help_text = help_text + _("<p>These settings define an initial VM environment to be used for the installation of the VM's operating system.</p>");
// install summary - help text 3/4
help_text = help_text + _("<p>Clicking Next launches the OS installation program in a separate window. Follow the on-screen instructions to install the OS.</p>");
// install summary - help text 4/4
help_text = help_text + _("<p>After completing the OS installation program, you will be prompted to finalize the VM settings.</p>");
help_text = help_text + _("<p>These settings define the final virtual machine environment.</p>");
// final settings help text 3/3
help_text = help_text + _("<p>Click Next to save the settings to a VM configuration file (<tt>/etc/xen/vm/vm_name</tt>) and start the VM's operating system. You can change the VM settings later by editing the VM configuration file.</p>");