Chip 2007 January, February, March & April
Text File
1,831 lines
# #
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# Author: Michael Hager <mike@suse.de>
# Martin Vidner <mvidner@suse.cz>
# Description: perl interface for YCP
# Purpose: Call a perl script within a YCP script
# $Id: ycp.pm 32969 2006-09-19 12:21:30Z mvidner $
package ycp;
=head1 NAME
ycp - a Perl module for parsing and writing the YaST2 Communication Protocol
C<($symbol, @config) = ycp::ParseTerm ('MyAgentConfig ("/etc/file", false, true, $["a":1, "b":2])');>
C<($command, $path, $arg) = ycp::ParseCommand ('Write (.magic.path, "abacadabra")');>
C<ycp::Return (["arbitrarily", "complex", "data"]);>
=head1 DATA
=head2 PerlYCPValue
PerlYCPValue is a convention for storing a YCP value in a Perl variable.
L</ParseYcp> parses YCP string representation into PerlYCPValues.
A PerlYCPValue cannot represent a term but only a term is allowed
to initialize an agent in a .scr file. Therefore L</ParseTerm> is provided.
=over 4
=item string, integer, boolean
Stored as a scalar.
=item list
Stored as a reference to a list of PerlYCPValues.
=item map
Stored as a reference to a map of PerlYCPValues.
=item path
Stored as a reference to a string (starting with a "." as expected).
=item nil (void)
Stored as an undef.
=head1 PARSING
use Exporter;
use diagnostics;
use strict;
use Time::localtime;
use Sys::Hostname;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
my @e_io = qw(
@EXPORT_OK = @e_io;
my @e_logging = qw(y2debug y2milestone y2warning y2error y2security y2internal);
my @e_obsolete = qw(
ycpReturn );
@EXPORT = (@e_logging, @e_obsolete);
our %EXPORT_TAGS = (IO => [@e_io],
LOGGING => [@e_logging],
OBSOLETE => [@e_obsolete]);
my $ycpcommand = "";
my $ycppath = "";
my $type = "unknown";
my $ismap = 0;
my $islist = 0;
my $isinteger = 0;
my $isstring = 0;
my $isknown = 0;
my $isnil = 0;
my $isnone = 0;
my %arghash;
my @argarray;
my $argskalar;
my $verbose = 0;
my $againstcompileerror = 1;
my $hostname = hostname();
# Parsing
=head2 ParseCommand
ParseComand $line
C<($command, $path, $arg) = ParseCommand ('Write (.moria.gate, "mellon")');>
Parse a SCR command of the form Command (.some.path, optional_argument)
Returns a three element list ("Command", ".some.path", $argument)
where the argument is a L</PerlYCPValue> and will be undef
if it was not specified.
Note that the path is converted to a string.
If there was a parse error, the command or path will be the empty string.
sub ParseCommand ($)
my @term = ParseTerm (shift);
my $command = shift @term || "";
my $path = "";
my $pathref = shift @term;
if (defined $pathref)
if (ref($pathref) eq "SCALAR" && $$pathref =~ /^\./)
$path = $$pathref;
# 'result (nil)' is a standard command
elsif ($command ne "result")
y2error ("The first argument is not a path. ('$pathref')");
my $argument = shift @term;
y2warning ("Superfluous command arguments ignored") if (@term > 0);
return ($command, $path, $argument);
=head2 ParseTerm
ParseTerm $line
C<($symbol, @config) = ParseTerm ('MyAgentConfig ("/etc/file", false, true, $["a":1, "b":2])');>
Parse a YCP term. Note that there can be no other term inside.
Returns a list whose first element is the term symbol as a string
(or C<""> in case of an error) and the remaining elements are the term
arguments (L</PerlYCPValue>)
sub ParseTerm ($)
my $input = shift;
my $symbol;
my @ret;
$input =~ s/^\s*`?(\w*)\s*//; # allow both Term and `Term (for the NI)
$symbol = $1;
if (! $symbol)
y2error ("No term symbol");
push @ret, $symbol;
if ($input !~ m/^\(/)
y2error ("No term parentheses");
my ($argref, $err, $rest) = ParseYcpTermBody ($input);
if ($err)
y2error ("$err ('$rest')");
push @ret, @$argref;
return @ret;
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Internal parsing functions start here.
