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886 lines
* Module: inst_rpmcopy.ycp
* Authors: Klaus Kaempf <kkaempf@suse.de>
* Stefan Hundhammer <sh@suse.de> (slide show)
* Arvin Schnell <arvin@suse.de>
* Purpose:
* Install all the RPM packages the user has selected.
* Show installation dialogue. Show progress bars.
* Request medium change from user.
* Packages module :
* "installed"
* $Id: inst_rpmcopy.ycp 34305 2006-11-13 12:17:34Z locilka $
textdomain "packager";
import "Mode";
import "Stage";
import "Installation";
import "Directory";
import "Language";
import "PackageInstallation";
import "Packages";
import "SlideShow";
import "SlideShowCallbacks";
import "AutoinstSoftware";
import "Popup";
import "DirInstall";
import "Report";
import "Kernel";
import "Service";
import "SourceManager";
import "Linuxrc";
import "String";
include "packager/storage_include.ycp";
// variables related to installation source caching
* File with the information about package cache (between 1st and 2nd
* installation stage
string cache_info_path = "/var/lib/YaST2/pkg_cache";
* Is the disk cache used? (to be stored for 2nd stage)
boolean store_using_disk_cache = false;
* Directory containing the cache (to be stored for 2nd stage)
string store_cache_directory = "";
* Original source URL (to be stored for 2nd stage)
string store_original_source_url = "";
* Cached source ID (during second stage)
integer cached_source_id = -1;
* Symlink in the target system (during the first stage)
string cache_symlink = "";
* result of Pkg::PkgMediaSizes() from actual install
list <list <integer> > media_sizes = Pkg::PkgMediaSizes();
* 'datadir' of cached source (usually 'suse', where packages reside
string cached_source_datadir = "suse";
// functions related to installation source caching
* Removes all already installed patches and selections.
* See bugzilla #210552 for more information.
void RemoveObsoleteResolvables () {
y2milestone ("--------- removing obsolete patches and selections ---------");
// this removes only information about selections and applied patches
// it doesn't remove any package
y2milestone ("Removing all information about selections and patches in %1", Installation::destdir);
Pkg::TargetStoreRemove (Installation::destdir, `selection);
Pkg::TargetStoreRemove (Installation::destdir, `patch);
y2milestone ("--------- removing obsolete patches and selections ---------");
* Get the source ID of the first source to be cached
* @return integer cached source ID
integer CachedSourceId ()
integer cached_id = -1;
foreach (integer id, Packages::theSources,
map<string,string> product_data = (map<string,string>)Pkg::SourceProduct (id);
y2milestone ("Id %1: SourceProduct %2", id, product_data);
// FIXME: find()
if (find (product_data["flags"]:"", "cache") >= 0)
cached_id = id;
y2milestone ("Detected cached source ID: %1", cached_id);
if (cached_id >= 0)
y2milestone ("SourceGeneralData %1", Pkg::SourceGeneralData(cached_id));
y2milestone ("SourceMediaData %1", Pkg::SourceMediaData(cached_id));
y2milestone ("SourceProductData %1", Pkg::SourceProductData(cached_id));
map<string, any> product_data = Pkg::SourceProductData (cached_id);
cached_source_datadir = product_data["datadir"]:"suse";
return cached_id;
* Store information about the disk cache to the target system
void StoreDiskCacheSettings ()
if (! store_using_disk_cache)
map settings = $[
"using_disk_cache" : store_using_disk_cache,
"original_source_url" : store_original_source_url,
"cache_directory" : store_cache_directory,
y2milestone ("Storing disk cache settings: %1", settings);
SCR::Write (.target.ycp,
Installation::destdir + cache_info_path,
// remove the symlink created in the target system - not needed any more
map ta_out = (map)SCR::Execute (.target.bash_output,
sformat ("/bin/rm -rf %1", cache_symlink));
* Restore information about the disk cache at the start of the second
* stage, update the symlink and source location
void RestoreDiskCacheSettings ()
map settings = (map)SCR::Read (.target.ycp, [cache_info_path, $[]]);
