home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
Text File | 2006-11-29 | 30.4 KB | 1,117 lines |
- #!/usr/bin/perl
- # Copyright (c) 1996 SuSE GmbH Nuernberg, Germany. All rights reserved.
- #
- # Author: Marcus Schaefer <sax@suse.de>, 2000
- # isax.pl ( config writer/reader/adjuster using API data format )
- #
- # CVS ID:
- # --------
- # Status: Up-to-date
- #
- use strict;
- no strict "refs";
- no strict "subs";
- use lib '/usr/share/sax/modules';
- use Env;
- use XFree;
- use FBSet;
- use ParseConfig;
- use CreateSections;
- use ImportAPI;
- use HashMap;
- use Storable;
- use ExportAPI;
- use Getopt::Long;
- use Storable qw(freeze thaw);
- #=========================================
- # Globals...
- #-----------------------------------------
- my $Update; # Option to update modelines [XFine cache]
- my $ListSection; # Option list section X
- my $OutputFile; # Option give output file name
- my $InputFile; # Option give input api file name
- my $Modify; # Option Modify yes/no
- my $Profile; # Option profile file
- my $ProfileDevice; # Option profile device number
- my $PrintYCP; # Option print as YCP if ListSection is active
- my $PlusYCP; # Option print YCP [stderr] plus normal output [stdout]
- my $ImportBinary; # Option import binary storable data
- my %init; # init data hash
- my %save; # save dialog data
- my %origin; # original data during merging
- my @key; # key list in HashMerge function
- my @cmd; # command list in HashMerge function
- our %import; # ImportConfig information
- our %dialog; # dialog data
- #----[ init ]------#
- sub init {
- #----------------------------------------------------------
- # test for root privileges and get some options
- # create a secure directory and init the variables
- # used in other functions
- #
- my $result = GetOptions(
- "list|l=s" => \$ListSection,
- "config|c=s" => \$OutputFile,
- "file|f=s" => \$InputFile,
- "modify|m" => \$Modify,
- "profile|p=s" => \$Profile,
- "update|u" => \$Update,
- "device|d=i" => \$ProfileDevice,
- "ycp|y" => \$PrintYCP,
- "plusycp" => \$PlusYCP,
- "binary|b:s" => \$ImportBinary,
- "help|h" => \&usage,
- "<>" => \&usage
- );
- if ( $result != 1 ) {
- usage();
- }
- if ( ! defined $ListSection ) {
- if (qx(whoami) !~ /root/) {
- die "ISaX: only root can do this";
- }
- }
- if (defined $PrintYCP) {
- $PrintYCP = "ycp";
- }
- if (defined $PlusYCP) {
- $PrintYCP = "plusycp";
- }
- # verify option -f is required...
- # --------------------------------
- if ((! defined $InputFile) && (! defined $ListSection)) {
- die "ISaX: no apifile specified";
- }
- # verify option -c is optional...
- # --------------------------------
- if (! defined $OutputFile) {
- $OutputFile = "/etc/X11/xorg.conf";
- }
- $init{TmpDir} = CreateSecureDir();
- $init{Xmode} = "/usr/sbin/xmode";
- $init{ConfigFile} = "/etc/X11/xorg.conf";
- $init{BinaryFile} = "/var/cache/sax/files/config";
- $init{DbmNew} = "/var/cache/sax/files/config.new";
- $init{XFineCache} = "/var/cache/xfine";
- $init{ListFile} = "$init{TmpDir}/apidata";
- $init{ListSection} = $ListSection;
- $init{OutputFile} = $OutputFile;
- $init{InputFile} = $InputFile;
- $init{Modify} = $Modify;
- ApiInit();
- # import specifications...
- # --------------------------
- $import{ApiFile} = $init{InputFile};
- $import{Xmode} = $init{Xmode};
- }
- #----[ main ]----#
- sub main {
- #----------------------------------------------------------
- # main part: use ImportAPI functions to import api
- # file, use xapi functions to create config file
- #
- init();
- # list sections...
- # -----------------
- if (defined $init{ListSection}) {
- ListSection($init{ListSection},$PrintYCP);
- }
- # create or modify the configuration...
- # -------------------------------------
- if (! defined $init{ListSection}) {
- if (defined $init{Modify}) {
- ModifyConfiguration();
- } else {
- CreateConfiguration();
- }
- }
- RemoveSecureDir($init{TmpDir});
- # update modelines if set...