# PerlYCPParserResult is a triple:
# ($result, $error, $rest_of_input)
# where
# $result is a PerlYCPValue.
# $error is either "" or an error description.
# In that case, $result is not specfied.
# $rest_of_input is the unmatched part of the input.
# On success, parsing can go on, on error, the ofending input is there.
# this is how it looks like in lex:
# PATHSEGMENT [[:alnum:]_-]+|\"([^\\"]*(\\.)*)+\"
my $lex_pathsegment = qr{
(?: # outer group
[[:alnum:]_-]+ # ordinary segment
[^\\"]* # any-except-bkls-quot
(?: \\ . )* # bksl, any
}x; # enable whitespace and comments in regex
# Internal
# Parses a YCP value. See PerlYCPValue. Notably terms are not supported.
# Returns PerlYCPParserResult.
sub ParseYcp ($)
my $ycp_value = shift;
#remove leading whitespace;
$ycp_value =~ s/^\s+//;
if ($ycp_value =~ /^nil(.*)/)
return (undef, "", $1);
elsif ($ycp_value =~ /^false(.*)/)
return (0, "", $1);
elsif ($ycp_value =~ /^true(.*)/)
return (1, "", $1);
# numbers. TODO not only integers: floats
elsif ($ycp_value =~ /^(-?\d+)(.*)/)
my $num = $1;
my $rest = $2;
$num = oct ($num) if $num =~ /^0/;
return ($num, "", $rest);
elsif ($ycp_value =~ /^\"/) #"
return ParseYcpString ($ycp_value);
elsif ($ycp_value =~ /^((?:\.${lex_pathsegment})+|\.)(.*)/)
my $path = $1; # must be a "my" variable, not \$1.
return (\$path, "", $2);
elsif ($ycp_value =~ /^\[/)
return ParseYcpList ($ycp_value);
elsif ($ycp_value =~ /^\$\[/)
return ParseYcpMap ($ycp_value);
elsif ($ycp_value =~ /^\#\[/)
return ParseYcpByteblock ($ycp_value);
elsif ($ycp_value =~ /^$/)
return ("", "Unexpected end of input.", $ycp_value);
return ("", "Construct not supported.", $ycp_value);
# Internal
# Parses a YCP string. The input must start with a double quote.
# Returns PerlYCPParserResult.
# we limit ourselves to parsing the output of YCPStringRep::toString()
# (see YCPString.cc in libycp)
sub ParseYcpString ($)
my $ycp_value = shift;
my $ret = "";
#remove the leading quote
$ycp_value =~ s/^"//; #";
while (1)
# ordinary characters
if ($ycp_value =~ s/^([^\"\\]+)//) #" #newline?
$ret .= $1;
# octal escapes
elsif ($ycp_value =~ s/^\\([0-7]{3})//)
$ret .= chr (oct ($1));
# weird behavior for 1 or 2 digits
elsif ($ycp_value =~ s/^\\([0-7]{1,2})//)
$ret .= $1;
# other escapes
elsif ($ycp_value =~ s/^\\([^0-7])//)
if ($1 eq "n")
$ret .= "\n";
elsif ($1 eq "t")
$ret .= "\t";
elsif ($1 eq "r")
$ret .= "\r";
elsif ($1 eq "f")
$ret .= "\f";
elsif ($1 eq "b")
$ret .= "\b";
elsif ($1 eq "\\")
$ret .= "\\";
elsif ($1 eq "\"")
$ret .= "\"";
$ret .= $1;
elsif ($ycp_value =~ /^"(.*)/) #");
return ($ret, "", $1);
elsif ($ycp_value =~ /^$/)
return ("", "Unexpected end of input.", $ycp_value);
#can't happen
return ("", "Can't happen in ParseYcpString", $ycp_value);
=head2 PathComponents
PathComponents $path_ref
($cmd, $path) = ParseCommand ('`Read (.foo."%gconf.d"."gernel")'
@c = PathComponents (\$path);
if ($c[0] eq '%gconf.d' && $c[1] eq "gernel") {...}
Converts a path (a string reference, L</PerlYCPValue>) to a list
of its components. It deals with the nontrivial parts of path syntax.
On error it returns undef.
. -> ()
.foo.bar -> ('foo', 'bar')
."foo" -> ('foo')
."double\"quote" -> ('double"quote')
."a.dot" -> ('a.dot')
sub PathComponents ($)
my $path_ref = shift;
if (ref ($path_ref) ne "SCALAR") {
y2error ("Expecting a reference to a scalar");
return undef;
my $path = $$path_ref;
return undef if $path eq "";
return () if $path eq ".";
my @result = ();
while ($path =~ s/^\.(${lex_pathsegment})(.*)/$2/o) {
my $segment = $1;
if ($segment =~ /^"/) {
# FIXME check whether paths are like strings, unify
my ($parsed, $err, $rest) = ParseYcpString ($segment);
if ($err ne "") {
y2error ("Bad complex path component: '$err'");
return undef;
elsif ($rest ne "") {
y2error ("Extra characters in path component: '$rest'");
return undef;
$segment = $parsed;
push @result, $segment;
if ($path ne "") {
y2error ("Extra characters in path: '$path'");
return undef;
return @result;
