home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #!/usr/bin/perl
- # Copyright (c) 1996 SuSE GmbH Nuernberg, Germany. All rights reserved.
- #
- # Author: Marcus Schaefer <ms@suse.de>, 2003
- # xupdate will exchange the InputDevice section for the mouse
- # with a new one created involving the libhd data
- #
- # Status: Up-to-date
- #
- use strict;
- #---[ readConfig ]-----#
- sub readConfig {
- #--------------------------------------------------
- # read config file and save lines as perl list
- # return this list and close the descriptor
- #
- my @config = ();
- while (my $line = <>) {
- push (@config,$line);
- }
- close (FD);
- return (@config);
- }
- #---[ getMouseSection ]-----#
- sub getMouseSection {
- #--------------------------------------------------
- # get mouse section coordinates
- #
- my @point = ();
- my $count = 0;
- my $start = 0;
- foreach my $line (@_) {
- $count++;
- if ($line =~ /Section.*InputDevice.*/) {
- $start = $count;
- next;
- }
- if ($line =~ /Driver.*mouse.*/) {
- $point[0] = $start;
- }
- if ((defined $point[0]) && ($line =~ "EndSection")) {
- $point[1] = $count;
- return @point;
- }
- }
- }
- #---[ getMonitorSection ]-----#
- sub getMonitorSection {
- #--------------------------------------------------
- # get monitor section coordinates
- #
- my @point = ();
- my $count = 0;
- my $start = 0;
- foreach my $line (@_) {
- $count++;
- if ($line =~ /Section.*Monitor.*/) {
- $start = $count;
- next;
- }
- if ($line =~ /Identifier.*Monitor\[0\].*/) {
- $point[0] = $start;
- }
- if ((defined $point[0]) && ($line =~ "EndSection")) {
- $point[1] = $count;
- return @point;
- }
- }
- }
- #---[ getServerLayoutSection ]-----#
- sub getServerLayoutSection {
- #--------------------------------------------------
- # get server layout section coordinates
- #
- my @point = ();
- my $count = 0;
- my $start = 0;
- foreach my $line (@_) {
- $count++;
- if ($line =~ /Section.*ServerLayout.*/) {
- $start = $count;
- next;
- }
- if ($line =~ /InputDevice.*CorePointer.*/) {
- $point[0] = $count;
- }
- if ((defined $point[0]) && ($line =~ "EndSection")) {
- $point[1] = $count;
- return @point;
- }
- }
- }
- #---[ getPointerLayout ]-----#
- sub getPointerLayout {
- #--------------------------------------------------
- # get InputDevice section entries
- #
- my @result = ();
- my @list;
- foreach my $line (@_) {
- if ($line =~ /.*Device.*\"(.*)\"/) {
- push (@list,$1);
- }
- if ($line =~ /.*Driver.*\"(.*)\"/) {
- push (@list,$1);
- }
- }
- my %entity;
- foreach my $line (@_) {
- if ($line =~ /.*Mouse\[(.*)\].*/) {
- my $count = $1;
- my $driver = $list[$count - 1];
- my $device = $list[$count];
- if ($count eq 1) {
- my $pointer = "CorePointer";
- push (@result,"InputDevice \"Mouse[$count]\" \"$pointer\"");
- } else {
- if (! defined $entity{$driver}{$device}) {
- my $pointer = "SendCoreEvents";
- push (@result,"InputDevice \"Mouse[$count]\" \"$pointer\"");
- }
- }
- $entity{$driver}{$device} = $count;
- }
- }
- return @result;
- }
- # /.../
- # now exchange the mouse section with the real detected
- # input device section using xmset -c feature
- # ---
- my @list = readConfig();
- my @point1 = getMouseSection (@list);
- my @point2 = getMonitorSection (@list);
- my @point3 = getServerLayoutSection (@list);
- my @detect = split (/\n/,qx (/usr/sbin/xmset -c));
- my $size = qx (/usr/sbin/xmset -m);
- my @layout = getPointerLayout (@detect);
- for (my $i=0;$i < $point1[0] - 1;$i++) {
- print $list[$i];
- }
- foreach my $line (@detect) {
- print "$line\n";
- }
- for (my $i=$point1[1];$i <= $point2[1];$i++) {
- if ($list[$i] !~ /DisplaySize/) {
- print $list[$i];
- }
- if ($list[$i] =~ /Identifier/) {
- if ($size ne "") {
- print " $size\n";
- }
- }
- }
- for (my $i=$point2[1];$i <= $point3[0] - 2;$i++) {
- print $list[$i];
- }
- foreach (@layout) {
- print " $_\n";
- }
- for (my $i=$point3[0];$i <= @list;$i++) {
- print "$list[$i]";
- }