- # ---------------------------
- if (defined $Update) {
- IncludeModelineChanges (
- $init{OutputFile},$init{XFineCache}
- );
- }
- exit 0;
- }
- #=========================================
- # Functions...
- #-----------------------------------------
- #---[ ImportConfig ]-----#
- sub ImportConfig {
- #----------------------------------------------------------
- # read the configuration file and create the
- # %dialog hash for further actions...
- #
- my $serialized;
- if (! defined $ImportBinary) {
- # /.../
- # we will read the xorg.conf and merge all the
- # information into the global hash structure
- # -------------------------------------------
- my $cp = XFree::ReadConfigFile($init{ConfigFile});
- my $ee = XFree::GetFontPath($cp);
- if ($ee eq "null") {
- die "ISaX: could not import file: $init{ConfigFile}";
- }
- my %files = ParseFileSection ($cp);
- my %sflags = ParseServerFlagsSection ($cp);
- my %module = ParseModuleSection ($cp);
- my %flags = ParseServerLayoutSection ($cp);
- my %input = ParseInputDeviceSection ($cp);
- my %monitor = ParseMonitorSection ($cp);
- my %modes = ParseModesSection ($cp);
- my %device = ParseDeviceSection ($cp);
- my %screen = ParseScreenSection ($cp);
- my %layout = ParseServerLayoutSection ($cp);
- my %extend = ParseExtensionsSection ($cp);
- %dialog = MergeParseResult(
- \%files,\%module,\%flags ,\%input,\%monitor,
- \%modes,\%device,\%screen,\%layout,\%sflags,\%extend
- );
- } else {
- # /.../
- # we have requested not to read the existing configuration
- # file because --binary is set. We will include the SaX2
- # written binary version of the detection information
- # -----------------------------------------------------
- if ($ImportBinary ne "") {
- $init{BinaryFile} = $ImportBinary;
- }
- if (! -s $init{BinaryFile}) {
- die "ISaX: could not import file: $init{BinaryFile}";
- }
- my $hashref = retrieve($init{BinaryFile});
- if (! defined $hashref) {
- die "ISaX: could not open tree: $init{BinaryFile}";
- }
- %dialog = %{$hashref};
- %dialog = ConstructInputOptions (\%dialog);
- }
- PrepareLayoutDefaults();
- PrepareLayout();
- # /.../
- # include profile if given
- # -------------------------
- if (defined $Profile) {
- $serialized = freeze (\%dialog);
- %save = %{thaw($serialized)};
- %dialog = ImportProfile (
- $Profile,$ProfileDevice,\%dialog
- );
- }
- }
- #---[ PrepareLayoutDefaults ]----#
- sub PrepareLayoutDefaults {
- #----------------------------------------------------
- # this function is called to set default values to
- # the ServerLayout section
- #
- foreach my $id (keys %{$dialog{InputDevice}}) {
- my $lid = "all";
- my $input = $dialog{InputDevice}{$id}{Identifier};
- foreach my $layoutID (keys %{$dialog{ServerLayout}}) {
- if (defined $dialog{ServerLayout}{$layoutID}{InputDevice}{$id}) {
- $lid = $layoutID;
- last;
- }
- }
- if ($id % 2 == 0) {
- #============================================
- # this are keyboard devices
- #--------------------------------------------
- $dialog{ServerLayout}{$lid}{InputDevice}{$id}{usage}="CoreKeyboard";
- $dialog{ServerLayout}{$lid}{InputDevice}{$id}{id} =$input;
- } else {
- #============================================
- # this are mouse devices
- #--------------------------------------------
- my $event = "CorePointer";
- if ($id != 1) {
- $event = "SendCoreEvents";
- }
- if (defined $dialog{ServerLayout}{$lid}{InputDevice}{$id}) {
- $dialog{ServerLayout}{$lid}{InputDevice}{$id}{usage} = $event;
- $dialog{ServerLayout}{$lid}{InputDevice}{$id}{id} = $input;
- }
- }
- }
- # / ... /
- # look up Xinerama/and Clone mode...