# Internal
# Parses a YCP list. The input must start with "["
# A comma after the last element is permitted.
# Returns PerlYCPParserResult.
sub ParseYcpList ($)
return ParseYcpGenericList (shift, "list", qr/\[/, qr/\]/);
# Internal
# Parses a term argument list. The input must start with "("
# A comma after the last element is permitted.
# Returns PerlYCPParserResult.
sub ParseYcpTermBody ($)
return ParseYcpGenericList (shift, "term", qr/\(/, qr/\)/);
# Internal
# Parses a comma delimited list introduced by $open and terminated by $close.
# A comma after the last element is permitted.
# Returns PerlYCPParserResult.
sub ParseYcpGenericList ($$$$)
my ($ycp_value, $description, $open, $close) = @_;
my $ret = [];
my $elem;
my $err;
#remove leading bracket and whitespace;
if ($ycp_value !~ s/^$open\s*//)
return ("", "Expecting /$open/ in a $description",$ycp_value);
my $seen_comma = 0;
my $seen_elem = 0;
# if there's a bracket, eat it and return
until ($ycp_value =~ s/^$close\s*//)
if ($seen_elem && ! $seen_comma)
return ("", "Expecting /$close/ or a comma in a $description",$ycp_value);
($elem, $err, $ycp_value) = ParseYcp ($ycp_value);
return ("", $err, $ycp_value) if $err;
push @{$ret}, $elem;
$seen_elem = 1;
# skip spaces and comma
$ycp_value =~ s/^\s*(,)?\s*//;
$seen_comma = defined $1;
return ($ret, "", $ycp_value);
# Internal
# Parses a YCP map. The input must start with "$["
# A comma after the last element is permitted.
# Returns PerlYCPParserResult.
sub ParseYcpMap ($)
my $ycp_value = shift;
my $ret = {};
my $key;
my $value;
my $err;
#remove leading dollar-bracket and whitespace;
$ycp_value =~ s/^\$\[\s*//;
my $seen_comma = 0;
my $seen_elem = 0;
# if there's a bracket, eat it and return
until ($ycp_value =~ s/^\]\s*//)
if ($seen_elem && ! $seen_comma)
return ("", "Expecting a bracket or a comma in a map",$ycp_value);
($key, $err, $ycp_value) = ParseYcp ($ycp_value);
return ("", $err, $ycp_value) if $err;
# skip spaces, match a colon
if ($ycp_value !~ s/^\s*:\s*//)
return ("", "Expecting a colon in a map", $ycp_value);
($value, $err, $ycp_value) = ParseYcp ($ycp_value);
return ("", $err, $ycp_value) if $err;
$ret->{$key} = $value;
$seen_elem = 1;
# skip spaces and comma
$ycp_value =~ s/^\s*(,)?\s*//;
$seen_comma = defined $1;
return ($ret, "", $ycp_value);
# Internal
# Parses a YCP byteblock. The input must start with "#["
# Returns PerlYCPParserResult.
sub ParseYcpByteblock ($)
my $ycp_value = shift;
my $ret = "";
my $err;
#remove leading hash-bracket and whitespace;
$ycp_value =~ s/^\#\[\s*//;
# if there's a bracket, eat it and return
until ($ycp_value =~ s/^\]\s*//)
if ($ycp_value =~ s/^(([[:xdigit:]][[:xdigit:]])+)(\s|\n)*//)
$ret .= pack ('H*', $1);
return ("", "Unexpected characters in byteblock",$ycp_value);
return ($ret, "", $ycp_value);
# R E T U R N #
# Function which return a ycp value to the calling YCP-Server
=head1 WRITING
# Autoflush output, otherwise the caller would not get the answer.
$| = 1;
=head2 Return
C<Return (["arbitrarily", "complex", "data"]);>
Sends a L</PerlYCPValue> to the partner YCP component.
If there's just one argment, scalars are interpreted this way:
"true" or "false" are sent as
booleans, integers or strings of digits are sent as integers, otherwise as
If a second argument exists and is true, all scalars are written as strings.
If a second argument exists and is false, all scalars are written as byteblocks.
To send a list, call Return(\@list), not Return(@list).
Similarly for a map. You can use references to anonymous lists [] and hashes {}.
The difference from L</ycpReturn> is that Return can return scalars directly,
strings are properly escaped if needeed and paths can be returned.
sub Return ($;$);
sub Return ($;$)
my ($val, $quote_everything) = @_;
my $reftype = ref ($val);
if (! defined ($val))
print "(nil)";
elsif (! $reftype)
if (! defined $quote_everything)
if ($val =~ /^(true|false|\s*-?\d+\s*)$/)
print "($val)";
print WriteYcpString($val);
elsif ($quote_everything)
print WriteYcpString($val);
print WriteYcpByteblock($val);
elsif ($reftype eq "SCALAR")
# a path
print "($$val)";
elsif ($reftype eq "ARRAY")
print "[";
foreach my $elem (@$val)
Return ($elem, $quote_everything);
print ","; # trailing comma is allowed
print "] "; # no "]:"
elsif ($reftype eq "HASH")
print "\$[";
while (my ($key, $value) = each %$val)
Return ($key, $quote_everything);
print ":";
Return ($value, $quote_everything);
print ","; # trailing comma is allowed
print "] "; # no "]:"
y2error ("Cannot pass $reftype to YCP");
print "(nil)";
