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287 lines
* File: clients/runlevel_proposal.ycp
* Package: System Services (Runlevel) (formerly known as Runlevel Editor)
* Summary: Default runlevel proposal
* Authors: Michal Svec <msvec@suse.cz>
* $Id: runlevel_proposal.ycp 33299 2006-10-10 09:39:23Z locilka $
textdomain "runlevel";
import "Label";
import "RunlevelEd";
import "Summary";
import "Arch";
import "ProductFeatures";
import "Linuxrc";
import "Mode";
import "Wizard";
import "Popup";
/* The main () */
y2milestone("Runlevel proposal started");
y2milestone("Arguments: %1", WFM::Args());
string func = (string) WFM::Args(0);
map param = (map) WFM::Args(1);
map ret = $[];
// Bugzilla #166918
boolean CheckSelectedRunlevel (string selected_runlevel) {
if (selected_runlevel == nil) {
return true;
boolean vnc = Linuxrc::vnc ();
boolean ssh = Linuxrc::usessh ();
// VNC needs runlevel 5
if (vnc && selected_runlevel != "5") {
y2warning("VNC nstallation, but selected mode is %1", selected_runlevel);
return Popup::YesNo (
sformat (
// popup question, %1 means the current runlevel (number)
_("VNC needs runlevel 5 to run correctly.
No graphical system login will be available
after the computer is rebooted.
Are you sure you want to use runlevel %1 instead?"),
// SSH (installation) needs network
} else if (ssh && ! contains(["3", "5"], selected_runlevel)) {
y2warning("SSHD nstallation, but selected mode is %1", selected_runlevel);
return Popup::YesNo (
sformat (
// popup question, %1 means the current runlevel (number)
_("SSH needs running network.
You have selected a non-network runlevel.
Recommended runlevels are 3 or 5.
Are you sure you want to use %1 instead?"),
return true;
define symbol RLDialog () {
term known_runlevels = `VBox();
string currently_selected_runlevel = "";
list <term> runlevels = (list <term>) sort (RunlevelEd::getDefaultPicker (`proposal));
foreach (term one_runlevel, runlevels, {
string current_id = one_runlevel[0,0]:"";
known_runlevels = add (known_runlevels,
`Left (`RadioButton (
`id (current_id),
sformat ("&%1", one_runlevel[1]:"")
if ((boolean) one_runlevel[2]:false == true)
currently_selected_runlevel = current_id;
// dialog caption
string title = _("Set Default Runlevel");
term contents = `VBox (
`RadioButtonGroup (`id (`selected_runlevel), `Frame (
// frame label
_("Available Runlevels"),
`HSquash (
`MarginBox (
0.5, 0.5,
// made by rwalter@novell.com, bug #206664 comment #8
// help for runlevel - installation proposal, part 1
string help = _("<p><b><big>Selecting the Default Runlevel</big</b></p>") +
// help for runlevel - installation proposal, part 2
_("<p>The runlevel is the setting that helps determine which services are
available by default. Select the level that includes the services this system
should allow when the system starts.</p>") +
// help for runlevel - installation proposal, part 3
_("<p>Runlevel <b>2</b> allows multiple users to log in to the system locally, but
no network or network services are available. This setting is rarely used as
the default.</p>") +
// help for runlevel - installation proposal, part 4
_("<p>Runlevel <b>3</b> allows both local and remote logins and enables the
network and any configured network services. This setting does not start the
graphical login manager, so graphical user interfaces cannot be used
immediately.</p>") +
// help for runlevel - installation proposal, part 5
_("<p>Runlevel <b>5</b> is the most common default runlevel for workstations. In
addition to the network, it starts the X display manager, which allows
graphical logins. It also starts any other configured services.</p>") +
// help for runlevel - installation proposal, part 6
_("<p>If you are not sure what to select, runlevel <b>5</b> is generally a good
choice for workstations. Runlevel <b>3</b> is often used on servers that do
not have a monitor and should not use graphical interfaces.</p>");
Wizard::CreateDialog ();
Wizard::SetTitleIcon ("yast-runlevel");
Wizard::HideAbortButton ();
Wizard::SetContentsButtons (title, contents, help, Label::CancelButton(), Label::AcceptButton());
if (currently_selected_runlevel != "" && currently_selected_runlevel != nil) {
UI::ChangeWidget (`id (`selected_runlevel), `CurrentButton, currently_selected_runlevel);
symbol dialog_ret = nil;
while (true) {
any ret = UI::UserInput();
y2milestone ("UI Ret: %1", ret);
if (ret == `next || ret == `ok) {
string selected_runlevel = (string) UI::QueryWidget (`id(`selected_runlevel), `CurrentButton);
// if the selected runlevel is OK
// or user explicitly accepts the wrong runlevel...
