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957 lines
* File:
* include/bootloader/routines/widgets.ycp
* Module:
* Bootloader installation and configuration
* Summary:
* Common widgets for being used by several bootloaders
* Authors:
* Jiri Srain <jsrain@suse.cz>
* $Id: global_widgets.ycp 33156 2006-09-27 00:26:18Z odabrunz $
textdomain "bootloader";
import "CWM";
import "CWMTab";
import "Label";
import "Mode";
import "Storage";
import "StorageDevices";
import "Bootloader";
import "Progress";
include "bootloader/routines/helps.ycp";
* Init function of widget
* @param widget string id of the widget
void GlobalOptionInit (string widget) {
if (widget == "adv_button")
UI::ChangeWidget (`id (widget), `Value, BootCommon::globals[widget]:"");
* Store function of a widget
* @param widget string widget key
* @param event map event that caused the operation
void GlobalOptionStore (string widget, map event) {
if (widget == "adv_button")
BootCommon::globals[widget] = (string)
UI::QueryWidget (`id (widget), `Value);
* Map of default (fallback) handlers for widget events on global widgets
map<string,any> global_handlers = $[
"init" : GlobalOptionInit,
"store" : GlobalOptionStore,
* Handle function of a widget
* @param widget string widget key
* @param event map event description of event that occured
* @return symbol to return to wizard sequencer, or nil
symbol InstDetailsButtonHandle (string widget, map event) {
string lt = Bootloader::getLoaderType ();
if (lt == "none" || lt == "default")
NoLoaderAvailable ();
return nil;
return `inst_details;
* Handle function of a widget
* @param widget string widget key
* @param event map event description of event that occured
* @return symbol to return to wizard sequencer, or nil
symbol LoaderOptionsButtonHandle (string widget, map event) {
string lt = Bootloader::getLoaderType ();
if (lt == "none" || lt == "default")
NoLoaderAvailable ();
return nil;
return `loader_details;
// sections list widget
* Refresh and redraw widget wits sections
* @param sects list of current sections
void RedrawSectionsTable (list<map<string,any> > sects) {
boolean elilo = Bootloader::getLoaderType () == "elilo";
list sec = maplist (map<string,any> s, sects, {
string image = s["kernel"]:"";
string root = (BootCommon::getHintedPartitionList ([s["root"]:""]))[0]:"";
return `item (`id (s["name"]:""),
tolower (BootCommon::globals["default"]:"")
== tolower (s["name"]:"")
? UI::Glyph (`CheckMark) : "",
(image == nil || image == "")
// table header
? _("Other")
// table header
: _("Image"),
(image != "" && image != nil)
? sformat ("%1 (%2%3)",
? ""
: BootCommon::splitPath (image)[0]:"",
root == "" ? ""
: ((elilo ? "" : ", ")
+ sformat ("root=%1", root)))
: s["chainloader"]:""
UI::ChangeWidget (`id (`sects), `Items, sec);
* Init function of widget
* @param widget string id of the widget
void SectionsInit (string widget) {
RedrawSectionsTable (BootCommon::sections);
UI::SetFocus (`id (`sects));
* Handle function of a widget
* @param widget string widget key
* @param event map event description of event that occured
* @return symbol to return to wizard sequencer, or nil
symbol SectionsHandle (string widget, map event) {
any op = event["ID"]:nil;
if (event["ID"]:nil == `sects
&& event["EventReason"]:"" == "Activated"
&& event["EventType"]:"" == "WidgetEvent")
op = `edit;
y2milestone ("Handling sections widget, event %1", op);
string current = (string)UI::QueryWidget (`id (`sects), `CurrentItem);
integer counter = 0;
integer index = 0;
foreach (map<string,any> s, BootCommon::sections, {
if (s["name"]:"" == current)
index = counter;
counter = counter + 1;
list<map<string,any> > sects = BootCommon::sections;
if (op == `up)
if (index > 0)
sects = (list<map<string,any > >)
BootCommon::swapItems(sects, index, index - 1);