# Internal
# Returns a properly escaped string.
# (Double quotes, backslashes and control characters are handled)
# 'qux' -> '"qux"'
# 'with "quotes"' -> '"with \"quotes\""'
sub WriteYcpString ($)
my $string = shift;
my @substrings = split /\\/, $string, -1;
foreach my $substring (@substrings)
$substring =~ s/"/\\"/g;# escape quotes
# escape control chars except newline (easier to debug a parse error)
$substring =~ s/([\000-\011\013-\027])/sprintf "\\%03o",ord($1)/eg;
return '"'. join ("\\\\", @substrings) .'"';
# Internal
# Returns a byteblock.
sub WriteYcpByteblock ($)
my $bb = shift;
return "#[". unpack ("H*", $bb) ."] ";
# L O G G I N G #
=head1 LOGGING
If you are running in the main yast process and thus can afford to import
YaST::YCP, it is better to use its logging functions because they use log.conf
and logging just works. In such case, you should not need to use ycp.pm at all.
Instead, C<use YaST::YCP (":LOGGING")>.
The log output can now be redirected, which will be useful for test suites.
If the first command-line option is "-l", the second argument is taken as
the log file. A hyphen "-" designates standard output.
Otherwise, F</var/log/YaST2/y2log> and F<$HOME/.y2log> are tried, in that order.
my $Y2DEBUG;
my $log_good;
# Constructor: open the log and set the two above variables
# so that y2logger has small overhead.
my @names = ( "/var/log/YaST2/y2log", "$ENV{HOME}/.y2log" );
if (defined ($ARGV[0]) && $ARGV[0] =~ /^(-l|--log)$/)
@names = ( $ARGV[1] );
foreach my $name (@names)
$log_good = open (LOG, ">>$name");
if ($log_good)
my $old_handle = select (LOG);
$| = 1; # autoflush
select ($old_handle);
# no log?! cry to STDERR.
print STDERR "Could not open log file: '", join("' nor '", @names), "'.\n";
sub END
close LOG;
# @perlapi y2debug
# Logs debug messages to /var/log/YaST2/y2log.
# Other then ycp-y2debug the output is <b>always</b> logt
# to /var/log/YaST2/y2log
# and usually you <b>have to root</b> to do this
# @example ..; y2debug( "In the script: param1:", myarray, " param2: ", hash2 );
=head2 y2debug
Logs debug messages to F</var/log/YaST2/y2log> or F<$HOME/.y2log>
Note a B<semantic change> in y2debug: now the environment variable
Y2DEBUG is honored so y2debug will not produce output unless this
variable is set. This is for compatibility with the logging system in libycp.
my $log_component = $0; # use program name as the log component
$log_component =~ s:.*/::; # strip path part
sub y2debug { y2logger (0, @_); }
sub y2milestone { y2logger (1, @_); }
sub y2warning { y2logger (2, @_); }
sub y2error { y2logger (3, @_); }
sub y2security { y2logger (4, @_); }
sub y2internal { y2logger (5, @_); }
# Internal
sub y2logger ($@)
my $level = shift;
if (!$log_good || ($level == 0 && ! defined ($Y2DEBUG)))
my $tm = localtime;
my $datestr = sprintf( "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d <%d> %s(%d) [%s]",
$tm->year+1900, $tm->mon+1, $tm->mday,
$tm->hour, $tm->min, $tm->sec,
$level, $hostname, $$, $log_component);
print LOG "$datestr ", join(" ", @_), "\n";
# @perlapi ycpDoVerboseLog
# Turns on verbose logging of this the perl interface lib
# Logging output is ALWAYS send to /var/log/YaST2/y2log
# and usually you <b>have to be root</b> to do this
# @example ..; ycpDoVerboseLog;
=head2 ycpDoVerboseLog
Enables output of y2verbose which is used in some of the obsolete functions.
sub ycpDoVerboseLog
$verbose = 1;
# Internal
sub y2verbose
if ( $verbose )
y2debug( @_ );
# Old functions
## Check type of the given Argument
# @perlapi ycpArgIsMap -> 0 or 1
# Checks, if the given argument is a map.
# requirements: a call of ycpInit()
# @example if ( ycpArgIsMap ) \n { my %arg_hash = ycpGetArgMap; }
=head2 ycpArgIsMap
Obsolete. Use (ref($arg) eq "HASH") instead.
sub ycpArgIsMap
return( $ismap );
# @perlapi ycpArgIsList -> 0 or 1
# Checks, if the given argument is a list.
# requirements: a call of ycpInit()
# @example if ( ycpArgIsList ) \n { my @arg_array = ycpGetArgList; }
=head2 ycpArgIsList
Obsolete. Use (ref($arg) eq "ARRAY") instead.
