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376 lines
* File:
* raid_lib.ycp
* Module:
* configuration of raid:
* Summary:
* Authors:
* mike <mike@suse.de>
* $Id: raid_lib.ycp 30804 2006-05-10 10:01:01Z fehr $
* rd or Rd == raid device, a device like hda1 or /dev/system/usr
* that belongs to a raid
import "Storage";
import "Mode";
import "Partitions";
import "Wizard";
textdomain "storage";
* Build raid dev item list e.g.: [`item (`id ("/dev/md2"), "/dev/md2", false)]
define list<term> get_raid_devices( map tg, integer raid_nr )
list<term> all_raid_devices = [];
list<map> partitions = tg["/dev/md","partitions"]:[];
foreach( map part, partitions,
integer num = part["nr"]:255;
all_raid_devices =
add( all_raid_devices,
`item( `id(sformat("/dev/md%1", num )),
Storage::GetDeviceName( "/dev/md", num ),
num == raid_nr ));
return all_raid_devices;
* Checks if a RAID is currently created or if it was already
define boolean IsRaidCreated( map tg, string device, symbol what )
boolean created = false;
if( what != `wizard )
list<map> partitions = (list<map>)tg["/dev/md", "partitions"]:[];
y2milestone( "parts %1", partitions );
foreach( map part, partitions,
if( part["device"]:""==device && part["create"]:false )
created = true;
created = true;
y2milestone( "device %1 what %2 created %3", device, what, created );
return( created );
* Update Raid ComboBox
define void new_raid_list( list<term> all_raids )
y2milestone( "Update Raid ComboBox: all md devices: %1 " , all_raids );
UI::ReplaceWidget( `id(`raids_rp) , `ComboBox(`id(`raids), `opt(`notify),
// label text
_("R&AID:"),all_raids ));
* Get all partitions, we can probably use as raid devices
* Add needed information: is_raid, disksize
define list<map> get_possible_rds( map<string,map> targetMap )
list<map> ret = [];
// add the devicename i.e /dev/hda1 or /dev/system/usr to partition list
// and the device key <subdevice>/<maindevice> i.e. 1//dev/hda
targetMap = mapmap( string dev, map devmap, targetMap,
list<map> partitions =
maplist( map part, devmap["partitions"]:[],
part["maindev"] = dev;
return( part );
return( $[ dev: add( devmap, "partitions", partitions)] );
// Look for all partitions:
// not LVM ( here I mean /dev/<lvm_volumegroup>/<lv> entrys!
// there are only the lv's in the targetMap under
// /dev/<lvm_volumegroup>/<lv> !)
// no mountpoint
// id 0x83 or 0x8e or 0xfd
// no RAID devices (this is for experts only, by hand)
list<map> allret = [];
list types_no = [ `lvm, `sw_raid, `evms ];
list fsids = [ Partitions::fsid_lvm, Partitions::fsid_raid,
Partitions::fsid_native ];
list ubs = [ `UB_NONE, `UB_MD ];
foreach( string dev, map devmap, targetMap,
ret = filter( map p, devmap["partitions"]:[],
``( size(p["mount"]:"")==0 &&
!contains( types_no, p["type"]:`primary ) &&
contains( ubs, p["used_by_type"]:`UB_NONE ) &&
(!haskey(p,"fsid")||contains( fsids, p["fsid"]:0 ))));
allret = (list<map>)merge(allret, ret );
return( allret );
* @param targetMap
* @param partition the raid for which the size is calculated
* out: size of RAID as string
define string raid_size_str( map partition )
return( ByteToHumanStringWithZero( partition["size_k"]:0*1024 ));
* in: targetMap: the targetMap ;-)
* in: partition: the raid for which the size is calculated
* out: size of RAID in byte
define integer raid_size_byte( map partition )
return( partition["size_k"]:0*1024 );
* get the number of devices which belong to the raid
define integer getNrOfParts( map<string,map> targetMap, string current_raid )
list<map> partition_list = get_possible_rds( targetMap );
string dev = "md" + current_raid;
partition_list = filter( map part, partition_list,
``( part["used_by"]:""==dev ) );
return( size( partition_list ) );
* belongs the the partition "id" already to a raid
define boolean isItemRd( map<string,map> tg, string id )
map partition = Storage::GetPartition( tg, id );
return( partition["used_by_type"]:`UB_NONE == `UB_MD );
* belongs the the partition "id" already to a raid
* if YES: popup a proper Message and return(false)
define boolean CheckItemIsNotRaid( map<string,map> tg, string id )
y2debug("Check Item is not Raid ");
// error case:
if( id!=nil && size(id) > 0 )
if( !isItemRd(tg,id) )
return( true );
// Message popup
Popup::Message (sformat(_("Item %1 is already a RAID device.