if (settings == nil)
settings = $[];
y2milestone ("Restored disk cache settings: %1", settings);
store_using_disk_cache = settings["using_disk_cache"]:false;
store_original_source_url = settings["original_source_url"]:"";
store_cache_directory = settings["cache_directory"]:"";
if (! store_using_disk_cache)
cached_source_id = CachedSourceId ();
Pkg::SourceSetEnabled (cached_source_id, false);
if (! Pkg::SourceChangeUrl (cached_source_id, store_cache_directory + "/CD1"))
// error report
Report::Error (_("Error occurred while switching the service pack catalog."));
Pkg::SourceSetEnabled (cached_source_id, true);
* Clean the disk cache up
void CleanupDiskCache ()
if (! store_using_disk_cache)
// 6. Call Pkg::SourceChangeUrl (cached_source_id, source_url) afterwards
Pkg::SourceSetEnabled (cached_source_id, false);
if (! Pkg::SourceChangeUrl (cached_source_id, store_original_source_url))
// error report
Report::Error (_("Error occurred while switching the cached
source back to CD."));
Pkg::SourceSetEnabled (cached_source_id, true);
// 7. rm -rf Installation::destdir+"/{var?}/tmp"
// FIXME: remove _all_ copied CDs
y2milestone ("Deleting cache at %1 and %2", store_cache_directory, cache_info_path);
map ta_out = (map)SCR::Execute (.target.bash_output,
sformat ("/bin/rm -rf %1; rm -rf %2", store_cache_directory, cache_info_path));
// TODO error checking - or simply be quiet, it is de-facto no problem
// for the installation
* Get the TMP directory to use for packages cache
* @return string the directory to use
string GetPkgCacheDirectory ()
// find out space on target
map spaces = Pkg::TargetGetDU ();
list mp_info = spaces["/tmp"]:spaces["/tmp/"]:spaces["/"]:[];
integer total = mp_info[0]:0;
integer current = mp_info[1]:0;
integer future = mp_info[2]:0;
if (future < current)
future = current;
integer tmp_space = total - future;
if (tmp_space < 0 || mp_info[3]:false)
tmp_space = 0;
mp_info = spaces["/var/tmp"]:spaces["/var/tmp/"]:spaces["/var"]:spaces["/var/"]:spaces["/"]:[];
total = mp_info[0]:0;
current = mp_info[1]:0;
future = mp_info[2]:0;
if (future < current)
future = current;
integer var_tmp_space = total - future;
if (var_tmp_space < 0 || mp_info[3]:false)
var_tmp_space = 0;
// /tmp or /var/tmp ?
string cache_dir = tmp_space > var_tmp_space
? "/tmp"
: "/var/tmp";
integer free_space = tmp_space > var_tmp_space
? tmp_space
: var_tmp_space;
// find out needed space for cache
media_sizes = Pkg::PkgMediaSizes(); // fill global media_sizes
y2milestone ("Media sizes %1", media_sizes);
list<integer> cached_sizes = media_sizes[0]:[]; // assumes source ranking == install ranking
integer needed_space = 0;
foreach (integer sp_size, cached_sizes,
needed_space = needed_space + sp_size;
y2milestone ("Needed space %1 bytes", needed_space);
if (needed_space > free_space)
y2warning ("Not enough disk space for caching source data");
return nil;
map ta_out = (map)SCR::Execute (.target.bash_output,
sformat ("mkdir -p '%1'", String::Quote (Installation::destdir + cache_dir)));
y2milestone ("Created cached dir '%1': %2", Installation::destdir+cache_dir, ta_out);
if (ta_out["exit"]:0 != 0)
Report::Error (sformat (
// error report
_("Error occurred while creating directory %1:\n%2"),
Installation::destdir + cache_dir,
return nil;
string tmp_dir = cache_dir;
ta_out = (map)SCR::Execute (.target.bash_output,
sformat ("mktemp -d -p '%1'", String::Quote (Installation::destdir + cache_dir)));
y2milestone ("Created temp dir %1: %2", Installation::destdir+cache_dir, ta_out);
if (ta_out["exit"]:0 != 0)
Report::Error (sformat (
// error report
_("Error occurred while getting temporary directory.\n%1"),
return nil;
cache_dir = ta_out["stdout"]:"";
cache_dir = splitstring (cache_dir, "\n")[0]:cache_dir;
y2milestone ("Cache dir: %1", cache_dir);
ta_out = (map)SCR::Execute (.target.bash_output,
// first line is in target system
// the second one in installation system
sformat ("rm -rf '%3%1/%4'; ln -s '%3%2' '%3%1/%4';
rm -rf '%1/%4'; ln -s '%3%2' '%1/%4';",
substring (cache_dir, size (Installation::destdir)),
