Chip 2007 January, February, March & April
Text File
486 lines
* File:
* timezone/dialogs.ycp
* Authors:
* Klaus KΣmpf <kkaempf@suse.de>
* Michael Hager <mike@suse.de>
* Stefan Hundhammer <sh@suse.de>
* Jiri Suchomel <jsuchome@suse.cz>
* Summary:
* Dialogs for timezone and time configuration.
* $Id: dialogs.ycp 34195 2006-11-09 11:41:43Z jsuchome $
textdomain "country";
import "Arch";
import "Label";
import "Language";
import "Mode";
import "Popup";
import "Stage";
import "Timezone";
import "Wizard";
symbol hwclock_s_initial = `none;
define void SetTimezone (symbol hwclock, string timezone, boolean really,
boolean changed_time)
y2milestone( "SetTimezone hw %1, tz %2 really %3 tchanged %4 initial:%5",
hwclock, timezone, really, changed_time, hwclock_s_initial );
// simulate the time change
if (!really && hwclock != hwclock_s_initial)
Timezone::diff = (hwclock==`hwclock_utc)?1:-1;
Timezone::diff = 0;
y2milestone( "SetTimezone diff %1", Timezone::diff );
Timezone::hwclock = (hwclock == `hwclock_utc) ? "-u" : "--localtime";
Timezone::Set (timezone, really);
// Redisplay date/time.
UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`date), `Value, Timezone::GetDateTime (really, false));
* Dialog for setinge system date and time
define boolean SetTimeDialog() {
// help text
string htext = _("<p>The current system time and date are displayed. Change them to the correct values and press
map val = Timezone::GetDateTimeMap();
string hour = val["hour"]:"";
string minute = val["minute"]:"";
string second = val["second"]:"";
string day = val["day"]:"";
string month = val["month"]:"";
string year = val["year"]:"";
term dateterm = `VBox (
`HBox (
// label text, do not change "DD-MM-YYYY"
`Left (`Label(_("Current Date in DD-MM-YYYY Format")))
`HBox (
`TextEntry( `id(`day), `opt(`shrinkable), "", day),
`HSpacing (),
`TextEntry( `id(`month), `opt(`shrinkable), "", month),
`HSpacing (),
`TextEntry( `id(`year), `opt(`shrinkable), "", year),
term timeterm = `VBox (
`HBox (
`HSpacing (1),
// label text, do not change "HH:MM:SS"
`Left (`Label (_("Current Time in HH:MM:SS Format")))
`HBox (
`TextEntry (`id(`hour), `opt(`shrinkable), "", hour),
`HSpacing (),
`TextEntry (`id(`minute), `opt(`shrinkable), "", minute),
`HSpacing (),
`TextEntry (`id(`second), `opt(`shrinkable), "", second),
boolean dt_widgets = false;
if (UI::HasSpecialWidget (`Date) && UI::HasSpecialWidget (`Time))
dateterm = `HBox (
// label text
`Date (`id(`date), _("Current Date"),
sformat ("%1-%2-%3", year, month, day)
timeterm = `HBox (
// label text
`Time (`id(`time), _("Current Time"),
sformat ("%1:%2:%3", hour, minute, second)
dt_widgets = true;
UI::OpenDialog( `opt(`decorated),
`HWeight(30, `RichText( htext )),
`VBox (
`HBox (`HSpacing(55)),
// heading text
`Heading( _("Change System Date and Time") ),
// button text
`PushButton(`id(`apply), `opt(`default), _("&Apply")),
`PushButton(`id(`cancel), Label::CancelButton() )
if (!dt_widgets)
foreach (symbol widget, [`hour, `minute, `second, `day, `month, `year],{
UI::ChangeWidget (`id(widget), `ValidChars, "0123456789");
UI::ChangeWidget (`id(widget), `InputMaxLength,
widget == `year ? 4 : 2);
any ret = `cancel;
ret = UI::UserInput();
y2debug ("UserInput ret:%1", ret );
if (ret == `apply)
if (dt_widgets)
list datel = splitstring (
(string) UI::QueryWidget (`id(`date), `Value), "-");
year = datel[0]:"";
month = datel[1]:"";
day = datel[2]:"";
list timel = splitstring (
(string) UI::QueryWidget (`id(`time), `Value), ":");
hour = timel[0]:"";
minute = timel[1]:"";
second = timel[2]:"";
hour = (string) UI::QueryWidget(`id(`hour), `Value );
minute = (string) UI::QueryWidget(`id(`minute), `Value );
second = (string) UI::QueryWidget(`id(`second), `Value );
day = (string) UI::QueryWidget(`id(`day), `Value );
month = (string) UI::QueryWidget(`id(`month), `Value );
year = (string) UI::QueryWidget(`id(`year), `Value );
if (!Timezone::CheckTime (hour, minute, second))
string tmp = sformat( "%1:%2:%3", hour, minute, second );
// popup text, %1 is entered value
tmp = sformat( _("Invalid time (HH:MM:SS) %1.