index = index - 1;
BootCommon::sections = sects;
RedrawSectionsTable (sects);
UI::ChangeWidget (`id (`sects), `CurrentItem,
sects[index, "name"]:"");
BootCommon::changed = true;
else if (op == `down)
if (index < (size(sects) - 1))
sects = (list<map<string,any> >)
BootCommon::swapItems(sects, index, index + 1);
index = index + 1;
BootCommon::sections = sects;
RedrawSectionsTable (sects);
UI::ChangeWidget (`id (`sects), `CurrentItem,
sects[index, "name"]:"");
BootCommon::changed = true;
else if (op == `default)
BootCommon::globals["default"] = current;
RedrawSectionsTable (sects);
UI::ChangeWidget (`id (`sects), `CurrentItem, current);
BootCommon::changed = true;
else if (op == `add || op == `edit)
map<string,any> selected = sects[index]:$[];
string name = selected["name"]:"";
BootCommon::current_section = selected;
BootCommon::current_section_index = op == `add ? -1 : index;
BootCommon::current_section_name = name;
y2internal ("Selected section: %1", BootCommon::current_section);
return (symbol)op;
else if (op == `delete && confirmSectionDeletePopup (current))
BootCommon::removed_sections = add (BootCommon::removed_sections,
sects[index, "original_name"]:"");
sects = remove (sects, index);
if (current == BootCommon::globals["default"]:"")
BootCommon::globals["default"] = BootCommon::sections[0, "name"]:"";
BootCommon::sections = sects;
RedrawSectionsTable (sects);
BootCommon::changed = true;
UI::SetFocus (`id (`sects));
return nil;
* Get map of widget
* @return a map of widget
map<string,any> getSectionsWidget () {
return $[
"widget" : `custom,
"custom_widget" : `VBox (
`HBox (
`Table (`id (`sects),
`opt (`keepSorting, `notify),
`header (
// table header, Def stands for default
// table header
// table header
// table header; header for section details, either
// the specification of the kernel image to load,
// or the specification of device to boot from
_("Image / Device")
), []),
`HSpacing (1),
`VBox (
`VStretch (),
// pushbutton
`PushButton (`id (`up), _("&Up")),
// pushbutton
`PushButton (`id (`down), _("&Down")),
`VStretch ()
`HBox (
`PushButton (`id (`add), `opt (`key_F3), Label::AddButton ()),
`PushButton (`id (`edit), `opt (`key_F4), Label::EditButton ()),
`PushButton (`id (`delete), `opt (`key_F5),
Label::DeleteButton ()),
`HStretch (),
// pushbutton
`PushButton (`id (`default), _("Set as De&fault"))
"init" : SectionsInit,
"handle" : SectionsHandle,
"help" : SectionsHelp (),
// loader type widget
* Get the widget for boot laoder selection combo
* @return term the widget
term LoaderTypeComboWidget () {
return `ComboBox (`id ("loader_type"),
`opt (`notify),
// combo box
_("&Boot Loader"),
maplist (string l, BootCommon::getBootloaders (), {
return `item (`id (l), BootCommon::getLoaderName (l, `combo));
* Init function of widget
* @param widget string id of the widget
void LoaderTypeComboInit (string widget) {
UI::ChangeWidget (`id (widget), `Value, Bootloader::getLoaderType ());
* Handle function of a widget
* @param key any widget key
* @param event map event description of event that occured
* @return symbol to return to wizard sequencer, or nil
symbol LoaderTypeComboHandle (string key, map event) {
if (event["ID"]:nil == key)
string old_bl = Bootloader::getLoaderType ();
string new_bl = (string)UI::QueryWidget (`id (key), `Value);
if (old_bl == new_bl)
return nil;
if (new_bl == "none")
// popup - Continue/Cancel
if (Popup::ContinueCancel (_("
If you do not install any boot loader, the system
might not start.
BootCommon::other_bl[old_bl] = Bootloader::Export ();
BootCommon::setLoaderType ("none");
BootCommon::location_changed = true;
return `redraw;
// warning - popup, followed by radio buttons
string label = _("
You chose to change your boot loader. When converting
the configuration, some settings might be lost.