String::Quote (Installation::destdir), cached_source_datadir));
y2milestone ("rm -rf '%3%1/%4'; ln -s '%3%2' '%3%1/%4';
rm -rf '%1/%4'; ln -s '%3%2' '%1/%4';",
substring (cache_dir, size (Installation::destdir)),
String::Quote (Installation::destdir), cached_source_datadir);
y2milestone ("Result %1", ta_out);
if (ta_out["exit"]:0 != 0)
Report::Error (sformat (
// error report
_("Error occurred while getting temporary directory. %1"),
return nil;
// prepare local paths settings for being stored
store_cache_directory = substring (cache_dir, size (Installation::destdir));
cache_dir = sformat ("%1%2/%3", Installation::destdir, tmp_dir, cached_source_datadir);
cache_symlink = cache_dir;
y2milestone ("Directory for packages cache: %1", cache_dir);
return cache_dir;
* Prepare the disk cache for the cached source
* @param source_id integer source ID to be cached
void PrepareSourceCache (integer source_id)
// steps of the implementation
y2milestone ("PrepareSourceCache (%1)", source_id);
// 0. Find out which packages (only names) we need
// build list media_nr, "<arch>/<package_name>.rpm" for all cached RPMs
list<string> selected_packages = Pkg::GetPackages (`selected, true);
list<list <string> > cached_packs = [];
map<string, string> cached_archs = $[];
foreach (string package, selected_packages,
map<string, any> pkg_props = (map<string, any>)Pkg::PkgProperties (package);
y2milestone ("Package %1, Properties %2", package, pkg_props);
if (pkg_props["srcid"]:-1 == source_id)
integer media_nr = pkg_props["medianr"]:0;
string fullname = pkg_props["location"]:"";
string arch = pkg_props["arch"]:"";
string pkgpath = cached_source_datadir + "/" + arch + "/" + fullname;
cached_archs[arch] = arch; // remember all encountered architectures
integer cached_size = size (cached_packs[media_nr]:[]);
if (cached_size == 0)
cached_packs[media_nr] = [pkgpath]; // create a list
cached_packs[media_nr, cached_size] = pkgpath; // add to existing list
// 1. check where space is available
// Installation::destdir+"/tmp"
// or Installation::destdir+"/var/tmp" ?
// choose the one where more space is available
string cache_dir = GetPkgCacheDirectory ();
if (cache_dir == nil)
y2error ("Could not get the directory for the cache");
// 2. Use PackageCallbacks::MediaChange() to ask for cached cd
// (problem: where to get all the strings MediaChange() needs)
// Asking Pkg::SourceProvideDir also gives the directory
// with the data and should ask for the CD
// 3a. Find out which source CDs we really need
list <integer> cached_sizes = media_sizes[0]:[0]; // look at install size of cached source
integer media_number = 1;
y2milestone ("cached_sizes %1", cached_sizes);
// loop over all medias in the cached size list and copy those which are needed
foreach (integer current_size, cached_sizes,
y2milestone ("Need %1 bytes from media #%2", current_size, media_number);
if (current_size > 0)
y2milestone ("Packages %1", cached_packs[media_number]:[]);
string update_dir = Pkg::SourceProvideDir (source_id, media_number, "/");
if (update_dir == nil)
y2error ("Pkg::SourceProvideDir (%1, %2, %3) failed", source_id, media_number, "/");
// error report
Report::Error (_("Error occurred while getting the directory with updated packages"));
// 3. Copy <cached_source_datadir>/<arch>/<package> from cached source to Installation::destdir+"/{var?}/tmp"
// translators: this is an information popup, %1 is a number
UI::OpenDialog (`Label (sformat (_("Copying files from CD %1 to disk..."), media_number)));
y2milestone ("Creating directory %1", sformat ("/bin/mkdir -p %1/CD%2", cache_dir, media_number));
map ta_out = (map)SCR::Execute (.target.bash_output,
sformat ("/bin/mkdir -p %1/CD%2", cache_dir, media_number));
y2milestone ("mkdir returned %1, copying media files", ta_out);
ta_out = (map)SCR::Execute (.target.bash_output,
sformat ("/bin/cp -a %1/media* %2/CD%3", update_dir, cache_dir, media_number));
y2milestone ("media copy returned %1", ta_out);
if (ta_out["exit"]:0 != 0)
UI::CloseDialog ();
y2error ("copying media files failed");
