge") ) {
if( dontmergeIsDefault ) {
dontmergeBackup = AutoinstConfig::dontmerge;
AutoinstConfig::dontmerge = [];
AutoinstConfig::dontmerge = (list<string>)union( AutoinstConfig::dontmerge, ruledef["dont_merge"]:[] );
dontmergeIsDefault = false;
y2milestone("user defined dont_merge for rules found. dontmerge is %1", AutoinstConfig::dontmerge);
go_on = ruledef["continue"]:false;
go_on = true;
shell = "";
ismatch = false;
* Return list of file to merge (Order matters)
* @return list list of files
global define list<string> Files ()
return tomerge;
* Return list of file to merge (Order matters)
* @return boolean
global define boolean GetRules ()
y2milestone("Getting Rules: %1", tomerge);
string scheme = AutoinstConfig::scheme;
string host = AutoinstConfig::host;
string filepath = AutoinstConfig::filepath;
string directory = AutoinstConfig::directory;
list<string> valid = [];
boolean stop = false;
foreach(string file, tomerge, ``{
if (!stop) {
string dir = dirname ( file );
if (dir != "") {
SCR::Execute(.target.mkdir, AutoinstConfig::local_rules_location + "/" + dir);
string localfile = AutoinstConfig::local_rules_location + "/" + file ;
if (!Get( scheme, host, directory + "/" + file, localfile)) {
y2error("Error while fetching file: %1", directory + "/" + file);
} else {
if (Behaviour == `one) {
stop = true;
valid = add(valid, file);
tomerge = valid;
if (size ( tomerge ) == 0 ) {
y2milestone("No files from rules found");
return (false);
} else {
return (true);
* Merge Rule results
* @param result_profile the resulting control file path
* @return boolean true on success
global define boolean Merge ( string result_profile )
string tmpdir = AutoinstConfig::tmpDir;
boolean ok = true;
boolean skip = false;
boolean error = false;
string base_profile = tmpdir + "/base_profile.xml";
foreach(string file, tomerge,
y2milestone("Working on file: %1", file);
string current_profile = AutoinstConfig::local_rules_location + "/" + file;
if (!skip)
if (!XML_cleanup(current_profile, tmpdir + "/base_profile.xml"))
y2error("Error reading XML file");
string message = _("The XML parser reported an error while parsing the autoyast profile. The error message is:\n");
message = message + XML::XMLError();
Popup::Error ( message );
error = true;
skip = true;
else if (!error )
string MergeCommand = "/usr/bin/xsltproc --novalid --param replace \"'false'\" ";
string dontmerge_str = "";
integer i = 1;
foreach (string dm, AutoinstConfig::dontmerge, ``{
dontmerge_str = dontmerge_str + sformat(" --param dontmerge%1 \"'%2'\" ", i, dm);
i = i + 1;
MergeCommand = MergeCommand + dontmerge_str;
MergeCommand = MergeCommand + "--param with ";
MergeCommand = MergeCommand + "\"'" + current_profile + "'\" ";
MergeCommand = MergeCommand + "--output " + tmpdir + "/result.xml";
MergeCommand = MergeCommand + " /usr/share/autoinstall/xslt/merge.xslt ";
MergeCommand = MergeCommand + base_profile + " ";
map xsltret = (map)SCR::Execute(.target.bash_output, MergeCommand);
y2milestone("Merge result: %1", xsltret);
if (xsltret["exit"]:-1 != 0 || xsltret["stderr"]:"" != "")
y2error("Merge Failed");
ok = false;
XML_cleanup(tmpdir + "/result.xml", tmpdir + "/base_profile.xml");
y2error ("Error while merging control files");
if (error )
return !error;
SCR::Execute(.target.bash, "cp " + tmpdir + "/base_profile.xml " + result_profile );
y2milestone("Ok=%1", ok);
dontmergeIsDefault = true;
AutoinstConfig::dontmerge = dontmergeBackup;
return ok;
* Process Rules
* @param string result_profile
* @return boolean
global define boolean Process( string result_profile )
boolean ok = true;
string tmpdir = AutoinstConfig::tmpDir;
string prefinal = AutoinstConfig::local_rules_location + "/prefinal_autoinst.xml" ;
if (!Merge ( prefinal ) )
return false;
tomerge = [];
// Now check if there any classes defined in theis pre final control file
if (! Profile::ReadXML( prefinal ))
Popup::Error(_("Error while parsing the control file.
Check the log files for more details or fix the
control file and try again.
return false;
y2milestone("Checking classes...");
if ( haskey(Profile::current, "classes") )
y2milestone("User defined classes available, processing....");
list<map> classes = Profile::current["classes"]:[];
foreach(map class, classes,
// backdoor for merging problems.
if( haskey(class, "dont_merge") ) {
if( dontmergeIsDefault )
AutoinstConfig::dontmerge = [];
AutoinstConfig::dontmerge = (list<string>)union( AutoinstConfig::dontmerge, class["dont_merge"]:[] );
dontmergeIsDefault = false;
y2milestone("user defined dont_merge for class found. dontmerge is %1", AutoinstConfig::dontmerge);
tomerge = add(tomerge, "classes/" + class["class_name"]:"none" + "/" + class["configuration"]:"none");
y2milestone("New files to process: %1", tomerge);
Behaviour = `multiple;
boolean ret = GetRules();
if (ret)
tomerge = prepend(tomerge, "prefinal_autoinst.xml");
ok = Merge ( result_profile );
User-defined classes could not be retrieved. Make sure all classes
are defined correctly and available for this system via the network
or locally. The system cannot be installed with the original control
file without using classes.
ok = false;
SCR::Execute(.target.bash, "cp " + prefinal + " " + result_profile );
SCR::Execute(.target.bash, "cp " + prefinal + " " + result_profile );
y2milestone("returns=%1", ok );
return ok;
* Create default rule in case no rules file is available
* This adds a list of file starting from full hex ip representation to
* only the first letter. Then default and finally mac address.
* @return void
global define void CreateDefault()
Behaviour = `one;
string tmp_hex_ip = hostid;
tomerge = add(tomerge, tmp_hex_ip );
while (size(tmp_hex_ip) != 1)
tmp_hex_ip = substring(tmp_hex_ip, 0 , size ( tmp_hex_ip ) - 1 );
tomerge = add(tomerge, tmp_hex_ip );
tomerge = add(tomerge, toupper(mac) );
tomerge = add(tomerge, tolower(mac) );
tomerge = add(tomerge, "default" );
y2milestone("Created default rules=%1", tomerge);
* Create default rule in case no rules file is available (Only one file which is given by the user)
* @param filename file name
* @return void
global define void CreateFile(string filename)
tomerge = add (tomerge, filename);
y2milestone("Created default rules: %1", tomerge);
* Constructor
global define void AutoInstallRules () ``{
* Initialize
global define void Init () ``{
if (Stage::initial () || Mode::test ())