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380 lines
* File:
* autoinstall.ycp
* Module:
* Bootloader installation and configuration
* Summary:
* Bootloader autoinstallation preparation
* Authors:
* Jiri Srain <jsrain@suse.cz>
* $Id: autoinstall.ycp 33911 2006-10-31 01:40:46Z odabrunz $
import "Bootloader";
import "BootCommon";
import "Initrd";
import "Kernel";
import "Mode";
* Add missing data (eg. root filesystem) to sections imported from profile
* @param sect a list of all sections
* @return a lit of all updated sections
list<map<string,any> > UpdateImportedSections (list<map<string,any> > sect) {
sect = maplist (map<string,any> s, sect, {
y2milestone ("Updating imported section %1", s);
string orig_name = s["original_name"]:s["name"]:"linux";
string type = s["type"]:"image";
if (type != "image")
return s;
s = (map<string,any>)union (
BootCommon::CreateLinuxSection (orig_name),
return s;
return sect;
* Translate the autoinstallation map to the Export map
* @param ai a map the autoinstallation map
* @return a map the export map
define map<string,any> AI2Export (map<string,any> ai) ``{
if (Mode::autoinst ())
BootCommon::DetectDisks ();
// prepare settings for default bootloader if not specified in the
// profile
if (Mode::autoinst () && (
ai["loader_type"]:"default" == "default"
|| ai["loader_type"]:"default" == ""
) {
ai["loader_type"] = Bootloader::getLoaderType ();
y2milestone ("Bootloader settings from profile: %1", ai);
// bootloader type and location stuff
map<string,any> exp = $[
"loader_type" : ai["loader_type"]:"",
"specific" : $[],
// global PPC stuff
if (ai["loader_type"]:"" == "ppc")
exp["specific", "activate"] = true;
foreach (string k, ["iseries_streamfile", "iseries_write_slot_a",
"iseries_write_slot_b", "iseries_write_streamfile",
"iseries_write_prepboot", "prep_boot_partition",
"of_defaultdevice", "board_type", "activate"],
if (haskey (ai, k))
exp["specific", k] = ai[k]:nil;
// global ELILO stuff
if (ai["loader_type"]:"" == "elilo")
string def_label = "";
if (! Mode::test ())
import "Product";
if (Mode::autoinst ())
def_label = Product::name;
// if EFI label not specified, use default label
exp["location"] = ai["efi_entry_label"]:ai["location"]:def_label;
exp["specific", "create_efi_entry"]
= ai["create_efi_entry"]:(exp["location"]:"" != "");
// LILO and GRUB stuff
if (ai["loader_type"]:"" == "lilo" || ai["loader_type"]:"" == "grub")
foreach (string k, ["repl_mbr", "activate", ],
if (haskey (ai, k))
exp["specific", k] = ai[k]:nil;
// loader_location needs other default and key
exp["loader_location"] = ai["location"]:"custom";
foreach (string k, [/*"loader_location",*/ "loader_device"], {
if (haskey (ai, k))
exp[k] = ai[k]:nil;
// device map stuff
if (size (ai["device_map"]:[]) > 0)
list<map<string,string> > dm = ai["device_map"]:[];
if (dm != nil && size (dm) > 0)
map<string,string> device_map = listmap (
map<string,string> entry, dm,
return $[ entry["linux"]:"" : entry["firmware"]:"" ];
exp["specific", "device_map"] = device_map;
// initrd stuff
list<string> modlist = [];
map<string,any> modsett = $[];
foreach(map mod, ai["initrd_modules"]:[], ``{
modlist = add(modlist, mod["module"]:"");
modsett = add(modsett, mod["module"]:"", mod["module_args"]:$[]);
if (Mode::autoinst ())
map current = Initrd::Export();
y2milestone("Automatically detected initrd modules: %1", current);
list<string> modules = current["list"]:[];
map<string,any> modules_settings = current["settings"]:$[];
foreach (string m, modules, {
if (! contains (modlist, m))
// add only if it isn't present
modlist = add (modlist, m);
if (! haskey (modsett, m) && haskey (modules_settings, m))
// if the argument is in profile, prefer it
modsett[m] = modules_settings[m]:nil;
string parameters = ai["kernel_parameters"]:"";
if ( size(parameters) > 0)
foreach ( string parameter, splitstring(parameters, " "), {
list param_value_list = splitstring (parameter, "=");
if (size (param_value_list) > 0)
Kernel::AddCmdLine (
if (size(modlist) > 0 )
exp["initrd"] = $[ "list": modlist, "settings" : modsett ];
boolean old_format = false;
// section stuff
list<string> section_names = [];
if (size (ai["sections"]:[]) > 0)
foreach (any s, ai["sections"]:[], {
if (! is (s, map<string,any>))
old_format = true;