sub ycpArgIsList
return( $islist );
# @perlapi ycpArgIsInteger -> 0 or 1
# Checks, if the given argument is a Integer.
# requirements: a call of ycpInit()
# @example if ( ycpArgIsInteger ) \n { my $arg_int = ycpGetArgInteger; }
=head2 ycpArgIsInteger
Not really obsolete because the new parser simply treats
integers, booleans and strings as scalars. But who cares,
nobody used this anyway.
sub ycpArgIsInteger
return( $isinteger );
# @perlapi ycpArgIsString -> 0 or 1
# Checks, if the given argument is a String.
# requirements: a call of ycpInit()
# @example if ( ycpArgIsString ) \n { my $new_string = ycpGetArgString; }
=head2 ycpArgIsString
Not really obsolete because the new parser simply treats
integers, booleans and strings as scalars. But who cares,
nobody used this anyway.
sub ycpArgIsString
return( $isstring );
# @perlapi ycpArgIsNil -> 0 or 1
# Checks, if the given argument is a nil.
# requirements: a call of ycpInit()
# @example if ( ycpArgIsNil ) \n { ... }
=head2 ycpArgIsNil
Obsolete. Use (ref($arg) eq "SCALAR" && $$arg eq "nil") instead.
sub ycpArgIsNil
return( $isnil );
# @perlapi ycpArgIsNone -> 0 or 1
# Checks, if the given argument is a None.
# requirements: a call of ycpInit()
# @example if ( ycpArgIsNone ) \n { ... }
=head2 ycpArgIsNone
Obsolete. Use (defined ($arg)) instead.
sub ycpArgIsNone
return( $isnone );
# @perlapi ycpCommandIsDir -> 0 or 1
# Checks, if the given command is a <tt>Dir</tt>.
# requirements: a call of ycpInit()
# @example if ( ycpCommandIsDir ) \n { ... }
=head2 ycpCommandIsDir
Obsolete. Use ($command eq "Dir")
sub ycpCommandIsDir
return( $ycpcommand =~ /Dir/i );
# @perlapi ycpCommandIsRead -> 0 or 1
# Checks, if the given command is a <tt>Read</tt>.
# requirements: a call of ycpInit()
# @example if ( ycpCommandIsRead ) \n { ... }
=head2 ycpCommandIsRead
Obsolete. Use ($command eq "Read")
sub ycpCommandIsRead
return( $ycpcommand =~ /Read/i );
# @perlapi ycpCommandIsWrite -> 0 or 1
# Checks, if the given command is a <tt>Write</tt>.
# requirements: a call of ycpInit()
# @example if ( ycpCommandIsWrite ) \n { ... }
=head2 ycpCommandIsWrite
Obsolete. Use ($command eq "Write")
sub ycpCommandIsWrite
return( $ycpcommand =~ /Write/i );
# @perlapi ycpCommandIsExecute -> 0 or 1
# Checks, if the given command is a <tt>Execute</tt>.
# requirements: a call of ycpInit()
# @example if ( ycpCommandIsExecute ) \n { ... }
=head2 ycpCommandIsExecute
Obsolete. Use ($command eq "Execute")
sub ycpCommandIsExecute
return( $ycpcommand =~ /Execute/i );
# @perlapi ycpCommandIsResult -> 0 or 1
# Checks, if the given command is a <tt>result</tt>.
# requirements: a call of ycpInit()
# @example if ( ycpCommandIsResult ) \n { ... }
=head2 ycpCommandIsResult
Obsolete. Use ($command eq "result"), note the lowercase 'r'.
sub ycpCommandIsResult
return( $ycpcommand =~ /result/i );
# Return the argument, converted to perl
# datatype
# @perlapi ycpGetCommand -> "Read" or "Write" or "Execute" or "Dir"
# Returns the current command.
# requirements: a call of ycpInit()
=head2 ycpGetCommand
Obsolete. Use the return value of L</ParseCommand>.
sub ycpGetCommand
return( $ycpcommand );
# @perlapi ycpGetPath -> <string>
# Returns the current <b>sub</b>path of the current call.
# If the script is mounted on <tt>.ping</tt> and the agent is called
# with <tt>.ping.suse</tt> the subpath is <tt>.suse</tt>
# requirements: a call of ycpInit()
=head2 ycpGetPath
Obsolete. Use the return value of L</ParseCommand>.
sub ycpGetPath
return( $ycppath );
# @perlapi ycpGetArgType -> <string>
# Returns the type of the current argument.
# At the moment "string", "integer", "list" and "map" are supported.
# requirements: a call of ycpInit()
=head2 ycpGetArgType
Obsolete. Use ref on a return value of L</ParseCommand>.
