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481 lines
* File: clients/inst_system_analysis.ycp
* Package: Installation
* Summary: Installation mode selection, system analysis
* Authors: Jiri Srain <jsrain@suse.cz>
* $Id: inst_system_analysis.ycp 33978 2006-11-01 17:43:03Z locilka $
textdomain "installation";
import "AddOnProduct";
import "GetInstArgs";
import "Installation";
import "Kernel";
import "Label";
import "Linuxrc";
import "Mode";
import "Packages";
import "Popup";
import "PackageCallbacksInit";
import "Product";
import "ProductControl";
import "RootPart";
import "Stage";
import "Storage";
import "Update";
import "Wizard";
include "installation/misc.ycp";
include "packager/storage_include.ycp";
string start_mode = Mode::mode ();
// FIXME copy-paste from inst_mode
define symbol handle_boot ()
y2milestone( "User wishes to boot installed system" );
if (!RootPart::didSearchForRootPartitions)
UI::OpenDialog (`opt(`decorated ),
// label
`Label(_("Evaluating root partition. One moment please...")));
RootPart::FindRootPartitions ();
UI::CloseDialog ();
if (RootPart::numberOfValidRootPartitions == 0)
// a popup
Popup::Message(_("No Linux root partition found."));
return `cancel;
// We must only change RootPart::selectedRootPartition if booting
// is inevitable.
if (RootPart::numberOfValidRootPartitions == 1)
RootPart::SetSelectedToValid ();
if (WFM::CallFunction ("inst_rootpart", [true, true, `boot_popup]) != `next)
return `cancel;
string root_part = RootPart::selectedRootPartition;
UI::OpenDialog( `opt(`decorated),
// Information popup: Inform user what partition
// will be booted from after user selected
// "Boot installed system"
`Label( sformat(_("Booting from %1"), root_part ) ) );
Update::Detach ();
RootPart::UnmountPartitions (false);
sleep (1000);
if ( ! Mode::test () )
Linuxrc::WriteYaSTInf ($["Root" : root_part]);
UI::CloseDialog ();
return `finish;
// help text for installation method
string help_text = _("<p><big><b>Installation Mode</b></big><br>
Select what to do:</p>");
// help text for installation method
help_text = help_text + _("<p>
Select <b>New Installation</b> if there is no existing Linux system on your
machine or if you want to replace an existing Linux system completely,
abandoning all its configuration data.
// help text for installation method
help_text = help_text + _("<p>
Select <b>Update an Existing System</b> to update a Linux system already
installed on your machine. This option preserves configuration settings
from your existing system whenever possible.
// help text for installation method
help_text = help_text + _("<p>
To install an add-on product from separate media together with &product;, select
<b>Include Add-On Products from Separate Media</b>.</p>
// help text for installation method
help_text = help_text + _("<p>Select <b>Other Options</b> then
select <b>Repair Installed System</b> if you have a damaged Linux system on
your hard disk. This option can try to fix problems automatically.
// help text for installation method
help_text = help_text + _("<p>Select <b>Other Options</b> then
select <b>Boot Installed System</b> if you have a Linux system on your hard
disk that will not boot. With this option, try to fix problems manually.