- # -----------------------------------
- foreach my $lid (keys %{$dialog{ServerLayout}}) {
- if (! defined $dialog{ServerLayout}{$lid}{Option}{Xinerama}) {
- $dialog{ServerLayout}{$lid}{Option}{Xinerama} = "off";
- }
- if ($dialog{ServerLayout}{$lid}{Option}{Xinerama} eq "") {
- $dialog{ServerLayout}{$lid}{Option}{Xinerama} = "off";
- }
- if (! defined $dialog{ServerLayout}{$lid}{Option}{Clone}) {
- $dialog{ServerLayout}{$lid}{Option}{Clone} = "off";
- }
- if ($dialog{ServerLayout}{$lid}{Option}{Clone} eq "") {
- $dialog{ServerLayout}{$lid}{Option}{Clone} = "off";
- }
- }
- }
- #---[ PrepareLayout ]---#
- sub PrepareLayout {
- #----------------------------------------------------------
- # prepare layout to know every neighbour within each screen
- # line. This will create redundand information but is easier
- # to handle within SaX2 later
- #
- my %layout;
- foreach my $lid (keys %{$dialog{ServerLayout}}) {
- my %screen = %{$dialog{ServerLayout}{$lid}{Screen}};
- foreach my $id (keys %screen) {
- my $leftOf = $screen{$id}{left};
- my $rightOf = $screen{$id}{right};
- my $above = $screen{$id}{top};
- my $beneath = $screen{$id}{bottom};
- if ($leftOf =~ /Screen\[(.*)\]/) {
- $layout{$id}{right} = $1;
- $layout{$1}{left} = $id;
- }
- if ($rightOf =~ /Screen\[(.*)\]/) {
- $layout{$id}{left} = $1;
- $layout{$1}{right} = $id;
- }
- if ($above =~ /Screen\[(.*)\]/) {
- $layout{$id}{bottom} = $1;
- $layout{$1}{top} = $id;
- }
- if ($beneath =~ /Screen\[(.*)\]/) {
- $layout{$id}{top} = $1;
- $layout{$1}{bottom} = $id;
- }
- }
- foreach my $id (keys %screen) {
- my $rel = $screen{$id}{relative};
- $dialog{ServerLayout}{$lid}{Screen}{$id}{left} = "<none>";
- $dialog{ServerLayout}{$lid}{Screen}{$id}{right} = "<none>";
- $dialog{ServerLayout}{$lid}{Screen}{$id}{top} = "<none>";
- $dialog{ServerLayout}{$lid}{Screen}{$id}{bottom} = "<none>";
- $dialog{ServerLayout}{$lid}{Screen}{$id}{relative} = $rel;
- if (defined $layout{$id}{left}) {
- my $n= $layout{$id}{left};
- $dialog{ServerLayout}{$lid}{Screen}{$id}{left} = "Screen[$n]";
- }
- if (defined $layout{$id}{right}) {
- my $n= $layout{$id}{right};
- $dialog{ServerLayout}{$lid}{Screen}{$id}{right} = "Screen[$n]";
- }
- if (defined $layout{$id}{top}) {
- my $n= $layout{$id}{top};
- $dialog{ServerLayout}{$lid}{Screen}{$id}{top} = "Screen[$n]";
- }
- if (defined $layout{$id}{bottom}) {
- my $n= $layout{$id}{bottom};
- $dialog{ServerLayout}{$lid}{Screen}{$id}{bottom} = "Screen[$n]";
- }
- }
- }
- }
- #---[ CreateApiData ]-----#
- sub CreateApiData {
- #----------------------------------------------------------
- # create API interface file according to the
- # imported %dialog data
- #
- my @input; # InputDevice sections
- my @device; # Device sections
- my @desktop; # Monitor,Screen sections
- my @layout; # ServerLayout sections
- my @extend; # Extensions section
- open(FD,">$init{ListFile}") ||
- die "could not create file $init{ListFile}: $!";
- foreach my $section (keys %dialog) {
- SWITCH: for ($section) {
- # create Keyboard Path and Mouse sections...
- # --------------------------------------------
- /InputDevice/ && do {
- @input = KeyboardGetInputDevice(); print FD @input;
- @input = MouseGetInputDevice(); print FD @input;
- last SWITCH;
- };
- # create Card section...
- # ------------------------
- /Device/ && do {
- @device = CardGetDevice(); print FD @device;
- last SWITCH;
- };
- # create Monitor and Screen sections...
- # --------------------------------------
- /Screen/ && do {
- @desktop = DesktopGetDesktop(); print FD @desktop;
- last SWITCH;
- };
- # create Layout section...
- # -------------------------
- /ServerLayout/ && do {
- @layout = LayoutGetServerLayout(); print FD @layout;
- last SWITCH;
- };
- # create Extensions section...
