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* Module: auto_part_prepare.ycp
* Authors: Andreas Schwab (schwab@suse.de)
* Klaus KΣmpf (kkaempf@suse.de)
* Purpose: This module preparse the raw targetMap to
* cover the whole disk, including unpartitioned
* areas as 'dummy' partitions.
* $Id: auto_part_prepare.ycp 27076 2006-01-16 18:04:08Z fehr $
textdomain "storage";
import "Storage";
import "Partitions";
import "Mode";
define list<map> prepare_partitions( map target, list<map> partitions )
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// The size of a unit (eg. one cylinder)
integer bytes_per_unit = target["cyl_size"]:1;
// The size of the disk in units
integer disk_size = target["cyl_count"]:1;
y2milestone( "prepare_partitions bytes_per_unit: %1 disk_size:%2",
bytes_per_unit, disk_size );
size_of_boot = Partitions::MinimalNeededBootsize();
// The minimum size needed to install a default system
integer required_size = 1500 * 1024 * 1024 + size_of_boot + size_of_swap;
// filter out all "create" paritions, they will be re-created at exit
// (this ensures a 'clean' partition list if this dialogue is re-entered
partitions = filter (map pentry, partitions, ``(!pentry["create"]:false));
// reset all "delete" paritions, they will be re-created at exit
// (this ensures a 'clean' partition list if this dialogue is re-entered
partitions = maplist (map pentry, partitions, ``(add (pentry, "delete", false)));
// The region that describes the full disk
list<integer> full_region = [ 0, disk_size ];
// The action
// First sort the partitions on the starting cylinder
partitions = sort( map p1, map p2, partitions,
``(start_of_region (p1["region"]:[])
< start_of_region(p2["region"]:[])));
// now check if automatic partitioning if feasible
// unpartitioned disk -> yes
can_do_auto = false;
if( size(partitions)==0 )
// No partitions -> use the entire disk
can_do_auto = true;
unused_region = full_region;
// extended region with enough free space -> yes
if( (!can_do_auto) && contains_extended(partitions) )
// Extended partition already exists -> look for free space at
// the end of it
unused_region = unused_extended_region (partitions);
// check if this is enough
if( (size_of_region(unused_region,bytes_per_unit) > required_size) &&
can_create_logical (partitions))
can_do_auto = true;
// no extended region, but primaries left
// if there is enough space after the last defined primary -> yes
if( !can_do_auto && !contains_extended (partitions) &&
num_primary(partitions) != max_primary )
map last_partition = partitions[size(partitions)-1]:$[];
if( ignored_partition( target, last_partition ))
last_partition = partitions[size(partitions)-2]:$[];
list<integer> last_region = last_partition["region"]:[];
integer last_used = end_of_region(last_region);
if (last_used < disk_size)
unused_region = [ last_used, disk_size-last_used ];
if (size_of_region (unused_region,bytes_per_unit) > required_size)
can_do_auto = true;
// Augment the partition list with a description for holes
integer last_end = 0;
integer free_nr = 0;
// first the mid-disk holes
partitions = flatten( maplist( map pentry, partitions,
list<map> ret = [];
list<integer> region = pentry["region"]:[];
if( !ignored_partition( target, pentry ) &&
start_of_region (region) > last_end)
free_nr = free_nr + 1;
ret = add (ret, $["type":`free,
"region": [ last_end,
start_of_region (region) - last_end ]]);
// if free space is directly located before extended partition
last_end = start_of_region (region);
// if this partition is not the extended partition or a ignored
// use its end_of_region as last_end
// on BSD-like partitions, partition # 3 is handled similary
if( (pentry["type"]:`unknown != `extended) &&
!ignored_partition( target, pentry ) )
last_end = end_of_region (pentry["region"]:[]);
return add (ret, pentry);
// then the end-disk hole
if (last_end < disk_size)
free_nr = free_nr + 1;
partitions = add (partitions,
$[ "type":`free,
"region": [ last_end, disk_size - last_end ]]);
// now the partitions list spans the whole disk
// Create a checkbox for every real (primary or logical) partition
// and any free space
// give each partition a unique id
integer ui_id = 0;
partitions = maplist (map p, partitions,
ui_id = ui_id + 1;
p["ui_id"] = ui_id;
if( p["type"]:`unknown == `free )
p["size_k"] = size_of_region( p["region"]:[0,0], bytes_per_unit )/1024;
if( haskey(p,"mount"))
p = remove( p, "mount" );
return( p );
// now the partitions list spans the whole disk
y2milestone("prepare_partitions partitions: %1", partitions);
return partitions;