Enter the correct time.
"), tmp );
Popup::Error( tmp );
ret = `retry;
else if( !Timezone::CheckDate( day, month, year ))
string tmp = sformat( "%1-%2-%3", day, month, year );
// popup text, %1 is entered value
tmp = sformat( _("Invalid date (DD-MM-YYYY) %1.
Enter the correct date.
"), tmp );
Popup::Error( tmp );
ret = `retry;
Timezone::SetTime( year, month, day, hour, minute, second );
until( ret==`apply || ret==`cancel );
return( ret==`apply );
* Main dialog for time zone configuration
* @param args arguments passwd from the called (back/next buttons etc.)
define symbol TimezoneDialog (map args) {
boolean first_run = args["first_run"]:"no" == "yes";
// inst_timezone as a part of installation sequence
if (first_run && Stage::initial ())
import "Storage";
if (size (Storage::GetWinPrimPartitions(Storage::GetTargetMap()))>0)
Timezone::windows_partition = true;
y2milestone ("windows partition found: assuming local time");
if (Timezone::ProposeLocaltime ())
Timezone::hwclock = "--localtime";
// get current timezone and clock setting
boolean changed_time = false;
string timezone = Timezone::timezone;
string timezone_old = timezone;
string hwclock = Timezone::hwclock;
y2milestone ( "timezone_old %1", timezone_old );
timezone = Timezone::UpdateTimezone (timezone);
// Initially set the current timezone to establish a consistent state.
integer sel = Timezone::Set (timezone, true);
boolean utc_only = Timezone::utc_only ();
y2milestone( "utc_only %1", utc_only );
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Build dialog
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
// Assign system date and time.
string date = Timezone::GetDateTime(true, false);
// build up timezone selection box
term timezonesel = `ReplacePoint (`id(`tzsel),
// title for selection box 'timezone'
`SelectionBox (`id (`timezone), `opt(`notify), _("Time &Zone")));
term region = `SelectionBox (
// label text
`id(`region),`opt(`notify,`immediate), _("&Region"),Timezone::Region());
term settime = `Empty();
if (!Arch::s390 () && !Mode::config ())
// button text
settime = `PushButton (`id(`settime), _("Cha&nge..."));
boolean textmode = Language::GetTextMode ();
term contents = `MarginBox (
`leftMargin (2), `rightMargin (2), `topMargin (0), `bottomMargin (0.2),
`VBox (
`HBox (
`HSpacing (),
`VSpacing (0.2),
`VSquash (`HBox (
`HWeight (1,
utc_only ? `Empty () : `VBox (
`ComboBox (
`id (`hwclock), `opt(`hstretch, `notify),
// combo box label
_("&Hardware Clock Set To"),
// ComboBox entry: clock set to local time
`item (`id (`hwclock_localtime), _("Local Time"),
(hwclock == "--localtime")),
// ComboBox entry: clock set UTC
`item (`id(`hwclock_utc ), _("UTC"),
(hwclock == "-u"))
), textmode ? `Label ("") : `Empty ())
`HSpacing (1),
// frame label
`HWeight (1, `Frame (_("Time and Date"), `MarginBox (
`leftMargin (1.2), `rightMargin (1),
`topMargin (0.2), `bottomMargin (0.2),
textmode ?