- # ----------------------------
- /Extensions/ && do {
- @extend = ExtensionsGetExtensions();print FD @extend;
- };
- }
- }
- close(FD);
- }
- #---[ ListSection ]-----#
- sub ListSection {
- #----------------------------------------------------------
- # list the given section as YCP list or in human
- # readable format based on the %import hash with
- # a tree depth of 1
- #
- my $item = $_[0];
- my $ycp = $_[1];
- my @keylist; # list of id numbers and key values
- my %result; # result hash in numeric sort order
- my $count; # modeline counter
- my $lastmode;# number of modelines
- my $modeline;# current modeline in loop
- my @mlist; # list of modelines
- my @list; # YCP list
- my @timing;
- my $k;
- my $v;
- ImportConfig();
- if ((defined $Profile) && ($ListSection ne "Layout")) {
- %dialog = HDif (\%save,\%dialog);
- }
- CreateApiData();
- $import{ApiFile} = $init{ListFile};
- %import = ApiRead();
- # /.../
- # if the desktop section should be listed we will check
- # if the driver used is the fbdev driver... if yes get the
- # currently used framebuffer resolution and color depth and
- # build the Modes:<X> = <Y> line
- # -------------------------------
- if ($item eq "Desktop") {
- %import = CheckFramebufferModes (\%import);
- }
- foreach (keys %{$import{$item}}) {
- @keylist = split(/ +/,$_);
- $result{$keylist[0]}{$keylist[1]} = $import{$item}{$_};
- }
- # /.../
- # print out YCP or human readable or both
- # ---
- SWITCH: for ($PrintYCP) {
- /^ycp/ && do {
- doYCP (\%result,STDOUT,$item);
- last SWITCH;
- };
- /^plusycp/ && do {
- doHumandReadable (\%result,STDERR);
- doYCP (\%result,STDOUT,$item);
- last SWITCH;
- };
- # default...
- # ----------
- doHumandReadable (\%result,STDOUT);
- }
- unlink($init{ListFile});
- }
- #---[ doHumandReadable ]------#
- sub doHumandReadable {
- #----------------------------------------------------------
- # print the given hash as human readable list to the
- # given channel
- #
- my %result = %{$_[0]};
- my $channel = $_[1];
- my $id; # section id
- my $key; # section key
- foreach $id (sort keys %result) {
- foreach $key (sort keys %{$result{$id}}) {
- my $ISaXKey = $key;
- if ($ISaXKey eq "DefaultDepth") {
- $ISaXKey = "ColorDepth";
- }
- my $line = sprintf ("%-2s: %-20s: %-40s\n",
- $id,$ISaXKey,$result{$id}{$key}
- );
- print $channel $line;
- }
- }
- }
- #---[ doYCP ]------#
- sub doYCP {
- #----------------------------------------------------------
- # print the given hash as YCP list to the given channel
- #
- my %result = %{$_[0]};
- my $channel = $_[1];
- my $item = $_[2];
- my @keylist; # list of id numbers and key values
- my $id; # section id
- my $key; # section key
- my $count; # modeline counter
- my $lastmode;# number of modelines
- my $modeline;# current modeline in loop
- my @mlist; # list of modelines
- my @list; # YCP list
- my @timing;
- my $k;
- my $v;
- @list = sort keys(%result);
- my $lastid = pop(@list);
- print $channel "\$\[\n";
- foreach $id (sort keys %result) {
- my @list = sort keys(%{$result{$id}});
- my $lastit = pop(@list);
- print $channel " $id : \$\[\n";
- print $channel " \"$item\" : \$\[\n";
- foreach $key (sort keys %{$result{$id}}) {
- $k = "\"$key\"";
- $v = "\"$result{$id}{$key}\"";
- if ($key eq "Modelines") {
- # special key modelines needs a new YCP map
- # ------------------------------------------
- print $channel " $k : \$[\n";
- @mlist = split(/,/,$v);
- $count = 0;
- $lastmode = @mlist;
- foreach $modeline (@mlist) {
- $modeline =~ s/^\"//;
- $modeline =~ s/\"$//;
- $modeline =~ s/^Modeline//;
- $modeline =~ s/\"(.*)\"/\"$1\" : \"Modeline \\\"$1\\\"/;
- @timing = split(/:/,$modeline);
- my $line = sprintf(" %-25s : %s",$timing[0],$timing[1]);
- print $channel $line;
- $count++;
- if ($count != $lastmode) {
- print $channel "\",\n";
- } else {
- print $channel "\"\n";
- }
- }
- print $channel " \],\n";
- } else {
- # normal case...
