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418 lines
* Module: sw_single.ycp
* Authors: Gabriele Strattner (gs@suse.de)
* Klaus Kaempf <kkaempf@suse.de>
* Purpose: contains dialog loop for workflows:
* "Install/Remove software"
* $Id: sw_single.ycp 34559 2006-11-22 12:38:46Z lslezak $
textdomain "packager";
import "Arch";
import "Confirm";
import "Installation";
import "Directory";
import "Mode";
import "PackageCallbacks";
import "PackageLock";
import "SlideShow";
import "SlideShowCallbacks";
import "Kernel";
import "Wizard";
import "Popup";
import "GetInstArgs";
import "Label";
import "PackageSystem";
import "Report";
import "FileUtils";
Wizard::SetContents(_("Initializing..."), `Empty (), "", false, true);
import "Packages";
list<string> packagelist = []; // list of packages to act on
// `install
// `remove, `update: used from gnome-main-menu (#222757)
symbol action = `install;
boolean test_popup = false;
boolean skip_source = false;
// =============================================================
// check test_popup
// test_mode is checked for in Installation constructor
define list<string> CheckArguments ()
integer arg_n = size (WFM::Args()) - 1;
list<string> arg_list = [];
while (arg_n >= 0)
if (WFM::Args(arg_n) == .test)
Mode::SetTest ("test");
else if (WFM::Args(arg_n) == .testp)
Mode::SetTest ("test"); // .testp implies .test
test_popup = true;
else if (is (WFM::Args(arg_n), string))
string s = tostring (WFM::Args(arg_n));
if (s == "--install")
action = `install;
else if (s == "--remove")
action = `remove;
else if (s == "--update")
action = `update;
arg_list = add (arg_list, s);
else if (is (WFM::Args(arg_n), list))
foreach (any arg, (list)WFM::Args(arg_n), ``{ arg_list = add (arg_list, tostring (arg));});
arg_n = arg_n - 1;
y2milestone ("action: %1", action);
return arg_list;
}; // CheckArguments
// CheckWhichPackages
// Check arg_list:
// If we're called with an absolute package path just install
// this package without paying attention to dependencies.
// returns `done all done
// `failed package not found
// `next workflow "Change source of installation"
// `found_descr started package manager
// `unknown_descr found nothing
define symbol CheckWhichPackages (list<string> arg_list)
y2milestone ("CheckWhichPackages (%1)", arg_list);
// if sw_single is called with a list of packages or a package name
string first_arg = "";
if (size (arg_list) > 0)
first_arg = arg_list[0]:"";
* If the first argument is a package ending with .rpm call Pkg::TargetInstall for
* each arg.
if (regexpmatch (first_arg, "\\.rpm$")) // package name given
// if sw_single is called with an absolute package-pathname, there is no need to
// mount the source medium or check SuSE version or dependencies
Pkg::TargetLogfile (Installation::destdir + Directory::logdir + "/y2logRPM");
SlideShow::InitPkgData(true); // force reinitialization
foreach (string package, arg_list, {
if (SCR::Read (.target.size, package) > 0)
y2milestone ("SW_SINGLE: installing %1", package);
Pkg::TargetInstall (package);
// error popup, %1 is the name of the .rpm package
string message = sformat (_("Package %1 was not found on the medium."), package);
y2error ("SW_SINGLE: Package %1 was not found on the medium", package);
Popup::Message (message);
return `failed;
// package is installed without paying attention to SuSE dependencies
// don't call SuSEConfig -> dialog loop ends
return `done;
else if (first_arg != "") // firstarg given, but not *.rpm
string arg_name = arg_list[0]:"";
if ( ! FileUtils::IsFile(arg_name) || FileUtils::GetSize(arg_name) <= 0 ) // Check: a local file ? bigger than 0?
packagelist = arg_list; // No: expect package names
else // Yes: try to read the file
y2milestone("Reading file %1", arg_name );
packagelist = (list<string>) SCR::Read( .target.ycp, arg_name); // try .ycp list first
if ((packagelist == nil)
|| (packagelist == []))
string packagestr = (string) SCR::Read( .target.string, arg_name); // string ascii file next
packagelist = splitstring (packagestr, "\n");
// filter empty lines out, bug #158226
packagelist = filter (string package, packagelist, { return !regexpmatch(package, "^ *$"); });
y2milestone("packagelist: %1", packagelist );
// start package manager
const boolean enabled_only = true;
boolean mgr_ok = Pkg::SourceStartManager(enabled_only);
if (!mgr_ok)
Report::LongWarning(_("There was an error in installation source initialization.") + "\n" + Pkg::LastError ());
if (size(Pkg::SourceGetCurrent(enabled_only)) == 0)
Report::Warning(_("No installation source is defined.
Only installed packages are displayed."));
Pkg::TargetInit (Installation::destdir, false);
return `found_descr;
}; // CheckWhichPackages
// originally stolen from inst_do_net_test.ycp:IsDownloadedVersionNewer
* Function checks two versions of installed rpm and decides
* whether the second one is newer than the first one. This
* function ignores non-numerical values in versions.
* Version and Release parts are merged!
* FIXME make a binding to librpm.