You cannot add it again.
"), id));
//Message popup
Popup::Message(_("You have to select one device in the table"));
return( false );
* belongs the the partition "id" already to a raid?
* if NO: popup a proper Message and return(false)
define boolean CheckItemIsRaid( map<string,map> tg, string id )
// error case:
if( id!=nil && size(id) > 0 )
if( isItemRd(tg,id) )
return( true );
// Message popup
Popup::Message (sformat(_("Item %1 cannot be removed.
It does not belong to a RAID.
"), id ));
//Message popup
Popup::Message (_("You have to select one device in the table"));
return( false );
* partition list to widget table
* in:
* [ $["fsid":142,
* "fstype":"Linux raid",
* "nr":"var",
* "region":[255, 16],
* "type":`primary],
* $[
* "fsid":131,
* "fstype":"Linux native",
* "nr":4, "region":[271, 844],
* ...
* out:
* [
* `item(`id("/dev/hda1"), "/dev/hda1 ", " 2G ", " LVM ", "md1"),
* `item(`id("/dev/hda2"), "/dev/hda2 ", " 1G ", " Linux ", " ")
* ];
define list get_raid_widget_table( list<map> possRdList )
possRdList =
sort( map x, map y, possRdList,
if( x["maindev"]:"" == y["maindev"]:"" )
return( x["nr"]:0 < y["nr"]:0 );
return( x["maindev"]:"" < y["maindev"]:"");
return( maplist( map p, possRdList,
return(`item( `id(p["device"]:"--"), p["device"]:"--",
* number for /dev/mdX, 0 for /dev/md0, 1 for /dev/md1
define integer get_free_raid_nr( map<string,map> targetMap, integer min )
integer i = min;
list raid_nrs = maplist( map mdX, targetMap["/dev/md","partitions"]:[],
``(mdX["nr"]:256)) ;
while( contains(raid_nrs, i) && i < 255)
i = i+1;
y2milestone( "get_free_raid_nr ret:%1", i );
return( i );
* Add the main device ( "/dev/hda") to the partition map.
* partition = $[
* "nr" : 1,
* "main_dev": "/dev/hda",
* ......
* ];
* Use change !!!!!!!!!
* @param targetMap all targets
* @return nil
define map add_main_dev_to_partition_map( map<string,map> targetMap )
foreach( string targetdevice, map target, targetMap,
targetMap[targetdevice,"partitions"] =
maplist( map p, target["partitions"]:[],
if( size(p["used_by"]:"")>0 )
p["main_dev"] = targetdevice;
return( p );
y2debug("targets %1", targetMap );
return( targetMap );
* @return list a list with all partition that have a key raid_name != "".
* @param targetMap all targets
define list<map> all_raid_partitions( map<string,map> targetMap )
list<list> ret =
(list<list>) maplist( string targetdevice, map target, targetMap,
``( filter( map part, target["partitions"]:[],
return(list<map>)( flatten(ret) );
define boolean check_raid_possible( map<string,map> targetMap )
integer possible_parts_found = size(get_possible_rds(targetMap));
if( possible_parts_found < 2 )
// Translators: the text 'do not format' must match the label in the corresponding popup!
Popup::Message(_("To use RAID, at least two partitions of type 0xFD (or 0x83)
are required. Change your partition table accordingly.
In most cases, this can be done in the following way:
click 'Create', select 'Do not format', and set the partition ID to 0xFD.
return false;
return true;