The current configuration will be saved and you can
restore it if you return to the current boot loader.
Select a course of action:
term contents = `VBox (
// warning label
`Label (label),
`VSpacing (1),
`RadioButtonGroup (`id (`action), `VBox (
`Left (`RadioButton (`id (`propose),
// radiobutton
_("&Propose New Configuration"))),
`Left (`RadioButton (`id (`convert),
// radiobutton
_("Co&nvert Current Configuration"))),
Stage::initial () ? `VSpacing (0)
: `Left (`RadioButton (`id (`scratch),
// radiobutton
_("&Start New Configuration from Scratch"))),
Mode::normal ()
? `Left (`RadioButton (`id (`read),
// radiobutton
_("&Read Configuration Saved on Disk")))
: `VSpacing (0),
BootCommon::other_bl[new_bl]:nil == nil || Stage::initial ()
? `VSpacing (0)
: `Left (`RadioButton (`id (`prev),
// radiobutton
_("Res&tore Configuration Saved before Conversion")))
`VSpacing (1),
`HBox (
`HStretch (),
`PushButton (`id (`ok), `opt (`key_F10), Label::OKButton ()),
`HSpacing (1),
`PushButton (`id (`cancel), `opt (`key_F9), Label::CancelButton ()),
`HStretch ()
UI::OpenDialog (contents);
symbol def = `propose;
UI::ChangeWidget (`id (def), `Value, true);
symbol ret = (symbol)UI::UserInput ();
symbol action = (symbol)UI::QueryWidget (`id (`action), `CurrentButton);
UI::CloseDialog ();
if (ret != `ok)
return nil;
if (nil != action)
y2milestone ("Switching bootloader");
if (old_bl != "none")
BootCommon::other_bl[old_bl] = Bootloader::Export ();
BootCommon::setLoaderType (new_bl);
if (action == `scratch)
Bootloader::Reset ();
else if (action == `read)
boolean progress_status = Progress::set (false);
Bootloader::Read ();
Progress::set (progress_status);
else if (action == `propose)
Bootloader::Reset ();
if (Bootloader::getLoaderType () == "grub")
import "BootGRUB";
BootGRUB::merge_level = `all;
Bootloader::Propose ();
BootGRUB::merge_level = `main;
Bootloader::Propose ();
else if (action == `prev)
Bootloader::Import (BootCommon::other_bl[new_bl]:$[]);
BootCommon::location_changed = true;
BootCommon::changed = true;
return `redraw;
return nil;
* Validate function of a widget
* @param widget string widget key
* @param event map event that caused validation
* @return boolean true if validation succeeded
boolean LoaderTypeValidate (string widget, map event){
if (event["ID"]:nil == "sections"
&& BootCommon::getLoaderType (false) == "none")
// popup message
Popup::Message (_("Select the boot loader before editing sections."));
return false;
return true;
// loader target widget
* Get the target widget to be displayed
* @return term widget to be displayed
term TargetWidget () {
string lt = Bootloader::getLoaderType ();
if (lt == "none" || lt == "default")
return `Empty ();
list<string> boot_devices = BootCommon::getPartitionList(`boot);
boolean allow_boot = contains (boot_devices,
boolean allow_root = contains (boot_devices,
boolean all_mbr = size (BootCommon::Md2Partitions (
BootCommon::BootPartitionDevice)) > 1;
term targetlist = `VBox (
`VSpacing (0.4),
`Left (`RadioButton (`id ("mbr"), `opt (`notify),
BootCommon::mbrDisk == ""
// radio button
? _("&Master Boot Record")
// radiobutton, %1 is device (eg. /dev/hda)
: sformat(_("&Master Boot Record of %1"),
(BootCommon::selected_location == "mbr")
if (all_mbr && Bootloader::getLoaderType () == "grub")
list<string> mbrs = maplist (string d, integer id,
BootCommon::Md2Partitions (BootCommon::BootPartitionDevice),
map p_dev = Storage::GetDiskPartition (d);
return p_dev["disk"]:"";
mbrs = toset (mbrs);
targetlist = add (targetlist, `VSpacing (0.4));
targetlist = add (targetlist, `Left (
`RadioButton (`id ("mbr_md"), `opt (`notify),
// radiobutton, %1 is a list of devices (eg. /dev/hda1)
sformat(_("MB&Rs of Disks %1"),
mergestring (mbrs, ", ")),
(BootCommon::selected_location == "mbr_md")
if (allow_boot)
targetlist = add (targetlist, `VSpacing (0.4));
targetlist = add (targetlist, `Left (
`RadioButton (`id ("boot"), `opt (`notify),