- # ---------------
- # /.../
- # if the value contains a \" sign we have to
- # escape this sign otherwhise YaST2 will
- # not accept the line
- # ---------------------
- $v = $result{$id}{$key};
- $v =~ s/\"/\\"/g;
- $v = "\"$v\"";
- if ($k eq "\"DefaultDepth\"") {
- $k = "\"ColorDepth\"";
- }
- if ($key ne $lastit) {
- my $line = sprintf(" %-25s : %s,\n",$k,$v);
- print $channel $line;
- } else {
- my $line = sprintf(" %-25s : %s\n",$k,$v);
- print $channel $line;
- }
- }
- }
- print $channel " \]\n";
- if ($id ne $lastid) {
- print $channel " \],\n";
- } else {
- print $channel " \]\n";
- }
- }
- print $channel "\]\n";
- }
- #---[ CreateConfigFile ]------#
- sub CreateConfigFile {
- #----------------------------------------------------------
- # create the configuration file according to the
- # imported API hash...
- #
- my %input = %{$_[0]};
- my %store = {};
- my @part0; # header
- my @part1; # Files
- my @part2; # ServerFlags
- my @part3; # Module
- my @part4; # InputDevice (keyboard)
- my @part5; # InputDevice (mouse)
- my @part6; # Monitor
- my @part7; # Modes
- my @part8; # Screen
- my @part9; # Device
- my @part10; # ServerLayout
- my @part11; # DRI
- my @part12; # Extensions
- my %config; # section hash
- # Files,ServerFlags,Module...
- # ---------------------------
- %config = ApiImportPath(\%input);
- %store = HashMerge(\%store,\%config);
- @part0 = CreateHeaderSection("ISaX");
- @part1 = CreateFilesSection(\%config);
- @part2 = CreateServerFlagsSection(\%config);
- @part3 = CreateModuleSection(\%config);
- # InputDevice (Keyboard)...
- # --------------------------
- %config = ApiImportKeyboard(\%input);
- %store = HashMerge(\%store,\%config);
- @part4 = CreateInputDeviceSection(\%config);
- # InputDevice (Mouse,Tablets,etc)...
- # -----------------------------------
- %config = ApiImportMouse(\%input);
- %store = HashMerge(\%store,\%config);
- @part5 = CreateInputDeviceSection(\%config);
- # Monitor Modes, Screen...
- # -------------------------
- %config = ApiImportDesktop(\%input);
- %store = HashMerge(\%store,\%config);
- @part6 = CreateMonitorSection(\%config);
- @part7 = CreateModesSection(\%config);
- @part8 = CreateScreenSection(\%config);
- # Devices...
- # -----------
- %config = ApiImportCard(\%input);
- %store = HashMerge(\%store,\%config);
- @part9 = CreateDeviceSection(\%config);
- # ServerLayout...
- # ----------------
- %config = ApiImportLayout(\%input);
- %store = HashMerge(\%store,\%config);
- @part10 = CreateServerLayoutSection(\%config);
- @part11 = CreateDRISection(\%config);
- %config = ApiImportExtensions(\%input);
- @part12 = CreateExtensionsSection(\%config);
- # /.../
- # save new configuration as storable file
- # this file may be used for later access
- # ----
- store (\%store,$init{DbmNew});
- # create configuration file
- # --------------------------
- open(HANDLE,">$init{OutputFile}") ||
- die "ISaX: could not create $init{OutputFile}: $!\n";
- print HANDLE @part0; print HANDLE "\n";
- print HANDLE @part1; print HANDLE "\n";
- print HANDLE @part2; print HANDLE "\n";
- print HANDLE @part3; print HANDLE "\n";
- print HANDLE @part4; print HANDLE "\n";
- print HANDLE @part5; print HANDLE "\n";
- print HANDLE @part6; print HANDLE "\n";
- print HANDLE @part7; print HANDLE "\n";
- print HANDLE @part8; print HANDLE "\n";
- print HANDLE @part9; print HANDLE "\n";
- print HANDLE @part10; print HANDLE "\n";
- print HANDLE @part11; print HANDLE "\n";
- print HANDLE @part12; print HANDLE "\n";
- close(HANDLE);
- if (ImportXFineCache() eq "yes") {
- IncludeModelineChanges (
- $init{OutputFile},$init{XFineCache}
- );
- }
- SaveAsHostConfig (
- $init{OutputFile}
- );
- CreateChecksum (
- $init{OutputFile}
- );
- }
- #---[ SaveAsHostConfig ]-------#
- sub SaveAsHostConfig {
- #-------------------------------------------------------
- # this function will save the given file as a machine
- # name based configuration file. On a diskless client
- # using the same NFS share you can use this version of
- # the configuration file to start your server
- #
- my $basename = $_[0];
- my $gethost = "/bin/hostname";
- if (-f $basename) {
- if (-f $gethost) {
- my $hostname = qx ($gethost);
- $hostname = $basename."-".$hostname;
- qx (cp $basename $hostname);
- }
- }
- }
- #---[ CreateChecksum ]-------#
- sub CreateChecksum {
- #-------------------------------------------------------
- # this function will create a MD5 checksum from the
- # configuration file created
- #
- my $file = $_[0];
- my $md5 = "$file.md5";
- my $sum = qx (/usr/bin/md5sum $file);
- $sum = quotemeta ($sum);
- if ($sum =~ /(.*) +/) {
- $sum = $1;
- open (FD,">$md5") || return;
- print FD $sum;
- close FD;
- }
- }
- #---[ ModifyConfiguration ]-----#
- sub ModifyConfiguration {
- #----------------------------------------------------------
- # modify a existing configuration using the
- # given api modify file information...