if (! old_format)
list<map<string,any> > sect = (list<map<string,any> >)
sect = UpdateImportedSections (sect);
exp["specific", "sections"] = sect;
// global stuff
if ((! haskey (ai, "global")) || is (ai["global"]:nil, map))
exp["specific", "global"] = mapmap (string k, any v,
return $[ k : sformat ("%1", v) ];
else // old format
old_format = true;
y2milestone ("SLES9 format detected: %1", old_format);
if (old_format)
list<list<map> > sections = ai["sections"]:[];
list<map> globals = ai["global"]:[];
sections = prepend (sections, globals);
list<map> flat = flatten (sections);
string loader = ai["loader_type"]:"";
string separator = loader == "grub" ? " " : " = ";
list<string> lines = maplist (map f, flat, {
return sformat ("%1%2%3",
f["key"]:"", separator, f["value"]:"");
string file = mergestring (lines, "\n");
BootCommon::InitializeLibrary (true, loader);
BootCommon::SetDeviceMap (BootCommon::device_mapping);
BootCommon::SetSections ([]);
BootCommon::SetGlobal ($[]);
map<string,string> files = BootCommon::GetFilesContents ();
map<string,string> bl2file = $[
"grub" : "/boot/grub/menu.lst",
"lilo" : "/etc/lilo.conf",
// TODO the other bootloaders
files[bl2file[loader]:""] = file;
BootCommon::SetFilesContents (files);
exp["specific", "global"] = BootCommon::GetGlobal ();
list<map<string,any> > sect = BootCommon::GetSections ();
sect = UpdateImportedSections (sect);
exp["specific", "sections"] = sect;
section_names = maplist (map<string,any> s, sect, {
return s["name"]:"";
if (haskey (exp["specific", "global"]:$[], "default")
&& ! contains (section_names,
exp["specific", "global", "default"]:""))
exp["specific", "global"]
= remove (exp["specific", "global"]:$[], "default");
return exp;
* Translate the Export map to the autoinstallation map
* @param exp a map the export map
* @return a map the autoinstallation map
define map<string,any> Export2AI (map<string,any> exp) ``{
// bootloader type and location stuff
map<string,any> ai = $[
"loader_type" : exp["loader_type"]:"default",
map<string,string> glob = filter (string k, string v,
exp["specific", "global"]:$[],
return substring (k, 0, 2) != "__";
// global options stuff
if (size (glob) > 0)
ai["global"] = mapmap (string k, string v, glob, {
if (k == "timeout")
return (map<string,any>)$[ k : tointeger (v) ];
else if (k == "embed_stage1.5")
return (map<string,any>)
$[ k : (v == "0" || v == "") ? false : true ];
return (map<string,any>)$[ k : v ];
// sections stuff
ai["sections"] = maplist (map<string,any> s,
exp["specific", "sections"]:[],
s = filter (string k, any v, s, {
return substring (k, 0, 2) != "__";
return s;
// global PPC stuff
if (ai["loader_type"]:"" == "ppc")
foreach (string k, ["iseries_streamfile", "iseries_write_slot_a",
"iseries_write_slot_b", "iseries_write_streamfile",
"iseries_write_prepboot", "prep_boot_partition",
"of_defaultdevice", "board_type", "activate", ],
if (haskey (exp["specific"]:$[], k))
ai[k] = exp["specific", k]:nil;
// global ELILO stuff
if (ai["loader_type"]:"" == "elilo")
// discards location and loader device, it is correct.
ai = $[
"loader_type" : exp["loader_type"]:"",
"efi_entry_label" : exp["location"]:"",
"create_efi_entry" : exp["specific", "create_efi_entry"]:false,
// LILO and GRUB stuff
if (ai["loader_type"]:"" == "lilo" || ai["loader_type"]:"" == "grub")
foreach (string k, ["repl_mbr", "activate", ],
if (haskey (exp["specific"]:$[], k))
ai[k] = exp["specific", k]:nil;
if (haskey (exp, "loader_location"))
ai["location"] = exp["loader_location"]:"";
foreach (string k, ["loader_device"], {
if (haskey (exp, k))
ai[k] = exp[k]:nil;
// device map stuff
if (size (exp["specific", "device_map"]:$[]) > 0)
map<string,string> device_map = exp["specific", "device_map"]:$[];
y2error ("DM: %1", device_map);
if (device_map != nil && size (device_map) > 0)
list<map<string,string> > dm = maplist (
string linux,
string firmware,
return $[
"linux" : linux,
"firmware" : firmware,
ai["device_map"] = dm;
// initrd stuff
list<map> ayinitrd = maplist(string m, exp["initrd", "list"]:[], ``{
map tmp = $[];
tmp["module"] = m;
if (exp["initrd", "settings", m]:$[] != $[])
tmp["module_args"] = exp["initrd", "settings", m]:$[];
return (tmp);
if (size(ayinitrd) > 0 )
ai["initrd_modules"] = ayinitrd;
return ai;