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- #!/usr/bin/perl
- # a web interface to 'cvs rdiff'. This script makes it easy to query
- # the tags which are created by the build script.
- use CGI ':standard';
- use File::Basename;
- use File::stat;
- use Data::Dumper;
- # the big datastructures are:
- # $RPM_FILE_BY_FQN{$fqn} is the full path rpm wich is discribed by the fqn
- # keys %SORTED_RECENT_FQN is the set of all package names
- # $SORTED_RECENT_FQN{$name} is an ordered list of the most recent
- # versions of this package
- # for a short time there are these datastrutures but they are large
- # and expensive to save to disk.
- # An rpm_package is a hash of:
- # $package{'fqn'}="perl-5.00502-3"
- # $package{'rpm_file'}="$RPMS_DIR/".
- # "./sparc/perl-5.00502-3.solaris2.6-sparc.rpm"
- # $package{'srpm_file'}="$SRPMS_DIR/".
- # "./perl-5.00502-3.src.rpm"
- # $package{'name'}="perl"
- # $package{'version'}="5.00502"
- # $package{'release'}="3"
- # fqn is "fully qualified name"
- # while the $pkg structure exists we find the pkg we want by looking
- # it up in this structure. This will hold many more packages then the
- # web page ever knows about.
- # $BY_NAME{$name}{$version}{$release};
- sub usage {
- # If they are asking for help then they are clueless so reset all
- # their parameters for them, in case they are in a bad state.
- param(-name=>'Defaults', -value=>'on');
- my $rpmdiff_version = `rpmdiff --version`;
- $usage =<<EOF;
- $0 version: $VERSION
- $rpmdiff_version
- This is a web interface into the rpmdiff command.
- The user is requested to enter two different packages to diff after
- any one of the multiple submit buttons is pressed the difference will
- be the next webpage loaded. For convenience each package name is
- listed once (in alphabetical order) and below it is checkbox of the
- most recent $MAX_PICK_LIST versions of this package. Any pick list
- which is not actively picked by the user contains the string '(none)'.
- The user should pick one package in the first column (this represents
- the "old package") and one package in the second column (this
- represents the "new package"). When the user wants to run the
- difference any 'submit' button can be pressed. The multiple submit
- buttons are listed only for convenience to reduce hunting for a button
- on the page.
- Error reporting is very minimal and if an incorrect number of packages
- is picked then the main page is displayed again. It is suggested that
- the user hit the default button if any problems are encountered using
- the program.
- Most users are only interested in differences in the contents of files
- and the contents of soft links. The defaults for the program reflect
- this interest. However sometimes users are also interested in changes
- in permissions or ownership. Alternatively it may happen that a user
- is only interested in the set of files whose size changes and changes
- to files which keep the same size should be ignored. To acomidate all
- possible uses we gave the user great flexibility in determining what
- set of changes are significant. There is a pick list at the top of
- the main screen which displays the current criterion for a difference
- to be displayed. A file which has changes made to properties which
- are not picked will not be considered different and will not be
- displayed. Of special note the options:
- help will display the help screen for rpmdiff which contains an
- explanation of how to read the diff format.
- all will require that all differences are considered important.
- This is the same as checking all the boxes of differences
- version will display the version of rpmdiff that is being used by
- this webpage.
- The organization of the pick list page keeps the total number of
- packages hidden from the user. The pick list page takes a long time
- to load because the number of choices is very large. To save time the
- set of package pick lists is not regenerated each time the page is
- loaded. There may have been new packages added to the package
- repository since the page was generated and these packages will not be
- displayed until the page is regenerated again. The page will never be
- more then one day old. If you need to use the latest contents of the
- package repository check the box at the bottom of the page marked
- "Flush Cache" this will increase the loading time of the page but
- ensure the freshness of the data.
- print pre($usage);
- return ;
- }
- sub set_static_vars {
- # This functions sets all the static variables which are often
- # configuration parameters. Since it only sets variables to static
- # quantites it can not fail at run time. Some of these variables are
- # adjusted by parse_args() but asside from that none of these
- # variables are ever written to. All global variables are defined here
- # so we have a list of them and a comment of what they are for.