- #
- my %input; # merged api file of merge and origin
- my %merge; # modification information
- my $origin; # original api file of existing config
- ImportConfig();
- CreateApiData();
- $import{ApiFile} = $init{ListFile};
- %origin = ApiRead();
- %origin = CheckFramebufferModes (\%origin);
- $import{ApiFile} = $init{InputFile};
- %merge = ApiRead();
- %input = HashMerge(\%origin,\%merge);
- CreateConfigFile(\%input);
- unlink($init{ListFile});
- }
- #---[ CreateConfiguration ]-----#
- sub CreateConfiguration {
- #----------------------------------------------------------
- # create a configuration from scratch using the
- # given api file information...
- #
- my %input = ApiRead();
- CreateConfigFile(\%input);
- }
- #---[ usage ]-------#
- sub usage {
- #----------------------------------------------------------
- # how to use the ISaX...
- #
- print "Linux ISaX Version 2.1 (2001-06-19)\n";
- print "(C) Copyright 2001 SuSE GmbH\n";
- print "\n";
- print "usage: ISaX -f <apifile> [ options ]\n";
- print "options:\n";
- print "[ -f | --file < apifile > ]\n";
- print " set name of the file containing the\n";
- print " config specifications/modifications \n";
- print "[ -m | --modify ]\n";
- print " indicate the apifile to contain only\n";
- print " information about modifications\n";
- print "[ -u | --update ]\n";
- print " include modeline patches to the configuration\n";
- print " file. The modeline cache is located in:\n";
- print " -- /var/cache/xfine --\n";
- print "[ -l | --list < section > ]\n";
- print " list the current information about the\n";
- print " given configuration section. The following\n";
- print " sections are available:\n";
- print " /.../\n";
- print " Card -> Section Device\n";
- print " Desktop -> Section Monitor,Modes,Screen\n";
- print " Keyboard -> Section InputDevice\n";
- print " Mouse -> Section InputDevice\n";
- print " Path -> Section Files,Module,ServerFlags\n";
- print " Layout -> Section ServerLayout\n";
- print " Extensions -> Section Extensions\n";
- print " /.../\n";
- print "[ -y | --ycp ]\n";
- print " suppress normal output of a list command\n";
- print " print a ycp list instead of a human readable\n";
- print " output\n";
- print "[ -c | --config < output file > ]\n";
- print " set name of output file default is\n";
- print " /etc/X11/xorg.conf\n";
- print "[ -p | --profile < file name > ]\n";
- print " set profile to include for this isax call\n";
- print " Note:\n";
- print " -----\n";
- print " only the differences between the section\n";
- print " with and without the profile are printed\n";
- print " The options -p and -d will only take effect\n";
- print " in combination with the --list option\n";
- print "[ -d | --device < device number >\n";
- print " for profiles only:\n";
- print " set the device number the profile should\n";
- print " take effect on. Default is device nr: 0\n";
- print "[ -h | --help ]\n";
- print " show this message\n";
- exit(0);
- }
- #---[ HashMerge ]--------#
- sub HashMerge {
- #----------------------------------------------------------
- # merge data of dest hash into the source
- # hash and return the modified source hash
- #
- my (%source) = %{$_[0]};
- my (%dest) = %{$_[1]};
- my $k; # key
- my $v; # value
- my $ref; # reference
- my $a; # joined keys
- while(($k,$v) = each(%dest)) {
- @key = ();
- push(@key,$k);
- if (ref($v) eq "HASH") {
- $ref = $dest{$k};
- TreeBranch($ref);
- } else {
- $a = join("}{",@key);
- $a =~ s/}/'}/g;
- $a =~ s/{/{'/g;
- my $command = "\$source{'$a'}='$v'";
- eval($command);
- }