Umm, string/integer/boolean?
sub ycpGetArgType
return( $type );
# @perlapi ycpGetArgMap -> <hash>
# Returns the curren argument as a hash, if the argument was a map.
# Otherwise the return value is not defined.
# requirements: a call of ycpInit()
# @example if ( ycpArgIsMap ) \n { my %arg_hash = ycpGetArgMap; }
=head2 ycpGetArgMap
Obsolete. See L</PerlYCPValue>.
sub ycpGetArgMap
return( %arghash );
# @perlapi ycpGetArgList -> <array>
# Returns the current argument as an arry, if the argument was a list.
# Otherwise the return value is not defined.
# requirements: a call of ycpInit()
# @example if ( ycpArgIsList ) \n { my @arg_array = ycpGetArgList; }
=head2 ycpGetArgList
Obsolete. See L</PerlYCPValue>.
sub ycpGetArgList
return( @argarray );
# @perlapi ycpGetArgString -> <string>
# Returns the current argument as a string, if the argument was a string
# Otherwise the return value is not defined.
# requirements: a call of ycpInit()
# @example if ( ycpArgIsString ) \n { my $arg_string = ycpGetArgString; }
=head2 ycpGetArgString
Obsolete. See L</PerlYCPValue>.
sub ycpGetArgString
return( $argskalar );
# @perlapi ycpGetArgInteger -> <integer>
# Returns the current argument as an integer, if the argument was an integer
# Otherwise the return value is not defined.
# requirements: a call of ycpInit()
# @example if ( ycpArgIsInteger ) \n { my $arg_string = ycpGetArgInteger; }
=head2 ycpGetArgInteger
Obsolete. See PerlYCPValue.
Umm, string/integer/boolean?
sub ycpGetArgInteger
return( $argskalar );
# @perlapi ycpReturnSkalarAsInt
# Sends a scalar as a YCP-Integer to the calling server, the SCR
# Attention: It is very important to send in <b>ANY</b> case
# exactly one YCP value to the server. So you must take care, that
# for every call of the server, your script calls exactly one ycpReturn<..>
# function-
# @example ycpReturnSkalarAsInt( 17 ) -> Returns a
=head2 ycpReturnSkalarAsInt
Obsolete. Use L</Return>.
sub ycpReturnSkalarAsInt( $ )
my ( $entry ) = @_;
printf( "(%d)", $entry );
# @perlapi ycpReturnSkalarAsBoolean
# Sends a scalar as a YCP-Boolean to the calling server, the SCR
# Attention: It is very important to send in <b>ANY</b> case
# exactly one YCP value to the server. So you must take care, that
# for every call of the server, your script calls exactly one ycpReturn<..>
# function-
# @example ycpReturnSkalarAsBoolean( 1 ) -> Returns a true
# @example ycpReturnSkalarAsBoolean( 0 ) -> Returns a false
=head2 ycpReturnSkalarAsBoolean
Obsolete. Use L</Return>("true" or "false")
sub ycpReturnSkalarAsBoolean( $ )
my ( $entry ) = @_;
printf( "(%s)", $entry ? "true" : "false");
# @perlapi ycpReturnSkalarAsString
# Sends a scalar as a YCP-String to the calling server, the SCR
# Attention: It is very important to send in <b>ANY</b> case
# exactly one YCP value to the server. So you must take care, that
# for every call of the server, your script calls exactly one ycpReturn<..>
# function
# @example ycpReturnSkalarAsString( "ok" )
=head2 ycpReturnSkalarAsString
Obsolete. Works only on strings not containing backslashes and quotes
that would need escaping.
Use L</Return>.
sub ycpReturnSkalarAsString( $ )
my ( $entry ) = @_;
y2verbose( "assk: ", $entry );
printf( "(\"%s\")", $entry );
# @perlapi ycpReturnArrayAsList
# Sends a array as a YCP-List to the calling server, the SCR
# Attention: It is very important to send in <b>ANY</b> case
# exactly one YCP value to the server. So you must take care, that
# for every call of the server, your script calls exactly one ycpReturn<..>
# function
# @example my @array = ( 1,2,3); ycpReturnSkalarAsString( array )
=head2 ycpReturnArrayAsList
Obsolete. Works only on list of strings not containing backslashes and quotes
that would need escaping.
Use L</Return>.
sub ycpReturnArrayAsList( @ )
my ( @entry ) = @_;
# starting the List
printf ( "[ " );
if ( @entry > 0 )
printf( "\"%s\"", shift( @entry ));
foreach my $elem ( @entry )
printf( ", \"%s\"", $elem);
# end of list
printf ( " ] " ); # no "]:"
# @perlapi ycpReturnHashAsMap
# Sends a hash as a YCP-List to the calling server, the SCR
# Attention: It is very important to send in <b>ANY</b> case
# exactly one YCP value to the server. So you must take care, that
# for every call of the server, your script calls exactly one ycpReturn<..>
# function
# @example my %myhash; ...; ycpReturnSkalarAsString( myhash );
=head2 ycpReturnHashAsMap
Obsolete. Works only on maps of strings not containing backslashes and quotes
that would need escaping.
