home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #! /bin/bash
- #
- # Copyright (c) 2002-2003 SuSE Linux AG Nuernberg, Germany.
- # All rights reserved.
- #
- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- # the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
- # Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
- # version.
- #
- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
- # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
- # details.
- #
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- # this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
- # Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- #
- # Authors: Michal Svec <msvec@suse.cz>
- # Christian Zoz <zoz@suse.de>
- #
- # $Id: ifup-skel 1344 2006-01-13 15:12:41Z zoz $
- #
- #
- #
- usage () {
- echo $@
- echo "Usage: if{up,down}-..... [<config>] <hwdesc> [-o <options>]"
- echo " hwdesc may be the interface name or any valid description"
- echo " of the corresponding device, for details see ifup(8)."
- echo
- echo "Options are: option : explanation"
- echo "All other or wrong options are silently ignored."
- echo
- echo " This is just a skeleton."
- exit $R_USAGE
- }
- ######################################################################
- # change the working direcory and source some common files
- #
- R_INTERNAL=1 # internal error, e.g. no config or missing scripts
- cd /etc/sysconfig/network || exit $R_INTERNAL
- test -f ./config && . ./config
- test -f scripts/functions && . scripts/functions || exit $R_INTERNAL
- ######################################################################
- # check arguments and how we are called (in case of links)
- #
- SCRIPTNAME=${0##*/}
- debug $*
- ACTION=${ACTION%%-skel} # <--- adapt it to the scriptname !!!!!!!!!!!
- case "${ACTION}" in
- up|status|down|check) ;;
- *) usage
- esac
- case "$INTERFACE" in ""|-h|*help*) usage; esac
- shift
- if [ -n "$1" -a "$1" != "-o" ] ; then
- fi
- shift
- test "$1" = "-o" && shift
- OPTIONS="$@"
- MODE=manual
- while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
- case $1 in
- boot|onboot) MODE=auto ;;
- hotplug) MODE=auto ;;
- auto) MODE=auto ;;
- quiet) be_quiet_has_gone ;;
- debug) DEBUG=yes ;;
- *) debug unknown option $1 ;;
- esac
- shift
- done
- ######################################################################
- # get the interface and check if it is available or up
- #
- # If your script needs a base interface upon which the new interface resides
- # (e.g. for tunnels) then pay attention to the following:
- # Imagine you have a variable BASE_DEVICE in your configuration which you expect
- # to contain the interface name of the base interface. This variable may contain
- # any valid description of the base device and need not to be an interface name.
- # Moreover it is recommended to prefer an device description to the interface
- # name, because interface names are not always persistent the may change. See
- # man ifup for valid device descriptions. You will get the current interface
- # name to this device with /sbin/getcfg-interface:
- #
- # BASE_INTERFACE=`/sbin/getcfg-interface -- $BASE_DEVICE`
- #
- # if ! is_iface_available $INTERFACE ; then
- # logerror "interface ${INTERFACE} is not available"
- # exit $R_NODEV
- # fi
- # if ! is_iface_up $INTERFACE ; then
- # logerror "interface ${INTERFACE} is not up"
- # exit $R_NOTRUNNING
- # fi
- ######################################################################
- # check presence of configuration file and source it
- #
- if [ -f ifcfg-$CONFIG ] ; then
- . ifcfg-$CONFIG
- else
- message "could not find configuration file ifcfg-$CONFIG"
- fi
- ######################################################################
- # now do what has to be done
- #
- case $ACTION in
- up)
- : do ifup job
- ;;
- down)
- : do ifdown job
- ;;
- status)
- : do status job
- ;;
- check)
- : do check job
- ;;
- esac