// error report
Report::Error (sformat (_("Error occurred while copying packages
from the source CD to the disk")));
// create needed arch-subdirs
foreach (string arch, string dummy, cached_archs, {
y2milestone ("Creating %1", sformat ("%1/CD%2/%3/%4", cache_dir, media_number, cached_source_datadir, arch));
SCR::Execute (.target.bash_output, sformat ("/bin/mkdir -p %1/CD%2/%3/%4", cache_dir, media_number, cached_source_datadir, arch));
// copy needed packages
foreach (string pkgpath, cached_packs[media_number]:[],
y2milestone ("Copy %1/%2 to %3/CD%4/%2", update_dir, pkgpath, cache_dir, media_number);
ta_out = (map)SCR::Execute (.target.bash_output,
sformat ("/bin/cp %1/%2 %3/CD%4/%2", update_dir, pkgpath, cache_dir, media_number));
if (ta_out["exit"]:0 != 0)
UI::CloseDialog ();
// error report
Report::Error (sformat (_("Error occurred while copying packages
from the source CD to the disk cache")));
UI::CloseDialog ();
} // current_size > 0
media_number = media_number + 1;
}); // loop over all cached source media
// 4. Create URL as cached_url = "dir://"+Installation::destdir+"/{var?}/tmp"
string cached_url = "dir:/" + cache_dir + "/CD1";
y2milestone ("Cache URL: %1", cached_url);
// 5. Call Pkg::SourceChangeUrl (source_id, cached_url);
// keep your fingers crossed
Pkg::SourceSetEnabled (source_id, false);
boolean scu = Pkg::SourceChangeUrl (source_id, cached_url);
Pkg::SourceSetEnabled (source_id, true);
if (! scu)
// error report
Report::Error (_("Switching to disk cache failed."));
y2milestone ("Switch to disk cache successfully finished");
store_using_disk_cache = true;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// end of installation source caching functions
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// begin of commit installation functions
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void InstallRemainingAndBinarySource () {
// second stage of package installation, re-read list of remaining binary and source
// packages
list<map<string,any> > remaining = (list<map<string,any> >) SCR::Read (.target.ycp, ["/var/lib/YaST2/remaining", []]);
if (remaining == nil)
remaining = [];
list<string> srcremaining = (list<string>) SCR::Read (.target.ycp, ["/var/lib/YaST2/srcremaining", []]);
if (srcremaining == nil)
srcremaining = [];
string backupPath = (string) SCR::Read(.target.string, [Installation::destdir + "/var/lib/YaST2/backup_path", ""]);
if ( backupPath != nil && backupPath != "")
y2milestone("create package backups in %1",backupPath);
Pkg::CreateBackups (true);
Pkg::SetBackupPath (backupPath);
integer failed_packages = 0;
y2milestone ("%1 resolvables remaining", size (remaining));
foreach (map<string,any> res, remaining, ``{
string name = res["name"]:"";
symbol kind = res["kind"]:`package;
string arch = res["arch"]:"";
string vers = res["version"]:"";
if (! Pkg::ResolvableInstallArchVersion (name, kind, arch, vers))
failed_packages = failed_packages + 1;
y2milestone ("%1 source packages remaining", size (srcremaining));
foreach (string pkg, srcremaining, ``{
if (! Pkg::PkgSrcInstall (pkg))
failed_packages = failed_packages + 1;
if (failed_packages > 0)
// error report, %1 is number
Report::Error (sformat(_("Failed to select %1 packages for installation."), failed_packages));
void InstInitAndInitialSourceCaching () {
map spaces = Pkg::TargetGetDU ();
list root_info = spaces["/tmp"]:spaces["/tmp/"]:spaces["/"]:[];
integer total = root_info[0]:0;
integer current = root_info[1]:0;
integer future = root_info[2]:0;
if (future < current)
future = current;
integer tmp_space = total - future;
// no temp space left or read-only
if (tmp_space < 0 || root_info[3]:1 == 1)
tmp_space = 0;
list var_info = spaces["/var/tmp"]:spaces["/var/tmp/"]:spaces["/var"]:spaces["/var/"]:spaces["/"]:[];
total = var_info[0]:0;
current = var_info[1]:0;
future = var_info[2]:0;
if (future < current)
future = current;
integer var_tmp_space = total - future;
// no temp space left or read-only
if (var_tmp_space < 0 || var_info[3]:1 == 1)
var_tmp_space = 0;
// /tmp or /var/tmp ?