- }
- return(%source);
- # /.../
- # Inline sub routine for recursive call
- # --------------------------------------
- sub TreeBranch {
- my $ref = $_[0];
- my $k;
- my $v;
- my $a;
- while(($k,$v) = each(%{$ref})) {
- push(@key,$k);
- if (ref($v) eq "HASH") {
- TreeBranch($v);
- } else {
- $a = join("}{",@key);
- $a =~ s/}/'}/g;
- $a =~ s/{/{'/g;
- my $command = "\$source{'$a'}='$v'";
- eval($command);
- }
- pop(@key);
- }
- return;
- }
- }
- #---[ ImportProfile ]-------#
- sub ImportProfile {
- #----------------------------------------------------------
- # import profile information and return the
- # changes imported into the given hash
- #
- my $profile = $_[0]; # profile file name
- my $device = $_[1]; # base device number
- my %source = %{$_[2]}; # source hash
- my $l; # line
- my $new; # new device number
- my @result; # result as list
- my @add; # new sections through the profile
- my $newsec; # loop counter for new sections
- my $data; # raw profile key
- my $line; # raw profile data
- my @v; # list of keys (->)
- my $search; # formatted search string
- my $size; # size of @v
- my $ViewValue; # Tree view
- my $ViewRef; # Tree view reference
- my $key; # equals $data
- my $value; # equals $ViewValue
- my $str; # join "->" @v
- # check device...
- # ----------------
- if (! defined $device) {
- $device = 0;
- }
- # check file...
- # --------------
- if (! -f $profile) {
- return (%source);
- }
- # read profile data...
- # ---------------------
- open(DATA,"$profile");
- while($l = <DATA>) {
- chomp($l);
- SWITCH: for ($l) {
- /^.*\[X\].*/ && do {
- $l =~ s/\[X\]/$device/g;
- };
- /^.*\[X\+([1-9]).*/ && do {
- $new = $device + $1;
- $l =~ s/\[X\+[1-9]\]/$new/g;
- push(@add,$new);
- };
- }
- push(@result,$l);
- }
- close(DATA);
- # include the data to the hash.
- # /.../
- # if a profile includes new sections we had to create
- # space for this sections. Therefore the branch on the
- # old section is moved to the next section ( old +1 )
- # ------------------------------------------------------
- @add = unique (@add);
- foreach $newsec (@add) {
- %source = HMoveBranch(\%source,$newsec);
- }
- foreach (@result) {
- if ($_ =~ /(.*)=.*{(.*)}.*/) {
- $data = $1;
- $line = $2;
- $line =~ s/ +//g;
- @v = split(/->/,$line);
- $search = join("->",@v);
- $size = @v;
- $ViewValue = "";
- $ViewRef = "";
- $ViewValue = HGetValue(\%source,$search);
- $ViewValue =~ s/^ +//g;
- $ViewValue =~ s/ +$//g;
- $_ = "$data = $ViewValue\n";
- }
- if ($_ =~ /^(.*)=(.*)/) {
- $key = $1;
- $value = $2;
- $key =~ s/ +//g;
- $value =~ s/^ +//g;
- @v = split(/->/,$key);
- $str = join("->",@v);
- %source = HSetValue(\%source,$str,$value);
- }
- }
- %source = HUpdateServerLayout(\%source);
- return (%source);
- }
- #---[ CheckFramebufferModes ]----#
- sub CheckFramebufferModes {
- #----------------------------------------------------------
- # Check if the fbdev driver is used... if yes get the
- # currently used framebuffer resolution and color depth
- # and build the Modes:<X> = <Y> line
- #
- my %import = %{$_[0]};
- foreach (keys %{$import{Card}}) {
- my @keylist = split(/ +/,$_);
- if (($keylist[1] eq "Driver") && ($import{Card}{$_} eq "fbdev")) {
- my $resolution = GetFbResolution();
- my $colordepth = GetFbColor();
- $import{Desktop}{"$keylist[0] Modes:$colordepth"} = $resolution;
- $import{Desktop}{"$keylist[0] ColorDepth"} = $colordepth;
- }
- }
- return (%import);
- }
- #---[ unique ]----#
- sub unique {
- #----------------------------------------------------------
- # create unique list of members
- #
