Here, fine-tune settings for the language handling.
These settings are written into the file <tt>/etc/sysconfig/language</tt>.
If unsure, use the default values already selected.
// help text for langauge expert screen
help_text = help_text + _("<p>
<b>Locale Settings for User root</b>
determines how the locale variables (LC_*) are set for the root user.</p>") +
// help text for langauge expert screen
_("<p><b>ctype Only</b>: root has the same LC_CTYPE as a normal user. Other values
are unset.<br>
<b>Yes</b>: root has the same locale settings as normal user.<br>
<b>No</b>: root has all locale variables unset.
") +
// help text for langauge expert screen
_("<p>Use <b>Detailed Locale Setting</b> to set a locale for the primary language that is not offered in the list in the main dialog. Translation may not be available for the selected locale.</p>");
map val = Language::GetExpertValues();
map val_on_entry = val;
y2debug ("expert values %1", val);
// get the list of locales for our language
string lang = substring (language, 0, 2);
list locales_list = [];
foreach (string code, integer i, Language::GetLocales (), {
if (substring (code, 0, 2) == lang)
locales_list = add (locales_list, code);
if (!contains (locales_list, language))
locales_list = add (locales_list, language);
UI::OpenDialog (`opt (`decorated), `HBox(
`HWeight (40, `RichText (help_text)),
`HStretch (),
`HSpacing (),
`HWeight (60, `VBox (
`HSpacing (45),
// heading text
`Heading( _("Language Details") ),
`VSpacing(`opt(`vstretch), 2),
`Left (
// combo box label
`ComboBox(`id(`rootlang), _("Locale Settings for User &root"),