string download_dir = tmp_space > var_tmp_space
? "/tmp"
: "/var/tmp";
download_dir = Installation::destdir + download_dir;
integer space = tmp_space > var_tmp_space
? tmp_space
: var_tmp_space;
if (true) // TODO check the size of the largest package on CD1
SCR::Execute (.target.bash, sformat ("test -d %1 || mkdir %1", download_dir));
Pkg::SourceMoveDownloadArea (download_dir);
// FIXME: find()
if (find (Kernel::GetCmdLine (), "yastnocache") != -1)
y2milestone ("'yastnocache' found, disabling source cache");
cached_source_id = -1;
cached_source_id = CachedSourceId ();
if (cached_source_id >= 0)
y2milestone ("Installing with cached source, checking inst media");
map<string,any> source_data = (map<string,any>)Pkg::SourceGeneralData (cached_source_id);
y2milestone ("Cached source #%1: %2", cached_source_id, source_data);
string source_url = "";
if (source_data != nil) source_url = source_data["url"]:"";
if (substring (source_url, 0, 4) == "cd:/"
|| substring (source_url, 0, 5) == "dvd:/")
y2milestone ("Installing from DVD/CDs, trying to set up cache");
store_original_source_url = source_url;
PrepareSourceCache (cached_source_id);
y2error ("Cannot get the URL of the cached source, not caching");
void AutoinstPostPackages () {
import "AutoinstSoftware";
// post packages from autoinstall
map <string, any> res = Pkg::DoProvide (AutoinstSoftware::post_packages);
if (size (res) > 0)
foreach (string s, any a, res, ``{
y2warning ("Pkg::DoProvide failed for %1: %2", s, a);
Pkg::PkgSolve (false);
symbol InstallPackagesFromMedia (integer current_cd_no, integer maxnumbercds) {
symbol result = `next;
y2milestone("Installing packages from media %1 -> %2", current_cd_no, maxnumbercds);
// 1->1 for default fist stage installation
// 0->0 for default second stage (or other) installation
while (current_cd_no <= maxnumbercds) {
boolean go_on = true;
list<map<string,any> > pkgs = Pkg::ResolvableProperties ("", `package, "");
pkgs = filter (map<string,any> p, pkgs, {
return p["status"]:nil == `selected;
if (size (pkgs) == 0)
y2milestone ("No package left for installation");
// returns [ int successful, list failed, list remaining ]
list commit_result = PackageInstallation::CommitPackages( current_cd_no, 0 );
if (size (commit_result) == 0)
return `abort;
integer count = commit_result[0]:0;
y2milestone ("%1 packages installed", count);
list failed = commit_result[1]:[];
if (size (failed) > 0)
y2milestone ("failed: %1", failed);
list previous_failed = (list) SCR::Read (.target.ycp, [Installation::destdir +
"/var/lib/YaST2/failed_packages", []]);
if (size (previous_failed) > 0)
failed = union (previous_failed, failed);
SCR::Write (.target.ycp, Installation::destdir + "/var/lib/YaST2/failed_packages", failed);
list remaining = commit_result[2]:[];
if (size (remaining) >= 0)
y2milestone ("remaining: %1", remaining);
SCR::Write (.target.ycp, Installation::destdir + "/var/lib/YaST2/remaining", remaining);
SCR::Execute (.target.remove, Installation::destdir + "/var/lib/YaST2/remaining");
list srcremaining = commit_result[3]:[];
if (size (srcremaining) >= 0)
y2milestone ("source remaining: %1", srcremaining);
SCR::Write (.target.ycp, Installation::destdir + "/var/lib/YaST2/srcremaining", srcremaining);
SCR::Execute (.target.remove, Installation::destdir + "/var/lib/YaST2/srcremaining");
if (count < 0) // aborted by user
result = `abort;
// break on first round with Mediums
if (Stage::initial () && !Mode::test ())
current_cd_no = current_cd_no + 1;
return result;
map <string, integer> CountStartingAndMaxMediaNumber () {
// Bugzilla #170079
// Default - unrestricted
map <string, integer> ret = $["maxnumbercds" : 0, "current_cd_no" : 0];
// has the inst-sys been successfuly unmounted?
