home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- # /etc/profile.d/complete.bash for SuSE Linux
- #
- #
- # This feature has its own file because some other shells
- # do not like the way how the bash assigns arrays
- #
- # REQUIRES bash 2.0 and higher
- #
- _def=; _dir=; _file=; _nosp=
- if complete -o default _nullcommand &> /dev/null ; then
- _def="-o default"
- _dir="-o dirnames"
- _file="-o filenames"
- fi
- _minusdd="-d ${_dir}"
- _minusdf="-d ${_file}"
- if complete -o nospace _nullcommand &> /dev/null ; then
- _nosp="-o nospace"
- _minusdd="${_nosp} ${_dir}"
- _minusdf="${_nosp} ${_dir}"
- fi
- complete -r _nullcommand &> /dev/null
- # Expanding shell function for directories
- function _cd_ ()
- {
- local s g=0 x C
- local IFS='
- '
- shopt -q extglob && g=1
- test $g -eq 0 && shopt -s extglob
- case "$(complete -p ${1##*/} 2> /dev/null)" in
- mkdir) ;;
- *) s="-S/"
- esac
- case "$c" in
- \$\(*\)) eval COMPREPLY=\(${c}\) ;;
- \$\(*) COMPREPLY=($(compgen -c -P '$(' -S ')' -- ${c#??})) ;;
- \`*\`) eval COMPREPLY=\(${c}\) ;;
- \`*) COMPREPLY=($(compgen -c -P '\`' -S '\`' -- ${c#?})) ;;
- \$\{*\}) eval COMPREPLY=\(${c}\) ;;
- \$\{*) COMPREPLY=($(compgen -v -P '${' -S '}' -- ${c#??})) ;;
- \$*) COMPREPLY=($(compgen -v -P '$' $s -- ${c#?})) ;;
- \~*/*) COMPREPLY=($(compgen -d $s -- "${c}")) ;;
- \~*) COMPREPLY=($(compgen -u $s -- "${c}")) ;;
- esac
- # Escape spaces and braces in path names with `\'
- for x in ${COMPREPLY[@]} ; do
- x=${x// /\\ }
- x=${x//(/\\(}
- x=${x//)/\\)}
- x=${x//\{/\\\{}
- x=${x//\}/\\\}}
- x=${x//\[/\\\[}
- x=${x//\]/\\\]}
- C=(${C[@]} $x)
- done
- COMPREPLY=(${C[@]})
- test $g -eq 0 && shopt -u extglob
- }
- complete ${_minusdd} -F _cd_ cd rmdir pushd chroot chrootx
- complete ${_minusdf} -F _cd_ mkdir
- # General expanding shell function
- _exp_ ()
- {
- # bash `complete' is broken because you can not combine
- # -d, -f, and -X pattern without missing directories.
- local a="${COMP_LINE}"
- local e s g=0 cd dc t=""
- local IFS
- shopt -q extglob && g=1
- test $g -eq 0 && shopt -s extglob
- # Don't be fooled by the bash parser if extglob is off by default
- cd='*-?(c)d*'
- dc='*-d?(c)*'
- case "${1##*/}" in
- compress) e='*.Z' ;;
- bzip2)
- case "$c" in
- -) COMPREPLY=(d c)
- test $g -eq 0 && shopt -u extglob
- return ;;
- -?|-??) COMPREPLY=($c)
- test $g -eq 0 && shopt -u extglob
- return ;;
- esac
- case "$a" in
- $cd|$dc) e='!*.bz2' ;;
- *) e='*.bz2' ;;
- esac ;;
- bunzip2) e='!*.bz2' ;;
- gzip)
- case "$c" in
- -) COMPREPLY=(d c)
- test $g -eq 0 && shopt -u extglob
- return ;;
- -?|-??) COMPREPLY=($c)
- test $g -eq 0 && shopt -u extglob
- return ;;
- esac
- case "$a" in
- $cd|$dc) e='!*.+(gz|tgz|z|Z)' ;;
- *) e='*.+(gz|tgz|z|Z)' ;;
- esac ;;
- gunzip) e='!*.+(gz|tgz|z|Z)' ;;
- uncompress) e='!*.Z' ;;
- unzip) e='!*.+(???)'