* @param string first version
* @param string second version
* @return boolean true if the second one is newer than the first one
boolean VersionALtB (string a_version, string b_version) {
list <string> a_version_l = filter(string s, splitstring(a_version, "-\."), {
return regexpmatch(s, "^[0123456789]+$");
list <string> b_version_l = filter(string s, splitstring(b_version, "-\."), {
return regexpmatch(s, "^[0123456789]+$");
y2milestone("Comparing versions %1 and %2", a_version_l, b_version_l);
integer a_size = size (a_version_l);
integer b_size = size (b_version_l);
integer longer_size = a_size > b_size? a_size: b_size;
boolean b_version_is_newer = false;
integer compare = 0; // <0 if a<b, =0 if a==b, >0 if a>b
integer i = 0;
while (i < longer_size) {
// -1 will make the desirable outcome of "2" < "2.0"
integer a_item = tointeger(a_version_l[i]:"-1");
integer b_item = tointeger(b_version_l[i]:"-1");
if (a_item < b_item) {
compare = -1;
if (a_item > b_item) {
compare = 1;
i = i + 1;
y2milestone("%1 <=> %2 -> %3", a_version, b_version, compare);
return compare < 0;
* Check if there is an uninstalled package of the same name with a
* higher version. Otherwise we would forcefully reinstall it. #222757#c9
boolean CanBeUpdated (string package) {
list< map<string,any> > props = Pkg::ResolvableProperties (package, `package, "" /*any version*/);
// find maximum version and remember
// if it is installed
string max_ver = "0";
boolean max_is_installed = false;
foreach (map<string,any> prop, props, {
string cur_ver = prop["version"]:"0";
if (VersionALtB (max_ver, cur_ver)) {
max_ver = cur_ver;
// `installed or `selected is ok
max_is_installed = prop["status"]:`available != `available;
y2milestone ("new max: installed: %1", max_is_installed);
return !max_is_installed;
// =============================================================
// check whether running as root
// and having the packager for ourselves
if (! Confirm::MustBeRoot () || ! PackageLock::Check ())
UI::CloseDialog ();
return `abort;
// check Args
// set test_mode, test_popup
list<string> arg_list = CheckArguments();
// check the arguments and try the mount/search for local description
symbol result = CheckWhichPackages (arg_list);
Pkg::SetLocale (UI::GetLanguage (true));
y2milestone ("SW_SINGLE: result CheckWhichPackages %1", result);
if ((result == `done)
|| (result == `failed))
return `next;
boolean ask = false;
boolean found_descr = result == `found_descr;
list<string> old_failed_packs = [];
if ((integer)SCR::Read (.target.size,
"/var/lib/YaST2/failed_packages") > 0)
old_failed_packs = (list<string>)
SCR::Read (.target.ycp, "/var/lib/YaST2/failed_packages");
if (size (old_failed_packs) > 0 && Popup::YesNo (
_("During the last package installation,
several package failed to install.
Install them now?
foreach (string p, old_failed_packs, {
Pkg::PkgInstall (p);
if ( found_descr )
if (size (packagelist) == 0) // packages given ?
result = (symbol)WFM::CallFunction( "inst_packages", []); // No: ask user via package selection widget
y2milestone ("inst_packages returns %1", result);
if (result == `accept)
result = `next;
ask = true;
list<string>nonexisting = filter (string p, packagelist, {
return ! Pkg::IsAvailable (p);
if (action != `remove && size (nonexisting) > 0)
string missing = mergestring (nonexisting, ", ");
y2error ("Tags %1 aren't available",
mergestring (nonexisting, ", "));
Report::Error (sformat (
// error report, %1 is a list of packages
_("Following packages haven't been found on the medium:\n%1"),
mergestring (nonexisting, "\n")));
return `cancel;
foreach (string package, packagelist, // Yes: install them
if (action == `install
// TODO `update: tell the user if already up to date
|| (action == `update && CanBeUpdated (package))) {
// select package for installation
if (!Pkg::PkgInstall (package)) {
// oops, package not found ? try capability
Pkg::DoProvide ([package]);
else if (action == `remove) {
if (!Pkg::PkgDelete (package)) {
// package failed, try capability
Pkg::DoRemove ([package]);
if (Pkg::PkgSolve (false)) // Solve dependencies
result = `next; // go-on if no conflicts
result = (symbol)WFM::CallFunction( "inst_packages", []); // Ask user if conflicts
y2milestone ("inst_packages returns %1", result);
if (result == `accept)
result = `next;
if (result == `next) // packages selected ?
SCR::Write (.target.ycp, "/var/lib/YaST2/failed_packages", []);
boolean anyToDelete = Pkg::PkgAnyToDelete();
SlideShow::SetLanguage (UI::GetLanguage(true));
SlideShow::InitPkgData(true); // force reinitialization
import "PackageInstallation";
Pkg::TargetLogfile (Installation::destdir + Directory::logdir + "/y2logRPM");
integer oldvmlinuzsize = (integer) SCR::Read(.target.size, "/boot/vmlinuz");
list commit_result = PackageInstallation::CommitPackages (0, 0); // Y: commit them !
integer newvmlinuzsize = (integer) SCR::Read(.target.size, "/boot/vmlinuz");
if (Mode::normal () // run SuSEconfig only in normal system, not during installation
&& Installation::destdir == "/"
&& ((commit_result[0]:0 > 0)
|| anyToDelete))
// prepare "you must boot" popup in inst_suseconfig
Kernel::SetInformAboutKernelChange (oldvmlinuzsize != newvmlinuzsize);
result = (symbol) WFM::CallFunction ("inst_suseconfig", [GetInstArgs::Buttons(false, false)]);
} while ( ask && Popup::YesNo (
// Popup dialog contents
_("Install or remove more packages?")));
return (symbol) result;