// radiobutton, %1 is device (eg. /dev/hda1)
sformat(_("Boot &Sector of Boot Partition %1"),
(BootCommon::selected_location == "boot")
if (allow_root
&& BootCommon::BootPartitionDevice != BootCommon::RootPartitionDevice)
targetlist = add (targetlist, `VSpacing (0.4));
targetlist = add (targetlist, `Left (
`RadioButton (`id ("root"), `opt (`notify),
// radiobutton, %1 is device (eg. /dev/hda1)
sformat(_("Boot Sector of Roo&t Partition %1"),
(BootCommon::selected_location == "root")
if (StorageDevices::FloppyPresent)
targetlist = add (targetlist, `VSpacing (1));
targetlist = add (targetlist, `Left (`RadioButton (`id ("floppy"),
`opt (`notify),
// radiobutton, %1 is device name, typically /dev/fd0
sformat (_("&Floppy Disk %1"), StorageDevices::FloppyDevice),
(BootCommon::selected_location == "floppy")
targetlist = add (targetlist, `HBox (
`VBox (`Label (""), `RadioButton (`id ("custom"), `opt (`notify),
// radiobutton
(BootCommon::selected_location == "custom"))),
`HSpacing (2),
`VBox (
`ComboBox (`id (`loc), `opt (`editable, `hstretch, `notify, `notify, `immediate), "",
`HSpacing (15)
`HStretch ()
targetlist = add (targetlist, `VSpacing (0.4));
// frame
term widget = `Frame (_("Boot Loader Location"),
`RadioButtonGroup (`id (`location),
return widget;
* Init function of a widget
* @param widget string widget key
void TargetInit (string widget) {
string lt = Bootloader::getLoaderType ();
if (lt == "none" || lt == "default")
if (BootCommon::BootPartitionDevice == BootCommon::RootPartitionDevice
&& BootCommon::selected_location == "root")
BootCommon::selected_location = "boot";
if (BootCommon::loader_device != "mbr_md")
UI::ChangeWidget (`id (`loc), `Value, BootCommon::loader_device == "mbr_md"
? BootCommon::getPartitionList(`boot)[0]:""
: BootCommon::loader_device);
UI::ChangeWidget (`id (`location), `CurrentButton,
UI::SetFocus (`id (`loc));
symbol TargetHandle (string widget, map event) {
UI::ChangeWidget (`id (`location), `CurrentButton, "custom");
return nil;
* Store function of a widget
* @param widget string widget key
* @param event map event that caused the operation
void TargetStore (string widget, map event) {
string lt = Bootloader::getLoaderType ();
if (lt == "none" || lt == "default")
BootCommon::selected_location = (string)
UI::QueryWidget (`id (`location), `CurrentButton);
BootCommon::loader_device = (string)UI::QueryWidget (`id (`loc), `Value);
BootCommon::loader_device = BootCommon::GetBootloaderDevice ();
BootCommon::location_changed = true;
BootCommon::changed = true;
* Validate function of a widget
* @param widget string widget key
* @param event map event that caused validation
* @return boolean true if validation succeeded
boolean TargetValidate (string widget, map event){
string lt = Bootloader::getLoaderType ();
if (lt == "none" || lt == "default")
return true;
string rb = (string)UI::QueryWidget (`id (`location), `CurrentButton);
if (rb == nil)
setLocationErrorPopup ();
UI::SetFocus (`id (`location));
return false;
if (rb == "custom" && UI::QueryWidget (`id (`loc), `Value) == "")
setLocationErrorPopup ();
UI::SetFocus (`id (`loc));
return false;
if (rb == "custom")
boolean ok = true;
string ld = (string)UI::QueryWidget (`id (`loc), `Value);
map<string,map> tm = Storage::GetTargetMap ();
foreach (string disk_dev, map disk, tm, {
list<map<string,any> > partitions
= (list<map<string,any> >) disk["partitions"]:[];
foreach (map<string,any> p, partitions, {
if (! p["delete"]:false)
symbol fs = (symbol)(p["used_fs"]:p["detected_fs"]:nil);
// FIXME this checking is performed on 3 places
if (p["device"]:"" == ld && fs == `xfs)
// yes-no popup
if (! Popup::YesNo (_("The partition selected for boot loader installation
does not have enough free space in its boot sector
to hold the boot loader because of the file system
it contains. Using this partition for the boot loader
may lead to corruption of data on the partition.