- my @list = @_;
- my @result;
- my %map;
- sub num { $a <=> $b; };
- foreach (@list) {
- if ($_ =~ /[0-9]+/) {
- $map{$_} = $_;
- }
- }
- @result = sort num keys(%map);
- return(@result);
- }
- #---[ CreateSecureDir ]-------#
- sub CreateSecureDir {
- #----------------------------------------------------------
- # create secure directory using mktemp
- #
- my $dir;
- $dir = qx(mktemp -qd /tmp/isax.XXXXXX);
- $dir =~ s/\n+//g;
- if (! -d $dir) {
- die "ISaX: could not create tmp dir: $dir";
- }
- return($dir);
- }
- #---[ RemoveSecureDir ]-------#
- sub RemoveSecureDir {
- #----------------------------------------------------------
- # remove secure directory
- #
- my $dir = $_[0];
- qx(rm -rf $dir);
- }
- #---[ GetFbColor ]-----#
- sub GetFbColor {
- #----------------------------------------------------------
- # this function test for the framebuffer
- # color depth
- #
- my $data = FBSet::FbGetData();
- my $cols = $data->swig_depth_get();
- if ($cols < 8) {
- return 8;
- }
- return $cols;
- }
- #---[ GetFbResolution ]-----#
- sub GetFbResolution {
- #----------------------------------------------------------
- # this function test for the framebuffer
- # resolution
- #
- my $data = FBSet::FbGetData();
- my $xres = $data->swig_x_get();
- my $yres = $data->swig_y_get();
- return $xres."x".$yres;
- }
- #---[ ConstructInputOptions ]-----#
- sub ConstructInputOptions {
- #----------------------------------------------------------
- # refering to the MergeParseResult function we will create
- # the RawOption index according to the InputOptions keys
- #
- my %input = %{$_[0]};
- my %InputOptions;
- $InputOptions{Protocol} = 1;
- $InputOptions{Device} = 1;
- $InputOptions{SampleRate} = 1;
- $InputOptions{BaudRate} = 1;
- $InputOptions{Emulate3Buttons} = 1;
- $InputOptions{Emulate3Timeout} = 1;
- $InputOptions{ChordMiddle} = 1;
- $InputOptions{ClearDTR} = 1;
- $InputOptions{ClearRTS} = 1;
- $InputOptions{ZAxisMapping} = 1;
- $InputOptions{MinX} = 1;
- $InputOptions{MaxX} = 1;
- $InputOptions{MinY} = 1;
- $InputOptions{MaxY} = 1;
- $InputOptions{MaximumYPosition} = 1;
- $InputOptions{MinimumYPosition} = 1;
- $InputOptions{MaximumXPosition} = 1;
- $InputOptions{MinimumXPosition} = 1;
- $InputOptions{ScreenNumber} = 1;
- $InputOptions{ScreenNo} = 1;
- $InputOptions{ReportingMode} = 1;
- $InputOptions{Rotation} = 1;
- $InputOptions{ButtonThreshold} = 1;
- $InputOptions{ButtonNumber} = 1;
- $InputOptions{Buttons} = 1;
- $InputOptions{SendCoreEvents} = 1;
- $InputOptions{Vendor} = 1;
- $InputOptions{Name} = 1;
- $InputOptions{Type} = 1;
- $InputOptions{Mode} = 1;
- $InputOptions{Load} = 1;
- $InputOptions{InputFashion} = 1;
- $InputOptions{Option} = 1;
- $InputOptions{TopX} = 1;
- $InputOptions{TopY} = 1;
- $InputOptions{BottomX} = 1;
- $InputOptions{BottomY} = 1;
- $InputOptions{Suppress} = 1;
- $InputOptions{Serial} = 1;
- $InputOptions{EmulateWheel} = 1;
- $InputOptions{EmulateWheelButton} = 1;
- foreach my $id (keys %{$input{InputDevice}}) {
- my $option = "";
- if ($input{InputDevice}{$id}{Identifier} =~ /Mouse\[(.*)\]/) {
- foreach my $opt (keys %{$input{InputDevice}{$id}{Option}}) {
- if (! defined $InputOptions{$opt}) {
- my $optval = $input{InputDevice}{$id}{Option}{$opt};
- if ($optval ne "") {
- $option = "$option,\"$opt\" \"$optval\"";
- $option =~ s/^,//;
- $input{InputDevice}{$id}{Option}{RawOption} = $option;
- delete $input{InputDevice}{$id}{Option}{$opt};
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return %input;
- }
- # start with main...
- # -------------------
- main();