if (CheckSelectedRunlevel (selected_runlevel)) {
dialog_ret = `next;
RunlevelEd::default_runlevel = selected_runlevel;
// next loop
} else {
} else {
dialog_ret = `back;
y2milestone("Selected Runlevel: %1", RunlevelEd::default_runlevel);
return dialog_ret;
/* create a textual proposal */
if(func == "MakeProposal") {
boolean force_reset = param["force_reset"]:false;
string warning = "";
// find out proposal parameters, ie. what it depends on
// some architectures don't have X at all
boolean x11_needed = Arch::x11_setup_needed (); // constant
boolean x11_selected = Pkg::IsSelected ("xorg-x11"); // variable
// But if we install over VNC, we want RL 5 (and kdm) even though
// there's no X.
boolean vnc = Linuxrc::vnc (); // constant
boolean ssh = Linuxrc::usessh (); // constant
// we can be overriden
string forced_runlevel = (string)ProductFeatures::GetFeature("globals", "runlevel");
y2milestone ("x11_setup_needed: %1, x11_selected: %2, vnc: %3, ssh %4, forced: '%5'",
x11_needed, x11_selected, vnc, ssh, forced_runlevel);
// check only what the user can change at this time
// Initially the module variables are nil so the condition triggers
if (RunlevelEd::x11_selected != x11_selected ||
// update parameters
RunlevelEd::x11_selected = x11_selected;
// do the proposal
if (! Mode::autoinst()) {
RunlevelEd::default_runlevel = ((x11_needed && x11_selected) || vnc) ? "5": "3";
// ssh installation, no X-configuration possible, #149071
if (ssh) RunlevelEd::default_runlevel = "3";
if (forced_runlevel != "") {
RunlevelEd::default_runlevel = forced_runlevel;
// Bugzilla #166918
if (vnc && RunlevelEd::default_runlevel != "5") {
warning = warning +
// proposal warning, VNC needs runlevel 5, but the selected one is not 5
_("<li>VNC needs runlevel 5 to run correctly.
No graphical system login will be available after the computer is rebooted.</li>");
if (ssh && ! contains (["3", "5"], RunlevelEd::default_runlevel)) {
warning = warning +
// proposal warning, SSH needs runlevel 3 or 5, but the selected one is neither one of them
_("<li>SSH needs runlevel 3 or 5, but you have currently selected a non-network one.</li>");
string proposal = RunlevelEd::ProposalSummary ();
ret = $[
"preformatted_proposal" : proposal,
// set warning, if it is not empty
if (warning != "") {
ret["warning_level"] = `warning;
ret["warning"] = "<ul>" + warning + "</ul>";
/* run the module */
else if(func == "AskUser") {
map stored = RunlevelEd::Export();
symbol result = RLDialog();
if (result != `next) RunlevelEd::Import (stored);
y2debug("stored=%1", stored);
y2debug("result=%1", result);
ret = $[ "workflow_sequence" : result ];
/* create titles */
else if(func == "Description") {
ret = $[
/* Rich text title */
"rich_text_title" : _("Default Runlevel"),
/* MenuButton title */
"menu_title" : _("Default &Runlevel"),
"id" : "runlevel",
/* write the proposal */
else if(func == "Write") {
y2milestone ("Not writing yet, will be done in inst_finish");
/* unknown function */
else {
y2error("unknown function: %1", func);
/* Finish */
y2milestone("Runlevel proposal finished");
return ret;
/* EOF */