<p>Here, configure disk controllers by modifying the corresponding kernel module.</p>
<p>The table at top contains the controllers to configure. If
there is more than one controller, select the controller
by clicking a line in the table. The order in the table determines
the order in which kernel modules are loaded. Use <b>Move Up</b> and
<b>Move Down</b> to change the order.
<p><b>Module to Use</b> selects the kernel module to use for the current controller. Alternative modules are available for some controllers.</p>
<p>The module status is shown in <b>Module Currently Loaded</b>.
With <b>Load Module in initrd</b> set whether the module should be
loaded during boot.</p>
<p>For <b>Module Parameters</b>, enter any parameters for the module.
This is often not needed.</p>
<p><b>Test Loading of Module</b> tests whether the module can be loaded with the specified parameters. This test is recommended if you have made changes.</p>