symbol current_expert_mode = `repair;
// see bugzilla #156529
term InstModeDialogContent (symbol pre_selected) {
term other_options_layout_fix = `Empty();
term other_options = `Empty();
if (pre_selected == `expert) {
other_options_layout_fix = `VSpacing(2.1);
other_options = `RadioButtonGroup (
`id (`expert_options),
`HBox (
`HSpacing (6),
`VBox (
`Left (`RadioButton (`id (`repair), `opt (`notify),
// radio button
_("Re&pair Installed System"), (current_expert_mode == `repair))),
`Left (`RadioButton (`id (`boot), `opt (`notify),
// radio button
_("Boot Installed &System"), (current_expert_mode == `boot)))
return `VBox (
`VWeight (60, `HVCenter (
`MarginBox (
`leftMargin (1),
`rightMargin (1.5),
`topMargin (0.5),
`bottomMargin (0.5),
`VBox (
`Frame (
// frame
_("Select Mode"),
`VBox (
// Basis RadioButtonGroup
`RadioButtonGroup (
`id (`inst_mode),
`VBox (
// radio button
`Left (`RadioButton (`id (`install), `opt(`notify), _("New &Installation"),
! Mode::update ())),
`VSpacing( 0.3 ),
// radio button
`Left (`RadioButton (`id (`update), `opt(`notify), _("&Update"),
Mode::update ())),
`VSpacing( 1.3 ),
`Left (`RadioButton (`id (`expert), `opt(`notify), _("&Other Options")))
// Other RadioButtonGroup
`VSpacing (2),
`Left (`CheckBox (`id (`add_on), `opt(`notify),
// check box
_("In&clude Add-On Products from Separate Media"))
`VWeight (20, `Empty ())
Wizard::SetContents (_("Analyzing the Computer"), `Empty (), "", false, false);
Wizard::SetTitleIcon ("yast-inst-mode");
// Do hardware probing
// This must happen before submodule descriptions are initialized; module
// constructors might depend on it.
// In autoinst mode, this has been called already.
y2milestone ("Probing done: %1", Installation::probing_done);
if (! Installation::probing_done)
if (!Mode::autoinst ())
WFM::CallFunction("inst_startup", []);
WFM::CallFunction("inst_features", []);
Installation::probing_done = true;
// FIXME copy-paste from inst_mode
boolean offer_update = false;
y2milestone ("Product flags: %1", Product::flags);
if (contains (Product::flags, "update") || Kernel::GetSuSEUpdate ())
offer_update = true;
// FIXME copy-paste from inst_mode
boolean have_linux = false;
if (Storage::HaveLinuxPartitions ())
have_linux = true;
y2milestone ("Have Linux: %1, Offer Update: %2", have_linux, offer_update);
boolean other_options_disabled = false;
if (! (have_linux && offer_update))
// to offer add-on products
// Mode::SetMode ("installation");
// return `auto;
other_options_disabled = true;
// bugzilla #208222
// Release disk used as the installation source
if (Mode::autoinst ()) {
y2milestone ("Autoinst -> returning `auto");
return `auto;
Wizard::SetContents (
// dialog caption
_("Installation Mode"), InstModeDialogContent(`install), help_text, true, true
Wizard::SetTitleIcon ("yast-software");
symbol ret = nil;
symbol new_mode = Mode::update () ? `update : `install;
string umount_result = Linuxrc::InstallInf ("umount_result");
string media = Linuxrc::InstallInf ("InstMode");
y2milestone ("Umont result: %1, inst mode: %2", umount_result, media);
if (umount_result != "0" && (media == "cd" || media == "dvd"))
UI::ChangeWidget (`id (`add_on), `Enabled, false);
// only installation (and addon products) enabled
if (other_options_disabled) {
UI::ChangeWidget (`id (`update), `Enabled, false);
UI::ChangeWidget (`id (`expert), `Enabled, false);
// --> Handling User Input in Installation Mode
boolean add_on_selected = (boolean) UI::QueryWidget (`id (`add_on), `Value);
// Probably buggy UI, in case of two radio button groups, the second one
// doesn't work (RadioButtonGroup (`id (`expert_options)))
repeat {
ret = (symbol) UI::UserInput();
y2milestone("ret: %1", ret);
// Use-Add-On-Product status changed
if (ret == `add_on) {
add_on_selected = (boolean) UI::QueryWidget (`id (`add_on), `Value);
ret = nil;
// Other Options - Boot
else if (ret == `boot) {