- $ARCHIVE = "/devel/java_repository";
- $RCS_REVISION = ' $Revision: 1.1 $ ';
- # The pattern for parsing fqn into ($name, $version, $release).
- # This is difficult to parse since some hyphens are significant and
- # others are not, some packages have alphabetic characters in the
- # version number.
- $PACKAGE_PAT ='(.*)-([^-]+)-([^-]+).solaris2.6-\w*.rpm';
- # packages which will end up in the picklists match this pattern
- $PICKLIST_PAT = '/((htdocs)|(djava)|(devel))';
- # only show the most recent packages
- $MAX_PICK_LIST = 20;
- # the list of allowable arguments to rpmdiff
- version help all
- size mode md5 dev link user group mtime
- );
- @RPMDIFF_ARGS_DEFAULT = qw(size md5 link);
- # the list of directories where rpms are stored
- @RPM_ARCHIVES = ('/net/master-mm/export/rpms/redhat',);
- $CACHE_DIR = "/tmp/webtools";
- # In an effort to make the cache update atomic we write to one file
- # name and only move it into the gobally known name when the whole
- # file is ready.
- $TMP_CACHE_FILE= "$CACHE_DIR/rpmfiles.cache.$UID";
- $CACHE_FILE= "$CACHE_DIR/rpmfiles.cache";
- # set a known path.
- # the correct path has not been finalized yet, but this is close.
- $ENV{'PATH'}= (
- '/usr/local/bin'.
- ':/usr/bin'.
- ':/bin'.
- ':/usr/apache/cgibins/cgi-forms'.
- ':/tmp'.
- '');
- # taint perl requires we clean up these bad environmental
- # variables.
- delete @ENV{'IFS', 'CDPATH', 'ENV', 'BASH_ENV'};
- return 1;
- } #set_static_vars
- sub get_env {
- # this function sets variables similar to set_static variables. This
- # function may fail only if the OS is in a very strange state. after
- # we leave this function we should be all set up to give good error
- # handling, should things fail.
- $| = 1;
- $PID = $$;
- $PROGRAM = basename($0);
- $TIME = time();
- $LOCALTIME = localtime($main::TIME);
- {
- my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,
- $year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) =
- localtime(time());
- # convert confusing perl time vars to what users expect
- $year += 1900;
- $mon++;
- $CVS_DATE_STR = sprintf("%02u/%02u/%02u", $mday, $mon, $year, );
- $TAG_DATE_STR = sprintf("%02u%02u%02u", $year, $mon, $mday, );
- $TIME_STR = sprintf("%02u%02u", $hour, $min);
- }
- # a unique id for cache file generation
- if ( $RCS_REVISION =~ m/([.0-9]+)/ ) {
- $VERSION = $1;
- }
- (-d $CACHE_DIR) ||
- mkdir($CACHE_DIR, 0664) ||
- die("Could not mkdir: $CACHE_DIR: $!\n");
- return 1;
- } # get_env
- sub parse_fqn {
- # This is difficult to parse since some hyphens are significant and
- # others are not, some packages have alphabetic characters in the
- # version number.
- # Also remember that the format of the file is dependent on how RPM
- # is configured so this may not be portable to all RPM users.
- (!("@_" =~ m/^$PACKAGE_PAT$/)) &&
- die("rpm_package_name: '$@_' is not in a valid format");
- return ($1, $2, $3);
- }
- sub new_rpm_package {
- # An rpm_package is a hash of:
- # $package{'fqn'}="perl-5.00502-3"
- # $package{'rpm_file'}="$RPMS_DIR/".
- # "./sparc/perl-5.00502-3.solaris2.6-sparc.rpm"
- # $package{'srpm_file'}="$SRPMS_DIR/".
