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282 lines
* File: clients/vendor.ycp
* Package: yast2
* Summary: Load vendor driver CD
* Authors: Klaus Kaempf <kkaempf@suse.de>
* $Id: vendor.ycp 31984 2006-07-26 07:21:09Z jsrain $
textdomain "installation";
import "Arch";
import "Installation";
import "Label";
import "Popup";
import "StorageDevices";
import "Wizard";
// display message if the CD seems to be wrong
define symbol wrong_cd (string reason, boolean must_umount) ``{
Popup::Message (reason);
if (must_umount)
// free mount point
SCR::Execute (.target.umount, Installation::sourcedir);
return `abort;
// run <name>.inst file
// return 0 on success
define integer run_inst (string fpath, string fname) ``{
y2milestone ("run_inst %1/%2", fpath, fname);
string tmpdir = (string) SCR::Read (.target.tmpdir);
SCR::Execute (.target.bash, "/bin/cp " + fpath + "/" + fname + " " + tmpdir);
// force it to be readable and executable
SCR::Execute (.target.bash, "/bin/chmod 774 " + tmpdir + "/" + fname);
integer result = (integer) SCR::Execute (.target.bash, "(cd " + tmpdir + "; ./" + fname + " " + fpath + ")");
SCR::Execute (.target.remove, tmpdir + "/" + fname);
return result;
string language = UI::GetLanguage(true);
boolean is_mounted = false;
integer arg_n = size(WFM::Args()) - 1;
string default_device = "/dev/cdrom";
string alternate_device = StorageDevices::FloppyDevice;
while (arg_n >= 0)
if (substring ((string) WFM::Args (arg_n), 0, 1) == "/")
default_device = (string) WFM::Args (arg_n);
arg_n = arg_n - 1;
any result = nil;
// VENDOR: main screen heading
string title = _("Vendor Driver CD");
Wizard::SetContents (title, `Empty(), "", true, true);
// free mount point
SCR::Execute (.target.umount, Installation::sourcedir);
// try to mount device
while (SCR::Execute (.target.mount, [ default_device, Installation::sourcedir]) == false)
if ((alternate_device != default_device)
&& (SCR::Execute (.target.mount, [ alternate_device, Installation::sourcedir]) == true))
// VENDOR: cant mount /dev/cdrom popup
if (!Popup::ContinueCancel( _("Please insert the vendor CD-ROM")))
return `abort;
is_mounted = true;
// CD is mounted. Check contents.
string cdpath = Installation::sourcedir;
// get directory on update disk from installation (value from install.inf)
// if not set, determine directory from installed products
string update_dir = (string) SCR::Read (.target.string, ["/var/lib/YaST2/vendor_update", ""]);
if (update_dir != "")
cdpath = cdpath + update_dir;
Pkg::TargetInit ("/", false);
list<map<string,any> > products
= Pkg::ResolvableProperties ("", `product, "");
if (products == nil) products = [];
products = filter (map<string,any> p, products, {
return p["status"]:nil == `installed;
list<map<string,any> > base = filter (map<string,any> p, products, {
return p["category"]:"" == "base";
if (size (base) == 0)
base = products;
map<string,any> product = base[0]:$[];
string version = product["version"]:"";
version = splitstring (version, "-")[0]:""; // split off release
y2milestone ("Trying %1", cdpath);
list dirlist = (list) SCR::Read(.target.dir, cdpath);
if ((size (dirlist) <= 0)
|| (!contains (dirlist, "linux")))
// VENDOR: vendor cd contains wrong data
return wrong_cd(_("Could not find driver data on the CD-ROM.
Aborting now."), is_mounted);
cdpath = cdpath + "/linux";
y2milestone ("Trying %1", cdpath);
dirlist = (list) SCR::Read(.target.dir, cdpath);
if ((size (dirlist) <= 0)
|| (!(contains (dirlist, "suse")
|| contains (dirlist, "unitedlinux"))))
// VENDOR: vendor cd contains wrong data
return wrong_cd(_("Could not find driver data on the CD-ROM.
Aborting now."), is_mounted);
string vendordir = "/suse/";
if (SCR::Read(.target.size, "/etc/UnitedLinux-release") > 0)
vendordir = "/UnitedLinux/";
version = "ul1";
cdpath = cdpath + vendordir + Arch::architecture () + "-" + version;
y2milestone ("Trying %1", cdpath);
list<string> dirlist = (list<string>) SCR::Read(.target.dir, cdpath);
if (size (dirlist) <= 0)
// VENDOR: vendor cd doesn't contain data for current system and linux version
return wrong_cd(_("The CD-ROM data does not match the running Linux system.
Aborting now.
"), is_mounted);
y2milestone ("found %1", dirlist);
// filter files ending in .inst (allow .ins for dos :-})
list<string> instlist = [];
foreach (string fname, dirlist,
list<string> splitted = splitstring (fname, ".");
if ((size (splitted) == 2)
&& (substring (splitted[1]:"", 0, 3) == "ins"))
instlist = add (instlist, splitted[0]:"");
y2milestone ("inst %1", instlist);
if (size (dirlist) <= 0)
// VENDOR: vendor cd contains wrong data
return wrong_cd(_("Could not find driver data on the CD-ROM.
Aborting now."), is_mounted);
integer inst_count = 0;
string short_lang = "";
if (size (language) > 2)
short_lang = substring (language, 0, 2);
// try to load .inst files, try with (xx_XX) ISO language first,
// then with 2 char language code
// show data from matching files
foreach (string fname, instlist, ``{
// try full ISO language code first
string description = (string) SCR::Read(.target.string, cdpath + "/" + fname + "-" + language + ".desc");
// try with 2 char language code
if (size (description) <= 0)
description = (string) SCR::Read(.target.string, cdpath + "/" + fname + "-" + short_lang + ".desc");
// try without language code
if (size (description) <= 0)
description = (string) SCR::Read(.target.string, cdpath + "/" + fname + ".desc");
// show contents
if (size (description) > 0)
if (Popup::YesNo( description ) )
// VENDOR: dialog heading
Wizard::SetContents (title, `HVCenter(`Label(_("Installing driver..."))), "", true, true);
integer inst_result = run_inst (cdpath, fname + ".inst");
if (inst_result == 0)
inst_count = inst_count + 1;
// VENDOR: popup if installation of driver failed
Popup::Message (_("The installation failed.
Contact the address on the CD-ROM.\n"));
Wizard::SetContents (title, `Empty(), "", true, true);
string result_message = "";
if (inst_count > 0)
// VENDOR: message box with number of drivers installed
result_message = sformat (_("Installed %1 drivers from CD"), inst_count);
// VENDOR: message box with error text
result_message = _("No driver data found on the CD-ROM.\nAborting now.");
Popup::Message (result_message);
// free mount point
SCR::Execute (.target.umount, Installation::sourcedir);
return `ok;
/* EOF */