current_expert_mode = `boot;
ret = nil;
// Other Options - Repair
} else if (ret == `repair) {
current_expert_mode = `repair;
ret = nil;
// Adjusting current UI - Other Options
else if (ret == `expert) {
// Remembering add-on state, switching off and disabling
add_on_selected = (boolean) UI::QueryWidget (`id (`add_on), `Value);
// Show other options
Wizard::SetContents (
// dialog caption
_("Installation Mode"), InstModeDialogContent(`expert), help_text, true, true
UI::ChangeWidget (`id(`add_on), `Value, false);
UI::ChangeWidget (`id(`add_on), `Enabled, false);
UI::ChangeWidget (`id(`inst_mode), `CurrentButton, `expert);
ret = nil;
// Adjusting current UI - Hide Other Options
// in case of `install or `update clicked
else if (contains([`install, `update], ret)) {
symbol selected_mode = (symbol) UI::QueryWidget (`id (`inst_mode), `CurrentButton);
// Hide other options
Wizard::SetContents (
// dialog caption
_("Installation Mode"), InstModeDialogContent(`install), help_text, true, true
// Enabling add-on, adjusting previous state (selected)
UI::ChangeWidget (`id(`add_on), `Enabled, true);
UI::ChangeWidget (`id(`add_on), `Value, add_on_selected);
// Can be either `install or `update
UI::ChangeWidget (`id(`inst_mode), `CurrentButton, selected_mode);
// Next button
if (ret == `next)
new_mode = (symbol) UI::QueryWidget (`id (`inst_mode), `CurrentButton);
if (new_mode == nil)
// this is a label of a message box
Popup::Message(_("Choose one of the\noptions to continue."));
ret = nil;
// Repair or Boot
if (new_mode == `expert) {
if (! contains([`boot, `repair], current_expert_mode)) {
y2error("Internal error: Widget `expert_mode selected item: %1", current_expert_mode);
ret = nil;
new_mode = current_expert_mode;
// Boot was selected
if (new_mode == `boot) {
if (handle_boot() != `finish) {
y2milestone("Not booting any OS");
ret = nil;
else if (ret == `abort)
if (Popup::ConfirmAbort (Stage::initial () ? `painless : `incomplete))
return `abort;
ret = nil;
} until (ret == `back || ret == `next);
// <-- Handling User Input in Installation Mode
y2milestone("Selected mode: %1, Return: %2", new_mode, ret);
if (ret == `next)
if (new_mode == `install)
Mode::SetMode ("installation");
if (new_mode == `update)
Mode::SetMode ("update");
if (new_mode == `repair)
Mode::SetMode ("repair");
if (new_mode == `boot)
Mode::SetMode ("");
ret = `finish;
if (new_mode == `install || new_mode == `update)
boolean add_on = (boolean)UI::QueryWidget (`id (`add_on), `Value);
ProductControl::DisabledModules = filter (string m, ProductControl::DisabledModules, {
return m != "add-on" && m != "inst_add-on";
if (! add_on)
ProductControl::DisabledModules = add (ProductControl::DisabledModules, "add-on");
ProductControl::DisabledModules = add (ProductControl::DisabledModules, "inst_add-on");
if (ret == `back || ret == `finish) {
y2milestone("Returning: %1", ret);
return ret;
if (Mode::repair ())
y2milestone("Calling inst_repair");
WFM::CallFunction ("inst_repair");
return `finish;
Packages::InitializeCatalogs ();
if (Packages::InitFailed ())
// popup message
Popup::Message (_("Failed to initialize catalogs.
Aborting the installation."));
return `abort;
Packages::InitializeAddOnProducts ();
if (Mode::mode () != start_mode)
y2milestone ("Switching Steps from %1 to %2 ", start_mode, Mode::mode ());
UpdateWizardSteps ();
y2milestone ("Resetting disk target to read values");
Storage::ResetOndiskTarget ();
y2debug ("Original target map (from disk): %1", Storage::GetTargetMap ());
y2milestone ("Resetting package manager");
Pkg::TargetFinish ();
Pkg::PkgReset ();
Packages::Init( true );
if (! Mode::repair ())
ret = ProductControl::RunFrom (
ProductControl::CurrentStep () + 1,
if (ret == `next)
ret = `finish;
else if (! Mode::repair())
UpdateWizardSteps ();
ret = ProductControl::RunFrom (
ProductControl::CurrentStep () + 1,
if (ret == `next)
ret = `finish;
return ret;
/* EOF */