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402 lines
* Module: inst_kickoff.ycp
* Authors: Arvin Schnell <arvin@suse.de>
* Purpose: Do various tasks before starting with installation of rpms.
textdomain "packager";
import "Mode";
import "Stage";
import "Linuxrc";
import "Installation";
import "Update";
import "Popup";
import "Directory";
import "ModuleLoading";
import "Bootloader";
import "DirInstall";
import "Initrd";
import "Kernel";
import "Arch";
import "FileUtils";
import "String";
void AcpiToInitrd () {
if (! (Arch::i386 () || Arch::x86_64 () || Arch::ia64 ()))
foreach (string m, ["processor", "thermal", "fan"], {
Initrd::AddModule (m, "");
* Write a fake mtab to the target system since some %post scripts might
* need it.
define void fake_mtab () ``{
string tmpdir = (string) SCR::Read (.target.tmpdir);
string mtabname = "/etc/mtab";
string mtab = (string) WFM::Read(.local.string, mtabname);
SCR::Write(.target.string, tmpdir + "/mtab", mtab);
SCR::Execute (.target.bash, "/bin/cat "
+ "'" + String::Quote (tmpdir + "/mtab") + "'"
+ " | /bin/sed \"s: " + Installation::destdir
+ "/: /:\"| /bin/sed \"s: " + Installation::destdir
+ ": /:\" "
+ "> '" + String::Quote (Installation::destdir) + "'" + mtabname);
* Remove some old junk.
define void remove_stuff () ``{
// remove old junk, script is in yast2-update
SCR::Execute (.target.bash, Directory::ybindir + "/remove_junk " +
"'" + String::Quote (Installation::destdir) + "'");
// possibly remove /usr/share/info/dir
if (!Pkg::TargetFileHasOwner ("/usr/share/info/dir"))
SCR::Execute (.target.remove, Installation::destdir + "/usr/share/info/dir");
* Handle the backup.
define void backup_stuff () ``{
if (Update::backup_modified)
Pkg::CreateBackups (true);
Pkg::SetBackupPath (Update::backup_path);
SCR::Write (.target.string, Installation::destdir + "/var/lib/YaST2/backup_path",
Pkg::CreateBackups (false);
SCR::Execute (.target.remove, Installation::destdir + "/var/lib/YaST2/backup_path");
if (Update::remove_old_backups)
SCR::Execute (.target.bash, "cd '" + String::Quote (Installation::destdir) + "'; " +
"/bin/rm -f " + Update::backup_path + "/*-*-*.tar.{gz,bz2}");
if (true)
string date = timestring ("%Y%m%d", time(), false);
y2milestone ("backup of " + Directory::logdir);
string filename = "";
integer num = 0;
while (num < 42)
filename = Update::backup_path + "/YaST2-" + date + "-" +
sformat ("%1", num) + ".tar.gz";
if (SCR::Read (.target.size, Installation::destdir + filename) == -1)
num = num + 1;
if (SCR::Execute (.target.bash, "cd '" + String::Quote (Installation::destdir) + "'; " +
"/bin/tar czf ." + filename + " " + "var/log/YaST2") != 0)
y2error ("backup of %1 to %2 failed", Directory::logdir, filename);
// an error popup
Popup::Error (sformat (_("Backup of %1 failed. See %2 for details."),
Directory::logdir, Directory::logdir + "/y2log"));
SCR::Execute (.target.bash, "cd '" + String::Quote (Installation::destdir) + "'; " +
"/bin/rm -rf var/log/YaST2/*");
if (Update::backup_sysconfig)
string date = timestring ("%Y%m%d", time(), false);
if (SCR::Read (.target.size, Installation::destdir + "/etc/sysconfig") > 0)
y2milestone ("backup of /etc/sysconfig");
string filename = "";
integer num = 0;
while (num < 42)
filename = Update::backup_path + "/etc.sysconfig-" + date + "-" +
sformat ("%1", num) + ".tar.gz";
if (SCR::Read (.target.size, Installation::destdir + filename) == -1)
num = num + 1;
if (SCR::Execute (.target.bash, "cd '" + String::Quote (Installation::destdir) + "'; " +