UI::SetFocus (`id (`loc));
ok = false;
if (! ok)
return false;
return true;
// manual edit button
* Handle function of a widget
* @param key any widget key
* @param event map event description of event that occured
* @return symbol to return to wizard sequencer, or nil
symbol manualEditHandle(string key, map event)``{
return `manual;
* Get map of widget
* @return a map of widget
map<string,any> getManualEditWidget () ``{
return $[
"widget" : `custom,
"custom_widget" : `HBox (`HStretch (),
// pushbutton
`PushButton (`id (`manual), _("E&dit Configuration Files")),
`HStretch ()
"handle_events" : [`manual],
"handle" : manualEditHandle,
// "help" : getManualEditHelp (),
// reset menu button
* Init function of widget
* @param widget any id of the widget
void resetButtonInit (string widget) ``{
list items = [];
items = add (items, `item (
`id (`manual),
// menu button entry
_("E&dit Configuration Files")));
if (BootCommon::getBooleanAttrib ("propose"))
items = add (items,
// menubutton item, keep as short as possible
`item (`id (`propose), _("&Propose New Configuration")));
if (BootCommon::getBooleanAttrib ("scratch"))
items = add (items,
// menubutton item, keep as short as possible
`item (`id (`scratch), _("&Start from Scratch")));
if ((Mode::normal () || Mode::config () || Mode::repair ())
&& BootCommon::getBooleanAttrib ("read"))
items = add (items,
// menubutton item, keep as short as possible
`item (`id (`reread), _("&Reread Configuration from Disk")));
list additional_entries = (list)BootCommon::getAnyTypeAttrib (
"additional_entries", []);
items = merge (items, additional_entries);
if ((Mode::normal () || Mode::repair ())
&& BootCommon::getBooleanAttrib ("restore_mbr")
&& SCR::Read (.target.size, "/boot/backup_mbr") > 0)
items = add (items,
// menubutton item, keep as short as possible
`item (`id (`restore_mbr), _("Restore MBR of Hard Disk")));
if (Mode::normal () || Mode::repair ())
items = add (items,
// menubutton item, keep as short as possible
`item (`id (`init), _("Write bootloader boot code to disk")));
if (size (items) > 0)
UI::ReplaceWidget (`id (`adv_rp),
// menu button
`MenuButton (`id (`reset), _("Other"), items));
UI::ReplaceWidget (`id (`adv_rp), `VSpacing (0));
* Handle function of a widget
* @param widget any widget key
* @param event map event description of event that occured
* @return symbol to return to wizard sequencer, or nil
symbol resetButtonHandle (string widget, map event) ``{
any op = event["ID"]:nil;
if (op == `manual)
return `manual;
if (op == `restore_mbr)
boolean doit = restoreMBRPopup (BootCommon::mbrDisk);
y2milestone ("Rewrite MBR with saved one: %1", doit);
if (doit)
boolean ret = BootCommon::restoreMBR (BootCommon::mbrDisk);
if (ret)
// message popup
Popup::Message (_("MBR restored successfully."));
// message popup
Popup::Message (_("Failed to restore MBR."));
return nil;
if (! (is (op, symbol)
&& contains ([`scratch, `reread, `propose_deep, `propose],
return nil;
Bootloader::Reset ();
if (op == `scratch)