- # "./perl-5.00502-3.src.rpm"
- # $package{'name'}="perl"
- # $package{'version'}="5.00502"
- # $package{'release'}="3"
- my ($rpm_file) = @_;
- my $error = '';
- my($name, $version, $release) = main::parse_fqn(basename($rpm_file));
- my ($package) = ();
- $package->{'fqn'}="$name-$version-$release";
- $package->{'name'}=$name;
- $package->{'version'}=$version;
- $package->{'release'}=$release;
- $package->{'rpm_file'}=$rpm_file;
- # these are needed to do proper sorting of major/minor numbers in
- # the version of the package
- $package->{'version_cmp'}=[split(/\./, $version)];
- $package->{'release_cmp'}=[split(/\./, $release)];
- return $package;
- }
- sub get_recent_fqn {
- my ($name) =(@_);
- my @out = ();
- foreach $version ( keys %{ $BY_NAME{$name} }) {
- foreach $release ( keys %{ $BY_NAME{$name}{$version} }) {
- push @out, $BY_NAME{$name}{$version}{$release};
- }
- }
- # the $BY_NAME datastructure is fairly good but the list can not be
- # sorted right. Sort again using the Schwartzian Transform as
- # discribed in perlfaq4
- my @sorted = sort {
- # compare the versions but make no assumptions
- # about how many elements there are
- my $i=0;
- my @a_version = @{ $a->{'version_cmp'} };
- my @b_version = @{ $b->{'version_cmp'} };
- while (
- ($#a_version > $i) &&
- ($#b_version > $i) &&
- ($a_version[$i] == $b_version[$i])
- ) {
- $i++;
- }
- my $j = 0;
- my @a_release = @{ $a->{'release_cmp'} };
- my @b_release = @{ $b->{'release_cmp'} };
- while (
- ($#a_release > $j) &&
- ($#b_release > $j) &&
- ($a_release[$j] == $b_release[$j])
- ) {
- $j++;
- }
- return (
- ($b_version[$i] <=> $a_version[$i])
- ||
- ($b_release[$j] <=> $a_release[$j])
- );
- }
- @out;
- ($#sorted > $MAX_PICK_LIST) &&
- (@sorted = @sorted[0 .. $MAX_PICK_LIST]);
- # dumping data to disk is expensive so we only save the data we
- # need. Limit RPM_FILE_BY_FQN to only those packages which appear
- # in the picklist and this explains why we do not store the whole
- # pkg in a BY_FQN hash.
- foreach $pkg (@sorted) {
- $RPM_FILE_BY_FQN{$pkg->{'fqn'}}=$pkg->{'rpm_file'}
- }
- my @fqns = map { $_->{'fqn'} } @sorted;
- return @fqns;
- }
- sub parse_package_names {
- $flush_cache = param("Flush Cache");
- if ( (!($flush_cache)) && (-e $CACHE_FILE) && ( -M $CACHE_FILE < 1 ) ) {
- my $st = stat($CACHE_FILE) ||
- die ("Could not stat: $CACHE_FILE: $!");
- $CACHE_LOCALTIME=localtime($st->mtime);
- require $CACHE_FILE;
- return ;
- }
- foreach $archive (@RPM_ARCHIVES) {
- open(FILES, "-|") ||
- exec("find", $archive, "-print") ||
- die("Could not run find. $!\n");
- while ($filename = <FILES>) {
- # we want only the binary rpm files of interest
- ($filename =~ m/\.rpm$/) || next;
- ($filename =~ m/\.src\.rpm$/) && next;
- ($filename =~ m/$PICKLIST_PAT/) || next;
- chomp $filename;
- $pkg = new_rpm_package($filename);
- $BY_NAME{$pkg->{'name'}}{$pkg->{'version'}}{$pkg->{'release'}} = $pkg;
- }
- close(FILES) ||
- die("Could not close find. $!\n");
- }
- foreach $group (keys %BY_NAME) {
- $SORTED_RECENT_FQN{$group} = [get_recent_fqn($group)];
- }
- open(FILE, ">$TMP_CACHE_FILE") ||
- die("Could not open filename: '$TMP_CACHE_FILE': $!\n");
- print FILE "# cache file created by $0\n";
- print FILE "# at $LOCALTIME\n\n";
- print FILE Data::Dumper->Dump( [\%RPM_FILE_BY_FQN, \%SORTED_RECENT_FQN],
- print FILE "\n\n";
- print FILE '%RPM_FILE_BY_FQN = %{ $SAVED_FQN };'."\n";
- print FILE '%SORTED_RECENT_FQN = %{ $SAVED_SORTED };'."\n";
- print FILE "1;\n";
- close(FILE) ||
- die("Could not close filename: '$TMP_CACHE_FILE': $!\n");
- # In an effort to make the cache update atomic we write to one file
- # name and only move it into the gobally known name when the whole
- # file is ready.
