help_text = help_text + _("<p>Each virtual machine must have a unique name. The <b>name of virtual machine</b> entered here will be used as the name of the VM configuration file.</p>");
if (VM_Common::proposal_type != "install") {
help_text = help_text
// virtual machine options (install) - help text 1/8
+ _("<p>The VM can be started <b>automatically</b> when the VM Server starts, or <b>manually</b> via YaST or the command line.</p>")
// virtual machine options (install) - help text 2/8
+ _("<p>When various lifecycle events occur (<b>power off</b>, <b>reboot</b>, or <b>crash</b> of the VM), an action can automatically be taken. These actions are:</p>")
// virtual machine options (install) - help text 3/8
+ _("<ul>")
+ sformat("<li><p><b>%1</b>: %2</p></li>",
// virtual machine options (install) - help text 4/8
_("The VM is cleaned up as normal."))
+ sformat("<li><p><b>%1</b>: %2</p></li>",
// virtual machine options (install) - help text 5/8
_("A new VM is started in place of the old one."))
+ sformat("<li><p><b>%1</b>: %2</p></li>",
// virtual machine options (install) - help text 6/8
_("The VM will remain in memory until it is destroyed manually."))
+ sformat("<li><p><b>%1</b>: %2</p></li>",
_("Rename and restart"),
// virtual machine options (install) - help text 7/8
_("The VM is renamed and will remain in memory until it is destroyed manually, and a new VM is started."))
// virtual machine options (install) - help text 8/8