y2debug ("Not reading anything for starting from scratch");
else if (op == `reread)
Bootloader::Read ();
else if (op == `init)
// Bootloader::blSave (false, false, false);
BootCommon::InitializeBootloader ();
else if (op == `propose_deep)
import "BootGRUB";
BootGRUB::merge_level = `all;
Bootloader::Propose ();
BootGRUB::merge_level = `main;
else if (op == `propose)
Bootloader::Propose ();
return `redraw;
* Get map of widget
* @return a map of widget
map<string,any> getAdvancedButtonWidget () {
return $[
"widget" : `custom,
"custom_widget" : `ReplacePoint (`id (`adv_rp), `VBox ()),
"handle" : resetButtonHandle,
"init" : resetButtonInit,
"help" : getAdvancedButtonHelp (),
* Get the main dialog tabs description
* @return a map the description of the tabs
map TabsDescr () {
string lt = Bootloader::getLoaderType ();
return $[
"sections": $[
// tab header
"header" : _("&Section Management"),
"contents": `HBox (
`HSpacing (3), `VBox (
`VSpacing (1),
`VSpacing (1)
), `HSpacing (3)),
"widget_names": ["sections"]
"installation": $[
// tab header
"header" : _("Boot Loader &Installation"),
"contents" : `HBox (`HStretch (), `VBox (
`VStretch (),
`Frame (_("Type"), `VBox (
`VSpacing (0.4),
`HBox (
`HSpacing (2),
`HStretch (),
`VBox (
`Label (""),
`HSpacing (2)
`VSpacing (0.4)
`VStretch (),
(lt == "none" || lt == "default")
? `Empty ()
: "loader_location",
`VStretch (),
(lt == "none" || lt == "default")
? `Empty ()
: "inst_details",
`VStretch ()
), `HStretch ()),
"widget_names": (lt == "none" || lt == "default")
? [ "loader_type", "loader_options" ]
: [ "loader_type", "loader_options", "loader_location",
"inst_details" ]
* Cache for CommonGlobalWidgets function
map<string,map<string,any> > _common_global_widgets = nil;
* Get general widgets for global bootloader options
* @return a map describing all general widgets for global options
map<string,map<string,any> > CommonGlobalWidgets () {
if (_common_global_widgets != nil)
return _common_global_widgets;
_common_global_widgets = $[
"adv_button" : getAdvancedButtonWidget (),
"sections" : getSectionsWidget (),
"loader_type" : $[
"widget" : `func,
"widget_func" : LoaderTypeComboWidget,
"init" : LoaderTypeComboInit,
"handle" : LoaderTypeComboHandle,
"help" : LoaderTypeHelp (),
"validate_type" : `function,
"validate_function" : LoaderTypeValidate,
"loader_options" : $[
"widget" : `push_button,
// push button
"label" : _("Boot &Loader Options"),
"handle_events" : ["loader_options"],
"handle" : LoaderOptionsButtonHandle,
"help" : LoaderOptionsHelp (),
"loader_location" : $[
"widget" : `func,
"widget_func" : TargetWidget,
"init" : TargetInit,
"handle" : TargetHandle,
"handle_events" : [ `loc ],
"store" : TargetStore,
"help" : LocationsHelp (),
"validate_type" : `function,
"validate_function" : TargetValidate,
"inst_details" : $[
"widget" : `push_button,
// push button
"label" : _("Boot Loader Installation &Details"),
"handle_events" : ["inst_details"],
"handle" : InstDetailsButtonHandle,
"help" : InstDetailsHelp (),
return _common_global_widgets;
} // include end