Use L</Return>.
sub ycpReturnHashAsMap
my ( %entry ) = @_;
my $first = 1;
# starting the Map
printf ( " \$\[ " );
foreach my $key (keys (%entry))
if ( $first )
$first = 0;
printf( ", " );
printf( "\"%s\":\"%s\"", $key, $entry{$key});
printf ( " ] " ); # no "]:"
# @perlapi ycpReturnSkalarAsIntSub
# Private function to return a ycp-formatted int.
sub ycpReturnSkalarAsIntSub( $ )
my ( $entry ) = @_;
return sprintf( "(%d)", $entry );
# @perlapi ycpReturnSkalarAsBooleanSub
# Private function to return a ycp-formatted boolean.
sub ycpReturnSkalarAsBooleanSub( $ )
my ( $entry ) = @_;
return sprintf( "(%s)", $entry ? "true" : "false");
# @perlapi ycpReturnSkalarAsStringSub
# Private function to return a ycp-formatted string.
sub ycpReturnSkalarAsStringSub( $ )
my ( $entry ) = @_;
y2verbose( "assk: ", $entry );
return sprintf( "(\"%s\")", $entry );
# @perlapi ycpReturnArrayAsListSub
# Sends a array as a YCP-List to the calling server, the SCR
# Attention: It is very important to send in <b>ANY</b> case
# exactly one YCP value to the server. So you must take care, that
# for every call of the server, your script calls exactly one ycpReturn<..>
# function
# @example my @array = ( 1,2,3); ycpReturnSkalarAsString( array )
sub ycpReturnArrayAsListSub( @ )
my ( @entry ) = @_;
my $ret;
# starting the List
$ret = "[ ";
if ( @entry > 0 )
$ret .= sprintf( "\"%s\"", shift( @entry ));
foreach my $elem ( @entry )
$ret .= sprintf( ", \"%s\"", $elem);
# end of list
$ret .= " ] "; # no "]:"
return $ret;
# @perlapi ycpReturn
# sends a complex data structure to the calling server, the SCR.
# Attention: It is very important to send in <b>ANY</b> case
# exactly one YCP value to the server. So you must take care, that
# for every call of the server, your script calls exactly one ycpReturn<..>
# function
# The complex data structure is build in perl using references. A perl array
# is transformed to a ycp list, a perl hash will become a ycp map and a scalar
# will be a simple string, integer or boolean.
# This function takes one refernce to one of the mentioned data
# types. It easily can be a refernce to a tree of refernces to all valid data types.
# For example: To build a map, containing a list, in perl, you do:
# @example my @list_of_values = ( 'l1', 'l2', 'l3', 'l4' );
# @example my %maphash = { "key1" => "value1", "key2" => \@list_of_values };
# @example ycpReturn( \%maphash );
=head2 ycpReturn
Obsolete. Use L</Return>
sub ycpReturn
print ycpReturnSub(@_);
# @perlapi ycpReturnSub
# private function to provide the functionality for ycpReturn
sub ycpReturnSub
my ($itemref) = @_;
my $ret = "";
unless( ref($itemref) ) {
# Error: Not a reference at all !
# Was tun ?
return "[] "; # no "]:"
if( ref( $itemref ) eq "SCALAR" )
$ret = formatItem( $$itemref );
elsif( ref( $itemref ) eq "ARRAY" )
my $docomma = 0;
my $list = "[ ";
foreach my $item ( @$itemref )
my $append = "";
if( $docomma ) {
$append .= ", ";
} else {
$docomma = 1;
if( ref( $item ) )
$append .= &ycpReturnSub( $item );
$append .= formatItem( $item );
$list .= $append;
$list .= " ] "; # no "]:"
$ret = $list;
elsif( ref( $itemref ) eq "HASH" )
my $docomma = 0;
$ret = "\$\[ ";
my $oneMapItem;
while ( my ($key, $value) = each %$itemref )
if( ref( $key ) )
# Error - darf keine referenz sein, oder ?
if( $docomma )
$ret .= ", ";
$docomma = 1;
$oneMapItem = formatItem( $key ) . ":";
my $expanded = "";
if( ref( $value ) )
$expanded = &ycpReturnSub( $value );
$expanded = formatItem( $value );
$oneMapItem .= $expanded;
$ret .= $oneMapItem;
$ret .= " \] "; # no "]:"
return $ret;