- t="@(MS-DOS executable|Zip archive)*" ;;
- gs|ghostview) e='!*.+(eps|EPS|ps|PS|pdf|PDF)' ;;
- gv|kghostview) e='!*.+(eps|EPS|ps|PS|ps.gz|pdf|PDF)' ;;
- acroread|[xk]pdf) e='!*.+(pdf|PDF)' ;;
- dvips) e='!*.+(dvi|DVI)' ;;
- [xk]dvi) e='!*.+(dvi|dvi.gz|DVI|DVI.gz)' ;;
- tex|latex|pdflatex) e='!*.+(tex|TEX|texi|latex)' ;;
- export)
- case "$a" in
- *=*) c=${c#*=} ;;
- *) COMPREPLY=($(compgen -v -- ${c}))
- test $g -eq 0 && shopt -u extglob
- return ;;
- esac
- ;;
- *) e='!*'
- esac
- case "$(complete -p ${1##*/} 2> /dev/null)" in
- *-d*) ;;
- *) s="-S/"
- esac
- IFS='
- '
- case "$c" in
- \$\(*\)) eval COMPREPLY=\(${c}\) ;;
- \$\(*) COMPREPLY=($(compgen -c -P '$(' -S ')' -- ${c#??})) ;;
- \`*\`) eval COMPREPLY=\(${c}\) ;;
- \`*) COMPREPLY=($(compgen -c -P '\`' -S '\`' -- ${c#?})) ;;
- \$\{*\}) eval COMPREPLY=\(${c}\) ;;
- \$\{*) COMPREPLY=($(compgen -v -P '${' -S '}' -- ${c#??})) ;;
- \$*) COMPREPLY=($(compgen -v -P '$' -- ${c#?})) ;;
- \~*/*) COMPREPLY=($(compgen -f -X "$e" -- ${c})) ;;
- \~*) COMPREPLY=($(compgen -u ${s} -- ${c})) ;;
- *@*) COMPREPLY=($(compgen -A hostname -P '@' -S ':' -- ${c#*@})) ;;
- *[*?[]*) COMPREPLY=($(compgen -G "${c}")) ;;
- *[?*+\!@]\(*\)*)
- if test $g -eq 0 ; then
- COMPREPLY=($(compgen -f -X "$e" -- $c))
- test $g -eq 0 && shopt -u extglob
- return
- fi
- COMPREPLY=($(compgen -G "${c}")) ;;
- *)
- if test "$c" = ".." ; then
- COMPREPLY=($(compgen -d -X "$e" -S / ${_nosp} -- $c))
- else
- for s in $(compgen -f -X "$e" -- $c) ; do
- if test -d $s ; then
- COMPREPLY=(${COMPREPLY[@]} $(compgen -f -X "$e" -S / -- $s))
- elif test -z "$t" ; then
- else
- case "$(file -b $s 2> /dev/null)" in
- $t) COMPREPLY=(${COMPREPLY[@]} $s) ;;
- esac
- fi
- done
- fi ;;
- esac
- test $g -eq 0 && shopt -u extglob
- }
- complete -d -X '.[^./]*' -F _exp_ ${_file} \
- compress \
- bzip2 \
- bunzip2 \
- gzip \
- gunzip \
- uncompress \
- unzip \
- gs ghostview \
- gv kghostview \
- acroread xpdf kpdf \
- dvips xdvi kdvi \
- tex latex pdflatex
- # No clean way to hande variable expansion _and_ file/dir name expansion
- # with the same string. So let the default expansion on for that commands.
- #complete -d -F _exp_ ${_def} chown chgrp chmod chattr ln
- #complete -d -F _exp_ ${_def} more cat less strip grep vi ed
- complete -A function -A alias -A command -A builtin \
- type
- complete -A function function
- complete -A alias alias unalias
- complete -A variable unset local readonly
- complete -F _exp_ ${_def} ${_nosp} export
- complete -A variable -A export unset
- complete -A shopt shopt
- complete -A setopt set
- complete -A helptopic help
- complete -A user talk su login sux
- complete -A builtin builtin
- complete -A export printenv
- complete -A command ${_def} command which nohup exec nice eval
- complete -A command ${_def} ltrace strace gdb
- test -s $HOME/.hosts && HOSTFILE=$HOME/.hosts
- complete -A hostname ping telnet slogin rlogin \
- traceroute nslookup
- complete -A hostname -A directory -A file \
- rsh ssh scp
- complete -A stopped -P '%' bg
- complete -A job -P '%' fg jobs disown
- # Expanding shell function for manual pager
- _man_ ()
- {
- local o=${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD-1]}
- local os="- f k P S t l"
- local ol="whatis apropos pager sections troff local-file"
- local m s
- if test -n "$MANPATH" ; then
- m=${MANPATH//:/\/man,}
- else
- m="/usr/X11R6/man/man,/usr/openwin/man/man,/usr/share/man/man"
- fi
- case "$c" in
- -) COMPREPLY=($os) ;;
- --) COMPREPLY=($ol) ;;
- -?) COMPREPLY=($c) ;;
- [0-9n]|[0-9n]p)
- COMPREPLY=($c) ;;
- *)
- case "$o" in
- -l|--local-file)
- COMPREPLY=($(compgen -f -d -X '.*' -- $c)) ;;
- [0-9n]|[0-9n]p)
- s=$(eval echo {${m}}$o/)
- if type -p sed &> /dev/null ; then
- $(ls -1fUA $s 2>/dev/null|\
- sed -n "/^$c/{s@\.[0-9n].*\.gz@@g;s@.*/:@@g;p;}")\
- )
- else
- s=($(ls -1fUA $s 2>/dev/null))
- s=(${s[@]%%.[0-9n]*})
- s=(${s[@]#*/:})
- for m in ${s[@]} ; do
- case "$m" in
- $c*) COMPREPLY=(${COMPREPLY[@]} $m)
- esac
- done
- unset m s
- COMPREPLY=(${COMPREPLY[@]%%.[0-9n]*})
- fi ;;
- *) COMPREPLY=($(compgen -c -- $c)) ;;
- esac
- esac
- }
- complete -F _man_ ${_file} man
- unset _def _dir _file _nosp _minusdd _minusdf
- #
- # End of /etc/profile.d/complete.bash
- #