string umount_result = Linuxrc::InstallInf ("umount_result");
string media = Linuxrc::InstallInf ("InstMode");
y2milestone("umount result: %1, inst source type: %2", umount_result, media);
if (Packages::metadir_used) {
// all is in ramdisk, we can install all sources now, works in every stage
ret["current_cd_no"] = 0;
ret["maxnumbercds"] = 0;
y2milestone("StartingAndMaxMediaNumber: MetaDir used %1/%2", ret["current_cd_no"]:nil, ret["maxnumbercds"]:nil);
} else if (Stage::initial ()) {
// is CD or DVD medium mounted? (inst-sys)
if (umount_result != "0" && (media == "cd" || media == "dvd"))
y2milestone("The installation CD/DVD cannot be changed.");
// only the first CD will be installed
ret["current_cd_no"] = 1;
ret["maxnumbercds"] = 1;
// otherwise use the default setting - install all media
y2milestone("StartingAndMaxMediaNumber: Stage initial %1/%2", ret["current_cd_no"]:nil, ret["maxnumbercds"]:nil);
// Three following cases have the same solution, CDstart = 0, CDfinish = 0
// ZYPP should solve what it needs and when.
// Leaving it here as the backward compatibility if someone decides to change it back.
} else if (Mode::autoinst () && Stage::cont () && size( AutoinstSoftware::post_packages ) > 0) {
// one more compatibility feature to old YaST, post-packages
// Simply install a list of package after initial installation (only
// makes sense with nfs installatons)
ret["current_cd_no"] = 0; // was 1
ret["maxnumbercds"] = 0; // was 10
y2milestone("StartingAndMaxMediaNumber: Autoinst in cont %1/%2", ret["current_cd_no"]:nil, ret["maxnumbercds"]:nil);
} else if (Stage::cont ()) {
// continue with second CD but only in continue mode
// bug #170079, let zypp solve needed CDs
ret["current_cd_no"] = 0;
ret["maxnumbercds"] = 0;
y2milestone("StartingAndMaxMediaNumber: Stage cont %1/%2", ret["current_cd_no"]:nil, ret["maxnumbercds"]:nil);
} else if (DirInstall::installing_into_dir) {
// All in one
ret["current_cd_no"] = 0; // was 1
ret["maxnumbercds"] = 0; // was 10
y2milestone("StartingAndMaxMediaNumber: Dir install %1/%2", ret["current_cd_no"]:nil, ret["maxnumbercds"]:nil);
return ret;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// end of commit installation functions
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// bugzilla #208222
Pkg::SetLocale (Language::language);
SlideShow::SetLanguage (Language::language);
// start target, create new rpmdb if none is existing
// FIXME error checking is missing all around here, initialization could actually fail!
//Pkg::TargetInit (Installation::destdir, true);
if (Pkg::TargetInitialize (Installation::destdir) != true)
// continue-cancel popup
if(Popup::ContinueCancel(_("Initializing the target directory failed")) == false)
return `abort;
if (Mode::update()) {
// Removes all already installed patches and selections.
// See bugzilla #210552 for more information.
if (Stage::cont ())
// initialize the package agent in continue mode
Packages::Init( true );
RestoreDiskCacheSettings ();
SlideShow::OpenSlideShowDialog ();
Pkg::TargetLogfile (Installation::destdir + Directory::logdir + "/y2logRPM");
if (Mode::autoinst () && Stage::cont ()) {
// initial mode, move download area, check for source caching
if (Stage::initial ()) {
// continue mode, check for remaining packages
} else {
// Install the software from Medium1 to Mediummax, but not the already
// installed base packages.
// This part is also used for installation in running system (Stage::cont ())
map <string, integer> cdnumbers = CountStartingAndMaxMediaNumber();
integer maxnumbercds = cdnumbers["maxnumbercds"]:10;
integer current_cd_no = cdnumbers["current_cd_no"]:1;
// install packages from CD current_cd_no to CD maxnumbercds
symbol result = InstallPackagesFromMedia (current_cd_no, maxnumbercds);
// sync package manager FIXME
if (result != `abort && ! Stage::initial ())
y2milestone ("Calling PkgCommit (%1)", 9999);
Pkg::PkgCommit (9999);
// reinitialize the package manager from the target,
// refresh installed/uninstalled status (#201121)
if (result != `abort)
if (Stage::initial ())
StoreDiskCacheSettings ();
else if (Stage::cont ())
SourceManager::SyncYaSTInstSourceWithZMD (); // #156030
CleanupDiskCache ();
return result;