# @perlapi formatItem
# private function that formats exactly one item according to it's type.
# It handles boolean, integers and Strings.
# needed by ycpReturn, this function is not exported.
sub formatItem( $ )
my ($item) = @_;
# Format boolean, must be true or false literally.
if( $item =~ /true|false/i )
return sprintf( "%s", lc $item );
# Format integers
if( $item =~ /^\s*\d+\s*$/ )
return( sprintf( "%d", $item ) );
# Format strings
return( sprintf( "\"%s\"", $item ));
# String or Integer or Boolean to Skalar
sub ycpSIBtoSkalar
my ( $entry ) = @_;
if( $entry =~ /^\s*\$\[.*\]\s*$/ )
# It is unintentional a map -> not handled yet -> TODO
$entry = "Unhandled";
elsif ( $entry =~ /^\s*\"(.*)\"\s*$/ )
# "
$entry = $1;
if ( $entry =~ /^\s+(.*)$/ )
$entry = $1;
if ( $entry =~ /^(.*?)\s+$/ )
$entry = $1;
return( $entry );
sub ycpmap
my @input = @_;
chop @input if( $input[0] =~ /\n$/ );
my $wholeline = join( "", @input );
my %result;
if( $wholeline =~ /^\s*\$\[(.+)\]\s*$/ )
my $mapcont = $1;
# Killing all lists etc inside the map. TODO !!!!
$mapcont =~ s/\$\[.+\]//g;
my @mapentries = split( /\s*,\s*/, $mapcont );
foreach my $mentry ( @mapentries )
if( $mentry =~ /(.+?):(.+)$/ )
# " fill the hash
my $key = ycpSIBtoSkalar($1);
my $val = ycpSIBtoSkalar($2);
$result{$key} = $val;
y2verbose( "new hashentry key:-$key- Value:-$val- ");
return( %result );
sub ycplist
my @input = @_;
chop @input if( $input[0] =~ /\n$/ );
my $wholeline = join( "", @input );
my @result;
if( $wholeline =~ /^\s*\[(.+)\]\s*$/ )
my $mapcont = $1;
my @mapentries = split( /\s*,\s*/, $mapcont );
foreach my $mentry ( @mapentries )
$mentry = ycpSIBtoSkalar( $mentry );
push( @result, $mentry );
y2verbose( "listentry: -$mentry-");
@result = @mapentries;
return( @result );
# @perlapi ycpInit
# Initializes a call of the server. Therefor this function reads a YCP Value
# from <tt>stdin</tt>. To use this value, call the convenice functions:
# ycpArgIs<..>, ycpGetArg<..>, ycpCommandIs<..>, ycpGetCommand, ycpGetPath
# As parameter, you have to insert $_
# @example ycpInit( $_ );
=head2 ycpInit
Obsolete. Use L</ParseCommand>.
sub ycpInit
my @input = @_;
chop @input if( $input[0] =~ /\n$/ );
my $wholeline = join( "", @input );
y2verbose( "call: <", $wholeline, ">" );
my %result;
if( $wholeline =~ /^(.*)\((.*?),(.*)\)\s*$/)
y2verbose( "work: <", $wholeline, ">" );
$ycpcommand = $1;
$ycppath = $2;
my $parameter = $3;
y2verbose( "com:", $ycpcommand, " path:", $ycppath, " param:", $parameter);
$type = "unknown";
$ismap = 0;
$islist = 0;
$isinteger = 0;
$isstring = 0;
$isknown = 0;
$isnil = 0;
$isnone = 0;
# is a map?
if( $parameter =~ /^\s*\$\[.*\]\s*$/ )
y2verbose( "Is a map", $parameter );
%arghash = ycpmap( $parameter );
$ismap = 1;
$type = "map";
# is a list?
elsif( $parameter =~ /^\s*\[.*\]\s*$/ )
y2verbose( "Is a list", $parameter);
@argarray = ycplist( $parameter );
$islist = 1;
$type = "list";
# is a integer?
elsif( $parameter =~ /^\s*([0-9]+)\s*$/ )
y2verbose( "Is a integer", $parameter);
$argskalar = $1;
$isinteger = 1;
$type = "integer";
# is a string?
elsif( $parameter =~ /^\s*\"(.*)\"\s*$/ )
y2verbose( "Is a string", $parameter);
$argskalar = $1;
$isstring = 1;
$type = "string";
# is a string?
elsif( $parameter =~ /^\s*nil\s*$/ )
y2verbose( "Is a nil", $parameter);
$isnil = 1;
$type = "nil";
$isknown = 1;
$type = "unknown";
elsif ($wholeline =~ /^(.*)\((.*?)\)\s*$/) {
y2verbose( "work: <", $wholeline, ">" );
$ycpcommand = $1;
$ycppath = $2;
y2verbose( "com:", $ycpcommand, " path:", $ycppath, " param: none" );
$type = "unknown";
$ismap = 0;
$islist = 0;
$isinteger = 0;
$isstring = 0;
$isknown = 0;
$isnil = 0;
$isnone = 1;
return( %result );
################################## EOF ########################################