Chip 2007 January, February, March & April
Text File
246 lines
* File: include/package/common.ycp
* Package: yast2
* Summary: Packages manipulation (common routines)
* Authors: Martin Vidner <mvidner@suse.cz>
* Michal Svec <msvec@suse.cz>
* $Id: common.ycp 26523 2005-12-14 15:45:07Z mvidner $
* The documentation is maintained at
* <a href="../index.html">.../docs/index.html</a>.
textdomain "base";
import "Label";
import "Popup";
import "Wizard";
import "Mode";
import "CommandLine";
/* Main module prototypes */
global boolean Available(string package);
global boolean Installed(string package);
global boolean DoInstall(list<string> packages);
global boolean DoRemove(list<string> packages);
global boolean DoInstallAndRemove(list<string> toinstall, list<string> toremove);
* Are all of these packages available?
* @param packages list of packages
* @return boolean true if yes
global define boolean AvailableAll(list<string> packages) {
string which = find(string p, packages, {
return ! Available(p);
return which == nil;
* Is any of these packages available?
* @param packages list of packages
* @return boolean true if yes
global define boolean AvailableAny(list<string> packages) {
string which = find(string p, packages, {
return Available(p);
return which != nil;
* Are all of these packages installed?
* @param packages list of packages
* @return boolean true if yes
global define boolean InstalledAll(list<string> packages) {
string which = find(string p, packages, {
return ! Installed(p);
return which == nil;
* Is any of these packages installed?
* @param packages list of packages
* @return boolean true if yes
global define boolean InstalledAny(list<string> packages) {
string which = find(string p, packages, {
return Installed(p);
return which != nil;
boolean AskPackages(list<string> packs) {
string pkgs = mergestring(packs, ", ");
// the message is followed by list of required packages
string text = _("These packages need to be installed:") + " " + pkgs;
return CommandLine::YesNo();
* Main package installatio|removal dialog
* @param packages list of packages
* @param install true if install, false if remove
* @param message optional installation|removal text (nil -> standard will be used)
* @return true on success
boolean PackageDialog(list<string> packages, boolean install, string message) {
y2debug("Asking for packages: %1", packages);
list<string> packs = filter(string package, packages, {
return (install ? !Installed(package) : Installed(package));
y2debug("Remaining packages: %1", packs);
if(size(packs) < 1) return true;
/* Popup Text */
string text = _("These packages need to be installed:") + "<p>";
/* Popup Text */
if(install == false) text = _("These packages need to be removed:") + "<p>";
foreach(string p, packs, { text = text + sformat("%1<br>", p); });
if (message != nil)
text = sformat (message, mergestring (packs, ", "));
boolean doit = (Mode::commandline()) ? (CommandLine::Interactive() ? AskPackages(packs) : true ) : Popup::AnyQuestionRichText(
"", text, 40, 10,
Label::ContinueButton (), Label::CancelButton (),
if (doit)
last_op_canceled = false;
if(install == false) return DoRemove(packs);
return DoInstall(packs);
last_op_canceled = true;
return false;
* Install a package with a custom text message
* @param package to be installed
* @param message custom text message
* @return True on success
global boolean InstallMsg(string package, string message) {
return PackageDialog([package], true, message);
* Install list of packages with a custom text message
* @param packages The list packages to be installed
* @param message custom text message
* @return True on success
global boolean InstallAllMsg(list<string> packages, string message) {
return PackageDialog(packages, true, message);
global boolean InstallAnyMsg(list<string> packages, string message);
* Remove a package with a custom text message
* @param package package to be removed
* @param message custom text message
* @return True on success
global boolean RemoveMsg(string package, string message) {
return PackageDialog([package], false, message);
* Remove a list of packages with a custom text message
* @param packages The list of packages to be removed
* @param message custom text message
* @return True on success
global boolean RemoveAllMsg(list<string> packages, string message) {
return PackageDialog(packages, false, message);
global boolean Install(string package) {
return InstallMsg(package, nil);
global boolean InstallAll(list<string> packages) {
return InstallAllMsg(packages, nil);
global boolean InstallAny(list<string> packages);
global boolean Remove(string package) {
return RemoveMsg(package, nil);
global boolean RemoveAll(list<string> packages) {
return RemoveAllMsg(packages, nil);
* Run SUSEconfig, create new wizard dialog before it,
* close after it is finished
global void RunSUSEconfig() {
if (Mode::commandline())
// in the commandline mode start SuSEconfig in background
SCR::Execute(.background.run_output, "/sbin/SuSEconfig");
list<string> script_out = [];
symbol ret = nil;
// print SuSEconfig output
while((boolean)SCR::Read(.background.output_open) || ((integer)SCR::Read(.background.newlines) > 0))
script_out = (list<string>)SCR::Read(.background.newout);
foreach(string line, script_out, {
while ((integer)SCR::Read(.background.newlines) == 0 && (boolean)SCR::Read(.background.output_open))
sleep(200); // small wait
Wizard::CreateDialog ();
// inst_suseconfig returns `auto or `next
// (update mode or Args(2) is true) => no error checking
WFM::CallFunction("inst_suseconfig", [$["enable_back":false, "enable_next":false]]);
Wizard::CloseDialog ();
* Return result of the last operation
* Use immediately after calling any Package*:: function
* @return true if it last operation was canceled
global boolean LastOperationCanceled() {
return last_op_canceled;
/* EOF */