"/bin/tar czf ." + filename + " " + "etc/sysconfig") != 0)
y2error ("backup of %1 to %2 failed", "/etc/sysconfig", filename);
// an error popup
Popup::Error (sformat (_("Backup of %1 failed. See %2 for details."),
"/etc/sysconfig", Directory::logdir + "/y2log"));
else if (SCR::Read (.target.size, Installation::destdir + "/etc/rc.config") > 0 &&
SCR::Read (.target.size, Installation::destdir + "/etc/rc.config.d") > 0)
y2milestone ("backup of /etc/rc.config.d");
string filename = "";
integer num = 0;
while (num < 42)
filename = Update::backup_path + "/etc.rc.config-" + date + "-" +
sformat ("%1", num) + ".tar.gz";
if (SCR::Read (.target.size, Installation::destdir + filename) == -1)
num = num + 1;
if (SCR::Execute (.target.bash, "cd '" + String::Quote (Installation::destdir) + "'; " +
"/bin/tar czf ." + filename + " " +
"etc/rc.config etc/rc.config.d") != 0)
y2error ("backup of %1 to %2 failed", "/etc/rc.config", filename);
// an error popup
Popup::Error (sformat (_("Backup of %1 failed. See %2 for details."),
"/etc/rc.config", Directory::logdir + "/y2log"));
* Update and convert inittab.
define void update_inittab () ``{
// /etc/inittab will be overridden by package aaa_base. So we will
// have to save the run-level
// The runlevel-values have been changed since version 7.0; So we
// have to handle older version in a special case.
string idfile = (string) SCR::Read(.target.tmpdir) + "/idline";
if (SCR::Execute (.target.bash, "/bin/grep ^id: " +
"'" + String::Quote (Installation::destdir) + "/etc/inittab" + "'" +
" >" + idfile) == 0)
// idline = "id:X:initdefault:"
string idline = (string) SCR::Read(.target.string, idfile);
// idsplit = "id", "X", "initdefault", ""
list idsplit = splitstring (idline, ":");
integer initdefault = -1;
if (size (idsplit) > 2)
initdefault = tointeger (idsplit[1]:"3");
y2milestone ("run-level %1 found", initdefault);
if (Update::installedVersion["name"]:"" == "SuSE Linux")
integer oldmajor = Update::installedVersion["major"]:-1;
integer oldminor = Update::installedVersion["minor"]:-1;
if (oldmajor >= 0 && oldminor >= 0)
if ((oldmajor < 7) || (oldmajor == 7 && oldminor == 0))
// position == old, value == new
list new_levels = [ 0, 0, 3, 5, 4, 4 ]; // 0->0, 1->0, 2->3, 3->5, 4->4, 5->4
initdefault = new_levels[initdefault]:5;
Update::last_runlevel = initdefault; // evaluated in inst_finish
* Create /etc/mdadm.conf if it does not exist and it's needed
* bugs: #169710 and #146304
void createmdadm () {
string mdamd_configfile = Installation::destdir + "/etc/mdadm.conf";
// File exists, no need to create it
if (FileUtils::Exists(mdamd_configfile)) {
y2milestone("File /etc/mdadm.conf exists, skipping creation...");
// get the current raid configuration
map out = (map) SCR::Execute (.target.bash_output,
"chroot '" + String::Quote (Installation::destdir) + "' " +
"mdadm -Ds");
if (out["exit"]:-1 != 0) {
y2error ("Error occurred while getting raid configuration: %1", out);
// There's no current raid configuration, no reason to create that file, bug #169710
if (out["stdout"]:"" == "") {
y2milestone("No raid is currently configured, skipping file creation...");
// File format defined in bug #146304
string mdadm_content = "DEV partitions\n" +
out["stdout"]:"" + "\n";
y2milestone ("/etc/mdadm.conf doesn't exist, creating it");
if (! (boolean) SCR::Write (.target.string, mdamd_configfile, mdadm_content)) {
y2error ("Error occurred while creating /etc/mdadm.conf with content '%1'", mdadm_content);
* Load all network modules. The package sysconfig requires this during
* update.