- (!(-e $CACHE_FILE)) ||
- unlink($CACHE_FILE) ||
- die("Could not unlink $CACHE_FILE: $!\n");
- die("Could not rename ($TMP_CACHE_FILE, $CACHE_FILE): $!\n");
- return ;
- }
- sub print_pkg_picklists {
- print start_form;
- # create a set of picklists for the packages based on the package names.
- print h3("Choose the criterion for a difference"),
- checkbox_group(
- -name=>"rpmdiff arguments",
- -value=>[ @RPMDIFF_ARGS ],
- -default=>[ @RPMDIFF_ARGS_DEFAULT ],
- ),p();
- print h3("Choose one package in each column then hit any submit"),p();
- my @rows = ();
- foreach $name (sort keys %SORTED_RECENT_FQN) {
- push @rows,
- # column A
- td(
- strong("$name "),
- p(),
- popup_menu(
- -name=>"old$name",
- -value=>[
- '(none)',
- @{ $SORTED_RECENT_FQN{$name} },
- ],
- -default=>'(none)',
- ),
- ).
- # column B
- td(
- strong("$name "),
- p(),
- popup_menu(
- -name=>"new$name",
- -value=>[
- '(none)',
- @{ $SORTED_RECENT_FQN{$name} },
- ],
- -default=>'(none)',
- ),
- ).
- td(
- defaults(-name=>'Defaults'),
- submit(-name=>'Submit'),
- ).
- '';
- }
- print table(Tr(\@rows));
- my $footer_info=<<EOF;
- Try 'rpmdiff --help' for information about what constitues a
- difference. The output of rpmdiff is exactly the same as the output
- of rpm verify, 'rpm -V'. The --help option documents the format of
- rpm verify and the format of rpmdiff and is a handy reference for this
- terse table. rpmdiff is included in the devel-build-tools package.
- This web interface is for taking differences in the binary code. To
- take differences of the binaries use <a href="cvs_tag_diff.cgi">'cvs tag diff'</a>.
- print pre($footer_info);
- print "This page generated with data cached at: $CACHE_LOCALTIME\n",p(),
- "The time is now: $LOCALTIME\n",p(),
- submit(-name=>"Flush Cache"),p(),
- submit(-name=>"Help Screen"),p();
- print end_form;
- return ;
- }
- sub print_diff {
- my($oldpkg_file, $newpkg_file, @args) = @_;
- my $cmd = "rpmdiff @args $oldpkg_file $newpkg_file 2>&1";
- my $result = "\n".qx{$cmd}."\n";
- print pre($result);
- return ;
- }
- # Main
- {
- set_static_vars();
- get_env();
- parse_package_names();
- my @picked_rpmdiff_args = param("rpmdiff arguments");
- @picked_rpmdiff_args = split(/\s+/,
- '--'.(join(" --", @picked_rpmdiff_args)));
- push @picked_rpmdiff_args, '--';
- foreach $name (sort keys %SORTED_RECENT_FQN) {
- if ( (param("old$name")) && (param("old$name") ne "(none)") ) {
- push @picked_oldpkg, param("old$name");
- }
- if ( (param("new$name")) && (param("new$name") ne "(none)") ) {
- push @picked_newpkg, param("new$name");
- }
- }
- print (header.
- start_html(-title=>'rpmdiff'),
- h2("rpmdiff"));
- if (param("Help Screen")) {
- usage();
- } elsif ( grep {/^(\-\-)((help)|(version))$/} @picked_rpmdiff_args ) {
- print_diff(
- '/dev/null',
- '/dev/null',
- @picked_rpmdiff_args,
- );
- } elsif (
- ($#picked_oldpkg == 0) &&
- ($#picked_newpkg == 0)
- ) {
- print_diff(
- $RPM_FILE_BY_FQN{$picked_oldpkg[0]},
- $RPM_FILE_BY_FQN{$picked_newpkg[0]},
- @picked_rpmdiff_args,
- );
- } else {
- print_pkg_picklists();
- print end_html;
- print "\n\n\n";
- }
- }