`VBox (
`Label (`id(`date), `opt(`outputField,`hstretch), date),
`Right (settime)
) :
`HBox (
`Label (`id(`date), `opt(`outputField,`hstretch), date),
`Right (settime)
// help for timezone screen
string help_text = _("
<p><b><big>Time Zone and Clock Settings</big></b></p>") +
// help for timezone screen
To select the time zone to use in your system, first select the <b>Region</b>.
In <b>Time Zone</b>, then select the appropriate time zone, country, or
region from those available.
if (!utc_only)
// help for time calculation basis:
// hardware clock references local time or UTC?
help_text = help_text + _("<p>
Specify whether your machine is set to local time or UTC in <b>Hardware Clock Set To</b>.
Most PCs that also have other operating systems installed (such as Microsoft
Windows) use local time.
Machines that have only Linux installed are usually
set to Universal Time Coordinated (UTC).
If the hardware clock is set to UTC, your system can switch from standard time
to daylight saving time and back automatically.
// general help trailer
help_text = help_text + _("<p>
If the current time is not correct, use <b>Change</b> to adjust it.
// Screen title for timezone screen
Wizard::SetContents (_("Clock and Time Zone"), contents,
help_text, args["enable_back"]:true, args["enable_next"]:true);
Wizard::SetDesktopIcon ("timezone");
if ( Stage::initial () || Stage::firstboot ())
Wizard::SetTitleIcon ("yast-timezone");
symbol hwclock_s = (hwclock=="-u") ? `hwclock_utc : `hwclock_localtime;
symbol hwclock_s_old = hwclock_s;
hwclock_s_initial = hwclock_s;
UI::ChangeWidget (`id(`region), `CurrentItem, sel);
UI::ReplaceWidget (`id(`tzsel),
`SelectionBox ( `id(`timezone), `opt(`notify),
// label text
_("Time &Zone"), Timezone::Selection (sel))
UI::ChangeWidget (`id(`timezone), `CurrentItem, Timezone::timezone);
UI::SetFocus (`id(`region));
symbol ret = nil;
ret = (symbol) Wizard::UserInput();
y2debug( "ret %1", ret );
if (!Mode::config () && ret == `abort && Popup::ConfirmAbort(`painless))
if (ret == `region)
integer num = (integer)UI::QueryWidget( `id(`region), `CurrentItem);
y2milestone ("selected region %1", num);
UI::ReplaceWidget (`id(`tzsel),
`SelectionBox ( `id(`timezone), `opt(`notify),
// label text
_("Time &Zone"), Timezone::Selection (num))
if (num == sel)
UI::ChangeWidget (`id(`timezone), `CurrentItem, timezone);
else if (ret == `settime)
if (SetTimeDialog())
Timezone::diff = 0;
UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`date), `Value,
Timezone::GetDateTime (false, false));
changed_time = true;
else if (ret == `next || ret == `timezone || ret == `hwclock)
// Get current settings.
// UTC vs. localtime, only if needed
hwclock_s = `hwclock_utc;
if (!utc_only)
hwclock_s = (symbol)UI::QueryWidget( `id(`hwclock), `Value );
if (ret == `timezone)
sel = (integer)UI::QueryWidget( `id(`region), `CurrentItem );
timezone = (string)UI::QueryWidget( `id(`timezone ), `CurrentItem );
if (timezone == nil || size(timezone) == 0)
// popup text
Popup::Error( _("Select a valid time zone.") );
ret = `again;
timezone = timezone_old;
y2milestone ("timezone %1 ret %2", timezone, ret);
if (timezone != timezone_old || hwclock_s != hwclock_s_old || ret == `next)
if (timezone != timezone_old)
changed_time = true;
timezone_old = timezone;
hwclock_s_old = hwclock_s;
SetTimezone (hwclock_s, timezone, ret==`next, changed_time);
if (ret == `next)
// User wants to keep his changes.
// Set user_decision flag in timezone module.
Timezone::user_decision = true;
Timezone::user_hwclock = true;
} until ( ret == `next || ret == `back || ret == `cancel );
if (ret != `next)
return ret;