define void load_network_modules ()
list <map> cards = (list <map>) SCR::Read (.probe.netcard);
foreach (map card, cards,
list <map> drivers = card["drivers"]:[];
boolean one_active = false;
foreach (map driver, drivers,
if (driver["active"]:false)
one_active = true;
if (!one_active)
string name = drivers[0, "modules", 0, 0]:"";
if (name != "")
ModuleLoading::Load (name, "", "Linux", "",
Linuxrc::manual (), true);
if (!Mode::update ())
// make some directories
SCR::Execute(.target.mkdir, Installation::destdir + "/etc");
SCR::Execute(.target.mkdir, Installation::destdir + Directory::logdir);
// hack 'pre-req' cyclic dependency between bash, aaa_base, and perl
if (DirInstall::installing_into_dir)
string template_dir= "/var/adm/fillup-templates";
// hack 'pre-req' cyclic dependency between bash, aaa_base, and perl
SCR::Execute(.target.bash, "/bin/cp " + template_dir + "/passwd.aaa_base " +
"'" + String::Quote (Installation::destdir) + "/etc/passwd" + "'");
SCR::Execute(.target.bash, "/bin/cp " + template_dir + "/group.aaa_base " +
"'" + String::Quote (Installation::destdir) + "/etc/group" + "'");
SCR::Execute(.target.bash, "/bin/cp " + template_dir + "/shadow.aaa_base " +
"'" + String::Quote (Installation::destdir) + "/etc/shadow" + "'");
} else
SCR::Execute(.target.bash, "/bin/cp /etc/passwd " +
"'" + String::Quote (Installation::destdir) + "/etc" + "'");
SCR::Execute(.target.bash, "/bin/cp /etc/group " +
"'" + String::Quote (Installation::destdir) + "/etc" + "'");
// fake mtab
fake_mtab ();
AcpiToInitrd ();
if (Stage::normal())
import "Kernel";
string kernel = Kernel::ComputePackage ();
Kernel::SetInformAboutKernelChange(Pkg::IsSelected (kernel));
SCR::Execute (.target.mkdir, Installation::destdir + Update::backup_path);
backup_stuff ();
// disable all sources at the target
// make some directories
SCR::Execute (.target.mkdir, Installation::destdir + Directory::logdir);
SCR::Execute (.target.mkdir, Installation::destdir + Update::backup_path);
// backup some stuff
backup_stuff ();
// remove some stuff
// do not remove when updating running system (#49608)
remove_stuff ();
// set update mode to yes
SCR::Write(.target.string, Installation::destdir + "/var/lib/YaST2/update_mode", "YES");
SCR::Execute (.target.remove, Installation::destdir + "/var/lib/YaST/update.inf");
// check passwd and group of target
SCR::Execute (.target.bash, "/usr/lib/YaST2/bin/update_users_groups " +
"'" + String::Quote (Installation::destdir) + "'");
// update inittab
update_inittab ();
// create /etc/mdadm.conf if it does not exist
// load all network modules
load_network_modules ();
// perform actions needed by various bootloaders before packages
// get updated
Bootloader::PreUpdate ();
AcpiToInitrd ();
if (Stage::initial ())
// see bug 20627 for original purpose of this line,
// bug 172149 why it was moved here
SCR::Execute (.target.bash, "/bin/echo \"/etc/nothing\" >/proc/sys/kernel/modprobe");
return `next;